Xabier Cañas
Ongi etorri, Xabier Cañas, euskarazko Wikipediara! Hau zure eztabaida orria da, beste wikilarien mezuak jasotzeko balioko dizuna. Gainera, lankide orria ere baduzu; nahi izanez gero, hor jar ditzakezu zeure datuak, interesak, hitz egiten dituzun hizkuntzak... (zeure lankide orria egiteko informazioa nahi baduzu, ikus orrialde hau). Nahi baduzu ere zure proba orrian idazten has zaitezke. Lagungarriak izan daitezkeen loturak
Wikipedian laguntzeko modu ugari daude. Horietako batzuk Wikipedian nola lagundu dezakezun argitzen duen orrian bildu ditugu. Artikulu jakin batez ohar edo iradokizunen bat egiteko, artikulu horren eztabaida orrian idatz dezakezu. Wikipediari buruzko galdera, ohar edo iradokizun orokorra baldin bada, berriz, Wikipediako Txokoa duzu horretarako toki egokiena. Eta hainbat Wikiproiektu ditugu, gai jakin batzuetan parte hartzen lagunduko dizutenak. Wikilari jakin bati idazteko edo erantzuteko, haren eztabaida orrian idatzi beharko duzu. Bestela, ez zaio mezu bat duela jakinarazteko oharra azalduko, eta agian ez da konturatuko idatzi diozula. Eztabaida orriaren goialdean «Gehitu atala» lotura aurkituko duzu. Hor klik eginez, mezua sortzeko aukera izango duzu. Mesedez, ez zaitez ahaztu mezuaren bukaeran zure erabiltzaile sinadura edo zigilua ezartzeaz; bestela, ezingo dugu jakin nork idatzi duen, nori erantzun behar diogun.
Erreferentziak eta oharrak
aldatuKaixo, Sator. Zorionak zure lanagatik Pierre Bourdieu artikuluan. Ikusi dut oharrak eta erreferentziak batera jartzen dituzula baina ahal dira oharrak era bereizian jarri. Oharrak nola jartzen diren ikusteko banaketa binomial artikuluan duzu adibide bat, iturburu kodeari begiratuz. Mila esker. - --Joxemai; (erantzunak) 13:42, 22 urtarrila 2015 (UTC)
Islandiako udalerriak
aldatuPrimeran! Nahi d(it)uzun guztia(k). --Marklar (eztabaida) 18:18, 23 urtarrila 2015 (UTC)-Marklar (eztabaida) 18:18, 23 urtarrila 2015 (UTC)
- Bale. Udalerriak ez diren hirientzat (Selfoss adibidez) Kategoria:Islandiako hiriak sortu berri dut. Udalerriak egingo ditut eta hiri horiek zuretzat utziko ditut. Ondo izan. --Marklar (eztabaida) 09:55, 24 urtarrila 2015 (UTC)
- Ados!
Aupa! Mesedez, kontuan izan bozketa hau: euskarazko izenbururik ez badago, jatorrizkoa. Ondo izan. -Marklar (eztabaida) 18:23, 29 urtarrila 2015 (UTC)
The Signpost: 15 April 2015
aldatu- News and notes: Erik Möller leaving Foundation; annual plan grants under community review
- In the media: Saving Wikipedia; Internet regulation; Thoreau quote hoax
- Featured content: Au-delà de les Alpes, le chien lit de Sainte Bernard. Sous les pavés, les trimes d'argent! Mes enfants, suivez-moi!
- Traffic report: Furious domination
- Blog: Single-User Login provides access to all wikis
The Signpost: 22 April 2015
aldatu- Special report: Sony emails reveal corporate practices and undisclosed advocacy editing
- News and notes: Call for candidates as the movement approaches the Wikimedia Board elections
- In the media: UK political editing; hoaxes; net neutrality
- In focus: 2015 Wikimedia Foundation election preparations underway
- Featured content: Vanguard on guard
- Traffic report: A harvest of couch potatoes
- Gallery: The bitter end
Translating the interface in your language, we need your help
aldatuPlease register on translatewiki.net if you didn't yet and then help complete priority translations (make sure to select your language in the language selector). With a couple hours' work or less, you can make sure that nearly all visitors see the wiki interface fully translated. Nemo 14:06, 26 apirila 2015 (UTC)
The Signpost: 29 April 2015
aldatu- Wikimania: Choice of small village for Wikimania 2016 ruffles feathers
- News and notes: Wiki Loves Monuments evaluation sees diminishing returns and increasing cost
- In the media: Scottish MEP blocked for edit warring; ranking articles by importance
- Featured content: Apartheid and related topics, awards and accolades, and a bunch of tough journeys
- Recent research: Popularity vs. quality, Wikipedia images show how copyright damages economy, bots as servants or policemen
- Traffic report: Bruce, Nessie, and genocide
- Technology report: VisualEditor and MediaWiki updates
RE: AmaraPedia
aldatumaitea, alaitasuna ez dut esku bat emango dizu.. zer egin dezaket?? --SurdusVII (eztabaida) 14:49, 4 maiatza 2015 (UTC)
- Kaixo, Xabier! Egunak aurrera doaz, eta gutxiago geratzen da maiatzaren 30erako, Amarapediaren edizio-maratoi egunerako. Oker ez banaiz, egun horretan Wikipediari buruzko mahai-ingurua eta hitzaldiak, besteak beste, antolatu nahi dituzue Donostian. Wikipediaren txokoan orain dela bi hilabete nire aldeko jarrera eta parte hartzeko konpromisoa plazaratu nuen, baina geroztik ez dut ezer berririk jakin. Nola daude gauzak? Aurrera doa proiektua? Beste wikilari batzuk ere prest daude parte hartzeko? Zer prestatu behar da egun horretarako? -Josu (eztabaida) 15:55, 8 maiatza 2015 (UTC)
The Signpost: 06 May 2015
aldatu- Special report: FDC candidates respond to key issues
- News and notes: "Inspire" grant-making campaign concludes, grantees announced
- In the media: Guggenheim image donation; Wiki campaign gets advertising award
- Featured content: The amorous android and the horsebreeder; WikiCup round two concludes
- Traffic report: The grim ship reality
- Blog: How many women edit Wikipedia?
The Signpost: 13 May 2015
aldatu- Foundation elections: WMF Board candidates share their views with the Signpost
- Op-ed: What made Wikipedia lose its reputation?
- In the media: Grant Shapps story continues; Wikipedia's "leftist ties"
- News and notes: Swedish Wikimedia chapter organizes simultaneous Wikidata contests
- Featured content: Four first-time featured article writers lead the way
- Traffic report: Round Two
The Signpost: 20 May 2015
aldatu- News and notes: The dark side of comedy: Wikipedia volunteers cleaning up behind John Oliver's fowl jokes
- In focus: The awful truth about Wikimedia's article counts
- From the editor: Your voice is needed: strategic voting in the WMF election
- In the media: Jimmy Wales accepts Dan David Prize
- WikiProject report: Cell-ebrating Molecular Biology
- Arbitration report: Editor conduct the subject of multiple cases
- Featured content: Puppets, fungi, and waterfalls
- Traffic report: Inner Core
The Signpost: 27 May 2015
aldatu- News and notes: WMF releases quarterly reports, annual plans
- In the media: Scrubbing Parliamentary biographies; Wikipedia's invisible history
- Recent research: Drug articles accurate and largely complete; women "slightly overrepresented"; talking like an admin
- Traffic report: Summer, summer, summertime
- Discussion report: A relic from the past that needs to be updated
- Featured content: When music was confined to a ribbon of rust
- Technology report: MediaWiki blows up printers
The Signpost: 03 June 2015
aldatu- News and notes: Three new community-elected trustees announced, incumbents out
- Blog: How Wikipedia covered Caitlyn Jenner’s transition
- Discussion report: The deprecation of Persondata; RfA – A broken process; Complaints from users on Swedish Wikipedia
- Special report: Towards "Health Information for All": Medical content on Wikipedia received 6.5 billion page views in 2013
- In the media: Anonymous Australian editing targets football player, shooting victim
- Traffic report: A rather ordinary week
- Featured content: It's not over till the fat man sings
- Technology report: Things are getting SPDYier
The Signpost: 10 June 2015
aldatu- News and notes: Chapter financial trends analyzed, news in brief
- Traffic report: Two households, both alike in dignity
- In the media: Arbitration case attracts media coverage; Wikipedia in Israel
- Featured content: Just the bear facts, ma'am
- Technology report: Wikimedia sites are going HTTPS only
- Blog: Making Wikipedia’s medical articles accessible in Chinese
The Signpost: 17 June 2015
aldatu- Arbitration report: An election has consequences
- Discussion report: A quick way of becoming an admin
- Featured content: Great Dane hits 150
- In focus: Three weeks to save freedom of panorama in Europe
- In the media: Wikipedia wins Asturias Prize; printing out Wikipedia; HTTPS switch
- Interview: A veteran’s Wikipedia edits help him understand the brutality behind Yugoslavia’s wars
- News and notes: Labs outage kills tools, self; news in brief
- Op-ed: Making a difference in Wikipedia, one GA at a time
- Technology report: HTTPS-only rollout completed, proposal to enable VisualEditor for new accounts
- WikiProject report: We are back - Western Australia speaks
The Signpost: 24 June 2015
aldatu- From the editor: The Signpost tagging initiative
- Op-ed: Content Translation beta is coming to the English Wikipedia
- News and notes: Board of Trustees propose bylaw amendments
- In the media: Turkish Wikipedia censorship; "Can Wikipedia survive?"; PR editing
- Special report: Small impact of the large Google Translation Project on Telugu Wikipedia
- Recent research: How Wikipedia built governance capability; readability of plastic surgery articles
- Featured content: One eye when begun, two when it's done
- Blog: 7,473 volumes at 700 pages each: meet Print Wikipedia
- Arbitration report: Politics by other means: The American politics 2 arbitration
- Technology report: 2015 MediaWiki architecture focus and Multimedia roadmap announced
The Signpost: 01 July 2015
aldatu- News and notes: Training the Trainers; VP of Engineering leaves WMF
- In the media: EU freedom of panorama; Nehru outrage; BBC apology
- WikiProject report: Able to make a stand
- Featured content: Viva V.E.R.D.I.
- Traffic report: We're Baaaaack
- Technology report: Technical updates and improvements
- Blog: These Texans are on a quest to improve Wikipedia’s coverage of their state’s revolution
Many thanks from a very happy Galician!
aldatuThe 1-9 Barnstar | ||
The 1-9 Bronze Barnstar. Galicia 20 - 20 Challenge For your fantastic contributions to the Galicia 20 - 20 Challenge. This is well deserved. --Breogan2008 (eztabaida) 00:39, 11 uztaila 2015 (UTC) |
The Signpost: 08 July 2015
aldatu- Editorial: So you want to get your message out. Where do you turn?
- News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation annual plan released, news in brief
- In the media: Wikimania warning; Wikipedia "mystery" easily solved
- Traffic report: The Empire lobs back
- Featured content: Pyrénées, Playmates, parliament and a prison...
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 15 July 2015
aldatu- Op-ed: On paid editing and advocacy: when the Bright Line fails to shine, and what we can do about it
- News and notes: The Wikimedia Conference and Wikimania
- In the media: Shapps requests WMUK data; professor's plagiarism demotion
- Blog: Wikimedia Foundation releases third transparency report
- Traffic report: Belles of the ball
- WikiProject report: What happens when a country is no longer a country?
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Featured content: When angels and daemons interrupt the vicious and intemperate
The Signpost: 22 July 2015
aldatu- From the editor: Change the world
- News and notes: Wikimanía 2016; Lightbreather ArbCom case
- Wikimanía report: Wikimanía 2015 report, part 1, the plenaries
- In the media: Novelists annotate Wikipedia; Wales promotes TPO; Working for free
- Traffic report: The Nerds, They Are A-Changin'
- WikiProject report: Some more politics
- Featured content: The sleep of reason produces monsters\
- Gallery: "One small step..."
