Hona hemen letra-tipoen zerrenda bat. Izen batzuen atzetik letra-tipo familia handiak egon daitezke. [Letra-tipo] ia guztiek aldaera etzana, lodia, etab. izan ohi dute. Zerrendako letra-tipo batzuk prentsako izenburuetan, idazkunetako goiburuetan, errotuluetan erabiltzeko moduko letra-moldeak dira.
- Adobe Jenson
- Adobe Text
- Albertus
- Aldus
- Alexandria
- Algerian
- American Typewriter
- Antiqua
- Arno
- Aster
- Aurora
- Baskerville
- Bebas
- Bell (Serif tipokoa Richard Austin-ek diseinatu zuen 1788.an)
- Belwe Roman
- Bembo
- Berkeley Old Style
- Bernhard Modern
- Bodoni
- Book Antiqua
- Bookman
- Bordeaux Roman
- Bulmer
- Caledonia
- Californian FB
- Calisto MT
- Cambria
- Capitals
- Cartier
- Caslon
- Caslon Antique / Fifteenth Century
- Catull
- Centaur
- Century Old Style
- Century Schoolbook
- Chaparral
- Charis SIL
- Charter (letra-tipoa)
- Cheltenham
- Clearface
- Cochin
- Colonna
- Computer Modern
- Concrete Roman
- Constantia
- Cooper Black
- Copperplate Gothic
- Corona
- DejaVu Serif
- Didot
- Droid Serif
- Ecotype (The Economist aldizkariaren jabetza duen letra-tipoa)
- Elephant
- Emerson
- Espy Serif
- Excelsior
- Fairfield (letra-tipoaFairfield
- FF Scala
- Footlight
- FreeSerif
- Friz Quadrata
- Garamond
- Gentium
- Georgia
- Gloucester
- Goudy Old Style / Goudy
- Granjon
- Heather
- Hercules
- High Tower Text
- Hiroshige
- Hoefler Text
- Humana Serif
- Imprint
- Ionic No. 5
- ITC Benguiat
- Janson
- Jenson
- Joanna
- Korinna
- Kursivschrift
- Legacy Serif
- Lexicon
- Liberation Serif
- Linux Libertine
- Literaturnaya
- Lucida Bright
- Melior
- Memphis
- Miller
- Minion
- Modern
- Mona Lisa
- Mrs Eaves
- MS Serif
- New York (Macintosh ordenagailuek hasieran zeramaten jatorrizko letra-tipoetako bat)
- Nimbus Roman
- NPS Rawlinson Roadway
- OCR A Extended
- Palatino
- Perpetua
- Plantin
- Playbill
- Poor Richard
- Primer
- Renault
- Requiem
- Roman (letra-tipo bektoriala Windows 2.1 hark zekarrena)
- Rotis Serif
- Sabon
- Seagull
- Sistina
- Souvenir
- STIX (XITS izenarekin ere ezaguna)
- Stone Informal
- Stone Serif
- Sylfaen
- Times New Roman
- Times (Times New Roman letra-tipo ezagunaren Linotype bertsioa )
- Torino
- Trajan
- Trinité
- Trump Mediaeval
- Utopia
- Vale Type
- Vera Serif
- Versailles
- Wanted
- Weiss
- Wide Latin
- Windsor
Slab serif
aldatu- Alexandria
- American Typewriter
- Apex
- Archer
- Athens
- Candida
- Cholla Slab
- City
- Clarendon
- Concrete Roman
- Courier
- Egyptienne
- Guardian Egyptian
- Ionic No. 5
- Lexia
- Lubalin Graph
- Memphis
- Museo Slab
- Nilland
- Rockwell
- Schadow
- Serifa
- Skeleton Antique
- Sreda
- Stymie
- Tower
- Abadi (letra-tipoa)Abadi
- Agency FB
- Akzidenz-Grotesk
- Andalé Sans
- Antique Olive
- Aptifer
- Arial
- Arial Unicode MS
- Avant Garde Gothic
- Avenir
- Bank Gothic
- Barmeno
- Bauhaus
- Bell Centennial
- Bell Gothic
- Benguiat Gothic
- Berlin Sans
- Beteckna
- Blue Highway (Highway Gothic letra-tipoaren oso antzekoa).
- Brandon Grotesque
- Cabin
- Cafeteria
- Calibri
- Casey
- Century Gothic.
- Charcoal (Mac OS 9 sistemaren letra-tipoa).
- Chicago (Mac OS 8 sistemaren letra-tipoa, gero OS X sistema eragilean sartu zen).
