Irlandako futbol liga

Irlandako futbol liga (ingelesez League of Ireland, irlanderaz Sraith na hÉireann), Irlandako Errepublikan jokatzen den futbol liga txapelketa da. Txapelketa gehien irabazi dituen taldea Shamrock Rovers F.C. da.

Irlandako futbol liga
Premier Division
Príomhroinn Sraith na hÉireann
Antolatzailea League of Ireland
Sraith na hÉireann
Konfederazioa UEFA
Sorrera 1921
Eremua  Irlandako Errepublika
Taldeak 19
Maila 1
Jeitsiera First Division
Céad Roinn Sraith na hÉireann
Garaipen gehien Shamrock Rovers (21 Liga)
Txapelduna Shamrock Rovers (2023)



1921ean sortu zen Irlandak independentzia lortu zuenean. Hasiera batean Dublineko zortzi taldek hartzen zuten parte, baina gaur egun Irlandako Errepublika guztiko 20 talde dira, hauetatik hamarrek Premier mailan jokatzen dute, maila gorenean, eta gainontzekoek First mailan. Aipatzekoa da Ipar Irlandako Derry City F.C.-k bertan jokatzea eskatu zuen 1973an eta onartua izan zela, ordutik bertan dirau eta birritan irabazi du Liga.

2003 arte denboraldiak neguan jokatu izan ziren eta ordutik aurrera martxotik azarora jokatzen dira. 10 taldeek elkarren artean launa aldiz jokatzen dute, guztira 36 partida izanik.


Shamrock Rovers
21 Liga
14 Liga
13 Liga



XX mendea

Urtea Irabazlea
1921-22 St James's Gate
1922-23 Shamrock Rovers
1923-24 Bohemian
1924-25 Shamrock Rovers
1925-26 Shelbourne
1926-27 Shamrock Rovers
1927-28 Bohemian
1928-29 Shelbourne
1929-30 Bohemian
1930-31 Shelbourne
1931-32 Shamrock Rovers
1932-33 Dundalk
1933-34 Bohemian
1934-35 Dundalk
1935-36 Bohemian
1936-37 Sligo Rovers
1937-38 Shamrock Rovers
1938-39 Shamrock Rovers
1939-40 St James's Gate
1940-41 Cork United
1941-42 Cork United
1942-43 Cork United
1943-44 Shelbourne
1944-45 Cork United
1945-46 Cork United
1946-47 Shelbourne
1947-48 Drumcondra
1948-49 Drumcondra
1949-50 Cork Athletic
1950-51 Cork Athletic
1951-52 St Patrick's Athletic
1952-53 Shelbourne
1953-54 Shamrock Rovers
1954-55 St Patrick's Athletic
1955-56 St Patrick's Athletic
1956-57 Shamrock Rovers
1957-58 Drumcondra
1958-59 Shamrock Rovers
1959-60 Limerick
1960-61 Drumcondra
Urtea Irabazlea
1961-62 Shelbourne
1962-63 Dundalk
1963-64 Shamrock Rovers
1964-65 Drumcondra
1965-66 Waterford United
1966-67 Dundalk
1967-68 Waterford United
1968-69 Waterford United
1969-70 Waterford United
1970-71 Cork Hibernians
1971-72 Waterford United
1972-73 Waterford United
1973-74 Cork Celtic
1974-75 Bohemian
1975-76 Dundalk
1976-77 Sligo Rovers
1977-78 Bohemian
1978-79 Dundalk
1979-80 Limerick
1980-81 Athlone Town
1981-82 Dundalk
1982-83 Athlone Town
1983-84 Shamrock Rovers
1984-85 Shamrock Rovers
1985-86 Shamrock Rovers
1986-87 Shamrock Rovers
1987-88 Dundalk
1988-89 Derry City
1989-90 St Patrick's Athletic
1990-91 Dundalk
1991-92 Shelbourne
1992-93 Cork City
1993-94 Shamrock Rovers
1994-95 Dundalk
1995-96 St Patrick's Athletic
1996-97 Derry City
1997-98 St Patrick's Athletic
1998-99 St Patrick's Athletic
1999-2000 Shelbourne