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 29 July 2015
aldatu- News and notes: BARC de-adminship proposal; Wikimania recordings debate
- Op-ed: My life as an autistic Wikipedian
- Recent research: Wikipedia and collective intelligence; how Wikipedia is tweeted
- In the media: Is Wikipedia a battleground in the culture wars?
- Featured content: Even mammoths get the Blues
- Traffic report: Namaste again, Reddit
The Signpost: 05 August 2015
aldatu- Editorial: Wikipedia better equipped to deal with systemic bias than traditional publishers
- Op-ed: Je ne suis pas Google
- News and notes: VisualEditor, endowment, science, and news in brief
- WikiProject report: Meet the boilerplate makers
- In the media: Probe into Nehru edits launched; dangers of the right to be forgotten
- Traffic report: Mrityorma amritam gamaya...
- Featured content: Maya, Michigan, Medici, Médée, and Moul n'ga
- Blog: Get help editing Wikipedia with the new “Co-op” mentorship program
The Signpost: 12 August 2015
aldatu- News and notes: Superprotect, one year later; a contentious RfA
- In the media: Paid editing; traffic drop; Nicki Minaj
- Forum: Community voices on paid editing
- Wikimanía report: Wikimanía 2015, part 2, a community event
- Traffic report: Fighting from top to bottom
- Featured content: Fused lizards, giant mice, and Scottish demons
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Blog: The Hunt for Tirpitz
The Signpost: 19 August 2015
aldatu- Op-ed: WP:THREATENING2MEN: The English Wikipedia's misogynist infopolitics and the hegemony of the asshole consensus
- In the media: Politically controversial science; "Wikipedia hates women"
- Featured content: Dead parrots, live frogs, a symbolic kiss and what do we get? Enrique Iglesias!
- Travelogue: Seeing is believing
- Traffic report: Straight Outta Connecticut
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Blog: How Wikipedia responds to breaking news
The Signpost: 26 August 2015
aldatu- In focus: An increase in active Wikipedia editors
- Op-ed: Wikimania – can volunteers organize conferences?
- News and notes: Re-imagining grants
- In the media: Russia temporarily blocks Wikipedia
- Recent research: OpenSym 2015 report; PageRank and wiki quality; news suggestions; the impact of open access
- Featured content: Out to stud, please call later
- Arbitration report: Reinforcing Arbitration
The Signpost: 02 September 2015
aldatu- Special report: Massive paid editing network unearthed on the English Wikipedia
- News and notes: Flow placed on ice
- Discussion report: WMF's sudden reversal on Wiki Loves Monuments
- Featured content: Brawny
- In the media: Orangemoody sockpuppet case sparks widespread coverage
- Traffic report: You didn't miss much
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
Donostiako kaleak
aldatuKaixo. Donostiako Erdialdeko kaleen artikuluak sortzen ari naiz, baina donostiarra ez naizenez Artzain Onaren katedralatik haratago dauden kaleak Erdialdean edo Amaran dauden, edota bi auzoetan dauden ez dakitenez, eta zu amaratarra zarela dirudienez, sortu ditudan artikuluak haien auzo egokietan kategorizatuko zenituzkeen eskatu nahiko nizuke. Eskerrik asko. -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 11:05, 4 iraila 2015 (UTC)
- Eskerrik asko. Bai, zuri egokiena iruditzen zaizun moduan kategorizatu ditzazu. Nire Donostiako auzoen mugen ezagupena lausoa eta noizbehinkako goierritar bisitari edo turistaren mailakoa baita. -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 12:52, 4 iraila 2015 (UTC)
- Beno, azkenean Artzain Onaren katedrala, edo zehazkiago, Urdaneta kaletik Urteurrenaren plazararte dauden kale, plaza, parke, monumentu eta eraikinak Amara (Amara Zaharra) auzoan sailkatu ditut. Ongi egongo delakoan, ondo izan. -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 08:30, 8 iraila 2015 (UTC)
Lankide:Euskalduna eta Xabier Cañas lankideen arteko eztabaida honetan parte hartu nahi nuke. Amara Zaharra ez da barruti edo auzo administratiboa, baina bere mugak nahiko ongi finkaturik daudela esango nuke (amara zaharratar nauzue): Easo Plaza eta bertatik ateratzen diren kaleak (baina Moraza eta Larramendi kaleen Urbieta kaleraino zatia soilik), Easo kalearen hegoaldeko zatia, Osasun Iturria kalea, Amara Gaina kalea eta agian San Roke kalea edo horren zati bat. Prim kalea, Urbieta kalea eta Artzai Onaren katedrala ez daude Amara Zaharrean, Erdialdean baizik, Donostiako zabalgunean. Erreferentziarik ezin dut eman, baina edozein amaratarri galdetu eta eluke inoiz esango Prim kalea eta artzai Onaren katedrala Amara direnik. - --Joxemai; (erantzunak) 08:49, 8 iraila 2015 (UTC)
- Biak donostiarrak (Joxemai eta Joxemai) zaretenez eztabaida eta kategorizazioen zuzenketa zuen esku uzten dut, tokian-tokiko ezagutza baiduzue. Beharbada lankide donostiar gehiagok parte hartzea ere ongi legokela iritzi dut (oraintxe bertan Josugoni eta Hpholke burura etortzen zaizkit), honela emaitza adostuagoa izango litzatekela uste baidut. Aio. -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 09:00, 8 iraila 2015 (UTC)
- Ados Joxemaik dioenarekin. Dena den, auzo banaketa eta auzotar sentimentudak gatazkatsua izan daitezke (ni loiolatarra izanik, Loiolako Erriberak Loiola izan dira betidanik), subjektiboak izaten direlako. Jarraibide bezala Donostiako Udalaren banaketa hau jarraituko nuke. Oso argia da eta mugak ondo zehazten ditu. Gero arte!-Xabier Cañas (eztabaida) 09:42, 8 iraila 2015 (UTC)
Bestalde, Donostia osoa wikipediatzea aipatu didazunean... 2016ko Europar Kultur Hiriburua izango denez (Wroclawrekin batera), aurten eta datorren urtean zehar burutzeko ekimen bikaina izango litzatekela iruditzen zait. Adibidez, Amarapedian egin duzuen bezala, ba, Donostiapedia. -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 00:25, 15 iraila 2015 (UTC)
The Signpost: 09 September 2015
aldatu- Gallery: Being Welsh
- Op-ed: DYK, or proudly displaying incorrect information on the Main Page with alarming regularity
- News and notes: The Swedish Wikipedia's controversial two-millionth article
- In the media: Calling all scientists!; More Wikipedia editors in the Netherlands than all of Africa combined
- Featured content: Killed by flying debris
- Traffic report: Mass media production traffic
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 16 September 2015
aldatu- Editorial: No access is no answer to closed access
- Traffic report: Another week
- News and notes: Byrd and notifications leave, but page views stay; was a terror suspect editing Wikipedia?
- In the media: Is there life on Mars?
- Featured content: Why did the emu cross the road?
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 23 September 2015
aldatu- Featured content: Inside Duke Humfrey's Library
- In the media: PETA makes "monkey selfie" a three-way copyright battle; Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Op-ed: Can we please stop bashing Wikipedia?
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Traffic report: ¡Viva la Revolución! Kinda.
- WikiProject report: Dancing to the beat of a... wikiproject?
The Signpost: 30 September 2015
aldatu- In the media: Irish legislative editing; coffee quarrel; more sports vandalism
- News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation fundraising report, Montreal to host 2017 Wikimania
- Op-ed: Wikipedia needs more administrators
- Recent research: Wiktionary special; Is Wikipedia's search function inferior?; newbies, conflict and tolerance
- Tech news: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 07 October 2015
aldatu- Op-ed: Walled gardens of corruption
- In the media: Jailed Saudi blogger wins award; PR editing and Wiki-embarassment; Pakistan's third-richest person?
- Traffic report: Reality is for losers
- Featured content: This Week's Featured Content
- Arbitration report: Warning: Contains GMOs
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Gallery: Winners of Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 in Pakistan
Eskerrik asko
aldatuEskerrik asko Encyclopédie-n egindako aldaketagatik. Segi horrrela, langile fina! -Oraina (eztabaida) 13:29, 13 urria 2015 (UTC)
The Signpost: 14 October 2015
aldatu- Blog: Third Wikimedia Spain conference takes place in Madrid
- Editorial: Why the news media needs a Wikipedian in residence
- Op-ed: WikiConference USA 2015: Built on good faith
- Traffic report: Screens, Sport, Reddit, and Death
- WikiConference Report: WikiConference USA 2015
- News and notes: Fundraising: 2015–2016 Q1 Update sparks mailing list debate
- Featured content: A fistful of dollars
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 21 October 2015
aldatu- Editorial: Women and Wikipedia: the world is watching
- News and notes: Wikimedia lawsuit against NSA dismissed; Affiliates mailing list launched
- In the media: "Wikipedia's hostility to women"
- Special report: One year of GamerGate, or how I learned to stop worrying and love bare rule-level consensus
- Featured content: A more balanced week
- Op-ed: Wikipedia is significantly amplifying the impact of Open Access publications
- Arbitration report: Four ArbCom cases ongoing
- Traffic report: Hiding under the covers of the Internet
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 28 October 2015
aldatu- From the editor: The Signpost 's reorganization plan—we need your help
- News and notes: English Wikipedia reaches five million articles
- In the media: The world's Wikipedia gaps; Google and Wikipedia accused of tying Ben Carson to NAMBLA
- Op-ed: It’s time to stop the bullying
- Arbitration report: A second attempt at Arbitration enforcement
- Traffic report: Canada, the most popular nation on Earth
- Recent research: Student attitudes towards Wikipedia; Jesus, Napoleon and Obama top "Wikipedia social network"; featured article editing patterns in 12 languages
- Featured content: Birds, turtles, and other things
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Community letter: Five million articles
The Signpost: 04 November 2015
aldatu- Op-ed: You are invited to participate in the Community Wishlist Survey
- News and notes: Wikimedia Foundation finances; Superprotect is gone
- In the media: Ahmadiyya Jabrayilov: propaganda myth or history?
- Traffic report: Death, the Dead, and Spectres are abroad
- Featured content: Christianity, music, and cricket
- Gallery: Princess of Asturias Awards 2015 ceremony
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
Bandaloen txikitzailearen saria
aldatuHonen bitartez, bandaloak txikitzeko gailu honen saria ematen dizut, orain arte bezain fin bandalo aldrei aurre egiten segi dezazun. --Xabier Armendaritz 2015-11-10, 22:27 (UTC) |
The Signpost: 11 November 2015
aldatu- Op-ed: As one thousand of us requested, Superprotect has been removed
- Arbitration report: Elections, redirections, and a resignation from the Committee
- Discussion report: Compromise of two administrator accounts prompts security review
- Featured content: Texas, film, and cycling
- In the media: Sanger on Wikipedia; Silver on Vox; lawyers on monkeys
- Traffic report: Doodles of popularity
- Gallery: Paris
The Signpost: 18 November 2015
aldatu- Special report: ArbCom election—candidates’ opinions analysed
- In the media: Icelandic milestone; apolitical editing
- Discussion report: BASC disbanded; other developments in the discussion world
- Arbitration report: Ban Appeals Subcommittee goes up in smoke; 21 candidates running
- Featured content: Fantasia on a Theme by Jimbo Wales
- Traffic report: Darkness and light
The Signpost: 25 November 2015
aldatu- Blog: Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia Deutschland urge Reiss Engelhorn Museum to reconsider suit over public domain works of art
- Op-ed: Wikidata: the new Rosetta Stone
- Traffic report: J'en ai ras le bol
- News and notes: Fundraising update; FDC recommendations
- In the media: Erasmus Prize awarded to Wikipedia; trouble on the Russian Wikipedia
- Recent research: Do Wikipedia citations mirror scholarly impact?; co-star networks in silent films
- Featured content: Caves and stuff
- Arbitration report: Third Palestine-Israel case closes; Voting begins
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 02 December 2015
aldatu- Op-ed: Whither Wikidata?