- Clearface Gothic
- Clearview
- Co Headline
- Co Text
- Compacta
- Corbel
- DejaVu Sans
- Dotum
- Droid Sans
- Dyslexie (dislexia arazoa zeukaten pertsonei laguntzeko diseinatu zen, hortik izena).
- Ecofont
- Eras
- Espy Sans
- Eurocrat
- Eurostile
- FF Dax
- FF Meta
- FF Scala Sans
- Fira Sans
- Flama
- Folio
- Formata
- Franklin Gothic
- FreeSans
- Frutiger
- Futura
- Geneva (Macintosh ordenagailuek zeramaten jatorrizko letra-tipoetako bat).
- Gill Sans
- Gotham
- Haettenschweiler
- Handel Gothic
- Hei
- Helvetica
- Highway Gothic
- Hiroshige Sans
- Hobo
- Impact
- Industria
- Interstate
- Johnston/New Johnston
- Kabel
- Lato
- ITC Legacy Sans
- Lexia Readable (dislexia arazoa zeukaten pertsonei laguntzeko diseinatu zen).
- Liberation Sans
- Linux Biolinum
- Lucida Sans
- Lydian
- Meiryo
- Microgramma
- Modern (letra-tipo bektoriala (Windows 2.1 sistema eragile zaharrak zekarren)
- Motorway (Britania Handiko autopistetako idazkun eta errotulu askotan erabilia)
- MS Sans Serif ( Microsoft Windows hainbat bertsiotan, Arial ezagunaren aurrekaria)
- Museo Sans
- Myriad
- Neutraface
- Neuzeit S
- News Gothic
- Nimbus Sans L
- Nina
- Open Sans
- Optima
- Parisine (Pariseko trafiko errotuluetan oso erabilia)
- Pricedown
- Prima Sans
- PT Sans (Errusiako Federazioko hizkuntza gutxiagotuentzat sortua)
- Rail Alphabet
- Revue
- Roboto
- Rotis Sans
- Segoe UI
- Sherbrooke
- Skia (hasierako QuickDraw GX letra-tipo hura, geroago OS X sistema eragilean)
- Source Sans Pro
- Souvenir Gothic
- ITC Stone Sans
- Sweden Sans
- Syntax
- Tahoma
- Template Gothic
- Thesis Sans
- Tiresias
- Trade Gothic
- Transport (Britania Handiko errepideetako errotuluetan erabiltzen da).
- Trebuchet MS
- Trump Gothic
- Twentieth Century (Tw Cen MT)
- Ubuntu
- Univers
- Vera Sans
- Vercetti Regular
- Verdana
- Virtue
aldatuLetra guztiek zabalera berbera daukatenean, monospace tipokoak direla esaten da.
- Andale Mono
- Anonymous and Anonymous Pro
- Arial Monospaced
- BatangChe
- Bitstream Vera (Vera Sans Mono)
- Consolas
- Courier
- DejaVu Sans Mono
- Droid Sans Mono
- Everson Mono (Everson Mono Unicode izenarekin ere ezaguan)
- Fedra Mono
- Fixed
- Fixedsys
- HyperFont
- Inconsolata
- KaiTi
- Letter Gothic
- Liberation Mono
- Lucida Console
- Lucida Sans Typewriter
- Lucida Typewriter
- Menlo
- MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition, hainbat letra-tipo)
- Miriam Fixed
- Monaco (Hasierako Macintosh ordenagailuetako jatorrizko letra-tipoetako bat)
- Monofur
- Monospace
- MS Gothic
- MS Mincho
- Nimbus Mono L
- OCR-A (OCR = Optical Character Recognition).
- Orator
- Ormaxx
- PragmataPro
- Prestige Elite (Prestige izen soilarekin ere ezaguna, Courier letra-tipoaren antzekoa).
- ProFont (letra-tipo librea tamaina txiki-txikian ondo, erraz, irakur dadin diseinaturik dago).
- Proggy programming fonts
- SimHei
- SimSun
- Small Fonts
- Source Code Pro
- Sydnie (QuickTime programak erabiltzen duen letra-tipoetako bat)
- Terminal
- Tex Gyre Cursor
- Trixie
- Ubuntu Mono
- UM Typewriter
- Vera Sans Mono (Bitstream Vera)
- William Monospace
aldatuBrush Scripts
aldatu- Amazone
- American Scribe
- AMS Euler
- Apple Chancery
- Aquiline
- Aristocrat
- Bickley Script
- Civitype
- Codex
- Edwardian Script
- Forte
- French Script
- ITC Zapf Chancery
- Kuenstler Script
- Monotype Corsiva
- Old English Text MT
- Palace Script
- Park Avenue
- Scriptina
- Shelley Volante
- Vivaldi
- Vladimir Script
- Zapfino
Eskuizkribu tipokoak
aldatu- Andy
- Ashley Script
- Cézanne
- Chalkboard
- Comic Sans MS
- Dom Casual
- Eyadish
- Fontoon
- Irregularis
- Jefferson
- Kristen
- Lucida Handwriting
- Rage Italic
- Rufscript
- Scribble
- Soupbone
- Tekton
aldatu- Alecko
- Cinderella
- Coronet
- Cupola
- Curlz
- Magnificat
- Script ( Windows 2.1 hark zekarren letra-tipo bektoriala).
