Natascha McElhone

aktore britainiarra

Natascha Abigail Taylor (1969ko abenduaren 14, Surrey, Ingalaterra) ingeles antzerki, telebista eta zinemako aktore bat da.

Natascha McElhone

Booker Prize judge (en) Itzuli

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakNatasha Abigail Taylor
JaiotzaWalton-on-Thames1971ko abenduaren 14a (53 urte)
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
HeziketaLondon Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
St Mary's Hall, Brighton (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakaktorea, autobiografialaria, antzerki aktorea eta zinema aktorea

IMDB: nm0001523 Allocine: 25698 Rottentomatoes: celebrity/natascha_mcelhone Allmovie: p224913 TCM: 343613 Metacritic: person/natascha-mcelhone people/natascha-mcelhone
Discogs: 4292369 Edit the value on Wikidata

Surviving Picasso, The Devil's Own, Ronin, The Truman Show eta Solaris filmetan nahiz Californication telesailan antzeztu izan du.


Filma Urtea Pertsonaia Oharrak
Surviving Picasso 1996 Françoise Gilot
The Devil's Own 1997 Megan Doherty
Mrs Dalloway 1997 Klarisatar gaztea
The Truman Show 1998 Lauren/Sylvia
What Rats Won't Do 1998 Kate Beckenham
Ronin 1998 Deirdre
Love's Labour's Lost 2000 Rosaline
Contaminated Men 2000 Holly Anderson
Laurel Canyon 2002 Sara
FeardotCom 2002 Terry Huston
Killing Me Softly 2002 Deborah
City of Ghosts 2002 Sophie
Solaris 2002 Rheya
Ladies in Lavender 2004 Olga Daniloff
Guy X 2005 Irene Teal sarjentua
Big Nothing 2006 Penelope Wood
The Secret of Moonacre 2008 Loveday
Blessed 2008 Lou
The Kid 2010 Gloria
Heaven and Earth 2012 James Miranda Barry
Carpet Boy 2012 Jackie
Telesaila Urtea Pertsonaia Oharrak
The Ruth Rendell Mysteries 1990 Helen Blake Atala: "An Unkindness of Ravens (1)"
Atala: "An Unkindness of Ravens (2)"
Bergerac 1991 Louise Calder Atala: "Snow in Provence"
Absolutely Fabulous 1994 Arte galeria bateko laguntzailea Atala: "Death"
Minder 1994 Vanessa Atala: "All Quiet on the West End Front"
Cadfael 1994 Cecily Corde Atala: "The Sanctuary Sparrow"
A Breed of Heroes 1994 Janet Telefilma
Karaoke 1996 Angie Telesaila
Cold Lazarus 1996 Angie Telesaila
The Other Boleyn Girl 2003 Maria Bolena Telefilma
Revelations 2005 Arreba/Ahizpa Josepha Montafiore Telesaila laburra
The Company 2007 Elizabet Nemeth Telesaila laburra
Californication 2007–gaur egun Karen van der Beek
10 Minute Tales 2009 Emakumea Telebistarako laburmetraia
Thorne 2010 Anne Coburn

Kanpo estekak