- Traffic report: Jonesing for episodes
- News and notes: Online harassment consultation; High voter turnout at ArbCom elections
- In the media: Is Wikidata as transparent as it seems?; Wikimedia Fund-raising drive launches
- Featured content: This Week's Featured Content
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 09 December 2015
aldatu- News and notes: ArbCom election results announced
- Op-ed: Wikidata: Knowledge from different points of view
- In the media: Political editing in the context of the US presidential primaries
- Traffic report: So do you laugh, or does it cry?
- Featured content: Sports, ships, arts... and some other things
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Gallery: Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 winners
The Signpost: 16 December 2015
aldatu- In the media: Wales in China; #Edit2015
- In focus: Drone photography: New possibilities and new challenges
- Arbitration report: GMO case decided
- WikiProject report: Women in Red—using teamwork and partnerships to elevate online and offline collaborations
- Traffic report: A feast of Spam
- Featured content: An unusually slow week
- Gallery: WikiConference USA 2015: images, slide decks, and videos
The Signpost: 30 December 2015
aldatu- News and notes: WMF Board dismisses community-elected trustee
- Year in review: The top ten Wikipedia stories of 2015
- Arbitration report: Second Arbitration Enforcement case concludes as another case is suspended
- In the media: Wikipedia plagued by a "Basket of Deception"
- Traffic report: The Force we expected
- Featured content: The post-Christmas edition
- Gallery: It's that time of year again
The Signpost: 06 January 2016
aldatu- News and notes: The WMF's age of discontent
- In the media: Impenetrable science; Jimmy Wales back in the UAE
- Arbitration report: Catflap08 and Hijiri88 case been decided
- Featured content: Featured menagerie
- Recent research: Teaching Wikipedia, Does advertising the gender gap help or hurt Wikipedia?
- WikiProject report: Try-ing to become informed - WikiProject Rugby League
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
aldatuHola. Tienes un correo. Saludos. --Millars (eztabaida) 18:07, 12 urtarrila 2016 (UTC)
The Signpost: 13 January 2016
aldatu- News and notes: Community objections to new Board trustee
- In focus: The Crisis at New Montgomery Street
- Editorial: We need a culture of verification
- Op-ed: Transparency (by James Heilman)
- Blog: Inside the game of sports vandalism on Wikipedia
- Community view: Strategy and controversy
- In the media: War and peace; WMF board changes; Arabic and Hebrew Wikipedias
- Traffic report: Pattern recognition: Third annual Traffic Report
- Special report: Wikipedia community celebrates Public Domain Day 2016
- Featured content: This Week's Featured Content
- Arbitration report: Interview: outgoing and incumbent arbitrators 2016
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
The Signpost: 20 January 2016
aldatu- News and notes: Vote of no confidence; WMF trustee speaks out
- Op-ed: Not a pretty picture: Thoughts on the "monkey selfie" debacle
- In the media: 15th anniversary news round-up
- Traffic report: Danse Macabre
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Blog: Fifteen years ago, Wikipedia was a very different place: Magnus Manske
Orria desagertu egin da
aldatuAupa, Xabier! Gauzatxo bat: gaur saiatu naiz sartzen zuk sortu zenuen Basque Wikimedians User Group orrian (bertan gure taldeari buruzko informazio guztia, Estatutuak, etab. zeuden) eta -antza- orria desagertu egin da. Ezin naiz sartu. Zer gerta daiteke? --Josu (eztabaida) 19:14, 26 urtarrila 2016 (UTC)
- Antza denez Metako eta baita Commonseko zerbitzaria ere erori egin dira. Espero dut laster funtzionatzera bueltatzea, bestela...--Xabier Cañas (eztabaida) 19:51, 26 urtarrila 2016 (UTC)
The Signpost: 03 February 2016
aldatu- From the editors: Help wanted
- In focus: The Knight Foundation grant: a timeline and an email to the board
- Op-ed: So, what’s a knowledge engine anyway?
- Special report: Board chair and new trustee speak with the Signpost
- Traffic report: Bowled
- News and notes: Harassment survey 2015; Luis Villa to leave WMF; knowledge engine background
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Arbitration report: Catching up on arbitration
The Signpost: 10 February 2016
aldatu- Special report: New leaked internal documents raise questions about the origins of the Knowledge Engine
- News and notes: Another WMF departure
- In the media: Jeb Bush takes a swing at Wikipedia, and connects
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Traffic report: A river of revilement
The Signpost: 17 February 2016
aldatu- Blog: Antonin Scalia and the editor tracking his legacy
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Op-ed: Shit I cannot believe we had to fucking write this month
- Special report: Search and destroy: the Knowledge Engine and the undoing of Lila Tretikov
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
- Traffic report: Super Bowling
The Signpost: 24 February 2016
aldatu- Special report: WMF in limbo as decision on Tretikov nears
- Op-ed: Backward the Foundation
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Traffic report: Of Dead Pools and Dead Judges
- Arbitration report: Motion on CheckUser and Oversight inactivity
- Technology report: Tech news in brief
aldatuPROBA BAT EGITEN Idoia elso (eztabaida) 10:06, 25 otsaila 2016 (UTC)
Nola aldatu dezaket nire lankide izena????
Kaixo Xabier! Dans l'article Bernat Desclot, il ne faut pas confondre "Castellnovo" avec "Castelnou" (Castelnou (Ekialdeko Pirinioak)). --Dominik (eztabaida) 10:15, 4 martxoa 2016 (UTC)
- Bien vu, Dominik!! Je l'ai déjà changé. Merçi!-Xabier Cañas (eztabaida) 13:43, 4 martxoa 2016 (UTC)
The Signpost: 2 March 2016
aldatu- News and notes: Tretikov resigns, WMF in transition
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Traffic report: Brawling
Catalan Culture Challenge Barnstar
aldatuThe Catalan Culture Challenge 2016 Barnstar | |
Hi Xabier Cañas! Thank you very much for participating in the Catalan culture challenge 2016, we hope you had a great time. As promised, here you have the Catalan Culture Challenge Banstar, show it with pride! |
The Signpost: 09 March 2016
aldatu- Blog: The new alchemy: turning online harassment into Wikipedia articles on women scientists
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- In the media: Wikipedian is break-out star of International Women's Day; dinosaur art; Wikipedia's new iOS app and its fight for market share
- News and notes: Katherine Maher named interim head of WMF; Wales email re-sparks Heilman controversy; draft WMF strategy posted
- Op-ed: A modest proposal for Wikimedia’s future
- Systemic bias: Revenge of "I can’t believe we didn’t have an article on ..."
- Technology report: Wikimedia wikis will temporarily go into read-only mode on several occasions in the coming weeks
- Traffic report: All business like show business
- WikiCup report: First round of the WikiCup finishes
The Signpost: 16 March 2016
aldatu- News and notes: Wikipedia Zero: Orange mobile partnership in Africa ends; the evolution of privacy loss in Wikipedia
- In the media: Wales at SXSW; lawsuit over Wikipedia PR editing
- Discussion report: Is an interim WMF executive director inherently notable?
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Traffic report: Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States
- Technology report: Watchlists, watchlists, watchlists!
- Wikipedia Weekly: Podcast #119: The Foundation and the departure of Lila Tretikov
The Signpost: 23 March 2016
aldatu- News_and_notes: Lila Tretikov a Young Global Leader; Wikipediocracy blog post sparks indefinite blocks
- In_the_media: Angolan file sharers cause trouble for Wikipedia Zero; the 3D printer edit war; a culture based on change and turmoil
- Editorial: "God damn it, you've got to be kind."
- Traffic report: Be weary on the Ides of March
- Featured content: Watch out! A slave trader, a live mascot and a crested serpent awaits!
- Arbitration report: Palestine-Israel article 3 case amended
- Wikipedia_Weekly: Podcast #120: Status of Wikimania 2016
The Signpost: 1 April 2016
aldatu- News and notes: Trump/Wales 2016
- WikiProject report: Why should the Devil have all the good music? An interview with WikiProject Christian music
- Traffic report: Donald v Daredevil
- Featured content: A slow, slow week
- Technology report: Browse Wikipedia in safety? Use Telnet!
- Recent research: "Employing Wikipedia for good not evil" in education, useing eyetracking to find out how readers read articles
- Wikipedia Weekly: Podcast #121: How April fools went down
Jose Rafael Cordero Sanchez
aldatuHi Xabier. Could you tell me which IP or account created Jose Rafael Cordero Sanchez and when? We are trying to keep a record of this long-term abuser, cf. LTA file on Dutch Wikipedia. Thanks, Sam Sailor (eztabaida) 05:40, 6 apirila 2016 (UTC)
The Signpost: 14 April 2016
aldatu- News and notes: Denny Vrandečić resigns from Wikimedia Foundation board
- In the media: Wikimedia Sweden loses copyright case; Tex Watson; AI assistants; David Jolly biography
- Featured content: This week's featured content
- Traffic report: A welcome return to pop culture and death
- Arbitration report: The first case of 2016—Wikicology
- Gallery: A history lesson
Stockholmeko mapa eta Uliako loreak
aldatuAupa Xabier, eskerrikasko Stockholmeko maparengatik. Orain nire txanda da. Zeintzuk dira euskaratu beharreko loreak? === Gartxoak (eztabaida) 07:29, 16 apirila 2016 (UTC)
The Signpost: 24 April 2016
aldatu- Special report: Update on EranBot, our new copyright violation detection bot
- Featured content: The double-sized edition
- Traffic report: Two for the price of one
- Arbitration report: Amendments made to the Race and intelligence case
The Signpost: 2 May 2016
aldatu- In the media: Wikipedia Zero piracy in Bangladesh; bureaucracy; chilling effects; too few cooks; translation gaps
- Traffic report: Purple
- Featured content: The best... from the past two weeks
Participate in the Ibero-American Culture Challenge!
aldatuHi Xabier Cañas aldatzen !
Iberocoop has launched a translating contest to improve the content in other Wikipedia related to Ibero-American Culture.
We would love to have you on board :)
Please find the contest here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Translating_Ibero_-_America/Participants_2016
Hugs!--Anna Torres (WMAR) (talk) 15:06, 9 May 2016 (UTC)
The Signpost: 17 May 2016
aldatu- Op-ed: Swiss chapter in turmoil
- In the media: Wikimedia's Dario Taraborelli quoted on Google's Knowledge Graph in The Washington Post
- Featured content: Two weeks for the prize of one
- Traffic report: Oh behave, Beyhive / Underdogss
- Arbitration report: "Wikicology" ends in site ban; evidence and workshop phases concluded for "Gamaliel and others"
- Wikicup: That's it for WikiCup Round 2!
Espainiako udalerri infotaula
aldatuKaixo! Saiatuko naiz azaltzen. Zure kodea hau da:
|image1 = {{#if:{{{irudia|}}}|[[Fitxategi:{{{irudia}}}|285px]]}}{{#if:{{#Property:P80}}|[[Fitxategi:{{#Property:P18}}|285px]]}}
Hor zaudena esaten da irudia baldin badago, jar ezazu. 80. propietatea baldin badago (18 beharko luke) jar ezazu 18. propietatea.