- Stone Informal
aldatu- American Text
- Bastard
- Breitkopf Fraktur
- Cloister Black
- Fette Fraktur
- Fletcher
- Fraktur
- Goudy Text
- Lucida Blackletter
- Old English Text
- Schwabacher
- Wedding Text
Latindar alfabetotik kanpo
aldatu- Aegyptus (Egyptian hieroglyphics)
- Aharoni (Hebrew script barnean)
- Aisha (Arabic script eta alfabeto latindarra ere barnean]
- Alfarooq (Arabic script)
- Amienne (Cyrillic
- Aparajita (Angika, Bhojpuri, Bodo and other Indian languages)
- Arial (Hainbat alfabetotan erabil daiteke; karaktere berezi asko. Microsoft enpresak sortua)
- Batak Script
- Calibri (Greziera)
- Chandas (Devanagari)
- Embria (Amharic, Berber and Ge'ez)
- Estrangelo Edessa (Aramaic)
- Gadugi Ipar Amerikako hizkuntza gutxiagotu askok erabiltzen dute.
- Grecs du roi (Greziera)
- Hanacaraka Java irlako alfabeto tradizionala Javanese script)
- Japanese Gothic
- Jomolhari (Tibetan script)
- Kochi
- Koren (Hebreera)
- Lontara Script (Indonesiako zenbait hizkuntzatan erabiltzen da)
- Maiola (Zirilikoa, Greziar alfabetoa eta abezedario latindarra).
- Malgun Gothic (Koreako sans-serif)
- Meiryo (Japonieraren sans-serif gothic letra-tipoa)
- Microsoft Himalaya (Dzongkha hizkuntzan eta Himalaya aldeko beste zenbait hizkuntzatan erabilia).
- Microsoft JhengHei (Tradiziozko txineraren karaktereak)
- Microsoft YaHei (Txineraren karaktere errazak)
- Minchō
- Ming
- Mona (Japoniera)
- MS Gothic
- MV Boli (Dhivehi hizkuntza)
- Myanmar Text
- Nassim (typeface) (Arabiar alfabetoko karaktereak eta abezedario latindarra).
- Nastaliq Navees
- Neacademia (Ziriliko eta latindarra)
- Perpetua Greek
- Porson (Greziako alfabetoa)
- Samman ((letra-tipoa librea, Arabiera)
- Segoe UI Symbol (Latin, Braille, Coptic and Gothic)
- Shonar Bangla (Assamese eta Bengali)
- Shruti (Gujarati)
- SimSun
- Skolar (Zirilikoa, Greziar alfabetoa eta abezedario latindarra).
- Sundanese Unicode (a Sundanese script)
- Sutturah (Cyrillic and Latin)
- Sylfaen Armenia eta Georgia aldeko hizkuntzetan ohikoak diren karaktereak idazteko)
- Tai Le Valentinium
- Tahoma (Used in many different languages)
- Tengwar
- Tibetan Machine Uni
- Tunga (a Unicode typeface included in Windows XP that displays Kannada script)
- Vrinda (a Unicode typeface included in Windows XP and later versions of Windows that displays Bengali script)
- Wadalab
- Wilson Greek
Unicode letra-tipoak
aldatuUnicode letra-tipoen zerrenda
- Alphabetum (banatze librekoa, 5.490 karaktere)
- Arial Unicode MS ( Microsoft Office (2002XP, 2003).(Berrogeita hamar mila karakteretik gora)
- Batang and Gungsuh, a serif and monospace/gothic font, respectively; both with 20,609 Latin/Cyrillic/CJK glyphs in version 2.11. Distributed with Microsoft Office.
- Bitstream Cyberbit (free for non-commercial use. 29,934 glyphs in v2.0-beta.)
- Bitstream Vera (free/open source, limited coverage with 300 glyphs, DejaVu fonts extend Bitstream Vera with thousands of glyphs)
- Charis SIL (free/open source, over 4,600 glyphs in v4.114)
- ClearlyU (free, bitmapped BDF fonts, with 9,538 glyphs in v1.9)
- Code2000 (shareware Unicode font; supports the entire BMP. 63,888 glyphs in v1.15. Abandoned.)