XXI mendea

Urtea Irabazea Puntuak Bigarrena Puntuak Goleatzailea (golak)
2000-01 Bohemian 62 Shelbourne 60 ?
2001-02 Shelbourne 63 Shamrock Rovers 57 ?
2002-03 Bohemian 54 Shelbourne 49 ?
2003 Shelbourne 69 Bohemian 64 ?
2004 Shelbourne 68 Cork City 65   Jason Byrne (25)
2005 Cork City 74 Derry City 72   Jason Byrne (22)
2006 Shelbourne 62 Derry City 62   Jason Byrne (15)
2007 Drogheda United 68 St Patrick's Athletic 61   David Mooney (19)
2008 Bohemian 85 St Patrick's Athletic 66   Mark Farren (16)
2009 Bohemian 77 Shamrock Rovers 73   Gary Twigg (24)
2010 Shamrock Rovers 67 Bohemian 67   Gary Twigg (20)
2011 Shamrock Rovers 77 Sligo Rovers 73   Éamon Zayed (22)
2012 Sligo Rovers 61 Drogheda United 57   Gary Twigg (22)
2013 St Patrick's Athletic 71 Dundalk 68   Rory Patterson (18)
2014 Dundalk 74 Cork City 72   Chris Fagan (20)
2015 Dundalk 78 Cork City 67   Richie Towell (25)
2016 Dundalk 77 Cork City 70   Seán Maguire (18)
2017 Cork City 76 Dundalk 69   Seán Maguire (20)
2018 Dundalk 87 Cork City 77   Patrick Hoban (29)
2019 Dundalk 86 Shamrock Rovers 75   Junior Ogedi-Uzokwe (14)
2020 Shamrock Rovers 48 Bohemian 37   Patrick Hoban (10)
2021 Shamrock Rovers 78 St Patrick's Athletic 62   Georgie Kelly (21)
2022 Shamrock Rovers 79 Derry City 66   Aidan Keena (18)
2023 Shamrock Rovers 72 Derry City 65   Jonathan Afolabi (15)
  Jack Moylan (15)




Taldea Garaipenak Denboraldiak
Shamrock Rovers F.C. 21 1922–23, 1924–25, 1926–27, 1931–32, 1937–38, 1938–39, 1953–54, 1956–57, 1958–59, 1963–64, 1983–84, 1984–85, 1985–86, 1986–87, 1993–94, 2010, 2011, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Dundalk F.C. 14 1932–33, 1962–63, 1966–67, 1975–76, 1978–79, 1981–82, 1987–88, 1990–91, 1994–95, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2020
Shelbourne F.C. 13 1925–26, 1928–29, 1930–31, 1943–44, 1946–47, 1952–53, 1961–62, 1991–92, 1999–2000, 2001–02, 2003, 2004, 2006
Bohemian F.C. 11 1923–24, 1927–28, 1929–30, 1933–34, 1935–36, 1974–75, 1977–78, 2000–01, 2002–03, 2008, 2009
St Patrick's Athletic F.C. 8 1951–52, 1954–55, 1955–56, 1989–90, 1995–96, 1997–98, 1998–99, 2013
Waterford United F.C. 6 1965–66, 1967–68, 1968–69, 1969–70, 1971–72, 1972–73
Cork United F.C. 5 1940–41, 1941–42, 1942–43, 1944–45, 1945–46
Drumcondra F.C. 5 1947–48, 1948–49, 1957–58, 1960–61, 1964–65
Sligo Rovers F.C. 3 1936–37, 1976–77, 2012
Cork City F.C. 3 1992–93, 2005, 2017
St James's Gate F.C. 2 1921–22, 1939–40
Cork Athletic F.C. 2 1949–50, 1950–51
Limerick F.C. 2 1959–60, 1979–80
Athlone Town F.C. 2 1980–81, 1982–83
Derry City F.C. 2 1988–89, 1996–97
Dolphin F.C. 1 1934–35
Cork Hibernians F.C. 1 1970–71
Cork Celtic F.C. 1 1973–74
Drogheda United F.C. 1 2007


Hiria Garaipenak Taldeak
Dublin 61 Shamrock Rovers (21), Shelbourne (13), Bohemians (11), St Patrick's Athletic (8), Drumcondra (5), St James's Gate (2), Dolphin (1)
Dundalk 14 Dundalk (14)
Cork 12 Cork United (5), Cork City (3), Cork Athletic (2), Cork Hibernians (1), Cork Celtic (1)
Waterford 6 Waterford United (6)
Sligo 3 Sligo Rovers (3)
Limerick 2 Limerick (2)
Athlone 2 Athlone Town (2)
Derry 2 Derry City (2)
Drogheda 1 Drogheda United (1)

Ikus, gainera


Kanpo estekak