Kontua da esan behar dioguna dela, irudia badago, jar ezazu, eta ez badago, begiratu ea 18. propietatea badagoen. Horregatik izan beharko litzateke horrela:
|image1 = {{#if:{{{irudia|}}}|[[Fitxategi:{{{irudia}}}|285px]]|{{#if:{{#Property:P18}}|[[Fitxategi:{{#Property:P18}}|285px]]}}}}
Ez dakit ulertzen den aldaketa! -Theklan · · 08:58, 24 maiatza 2016 (UTC)
The Signpost: 28 May 2016
aldatu- Special report: Compensation paid to Sue Gardner increased by almost 50 percent after she stepped down as executive director
- News and notes: Upcoming Wikimedia conferences in the US and India; May Metrics and Activities Meeting
- Op-ed: Journey of a Wikipedian
- Featured content: Eight articles, three lists and five pictures
- Traffic report: Splitting (musical) airs / Slow Ride
- Arbitration report: Gamaliel resigns from the committee
Traducciones al euskera
aldatuHola Xabier,
me han pasado tu nombre mis colegas de Wikimedia España. Quería ver si alguien nos podía echar una mano. Trabajo generalmente en la organización de los consursos Wiki Loves Earth, Monuments, Folk, lo que sea... Una de mis grandes frustraciones es la falta de socios que sepan euskera y, claro, no podemos traducir los mensajes, por ejemplo. ¿Sabes si alguien podría echarme una mano para futuras ediciones? Gracias por adelantado --Discasto (eztabaida) 14:51, 7 ekaina 2016 (UTC)
- Muchas gracias. Se trata del texto en commons:Template:WLE Spain 2016 thank you/eu. Ahora mismo tiene el texto en castellano. Se trataría de traducirlo al euskera y también de "localizarlo" (por ejemplo, la frase La comunidad en español de commons se reúne en el Café, debería apuntar a Commons:Txokoa, ahora bien, como no parece estar activa, valora si es mejor apuntar al café de la wikipedia en euskera; la frase Puedes acudir a la página de bienvenida de Wikipedia debería apuntar a w:eu:Wikipedia:Ongietorria). Nada más. No hay prisa y, en cualquier caso, te agradezco doblemente tu ayuda. Un cordial saludo --Discasto (eztabaida) 15:45, 12 ekaina 2016 (UTC)
aldatuFacebooken utzi dizut mezua lagun.
gauzak egiteko.bi lodu daude:
-edukazioz, nik egin dudan bezala - a malas zuk egin duzun bezala.orrialdea blokeatuz.
lan egiten dudan esparrutan oso erraza da zu lokalizatzea (etb, eusko jaurlaritza...)
Abixatuta zaude. Oihanvega (eztabaida) 04:20, 8 ekaina 2016 (UTC)
- Bi mezu zure eztabaida orrian eta hainbat ohar aldaketetan, eta halere jarraitu duzu Wikipedia zure webgune propioa balitz bezala erabiltzen. Eta biribiltzeko, matoi tankerako mezu hau. Ez du komentario gehiagorik behar.-Xabier Cañas (eztabaida) 05:04, 9 ekaina 2016 (UTC)
Udalerrien infotaula txantiloi automatikoa
aldatuArratsaldeon. Maltako udalerrien txantiloi automatikoak egiten ari zarela ikusi dut. Jakin nahiko nuke erraza den egitea eta nola egiten diren, aurrekoan Theklanek azaldu zidan eta ulerkaitza egiten zitzaidan. Nire jakinmina euskarazko Wikipeian betidanik Irlanda, Eskozia, Gales eta Kornuallesko (eta ahal bada Korsika) udalerri guztien artikuluak izatea nahi izan dudalako da, herrialde horiek gustatzeaz gain, Euskal Herria eta batez ere euskara ere herrialde horietan ezagutzera emateko modu ona dela iruditzen zaidalako. Irlandako Munster probintzia osoko eta Galway eta Donegal konderrien edota Galesko Gwynedd konderriko udalerri guztien artikuluak sortu nituen, baina eskuz... -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 17:24, 9 ekaina 2016 (UTC)
- Beno, ahaztu goian esandakoa. Wkpython hori jaisten saiatu naiz eta orain oroitu naiz iraganean ere Ubuntu sistema eraginkorrak instalatzean akatsa ematen zidala eta ez nuela inoiz konpontzeko ez beta, ez denbora, ez eta pazientziarik izan.
- -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 22:21, 9 ekaina 2016 (UTC)
- Oso ongi iruditzen zait, milesker. Bota instalatu behar zela uste nuen. Gabon.
- -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 22:43, 9 ekaina 2016 (UTC)
- Ahaztu aurretik, ez nizuke astebururako lan gehiegi eman nahi. Herrialde horiek konderrietan sailkatua daudenez (Korsika salbu), herrialdei buruzko zeozer baino konderri jakin bati buruzko zeozer prestatuko bazenu nahiko litzateke, neuk hori eredutzat hartu eta horrela konderriz konderri frogatzen joateko. Adibidez, Irlandako konderri txikiena den eta udalerri gutxiena dituen Carlow konderria edo.
- -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 23:21, 9 ekaina 2016 (UTC)
- Primeran Euskaldunaa! Saia gaitezen lehenengo Carlow konderriarekin, ea zer ematen duen! Formula egokia behin asmatuta... Laster arte!-Xabier Cañas (eztabaida) 23:26, 9 ekaina 2016 (UTC)
The Signpost: 05 June 2016
aldatu- News and notes: WMF cuts budget for 2016-17 as scope tightens
- Featured content: Overwhelmed ... by pictures
- Traffic report: Pop goes the culture, again.
- Arbitration report: ArbCom case "Gamaliel and others" concludes
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Video Games
The Signpost: 15 June 2016
aldatu- News and notes: Clarifications on status and compensation of outgoing executive directors Sue Gardner and Lila Tretikov
- Special report: Wikiversity Journal—A new user group
- In the media: Biography disputes; Craig Newmark donation; PR editing
- Featured content: From the crème de la crème
- Traffic report: Another one with sports; Knockout, brief candle
Wikipedia:Peace Treaties in Art 30 x 30 Challenge
aldatuBuenas tardes Xabier. Perdona por escribirte en castellano aquí, pero no se euskera. Me puedes explicar como va el tema de los puntos en en:Wikipedia:Peace Treaties in Art 30 x 30 Challenge? Es que pone que sólo se pueden obtener 10 puntos por artículo y el ejemplo que pone dice: If you create a new article and it is 4,000 bytes long, you get 9 points: 5 points for starting a new article and 4 for its extension, lo cual entiendo que son 4 puntos por los 4 bytes. ¿Qué pasa si creo un artículo de más extensión? ¿y de menos? Gracias! --AMPERIO (eztabaida) 17:34, 17 ekaina 2016 (UTC)
El tremendo grupo Wikcionario
Le pido disculpa de escribirle en castellano y no en vasco.
Estoy lleno de alegría de avisarle de la creación del grupo por los Wikcionarios! Usted mencionó su interés para esa grande aventura y aquí esta:
el Tremendoso Grupo de Wikcionario
Usted esta bienvenido para participar, que sea proponiendo un logo, traducir al vasco, mencionar ese grupo a sus amigos o en donde se debería hacer. Voy a intentar de traducir bien en castellano, pero se va necesitar un poco de apoyo a la vez y no puedo por el vasco lastimosamente. Tengo planificado de traducir mas pagina y de mostrar las cosas buenas que tenemos en francés ahora, como nuestro resultado de 2015, una lista de competencias de los contribuidores de Wikcionarios, una cartilla de presentación y mas! Quiero avisar en muchas paginas pero cualquier tipo de ayuda seria muy bienvenido! Noé (discusión) 00:35 21 jul 2016 (UTC)
The Signpost: 21 July 2016
aldatu- Discussion report: Busy month for discussions
- Featured content: A wide variety from the best
- Traffic report: Sports and esports
- Arbitration report: Script writers appointed for clerks
Eskerrik asko lehiaketan lankide aritzearren!
aldatuPeace Treaties in Art 30 x 30 Challenge Domina hau eman nahi dizut Bake Itunak Artean 30 x 30 Lehiaketan egin ekarpen ederrarengatik. Agur bero bat! -Iñaki LL (eztabaida) 12:14, 22 uztaila 2016 (UTC)
The Signpost: 4 August 2016
aldatu- News and notes: Foundation presents results of harassment research, plans for automated identification; Wikiconference submissions open
- Obituary: Kevin Gorman, who took on Wikipedia's gender gap and undisclosed paid advocacy, dies at 24
- Traffic report: Summer of Pokémon, Trump, and Hillary
- Featured content: Woman and Hawaii
- Recent research: Easier navigation via better wikilinks
- Technology report: User script report (January to July 2016, part 1)
Donostiarren zerrenda Wikidata-ko datuekin
aldatuEskerrik asko, Xabier, sortu duzun Donostiarren zerrenda horrengatik.
Donostiapedian artikulu gehiago proposatzeko oso baliagarria da.
Baina zergatik ez dira azaltzen hor Maite R. Ochotorena eta Mikel Erentxun?
Donostiarrak kategoria gehitu nien horiei horrela eginda taulan ageriko zirelakoan. Ondo zuzendu duzu, nik egindako hori erredundantea zenez kendu duzu atzera. Baina orduan zergatik ez dira azaltzen zerrendan Maite R. Ochotorena eta Mikel Erentxun?
Oraindik ez naiz hasi taula eder hori nola sortzen den aztertzen. Ea ateratzen dugun laburpentxo pare bat: zenbat donostiar jarduera bakoitzean, zenbat neska eta zenbat mutil ;-)
-Ksarasola (eztabaida) 13:08, 9 abuztua 2016 (UTC)
Nikolai Noskov
aldatuKaixo maitea Xabier Cañas! Ez dut zure hizkuntza ezagutzen eta hitzak ez dira besteak bezala, baina eskaera bat egin nahi izan dut: zure artikulu egin dezakezu musikari Russian Nikolai Noskov buruz euskarari buruzko? Artikulu horiek egiten badituzu, oso dituzu eskertzen izango naiz! Eskerrik asko! -- 13:27, 11 abuztua 2016 (UTC)
The Signpost: 29 September 2016
aldatu- News and notes: Case study of Wikimedia Education Program published; remembrance of departed colleague Ray Saintonge (Eclecticology)
- In the media: This edition's roundup of media coverage
- Featured content: Three weeks in the land of featured content
- Arbitration report: Arbcom looking for new checkusers and oversight appointees while another case opens
- Traffic report: From Gene Wilder to JonBenét: Four weeks of traffic
- Technology report: Category sorting and template parameters
aldatuHe visto en Commons que no tenéis la categoría "Voice intro project - eu". Me complace regalaros la primera. Ahora a llenar la categoría.--TaronjaSatsuma (eztabaida) 20:56, 30 iraila 2016 (UTC)
- Gentilesa de la Institució Alfons el Magnànim, yo sólo soy un siervo de la causa.--TaronjaSatsuma (eztabaida) 09:00, 1 urria 2016 (UTC)
The Signpost: 14 October 2016
aldatu- News and notes: Fundraising, flora and fauna
- Discussion report: Cultivating leadership: Wikimedia Foundation seeks input
- Technology report: Upcoming tech projects for 2017
- Traffic report: Debates and escapes
- Recent research: A 2011 study resurfaces in a media report
- Featured content: Variety is the spice of life
Caracasko Gipuzkoar Konpainiako eta besteren atalen ordena
aldatuKaixo Xabier! Segur aski artikuluen atalen ordena araututa dago. Hala ere, Caracasko Konpainiaren artikuluan egin duzun bezal bada, definitely ez dago ondo (honi buruz Txokoan jarriko dut komentarioa): "Bibliografia ez da "Further reading" edo "En savoir plus" edo dena delakoa, Erreferentzien bibliografia / iturria baizik eta, beraz, zatiketa hori ez da egokia. Gero arte -Iñaki LL (eztabaida) 11:43, 28 urria 2016 (UTC)
The Signpost: 4 November 2016
aldatu- In the media: Washington Post continues in-depth Wikipedia coverage
- Wikicup: Winners announced
- Discussion report: What's on your tech wishlist for the coming year?
- Featured content: Cream of the crop
- Technology report: New guideline for technical collaboration; citation templates now flag open access content
- Arbitration report: Recapping October's activities
- Traffic report: Un-presidential politics
Euskal Herria
aldatuXabier Arratsalde on,
Mezu bat utzi nuen "eztabaida: Nafarroako Unibertsitatea" [[1]], "Euskal Herria" erabilerari buruzko, ahotsak euwiki batzuetan. Zure iritzia jakin nahi nuke. Eskerrik asko zure arreta askoz. Ondo
Buenas tardes Xabier,
He dejado un mensaje en "Eztabaida:Nafarroako Unibertsitatea" [[2]], sobre el uso de "Euskal Herria", en algunas voces de euwiki. Me gustaría conocer tu opinión al respecto. Muchas gracias por tu atención. Un cordial saludo,--Hard (eztabaida) 16:21, 10 azaroa 2016 (UTC)
Eztabaidari buruz
aldatuGabon, Xabier Cañas. Lehenbizi erantzun izana eta zure hitzak estimatzen ditut. Jada, nik eskatu bezala, atzotik lan taldetik kanpo nagoenez hemen erantzuten dizut.