- DejaVu fonts (free/open source, "DejaVu Sans" includes 3,471 glyphs and 2,558 kerning pairs in v2.6)
- Doulos SIL (free/open source, designed for IPA, 3,083 glyphs in v4.014.)
- Everson Mono (also known as, Everson Mono Unicode. Shareware; contains all non-CJK characters. 4,899 glyphs in Macromedia Fontographer v4.1.3 2003-02-13.)
- Fallback font (freeware fallback font for Windows)
- Fixedsys Excelsior (freeware, 5,992 glyphs in v3.01, supports most glyphs in the basic plane except CJK)
- Free UCS Outline Fonts aka FreeFont (free/open source, "FreeSerif" includes 3,914 glyphs in v1.52, MES-1 compliant)
- Gentium (free/open source, "Gentium Plus" includes over 5,500 glyphs in November 2010)
- GNU Unifont (free/open source, bitmapped glyphs are inclusive as defined in unicode-5.1 only)
- Georgia Ref (also distributed under the name "MS Reference Serif," extension of the Georgia typeface)
- Gulim/New Gulim and Dotum, rounded sans-serif and non-rounded sans-serif respectively, (distributed with Microsoft Office 2000. wide range of CJK (Korean) characters. 49,284 glyphs in v3.10.)
- Junicode (free; includes many obsolete scripts, intended for mediævalists. 2,235 glyphs in v0.6.12.)
- LastResort (fallback font covering all 17 Unicode planes, included with Mac OS 8.5 and up)
- Lucida Grande (Unicode font included with OS X; includes 1,266 glyphs)
- Lucida Sans Unicode (included in more recent Microsoft Windows versions; only supports ISO 8859-x characters. 1,776 glyphs in v2.00.)
- MS Gothic (distributed with Microsoft Office, 14,965 glyphs in v2.30)
- MS Mincho (distributed with Microsoft Office, 14,965 glyphs in v2.30)
- Nimbus Sans Global
- Squarish Sans CT v0.10 (1,756 glyphs; Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew, and more)
- STIX (especially mathematics, symbols and Greek, see also XITS)
- Symbola (free symbols... BMP/SMP unicode 7.0+proposals 8,511 total characters v7.17)
- Titus Cyberbit Basic (free; updated version of Cyberbit. 9,779 glyphs in v3.0, 2000.)
- Verdana Ref (also distributed under the name "MS Reference Sans Serif," extension of the Verdana typeface)
- Y.OzFontN (free. wide range of CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) characters. Includes few SMP character blocks. 59,678 glyphs in v9.13.)[erreferentzia behar]
- XITS (especially mathematics, symbols and Greek)
Dingbat/Symbol letra-tipoak
aldatu- Apple Symbols (OS X sistema eragileak dakar)
- Asana-Math
- Blackboard bold
- Bookshelf Symbol 7
- Braille ( Braille karaktereak)
- Cambria Math
- Commercial Pi
- Computer Modern
- Corel
- Erler Dingbats
- HM Phonetic (raster; greziar alfabetoa eta beste hainbat karaktere)
- Lucida Math
- Marlett
- Mathematical Pi (Matematiketan erabiltzeko moduko hainbat karaktere, Symbol letra-tipoak baino karaktere gehiago).
- Morse Code (Morse kodeko karaktereak)
- OpenSymbol (OpenOffice.org paketeak dakar)
- RichStyle (RichStyle.org priektuan)
- Symbol) (Greziar alfabetoa, matematiketan ohikoak diren karaktereak eta beste hainbat karaktere).
- Webdings
- Wingdings
- Zapf Dingbats
Apaitzeko erabiltzen diren letra-tipoak
aldatu- Abracadabra
- Ad Lib
- Allegro
- Andreas
- Arnold Böcklin
- Astur
- Balloon Pop Outlaw Black
- Banco
- Bauhaus
- Beat
- Braggadocio
- Broadway
- Caslon Antique
- Cooper Black
- Curlz
- Ellington
- Exablock
- Exocet
- FIG Script
- Forte
- Gabriola
- Gigi
- Harlow Solid
- Harrington
- Horizon
- Jim Crow
- Jokerman
- Juice
- Lo-Type
- Loyolliams
- Magneto
- Megadeth
- Neuland
- Peignot
- Ravie
- San Francisco
- Showcard Gothic
- Snap
- Stencil
- Umbra
- Westminster
- Willow
- Windsor