Lint errors: Multiline table in list

Lehen orrialdeaAurreko orrialdeaHurrengo orrialdeaAzken orrialdea
Page title Multiline HTML5 table inside a list Through a template?
Lankide:Idoia Pico/Proba orria (edit | history) li > table Txantiloi:Commonskat
Alain Bergala (edit | history) li > table Txantiloi:Commonscat
Pierre Mestrot (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Y.M.C.A. (abestia) (edit | history) dd > table Output not from a single template
Kantabriako Historiaurre eta Arkeologiaren Museoa (edit | history) li > table Txantiloi:Commonscat
Fonsecako pazoa (edit | history) li > table Txantiloi:Commonscat
New York County Lawyers Association eraikina (edit | history) li > table Txantiloi:Commonscat
The Theory of Everything (edit | history) li > table Txantiloi:Stephen Hawking
Lankide:Jonpo98/Proba orria (edit | history) li > table Txantiloi:Commonscat
Nélida Zaitegi (edit | history) li > table Txantiloi:Wikiesanak
Lankide:Elerikjon/Proba orria (edit | history) li > table Txantiloi:Osagai elektronikoak
Louis Proust (edit | history) li > table Txantiloi:Commonskat
Legaireko basoa (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Andregai judua (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Lankide:Txikillana/Škoda lásky (edit | history) li > table Txantiloi:Commonskat
Diane di Prima (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Himilkon (Lilibeoko komandantea) (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Horacio Guarany (edit | history) dt > table Output not from a single template
Makromolekula (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Zigorkatzearen erretaula (edit | history) li > table Txantiloi:Commonscat
Encarnación Cabré (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Ellen Wilkinson (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Gizadiaren aurkako krimen (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Bronkiektasia (edit | history) dd > table Output not from a single template
Wood Buffalo Parke Nazionala (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Call Me by Your Name (filma) (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Emaus (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Elena Arzak (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Sandaili leizea (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Nell Leyshon (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Oroitz Jauregi (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Françoise Barré Sinoussi (edit | history) li > table Txantiloi:Scholia
Fields Domina (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Zalduntza (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Correfoc (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Literatura konparatu (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
2018ko Azpeitiko Euskal Antzerki Topaketak (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Bryce Canyon Parke Nazionala (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Axtrokiko ontziak (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Liburutegi nazional (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Josean Díez de Quevedo (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Alba Menéndez (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Zenbakizko integrazio (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Maite Larburu (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Illapu (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Lanbide-karrera (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Lydia Becker (edit | history) li > table Txantiloi:Commonskat
Salvador Ezpeleta (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Antonio Gisbert (edit | history) li > table Txantiloi:Commonscat
Franz Marc (edit | history) li > table Output not from a single template
Lehen orrialdeaAurreko orrialdeaHurrengo orrialdeaAzken orrialdea