Nire haserrea edo nire desadostasuna ez da eztabaida bera edo eztabaidatutako gaiari buruzkoa, horretan autokritika egiteko gai naiz eta lizentzien txantiloiak ez jartzean hanka sartu dudala onartzeko ere bai. Haserrea edo desadostasuna etzbaida hori burutu den heinean ikusi ditudan jarrera edo portaeren ingurukoak dira.
Zuk arauak aipatu dituzu, nik edukien lizentzia txantiloia ez jartzean araua behin eta berriz urratu ditut, oso ongi.
Baina arauak denok betetzekoak dira.
Ez al dago Wikipedian norbaiti erantzun behar diozunean bere eztabaida orrian erantzuteko gutxieneko abegikostasun edo errespetuzko arau orokorra? Ba begira, administrari jakin batek nire eztabaida orrialdean lizentzia urraketa egiten nuela jartzen zituen abisu mezuak jartzen zizkidan, orain arte dena ongi. Baina eztabaida aurrera eta berotuz zihoan heinean bere erantzunak nire eztabaida orrian jartzetik utzi eta bere eztabaida orrian bakarrik jartzera pasa zen. Hori ikusirik, nire eztabaida orrian erantzuteko garbi ohartu nion:
""eztabaidaz, utzikeriaz, akatsez eta zitalkeriaz" ahobetez ari haizen bitartean: gutxienez Wikipediaren lankideen arteko errespetuzko araudia bete, eta niri zuzendutako mezuak nire eztabaida orrialdean idatzi hitzak, ez hirean. Eskerrik asko, aldez aurretik."
Baina berak berearekin jarraitu zuen. Zer da hori? Zuretzat ez dakit zer izango den. Niretzat mintzatzen ari zatzaizkionarekiko mespetxuko jarrera da.
Nahigabe egin duen, ba ez dakit, nahiago nuke hala balitz, baina administrari batek gainontzeko lankideei beren eztabaida orrialdean erantzun behar dela ez jakitea edo ez konturatzea, harritzen nau, mezua guztiak bere orrian jartzeaz gain, neronek ohartu eta hartan segitu baitzuen. Gainera nahi duenari dagokion bere eztabaida orrian ederki asko erantzuten dio. Adibidez: Jo dezagun, nirekin eztabaida eduki duzulako kasu teorikoa imajinatu, eta zuri zuzendutako erantzunak zure erantzun orrialdean idatzi beharrean, etengabe nire eztabaida orrian erantzungo banizu, jarrera horrekin eztabaida osoa nire eztabaidagunean gauzatzera derrigortuz. Zer pentsatuko zenuke nitaz?
Ba horrelako detaileak eta jarrerak ikusi eta gainera "zital jokatu" izana edo nire "kontzientziari" buruzko esaldiak irakurtzean haserretu egin nintzen, nik uste edonor haserretuko litzatekela. Eta ondoren, beste bi administratzaile eztabaidaren erdian sartu eta eztabaida osoko xehetasunak eta nondik-norakoak hasieratik amaierararte aztertu gabe, ni jada haserre negoeneko eztabaidaren azken aipamenak ikusiz bakarrik baten alde eta bestearen aurkako joera garbi-garbi erakusteak, ba ez dut uste eztabaida baretzen laguntzen duenik.
Bestelakoan, "lan giroa gaiztotzea" esaldia Xabier Armendaritz administratzaileak aipatu zuen, eta niri bakarrik zuzendutako mezu baten amaiera: "Joxemaik kargu hartu dizu, Euskaldunaa, eta arrazoia garbi agertu du... baina sistematikoki jabetza intelektualaren eskubideak urratzen jarraitzea ez da onargarria. Errespetatu arau hori, mesedez, eta ez gaiztotu wikipedia honetako lan giroa."
Honekin jada, esan beharrekoak esan eta eman beharreko azalpenak eman ditut. Ez dut eztabaida honen gaia luzatu nahi, "biktimaren" papera egiten arituko nintzela emango lukeelako, eta ez naiz halakorik, ezta gutxiago ere, mezuaren hasieran aipatu dudan bezala edukien lizentzia txantiloiak ez jartzean gaizki egin dudala egiteko autokritika egiteko gai bainaiz.
Ongi izan. -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 02:47, 16 azaroa 2016 (UTC)
- Berriz ere aurreko mezuan aipatu dizutenara zoaz: zuk eztabaidaren amaieran Joxemariren aurkako "difamazioak" ikusten dituzun lekuan, nik aurrez nire aurkako "zital jokatu" eta nire "kontzientziarekiko" aipamenak "difamazioak" daudela ikusten ditut. Administratzailearen lana zaila dela, hori denak dakigu, horregatik beti uko egin diot administratzaile izateari, lankide izatearekin nahikoa dudalako. Baina inork ez dio inori adminitratzailea izatea derrigortzean, kargua hartu hala bezala unean utzi daitekena da.
- Bestalde norbait administratzailea izateak ez du esan nahi lankide bati bere jarrera oker dagoela adierazteko bere "kontzientziari" buruzko aipamenak egiteko baimena ematen dionik. Nik Wikipedian egiten dudan lanari buruz ez diot inori "nire kontzientziari" buruzko kargurik eman edota "nire kontzeriari galdegin" beharrik. Nik dakidanez, bakoitzaren kontzientzian sartzea jada atal pertsonalean sartzea da. Eta jada atal pertsonalean sartzen baldin bazara, ezin dezakezu pentsa besteek ongi hartu edo erantzun onik emango dizutenik. Gustatuko al litzaizuke zuri "zital jokatu" duzula eta hori buruz "zeure kontzientziari galdegin diezaiozu" esango banizuke? Ez dut uste.
- Bestalde, eztabaida hasi zuen bere lehenbiziko mezuaren "Eta kontuan hartu ez garela zure atzetik denbora guztian ibiliko, hemen nahiko esperientzia duzu" azkeneko muletilla ere oso zorionekoa ez zela izan eta soberan zegoela iritzi dut. Gaizki zer egin dudan adieraztera mugatzea nahikoa dela iritzi dut, beste dohako aipamenik gabe. Akats asko egin ditudala eta gogaitua baldin badago, ba begira, administratzaile lana hori da, pazientzia izan eta besteei al den modu egokienean akatsak adieraztea, modu txarran esan ez gero, lankideak ere gogaitu gaitezkelako.
- Amaitzeko, eztabaida hasieratik modu errazean amaituko zela diozunean arrazoi guztia daukazu: gauzak modu egokian esanez. Alegia, gauzak esateko moduak eta moduak daudela.
- P. D.: Josu lankideari bere eztabaidagunean esan dioten moduan zuri ere erantzun berdina eman beharrean nago: Nire lankidetza eteteko erabakia irmoa da. Aurten euskarazko Wikipedian artikulu bakar bat gehiago ere sortzeko gogoak kendu zaizkit, gehienera orain arte Ikurrina artikuluan burutu dudan garapen edo handitzea amaitzera mugatuko naiz. Gogoeta eta hausnarketa denboraldi luzea hartuko dut, eta datorren urtean edo udaberrian lankidetza berrartu edo etenaldiarekin jarraitzen dudan patxadaz erabakiko dut.
- Ongi izan.
- -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 07:40, 16 azaroa 2016 (UTC)
Pie de foto en Marcelino Olaetxea
aldatuHola Xabier, ¿podrías actualizar el pie de foto de la que aparece en dicho artículo? No se trata de una fábrica genérica sino de los es:Altos Hornos del Mediterráneo. Gracias y un saludo --Discasto (eztabaida) 16:06, 22 azaroa 2016 (UTC)
- Egina-Xabier Cañas (eztabaida) 16:52, 22 azaroa 2016 (UTC)
Azal Nagusiko Bozketak atala
aldatuEgunon. Azal Nagusian bozketa atala gehitu duzula ikusi berri dut. Ohar edo aholku estetiko bat besterik emateko ez da, jarraitu ala ez, zeure esku: Izenburuan, beste atalekin parekatuz gero, eskuineko Wikipediaren bola izenburuaren karratura ongi egokitzen ez dela ikusten da, alegia, behealdean hutsunetxo bat gelditzen dela. Hori Ballot box current.svg irudia izenburuaren karratua baino handiagoa delako da, hortaz, 25px-ko tamaina izan beharrean 22px tamaina izatea egokiagoa litzateke. Ongi izan. -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 08:21, 24 azaroa 2016 (UTC)
- Egina, eskerrik asko oharrarengatik. --Xabier Armendaritz 2016-11-24, 11:06 (UTC)
The Signpost: 26 November 2016
aldatu- Special report: Taking stock of the Good Article backlog
- News and notes: Arbitration Committee elections commence
- Traffic report: President-elect Trump
- Featured content: Featured mix
The Signpost: 22 December 2016
aldatu- Year in review: Looking back on Wikimedia's 2016
- Special report: German Wikipedia ArbCom implodes amid revelation of member's far-right political role
- Traffic report: Post-election traffic blues
- Featured content: The pre-Christmas edition
- Technology report: Labs improvements impact 2016 Tool Labs survey results
- Recent research: One study and several abstracts
aldatuKaixo Xabier, azaldua ahal didazu itzulpenen bertsioa zer den? ez dut zergatik idazten dudanean beste orri batera bidaltzen didala. Nola jakid dezake zein bertsioan nagoen? Abian36 (eztabaida) 15:35, 12 urtarrila 2017 (UTC)
Erlea (aldizkaria)
aldatuAupa Xabier! Arrazoi osoa duzu. Moldatuko dut. Ondo segi.-Oraina (eztabaida) 17:25, 16 urtarrila 2017 (UTC)
aldatuAupa berriro. Gudua hitzarako "gerra" eta "bataila" arteko argipen orrialdea egin beharko zela uste dut. Nik ez dakit egiten. Ondo izan.-Oraina (eztabaida) 18:38, 16 urtarrila 2017 (UTC)
The Signpost: 17 January 2017
aldatu- From the editor: Next steps for the Signpost
- News and notes: Surge in RFA promotions—a sign of lasting change?
- In the media: Year-end roundups, Wikipedia's 16th birthday, and more
- Featured content: One year ends, and another begins
- Arbitration report: Concluding 2016 and covering 2017's first two cases
- Traffic report: Out with the old, in with the new
- Technology report: Tech present, past, and future
Gasteizko tranbia
aldatuKaixo Xabier, zer moduz eguna? Aizu, artikulu nabarmenduak mugitu nahi dut pixka bat, oso trabatuta baitago, tartean sekzio batzuen edukia aldatu gabe, baina aldatzea zailak dira. Beharbada horietako batzuk nola aldatu argitu ahal izango didazu ahal duzunean. Bestalde, Gasteizko tranbia honetan, erreferentziek artikuluan duten banaketa ez dut garbi, eta zuri iritzia jakin nahiko nuke balorazioa emateko. Aurrera? Atzera? Besarkada -Iñaki LL (eztabaida) 23:10, 20 urtarrila 2017 (UTC)
Evelyn Fox Keller
aldatuKaixo Xabier:
Mila esker artikulua bere onera eramateagatik!:) Ez dakit zer egin nuen zegoen moduan agertzeko :(
Mentxu Ramilloren partetik ere eskuminak!
Bide batez, galdera bat: Ezagutzen duzu wikipedia-n idazten duten zenbait emakume eta Wikiemakume-arekin partekatzeko interesa izan dezaketenak?
Berriro mila esker egindako zuzenketagatik eta garatzen duzun gainontzeko lanagatik!
Agur bero bat
The Signpost: 6 February 2017
aldatu- Arbitration report: WMF Legal and ArbCom weigh in on tension between disclosure requirements and user privacy
- WikiProject report: For the birds!
