George Curzon (Curzon of Kedleston I. markesa)
George Curzon, Curzon of Kedleston I. markesa (Kedleston Hall, Derbyshire, 1859ko urtarrilaren 11 – Londres, 1925eko martxoaren 20a) britainiar politikari kontserbadorea izan zen.
Oxfordeko Unibertsitatean hezi ondoren politikan sartu zen eta 1886an Parlamentuko kide hautatu zuten. 1880 eta 1890eko hamarkadetan Errusian eta Asian ibili zen. Errusia hartu zuen Raj Britainiarraren etsai nagusitzat.
1899tik 1905era Indiako erregeordea izan zen. Ekialdeko Bengala eta Assamgo lurraldea sortu zituen eta Taj Mahal berrezarri zuen.
1908an Lorden Ganberan sartu zen. Lehen Mundu Gerran David Lloyd George lehen ministroak osatutako Gerra Kabineteko kide izan zen.
1919tik 1924ra Kanpo Arazoetako Estatu Idazkaria izan zen. Curzon linearen egilea izan zen, Polonia eta Sobietar Batasunaren arteko muga izan zena. Turkiarekin Sèvresko Ituna idatzi zuen eta Egiptoren independentzia negoziatzen lagundu zuen 1922an. Transjordaniako Emirerria sortzen ere lagundu zuen eta 1922ko Lausanako Ituna negoziatu zuen.
aldatu- Curzon, Russia in Central Asia in 1889 and the Anglo-Russian Question (1889) Frank Cass & Co. Ltd., London (reprinted Cass, 1967), Adamant Media Corporation; ISBN 978-1-4021-7543-5 (27 February 2001) Reprint (Paperback) Details
- Curzon, Persia and the Persian Question (1892) Longmans, Green, and Co., London and New York.; facsimile reprint:
- Volume 1 (Paperback) by George Nathaniel Curzon, Adamant Media Corporation; ISBN 978-1-4021-6179-7 (22 October 2001) Abstract
- Volume 2 (Paperback) by George Nathaniel Curzon, Adamant Media Corporation; ISBN 978-1-4021-6178-0 (22 October 2001) Abstract
- Curzon, On the Indian Frontier, Edited with an introduction by Dhara Anjaria; (Oxford U.P. 2011) 350 pages ISBN 978-0-19-906357-4
- Curzon, Problems of the Far East (1894; new ed., 1896) George Nathaniel Curzon Problems of the Far East. Japan -Korea – China, reprint; ISBN 1-4021-8480-8, ISBN 978-1-4021-8480-2 (25 December 2000) Adamant Media Corporation (Paperback)Abstract
- Curzon, The Pamirs and the Source of the Oxus, 1897, The Royal Geographical Society. Geographical Journal 8 (1896): 97–119, 239–63. A thorough study of the region's history and people and of the British–Russian conflict of interest in Turkestan based on Curzon's travels there in 1894. Reprint (paperback): Adamant Media Corporation, ISBN 978-1-4021-5983-1 (22 April 2002) Abstract. Unabridged reprint (2005): Elbiron Classics, Adamant Media Corporation; ISBN 1-4021-5983-8 (pbk); ISBN 1-4021-3090-2 (hardcover).
- Curzon, The Romanes Lecture 1907, FRONTIERS by the Right Hon Lord Curzon of Kedleston G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., PC, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., All Souls College, Chancellor of the University, Delivered in the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, 2 November 1907 full text.
- Curzon, Tales of Travel. First published by Hodder & Stoughton 1923 (Century Classic Ser.) London, Century. 1989, Facsimile Reprint; ISBN 0-7126-2245-4; reprint with foreword by Lady Alexandra Metcalfe, Introduction by Peter King. A selection of Curzon's travel writing including essays on Egypt, Afghanistan, Persia, Iran, India, Iraq Waterfalls, etc. (includes the future viceroy's escapade into Afghanistan to meet the "Iron Emir", Abdu Rahman Khan, in 1894)
- Curzon, Bodiam Castle Sussex. A Historical & Descriptive Survey Jonathan Cape, London, (1926)
- Curzon and H. Avray Tipping, 'Tattershall Castle, Lincolnshire: A Historical & Descriptive Survey by the Late Marquis Curzon of Kedleston, K.G. and H. Avray Tipping, 1929, Jonathan Cape, London, (Finished by Henry Avray Tipping after Curzon's death)
- Curzon, Travels with a Superior Person, London, Sidgwick & Jackson. 1985, Reprint; ISBN 978-0-283-99294-0, Hardcover, illustrated with 90 contemporary photographs most of them from Curzon's own collection (includes Greece in the Eighties, pp. 78–84; edited by Peter King; introduced by Elizabeth, Countess Longford)