Thomas Geoffrey Tom Wilkinson (Leeds, Mendebaldeko Yorkshire, 1948ko otsailaren 5a - Londres, 2023ko abenduaren 30a) ingeles aktorea izan zen. Gure artean gehienbat The Ghost and the Darkness (1996), The Full Monty (1997), Wilde (1997), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), Separate Lies (2005), RocknRolla (2008), Michael Clayton (2007), Valkyrie (2008), The Ghost Writer (2010), The Debt (2011) edota The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014).

Tom Wilkinson

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakThomas Jeffery Wilkinson
JaiotzaLeeds1948ko otsailaren 5a
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
HeriotzaLondres2023ko abenduaren 30a (75 urte)
Ezkontidea(k)Diana Hardcastle  (1988ko urtarrilaren 5a -  2023ko abenduaren 30a)
HeziketaKenteko Unibertsitatea
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art 1973) : antzezpen
Jarduerakaktorea, antzerki aktorea, zinema aktorea eta telebista-aktorea
Jasotako sariak

IMDB: nm0929489 Allocine: 19056 Rottentomatoes: celebrity/tom_wilkenson Allmovie: p76333 TCM: 206351 people/119356
Musicbrainz: f16e08ae-8d38-4563-ab5a-9855164e0a8f Discogs: 1359891 Edit the value on Wikidata




Urtea Izenburua Pertsonaia Oharrak
1976 Smuga cienia Chef Ransome
1984 Parker Tom
1985 Sylvia Keith Henderson
Wetherby Roger Braithwaite
1990 Paper Mask Dr Thorn
1993 In the Name of the Father Grant Richardson
1994 Priest Father Matthew Thomas
A Business Affair Bob
Prince of Jutland Hardvendel
1995 Sense and Sensibility Mr Dashwood
1996 The Ghost and the Darkness Robert Beaumont
1997 Smilla's Sense of Snow Prof. Loyen
The Full Monty Gerald Cooper
Wilde John Douglas, 9th Marquess of Queensberry
Oscar and Lucinda Hugh Stratton
1998 The Governess Charles Cavendish
Rush Hour Thomas Griffin/Juntao
Shakespeare in Love Hugh Fennyman
1999 Ride with the Devil Orton Brown
Molokai: The Story of Father Damien Brother Joseph Dutton
2000 Essex Boys John Dyke
The Patriot Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis
Chain of Fools Robert Bollingsworth
2001 In the Bedroom Matt Fowler
Another Life Mr Carlton
Black Knight Sir Knolte of Malborough
2002 The Importance of Being Earnest Dr. Frederick Chasuble
Before You Go Frank
2003 Girl with a Pearl Earring Pieter Van Ruijven
Normal Jane Anderson
2004 If Only Taxi driver
Piccadilly Jim Bingley Crocker
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Howard Mierzwiak
Stage Beauty Betterton
A Good Woman Tuppy
2005 Ripley Under Ground John Webster
Batman Begins Carmine Falcone
The Exorcism of Emily Rose Father Moore
Separate Lies James Manning
2006 The Night of the White Pants Max Hagan
The Last Kiss Stephen
2007 Dedication Rudy Holt
Cassandra's Dream Howard
Michael Clayton Arthur Edens
2008 RocknRolla Lenny Cole
Valkyrie Colonel General Friedrich Fromm
Recount James Baker
2009 Duplicity Howard Tully
44 Inch Chest Archie
2010 The Ghost Writer Paul Emmett
Burke & Hare Robert Knox
Jackboots on Whitehall Albert eta Joseph Goebbels Ahotsa
2011 The Green Hornet James Reid
The Conspirator Reverdy Johnson
The Debt Stefan Gold
Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol IMF Secretary
2012 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Sir Graham Dashwood
Fury Xavier aka The Samaritan
2013 The Lone Ranger Latham Cole
Belle William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield
Felony Detective Carl Summer
2014 The Grand Budapest Hotel Author
Good People DI John Halden
Selma President Lyndon B. Johnson
2015 Unfinished Business Timothy McWinters
Bone in the Throat Charlie
Little Boy Fr Oliver
Jenny's Wedding Eddie
2016 The Choice Dr. Shep
Snowden Ewen MacAskill
Denial Richard Rampton
This Beautiful Fantastic Alfie Stephenson
2018 The Catcher Was a Spy Paul Scherrer
Burden Tom Griffin
Dead in a Week or Your Money Back Leslie
The Happy Prince Fr Dunne
The Titan Professor Martin Collingwood
2021 Dr. Bird's Advice for Sad Poets Dr. Bird Ahotsa
SAS: Red Notice William Lewis


Urtea Izenburua Pertsonaia Oharrak
1979 Crime and Punishment Cadet Atala: "Part 1"
1983 Panorama Czuma Atala: "Two Weeks in Winter: How the Army Took Over Poland"
Spyship Martin Taylor Telesaila
1984 Strangers and Brothers George Passant 2 atal
Sharma and Beyond Vivian Telefilma
Squaring the Circle Rulewski
1985 A Pocket Full of Rye Detective Inspector Neele
Travelling Man "Granny" Jackson Atala: "On the Hook"
Happy Families Jack Atala: "Cassie"
1986 First Among Equals Raymond Gould Telesaila
1988 The Woman He Loved Ernest Aldrich Simpson Telefilma
The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank Silberbauer
The Ruth Rendell Mysteries Robert Hathall 3 atal
1989 First and Last Stephen Telefilma
1990 Inspector Morse Music Master Jake Normington Atala: "The Infernal Serpent"
TECX Hugo Gillon Atala: "The Wine Business"
Counterstrike Ezezaguna 2 atal
1990–1996 Screen Two David Hanratty / Father McAteer / Dr. Middleton 4 atal
1991 Parnell & the Englishwoman Sir Charles Russell Atala: "The Libel"
Lovejoy Ashley Wilkes Atala: "One Born Every Minute"
Prime Suspect Peter Rawlins 2 atal
1992 Underbelly Paul Manning Minisaila
Resnick: Lonely Hearts Detective Inspector Charlie Resnick Telefilma
1993 Stay Lucky Allon Atala: "Gilding the Lily"
Resnick: Rough Treatment Detective Inspector Charlie Resnick Telefilma
1994 The Inspector Alleyn Mysteries Gerald Lacklander Atala: "Scales of Justice"
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of Buckingham (ahotsa) Atala: "Rikardo II.a
Performance Duke Vincentio Atala: "Measure for Measure"
Martin Chuzzlewit Seth Pecksniff Minisaila
1996 Eskimo Day Hugh Lloyd Telefilma
1997 Cold Enough for Snow Hugh Lloyd
1999 David Copperfield Narratzailea (Old David Copperfield)
2002 The Gathering Storm Robert Vansittart, 1st Baron Vansittart
An Angel for May Sam Wheeler
2003 Normal Roy/Ruth Applewood
2008 John Adams Benjamin Franklin Minisaila
Recount James Baker Telefilma
A Number Salter
2009 The Gruffalo Fox (ahotsa)
2011 The Kennedys Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. Minisaila
The Gruffalo's Child Fox (voice) Telefilma
2017 The Kennedys: After Camelot Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. Cameo; The Kennedys Sequel
2018 Watership Down Threarah (ahotsa) Minisaila
2020 Belgravia Peregrine, Earl of Brockenhurst
2023 The Full Monty Gerald Cooper

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