- Technology report: Better PDFs, backup plans, and birthday wishes
- Traffic report: Cool It Now
- Featured content: Three weeks dominated by articles
The Signpost: 6 February 2017
aldatu- Arbitration report: WMF Legal and ArbCom weigh in on tension between disclosure requirements and user privacy
- WikiProject report: For the birds!
- Technology report: Better PDFs, backup plans, and birthday wishes
- Traffic report: Cool It Now
- Featured content: Three weeks dominated by articles
Achatinella Bullimoidesen izena aldatu
aldatuEgunon Xabier. Achatinella Bullimoides izena txarto dago eta bere ordez Achatinella bulimoides izena jarri behar da. Zuk egingo al duzu? Nik ez dakit nola egiten den. Mila esker -Oraina (eztabaida) 11:45, 21 otsaila 2017 (UTC)
Reporta zenbait xehetasun
aldatuKaixo Xabier! Zer moduz? Aizu, Report 2016an aurreratu ahala xehetasun batzuk argitu beharra dut, eta zuk izango duzu horren berri beharbada. Hasteko zure EHU-Wikipediako tailerren inguruan egin duzun Arkeologiaren asuntoa ez dakit zer den eta kendu egin dut. Bestetik, QR Uliako lorategiez detaileak non eskura ditzaket? Eskerrik asko! -Iñaki LL (eztabaida) 18:18, 22 otsaila 2017 (UTC)
The Signpost: 27 February 2017
aldatu- From the editors: Results from our poll on subscription and delivery, and a new RSS feed
- Recent research: Special issue: Wikipedia in education
- Technology report: Responsive content on desktop; Offline content in Android app
- In the media: The Daily Mail does not run Wikipedia
- Gallery: A Met montage
- Special report: Peer review – a history and call for reviewers
- Op-ed: Wikipedia has cancer
- Featured content: The dominance of articles continues
- Traffic report: Love, football, and politics
Pier Paul Berzaitz
aldatuKaixo Xabier.
Gaur Pier Paul Berzaitz kantariaren artikulua eguneratzen jardun gera, nahiko zaharkitua zegoen egia esan. Azken 6-7 urteetako datuak falta ziren eta gure ustez garrantzitsuak eta esanguratsuak dira musikari honen ibilbidea guztiz ongi ezagutzeko.
Hainbat datu sartu ditugu gehien bat sorkuntza alorrean (diska berriak, pastoralak, beste emankizunak, ea.) Datuak nahiko modu objetiboan sartu ditugu (izenburuak, datak, kolaboratzaileak, ea.) Guzti hoien erreferentziak ezartzen ere saiatu gara (aurretik apenas zegoen erreferentziarik artikulu honetan). Erreferentzi gehiago ezartzeko asmoa genuke, hori bide interesgarria eta komenigarria dela baderitzozu. Formatoari ere begirada bat eman diogu, bisualki guztia hobetzearren.
Aipatzen dituzun hoiek (Zuberoako abeslaririk handiena da Pier Paul Berzaitz) aurretik zeuden artikuluan, artikuluaren hasieratik esango genuke, 2008tik eta hor aipatzen den iturria dutelarik: Edukiaren zati bat «Pier Paul Berzaitz» artikulutik hartua da. Artikulu hark Jon Benito du egile, eta Creative Commons Aitortu-Partekatu Berdin 3.0 lizentziarekin argitaratu da Badok euskal kantagintzaren atarian.
Ados egin gintezke horrelako esaldi eta sententziak ez direla oso "zientifikoak" eta demostragarriak.
Gure jardunaren nahia promozioa edo publizitatearen gainetik dagoela azpimarratu nahi genuke, horretarako asko eskertu eta estimatzen delarik etor dakiguken laguntza estiloa eta edukiak hobetzearren guretzat berria den Wikipedia unibertso honetan.
Mila esker . Aztarna
Thank you
aldatuHello Xabier,
The most times of when I revert vandalism on eu.wikipedia, either you or user Xabier Armendaritz send thanks to me. This is very kind of you, and makes me feel good for the little help I provide. I am currently trancribing musical scores in multilingual Wikisource, and I found out that appart from the scores I uploaded, there exist this musical book Index:Chantspopulaires00sall.pdf. So wanting to thank you for your kindness, I will help with the transcription of this book, especially with the scores. Regards.Ah3kal (eztabaida) 06:36, 13 martxoa 2017 (UTC)
Har ezazu parte Wikimedia 2030 Estrategiaren eztabaidan
aldatu16 urtez Wikilariok lan egin dugu, elkarrekin, gizateriaren historian eraiki den jakintza librearen iturririk handiena eraikitzeko. Gaur egun webgune talde bat baino zerbait gehiago gara. Mugimendu bat gara, baloreekin eta helburu indartsu batekin: mundu bat non gizaki bakoitzak, libreki, jakintza guztiaren batura parteka dezakeen.
Mugimendu gisa eztabaida bat hasi dugu etorkizuneko munduan Wikimediak izan behar duen paperari buruz. Eztabaidan parte hartzera gonbidatzen zaitugu.
Honako hau da erantzun nahi dugun galdera handia:
Zer da mugimendu gisa
lortu edo eraiki nahi duguna hurrengo 15 urteotan?
Har ezazu parte eztabaidan
Mezu hau jaso duzu azken 30 egunotan aldaketaren bat egin duzulako Wikipedian. Edozein galdera baduzu, idatzi Theklan lankideari. -MediaWiki message delivery (eztabaida) 20:34, 19 martxoa 2017 (UTC)
Translation request about the article 'United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262'
aldatuHello dear Xabier Cañas, saw your wonderful contribution in Basque Wikipedia. In this context I would like to ask you translate the small article into Basque, and add it to the Basque wikipedia. Thank you in advance for your support/contribution and best wishes!
This Month in Education: [March 2017]
aldatuVolume 6 | Issue 2 |March 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. Be sure to check out the full version, and past editions. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team!
In This Issue
The new issue of the newsletter is out! Thanks to everyone who submitted stories and helped with the publication. We hope you enjoy this issue of the Education Newsletter.-- Sailesh Patnaik using Saileshpat (talk) 19:07, 1 April 2017 (UTC)
Ikastaroa Gasteizen
aldatuKaixo: Xabier Armendaritzek esanda, zuregana jotzen dut (eta Galderrengana ere), badugulako aukera on bat EHUren Gasteizeko campusean Wikipediari buruzko mintegi bat eta editatoi bat ere antolatzeko, Unibertsitateak horretarako emango didan laguntza bati esker. Xabierrek esan dit zuek baduzuela esperientziarik holakoen antolaketan, eta, hala izanik, zuekin nahi nuke hitz egin honetaz. Oraingoz, denbora dugu, urrian egitekoa baita. Esango didazue. --Koldo Biguri (eztabaida) 17:35, 15 apirila 2017 (UTC)
This Month in Education: [April 2017]
aldatuVolume 6 | Issue 3 | April 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. Be sure to check out the full version, and past editions. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team!
In This Issue
The new issue of the newsletter is out! Thanks to everyone who submitted stories and helped with the publication. We hope you enjoy this issue of the Education Newsletter.-- Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (eztabaida) 19:18, 1 maiatza 2017 (UTC)
Musika disko infotaula
aldatuAupa, Xabier! Eskerrik asko laguntzarengatik. Egia esan, ez naiz askotan ibiltzen wikipedian gauzak gehitzen, zerbait faltan sumatzen dudanean baino ez. Ez nuke hanka sartu nahi, eta tentuz ibiltzen naiz... baina hala ere... Zuk esandako txantiloia erabiltzen saiatuko naiz, ea lortzen dudan. Ongi ibili! Javieritopito (ez dut asmatzen nire "wikisinadura" gehitzen...)
Thank you for participating in the UNESCO Challenge!
Thank you for participating in the UNESCO Challenge! I hope you had as fun as we did!
If you could take a minute to answer our survey, we would be very grateful. Your answer will help us improve our Challenges in the future.
John Andersson (WMSE) (eztabaida) 08:36, 2 ekaina 2017 (UTC)
The Signpost: 9 June 2017
aldatu- From the editors: Signpost status: On reserve power, Help wanted!
- News and notes: Global Elections
- Arbitration report: Cases closed in the Pacific and with Magioladitis
- Featured content: Three months in the land of the featured
- In the media: Did Wikipedia just assume Garfield's gender?
- Recent research: Wikipedia bot wars capture the imagination of the popular press
- Technology report: Tech news catch-up
- Traffic report: Film on Top: Sampling the weekly top 10
The Signpost: 23 June 2017
aldatu- News and notes: Departments reorganized at Wikimedia Foundation, and a month without new RfAs (so far)
- In the media: Kalanick's nipples; Episode #138 of Drama on the Hill
- Op-ed: Facto Post: a fresh take
- Featured content: Will there ever be a break? The slew of featured content continues
- Traffic report: Wonder Woman beats Batman, The Mummy, Darth Vader and the Earth
- Technology report: Improved search, and WMF data scientist tells all
COH Challenge
Thank you for your contribution to the UNESCO Challenge a couple of months ago.
I don't know if you have noticed, but there is a new competition starting tomorrow, that is co-arranged by UNESCO and Wikimedia Sverige – the COH Challenge. This time, the purpose is to get as many of the images uploaded as part of the Connected Open Heritage project (e.g. of world heritage sites, the images can be found here) as possible to be used in Wikipedia articles (however, at most five images – with caption – per article).
I hope you want to participate! :)
Best, Eric Luth (WMSE) (eztabaida) 15:49, 30 ekaina 2017 (UTC)
The Signpost: 15 July 2017
aldatu- News and notes: French chapter woes, new affiliates and more WMF team changes
- Featured content: Spectacular animals, Pine Trees screens, and more
- In the media: Concern about access and fairness, Foundation expenditures, and relationship to real-world politics and commerce
- Recent research: The chilling effect of surveillance on Wikipedia readers
- Gallery: A mix of patterns
- Humour: The Infobox Game
- Traffic report: Film, television and Internet phenomena reign with some room left over for America's birthday
- Technology report: New features in development; more breaking changes for scripts
- Wikicup: 2017 WikiCup round 3 wrap-up
The Signpost: 5 August 2017
aldatu- Recent research: Wikipedia can increase local tourism by +9%; predicting article quality with deep learning; recent behavior predicts quality
- WikiProject report: Comic relief
- In the media: Wikipedia used to judge death penalty, arms smuggling, Indonesian governance, and HOTTEST celebrity
- Traffic report: Swedish countess tops the list
- Featured content: Everywhere in the lead
- Technology report: Introducing TechCom
- Humour: WWASOHs and ETCSSs
Gailurrako eskubide urraketak
aldatuKaixo Xabier,
Berria naiz wikipedian eta ez dut oso ongi kontrolatzen oraindik. Gailurrako artxiboan aldaketak egin ditut. Orain ongi dago, edo ezabatu egingo da? Telebista (eztabaida) 14:21, 15 abuztua 2017 (UTC)
- Bai, nire kontu Gailurrako testuak aldatzea. Bestalde, bi galdera. Gailurrako argazkirik igo daiteke? Edo nola egin beharko nuke?
- Eta telesail baten atalen zerrenda egiteko, gaztelaniazko orrietan Anexo: jartzen dute. Euskaraz nola egin behar dut? Edota artxibo berri bat sortu behar dut atalen zerrendarekin? Eskerrik asko! --Telebista (eztabaida) 19:34, 15 abuztua 2017 (UTC)
Asteko irudi nabarmendua
aldatuKaixo, Xabier! Hemendik zabiltzala eta administratzaile zarela probetxatuz, kontutxo bat: Asteko irudi nabarmenduaren txantiloia sortzekotan egon naiz baina zalantzetan nago. Boto gehien dituen irudia "Kontxako Banderaren irrati ematea" delakoa da. Aldeko bost boto ditu, tartean zeurea, eta ageri denez Kontxako Banderarekin kointziditzea nahiago duzue eta hau datorren igandean hasiko da oker ez banago. Gauzak horrela, zer egin? -Aihotz (eztabaida) 00:25, 28 abuztua 2017 (UTC)
The Signpost: 6 September 2017
aldatu- From the editors: What happened at Wikimania?
- News and notes: Basselpedia; WMF Board of Trustees appointments
- Featured content: Warfighters and their tools or trees and butterflies
- Traffic report: A fortnight of conflicts
- Special report: Biomedical content, and some thoughts on its future
- Recent research: Discussion summarization; Twitter bots tracking government edits; extracting trivia from Wikipedia
- WikiProject report: WikiProject YouTube
- Technology report: Latest tech news
- Wikicup: 2017 WikiCup round 4 wrap-up
- Humour: Bots
Proposamena: Euskarazko Wikipediak Kataluniarekin Elkartasuna adierazteko modua
aldatuArratsaldeon, Euskarazko Wikipediak Kataluniarekin Elkartasuna adierazteko Txokoan Proposamena utzi berri dut. Irakurri eta haren inguruan iritzia eta bozka ematera gonbidatzen zaitut. Ongi izan. -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 15:24, 22 iraila 2017 (UTC)
The Signpost: 25 September 2017
aldatu- News and notes: Chapter updates; ACTRIAL
- Humour: Chickenz
- Recent research: Wikipedia articles vs. concepts; Wikipedia usage in Europe
- Technology report: Flow restarted; Wikidata connection notifications
- Gallery: Chicken mania
- Traffic report: Fights and frights
- Featured content: Flying high
Commonsen SOS
aldatuKaixo Xabi, Commonsera igo ditudan bi argazki gaizki izendatu ditut. Deskribapena aldatu dezaket baina artxiboaren izena edo izenburua ez, beraz, argazkiak ezabatu eta berriro igotzea bururatu zait, baina... ezin! Nola egiten da? edo, izenburua aldatu? Bi argazki hauek dira: Arrambidenea etxea.jpg eta Arrambidenea etxea2.jpg (Argazkikoak ez da Arrambidenea etxea, obiously) Mila esker!—Aurreko iruzkin sinatugabea MerZab (eztabaida • ekarp.) lankideak idatzi du (data: 2017-9-25).
- Listo! Esker mila!—Aurreko iruzkin sinatugabea MerZab (eztabaida • ekarp.) lankideak idatzi du (data: 2017-9-25).
This Month in Education: September 2017
aldatuVolume 6 | Issue 8 | September 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
In This Issue
Featured Topic | "Wikipedia – Here and Now": 40 students in the Summer School "I Can – Here and Now" in Bulgaria heard more about Wikipedia | |
| ||
From the Community |
Handia filmaren inguruan
aldatuKaixo, Xabier! Oraindik ez dut Handia filma ikusi baina hedabideetan ikusi ditudan irudi batzuen arabera Karlistaldiei buruzko filmak kategoriaren barnean sailkatu daitekeelakoan nago. Jakin badakit ez dela zehazki Lehen Karlistaldiari buruzko filma bat, baina bai garai horretan girotua dagoela eta soldadu karlistak agertzen direla. Ikusi duzulakoan, zer uste duzu? --Aihotz (eztabaida) 03:35, 05 urria 2017 (UTC)
The Signpost: 23 October 2017
aldatu- News and notes: Money! WMF fundraising, Wikimedia strategy, WMF new office!
- Featured content: Don, Marcel, Emily, Jessica and other notables
- Humour: Guys named Ralph
- In the media: Facebook and poetry
- Special report: Working with GLAMs in the UK
- Traffic report: Death, disaster, and entertainment
Asteko irudi nabarmendua
aldatuKaixo, Xabier! Azkenaldian asteko irudi nabarmenduaren txantiloia sortzearen ardura hartua neukan. Bart eta gaur goizean ezin izan dut egin. Aste honetakoa, Txantiloi:2017-44 argazkia alegia, zuk sortu duzula ikusi dut. Kontua zera da: oker ez banago "Bilboko San Anton eliza gauez" eta "Mendoza dorretxea" argazkiak berdinketa egoeran zeudela. Hau da, biek launa boto zituzten. Orain arte nik horrelakoetan, Euskaldunaaren prozedurari jarraituz, argitaratutako ordenaren arabera aukeratu izan dut irudia. Aipatu prozeduraren arabera aukeratutakoa "Mendoza dorretxea" izan beharko litzateke, lehenago proposatua izan baitzen. -Aihotz (eztabaida) 15:59, 30 urria 2017 (UTC)
This Month in Education: October 2017
aldatuVolume 6 | Issue 9 | October 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
Featured Topic |
Your community should discuss to implement the new P&E Dashboard functionalities |
From the Community |
Wikidata implemented in Wikimedia Serbia Education Programe |
From the Education Team |
aldatuKaixo Xabi, Mugetarekin amaitzeko Taxotaula automatikoa jarri behar dut baina mugetarena egin gabe dago. Wikidata egina du, Wikispeciesen ere badago, baina taxotaula, eskuz egin behar da? Ez dakit egiten SOS! MerZab
The Signpost: 24 November 2017
aldatu- News and notes: Cons, cons, cons
- Arbitration report: Administrator desysoped; How to deal with crosswiki issues; Mister Wiki case likely
- Technology report: Searching and surveying
- Interview: A featured article centurion
- WikiProject report: Recommendations for WikiProjects
- In the media: Open knowledge platform as a media institution
- Traffic report: Strange and inappropriate
- Featured content: We will remember them
- Recent research: Who wrote this? New dataset on the provenance of Wikipedia text
This Month in Education: November 2017
aldatuVolume 6 | Issue 10 | November 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
Suomi 100 - Finland 100
aldatuThe 100 years of Finland | ||
This is for your truly valuable contribution to the 100 years of Finland collaboration and to the multilingual development of Wikipedia. Our sincere thanks - kiitos ! --Tappinen (eztabaida) 17:43, 1 abendua 2017 (UTC) |
The Signpost: 18 December 2017
aldatu- Special report: Women in Red World Contest wrap-up
- Featured content: Featured content to finish 2017
- In the media: Stolen seagulls, public domain primates and more
- Arbitration report: Last case of 2017: Mister Wiki editors
- Gallery: Wiki loving
- Recent research: French medical articles have "high rate of veracity"
- Technology report: Your wish lists and more Wikimedia tech
- Traffic report: Notable heroes and bad guys
This Month in Education: December 2017
aldatuVolume 6 | Issue 11 | December 2017
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
The Signpost: 16 January 2018
aldatu- News and notes: Communication is key
- In the media: The Paris Review, British Crown and British Media
- Featured content: History, gaming and multifarious topics
- Interview: Interview with Ser Amantio di Nicolao, the top contributor to English Wikipedia by edit count
- Technology report: Dedicated Wikidata database servers
- Arbitration report: Mister Wiki is first arbitration committee decision of 2018
- Traffic report: The best and worst of 2017
This Month in Education: January 2018
aldatuVolume 7 | Issue 1 | January 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
The Signpost: 5 February 2018
aldatu- Featured content: Wars, sieges, disasters and everything black possible
- Traffic report: TV, death, sports, and doodles
- Special report: Cochrane–Wikipedia Initiative
- Arbitration report: New cases requested for inter-editor hostility and other collaboration issues
- In the media: Solving crime; editing out violence allegations
- Humour: You really are in Wonderland
The Signpost: 20 February 2018
aldatu- News and notes: The future is Swedish with a lack of administrators
- Recent research: Political diverse editors write better articles; Reddit and Stack Overflow benefit from Wikipedia but don't give back
- Arbitration report: Arbitration committee prepares to examine two new cases
- Traffic report: Addicted to sports and pain
- Featured content: Entertainment, sports and history
- Technology report: Paragraph-based edit conflict screen; broken thanks
This Month in Education: February 2018
aldatuVolume 7 | Issue 2 | February 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
The Signpost: 29 March 2018
aldatu- News and notes: Wiki Conference roundup and new appointments
- Arbitration report: Ironing out issues in infoboxes; not sure yet about New Jersey; and an administrator who probably wasn't uncivil to a sockpuppet.
- Traffic report: Real sports, real women and an imaginary country: what's on top for Wikipedia readers
- Featured content: Animals, Ships, and Songs
- Technology report: Timeless skin review by Force Radical
- Special report: ACTRIAL wrap-up
- Humour: WikiWorld Reruns
This Month in Education: March 2018
aldatuVolume 7 | Issue 3 | March 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
aldatuHola! Estaría bien que el ritmo en wikisource no decayera este mes y mantener como mínimo los 2 dos usuarios activos (más de 10 ediciones). Gracias por tu esfuerzo.--KRLS (eztabaida) 17:18, 8 apirila 2018 (UTC)
- @KRLS: Ya tengo las 10 de este mes. Intentaré poco a poco ir metiendo más hojas, pero este mes va a ser flojo. Muchas gracias por la ayuda! Un saludo.--Xabier Cañas (eztabaida) 18:40, 9 apirila 2018 (UTC)
The Signpost: 26 April 2018
aldatu- From the editors: The Signpost's presses are rolling again...
- Signpost: Future directions for The Signpost
- In the media: The rise of Wikipedia as a disinformation mop
- In focus: Admin reports board under criticism
- Special report: ACTRIAL results adopted by landslide
- Community view: It's time we look past Women in Red to counter systemic bias
- Discussion report: The future of portals
- Arbitration report: No new cases, and one motion on administrative misconduct
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Military History
- Traffic report: A quiet place to wrestle with the articles of March
- Technology report: Coming soon: Books-to-PDF, interactive maps, rollback confirmation
- Featured content: Featured content selected by the community
This Month in Education: April 2018
aldatuVolume 7 | Issue 4 | April 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
This Month in Education: May 2018
aldatuVolume 4 | Issue 5 | May 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
Eugeni Alzibarri buruz.
aldatuEgunon Xabierǃ
Atzo ikusi nuen Eugeni Alzibar Etxeberriaren orria ezabatu duzula. Artikulu hori berregin nahi nuke berak idatzitakoa oinarria hartuta interesgarria iruditzen baitzait. Nire eztabaidara orrira pasatu ahal didazu mesedez?. Nik egingo dut artikulua autopromozio kutsua kenduta. Mila eskerǃ
P.D. Beste kontu bat. Iholdi Beristainen infotaulan datu bat txarto dago. Jaiotzaren data zuzena artikuluaren lehenengo lerroan idatzita dago. Ondo jarriko duzu? Nik ez dakit egiten. Eskerrik asko berriro ere.-Oraina (eztabaida) 08:28, 19 ekaina 2018 (UTC)
- Egunon berriro Xabier. Etorkizun batean "interes entziklopedikoa" zer den eta zer ez den pentsatu eta erabaki beharko dugu. Ez dut uste gauza erreza denik eta eztabaidagarria da, oso. Nik Alzibaren artikulua egin dut baina egia esan, erreferentzia faltak egon badaude eta markatu ditut, jakina. Eta "curriculum" itxurakoa, "zerrendan" jarri dut, horretarako leku egokia baita. Mila esker berriro ere.-Oraina (eztabaida) 08:40, 20 ekaina 2018 (UTC)
The Signpost: 29 June 2018
aldatu- Special report: NPR and AfC – The Marshall Plan: an engagement and a marriage?
- Op-ed: What do admins do?
- News and notes: Money, milestones, and Wikimania
- In the media: Much wikilove from the Mayor of London, less from Paekākāriki or a certain candidate for U.S. Congress
- Discussion report: Deletion, page moves, and an update to the main page
- Featured content: New promotions
- Arbitration report: WWII, UK politics, and a user deCrat'ed
- Traffic report: Endgame
- Technology report: Improvements piled on more improvements
- Gallery: Wiki Loves Africa
- Recent research: How censorship can backfire and conversations can go awry
- Humour: Television plot lines
- Wikipedia essays: This month's pick by The Signpost editors
- From the archives: Wolves nip at Wikipedia's heels: A perspective on the cost of paid editing
This Month in Education: June 2018
aldatuVolume 4 | Issue 6 | June 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
aldatuBarkatu, Xabier, baina gero eta nahasmen handiagoa daukat kategorien kontu honekin; uste dut irakaspen praktiko bat behar dudala, bai behintzat ikusita nola dagoen Txikipedia:Kategoriak orria. Kategorien barruko azpikategoriekin ez naiz ondo aklaratzen, ez dakit sistemak berak azpikategorizatzen dituen ala norberak eskuz egin behar duen, eta beldur naiz argibide-orria irakurrita ez dudala nire zalantza argitzeko biderik aurkitu. Dena dela, orain honi buruzko beste kontu bategatik idazten dizut; izan ere, Txikipedia:Lisboa orria kategoriatzean, ulertzen dut ez duzula ipini Kategoria:Txikipedia:Europako hiriburuak, eta, ondorioz, orrialde hori Wikipediako kategoria batean geratu dela, ez Txikipedian. Hala da? --Koldo Biguri (eztabaida) 15:51, 25 uztaila 2018 (UTC)
The Signpost: 31 July 2018
aldatu- From the editor: If only if
- Opinion: Wrestling with Wikipedia reality
- Discussion report: Wikipedias take action against EU copyright proposal, plus new user right proposals
- Featured content: Wikipedia's best content in images and prose
- Arbitration report: Status quo processes retained in two disputes
- Traffic report: Soccer, football, call it what you like – that and summer movies leave room for little else
- Technology report: New bots, new prefs
- Recent research: Different Wikipedias use different images; editing contests more successful than edit-a-thons
- Humour: It's all the same
- Essay: Wikipedia does not need you
This Month in Education: July 2018
aldatuVolume 4 | Issue 7 | July 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
The Signpost: 30 August 2018
aldatu- From the editor: Today's young adults don't know a world without Wikipedia
- News and notes: Flying high; low practice from Wikipedia 'cleansing' agency; where do our donations go? RfA sees a new trend
- In the media: Quicksilver AI writes articles
- Discussion report: Drafting an interface administrator policy
- Featured content: Featured content selected by the community
- Special report: Wikimania 2018
- Traffic report: Aretha dies – getting just 2,000 short of 5 million hits
- Technology report: Technical enhancements and a request to prioritize upcoming work
- Recent research: Wehrmacht on Wikipedia, neural networks writing biographies
- Humour: Signpost editor censors herself
- From the archives: Playing with Wikipedia words
This Month in Education: August 2018
aldatuVolume 4 | Issue 8 | August 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
The Signpost: 1 October 2018
aldatu- From the editor: Is this the new normal?
- News and notes: European copyright law moves forward
- In the media: Knowledge under fire
- Discussion report: Interface Admin policy proposal, part 2
- Arbitration report: A quiet month for Arbcom
- Technology report: Paying attention to your mobile
- Gallery: A pat on the back
- Recent research: How talk page use has changed since 2005; censorship shocks lead to centralization; is vandalism caused by workplace boredom?
- Humour: Signpost Crossword Puzzle
- Essay: Expressing thanks
Results from global Wikimedia survey 2018 are published
aldatuHello! A few months ago the Wikimedia Foundation invited you to take a survey about your experiences on Wikipedia. You signed up to receive the results. The report is now published on Meta-Wiki! We asked contributors 170 questions across many different topics like diversity, harassment, paid editing, Wikimedia events and many others.
Read the report or watch the presentation, which is available only in English.
Add your thoughts and comments to the report talk page.
Feel free to share the report on Wikipedia/Wikimedia or on your favorite social media. Thanks!
--EGalvez (WMF)
19:25, 1 urria 2018 (UTC)
This Month in Education: September 2018
aldatuVolume 4 | Issue 9 | September 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
Lingua Libre
aldatuRavi de voir que tu t'éclates avec le projet ! ;D --Lyokoï (eztabaida) 18:17, 21 urria 2018 (UTC)
The Signpost: 28 October 2018
aldatu- From the editors October original: The Signpost is still afloat, just barely
- News and notes: WMF gets a million bucks
- In the media: Bans, celebs, and bias
- Discussion report: Mediation Committee and proposed deletion reform
- Traffic report: Unsurprisingly, sport leads the field – or the ring
- Technology report: Bots galore!
- Special report: NPP needs you
- Special report 2: Now Wikidata is six
- In focus: Alexa
- Gallery: Out of this world!
- Recent research: Wikimedia Commons worth $28.9 billion
- Humour: Talk page humour
- Opinion: Strickland incident
- From the archives: The Gardner Interview
This Month in Education: November 2018
aldatuVolume 4 | Issue 10 | October 2018
This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!
This Month in Education: November 2018
aldatuThe Signpost: 1 December 2018
aldatu- From the editor: Time for a truce
- Special report: The Christmas wishlist
- Discussion report: Farewell, Mediation Committee
- Arbitration report: A long break ends
- Traffic report: Queen reigns for four weeks straight
- Gallery: Intersections
- From the archives: Ars longa,vita brevis
The Signpost: 24 December 2018
aldatu- From the editors: Where to draw the line in reporting?
- News and notes: Some wishes do come true
- In the media: Political hijinks
- Discussion report: A new record low for RfA
- WikiProject report: Articlegenesis
- Arbitration report: Year ends with one active case
- Traffic report: Queen dethroned by U.S. presidents
- Gallery: Sun and moon, water and stone
- Blog: News from the WMF
- Humour: I believe in Bigfoot
- Essay: Requests for medication
- From the archives: Compromised admin accounts – again
Audio-fitxategien izenak aldatzeko baimena
aldatuAspaldiko, Xabier! Oso lan bikaina egin duzu audio-fitxategiak Lingua Libretik Commonsera igotzen. Fitxategiok Wikiztegietan erabiliko ditut eta pentsatu dut egokia izango litzatekeela horiek Wikiztegietan/Wikipedian erabili ohi den formatuaren arabera izendatzea erabilerrazagoak egiteko. Adibidez, commons:LL-Q8752 (eus)-Xabier Cañas-zientzia.wav fitxategiari eu-zientzia.wav izena ematea. Zer deritzozu? Emango didazu baimena izenak aldatzeko?
Ondo izan. --Zuiarra (eztabaida) 19:33, 13 urtarrila 2019 (UTC)
- Kaixo @Zuiarra:!! Moldatu izena hobekien iruditzen zaizun moduan, problemaruk gabe! Lingua Librek zuzezean ematen diturn izenak dira hor agertzen direnak. Laster arte! -Xabier Cañas (eztabaida) 06:55, 15 urtarrila 2019 (UTC)
This Month in Education: January 2019
aldatuThe Signpost: 31 January 2019
aldatu- Op-ed: Random Rewards Rejected
- News and notes: WMF staff turntable continues to spin; Endowment gets more cash; RfA continues to be a pit of steely knives
- Discussion report: The future of the reference desk
- Featured content: Don't miss your great opportunity
- Arbitration report: An admin under the microscope
- Traffic report: Death, royals and superheroes
- Technology report: When broken is easily fixed
- News from the WMF: News from WMF
- Recent research: Ad revenue from reused Wikipedia articles; are Wikipedia researchers asking the right questions?
- Essay: How
- Humour: Village pump
- From the archives: An editorial board that includes you
Intercultur 2019
aldatuHola Xabier Cañas. Durante todo el mes de febrero tiene lugar una nueva edición de la iniciativa Intercultur. Como participante de anteriores años, te invito nuevamente a colaborar traduciendo o ampliando alguno de los artículos propuestos. Un cordial saludo. --Rodelar (eztabaida) 23:12, 7 otsaila 2019 (UTC)
This Month in Education: February 2019
aldatuThe Signpost: 28 February 2019
aldatu- From the editors: Help wanted (still)
- News and notes: Front-page issues for the community
- Discussion report: Talking about talk pages
- Featured content: Conquest, War, Famine, Death, and more!
- Arbitration report: A quiet month for Arbitration Committee
- Traffic report: Binge-watching
- Technology report: Tool labs casters-up
- Gallery: Signed with pride
- From the archives: New group aims to promote Wiki-Love
- Humour: Pesky Pronouns
This Month in Education: March 2019
aldatuThe Signpost: 31 March 2019
aldatu- From the editors: Getting serious about humor
- News and notes: Blackouts fail to stop EU Copyright Directive
- In the media: Women's history month
- Discussion report: Portal debates continue, Prespa agreement aftermath, WMF seeks a rebranding
- Featured content: Out of this world
- Arbitration report: The Tides of March at ARBCOM
- Traffic report: Exultations and tribulations
- Technology report: New section suggestions and sitewide styles
- News from the WMF: The WMF's take on the new EU Copyright Directive
- Recent research: Barnstar-like awards increase new editor retention
- From the archives: Esperanza organization disbanded after deletion discussion
- Humour: The Epistolary of Arthur 37
- In focus: The Wikipedia SourceWatch
- Special report: Wiki Loves (50 Years of) Pride
- Community view: Wikipedia's response to the New Zealand mosque shootings
Bring your idea for Wikimedia in Education to life! Launch of the Wikimedia Education Greenhouse
aldatustyle="Txantiloi:Pre style;width:100%"|
Are you passionate about open education? Do you have an idea to apply Wikimedia projects to an education initiative but don’t know where to start? Join the the Wikimedia & Education Greenhouse! It is an immersive co-learning experience that lasts 9 months and will equip you with the skills, knowledge and support you need to bring your ideas to life. You can apply as a team or as an individual, by May 12th. Find out more Education Greenhouse. For more information reachout to mguadalupe wikimedia.org |
—MediaWiki message delivery (eztabaida) 11:16, 5 apirila 2019 (UTC)
This Month in Education: April 2019
This Month in Education Volume 8 • Issue 4 • April 2019 Contents • Headlines • Subscribe In This Issue |
The Signpost: 30 April 2019
aldatu- News and notes: An Action Packed April
- In the media: Is Wikipedia just another social media site?
- Discussion report: English Wikipedia community's conclusions on talk pages
- Featured content: Anguish, accolades, animals, and art
- Arbitration report: An Active Arbitration Committee
- Traffic report: Mötley Crüe, Notre-Dame, a black hole, and Bonnie and Clyde
- Technology report: A new special page, and other news
- Gallery: Notre-Dame de Paris burns
- News from the WMF: Can machine learning uncover Wikipedia’s missing “citation needed” tags?
- Recent research: Female scholars underrepresented; whitepaper on Wikidata and libraries; undo patterns reveal editor hierarchy
- From the archives: Portals revisited
This Month in Education: May 2019
aldatuThe Signpost: 31 May 2019
aldatu- From the editors: Picture that
- News and notes: Wikimania and trustee elections
- In the media: Politics, lawsuits and baseball
- Discussion report: Admin abuse leads to mass-desysop proposal on Azerbaijani Wikipedia
- Arbitration report: ArbCom forges ahead
- News from the WMF: Wikimedia Foundation petitions the European Court of Human Rights to lift the block of Wikipedia in Turkey
- Technology report: Lots of Bots
- Essay: Paid editing
- From the archives: FORUM:Should Wikimedia modify its terms of use to require disclosure?
The Signpost: 30 June 2019
aldatu- Discussion report: A constitutional crisis hits English Wikipedia
- News and notes: Mysterious ban, admin resignations, Wikimedia Thailand rising
- In the media: The disinformation age
- On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
- Special report: Did Fram harass other editors?
- Traffic report: Juneteenth, Beauty Revealed, and more nuclear disasters
- Technology report: Actors and Bots
- Recent research: What do editors do after being blocked?; the top mathematicians, universities and cancers according to Wikipedia
- From the archives: Women and Wikipedia: the world is watching
- In focus: WikiJournals: A sister project proposal
- Community view: A CEO biography, paid for with taxes
This Month in Education: June 2019
aldatuThis Month in Education: July 2019
aldatuThe Signpost: 31 July 2019
aldatu- In the media: Politics starts getting rough
- Discussion report: New proposals in aftermath of Fram ban
- Arbitration report: A month of reintegration
- On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
- Community view: Video based summaries of Wikipedia articles. How and why?
- News from the WMF: Designing ethically with AI: How Wikimedia can harness machine learning in a responsible and human-centered way
- Recent research: Most influential medical journals; detecting pages to protect
- Special report: Administrator cadre continues to contract
- Traffic report: World cups, presidential candidates, and stranger things