Burgess Meredith
aktore estatubatuarra
Oliver Burgess Meredith (Cleveland, Ohio, 1907ko azaroaren 16a - Malibu, Kalifornia, 1997ko irailaren 9a) estatubatuar aktore, zinema zuzendari, ekoizle eta idazlea izan zen.
Zineman, antzerkian eta telebistan antzeztu zuen sei hamarkadatik gorako ibilbidean. Actors Studioko kide izan zen, Emmy sariak irabazi zituen eta Oscar sarirako izendatua izan zen.
aldatu- The Scoundrel (1935), Flop House Bum (Kredituetan agertu barik)
- Winterset (1936), Mio Romagna
- There Goes the Groom (1937), Dick Matthews
- Spring Madness (1938), The Lippencott
- Idiot's Delight (1939), Quillery
- Of Mice and Men (1939), George Milton
- Castle on the Hudson (1940), Steven Rockford
- Second Chorus (1940), Hank Taylor
- The San Francisco Docks (1940), Johnny Barnes
- That Uncertain Feeling (1941), Alexander Sebastian
- Tom, Dick and Harry (1941), Harry
- The Forgotten Village (1941), Kontatzailea
- Street of Chance (1942), Frank Thompson / Danny Nearing
- A Welcome to Britain (Army Service Forces training film, 1943), bere burua (Kredituetan agertu barik)
- The Rear Gunner (1943), Pvt. L.A. Pee Wee Williams
- Our Country (1944), bere burua
- Hymn of the Nations (1944), Kontatzailea (ahotsa, Kredituetan agertu barik)
- Salute to France (1944), Joe – the American soldier
- Tunisian Victory (1944), American soldier (ahotsa)
- Attack! Battle of New Britain (1944), Kontatzailea
- The Story of G.I. Joe (1945), Ernie Pyle
- A Walk in the Sun (1945), Kontatzailea (ahotsa, Kredituetan agertu barik)
- The Diary of a Chambermaid (1946), Captain Mauger
- Magnificent Doll (1946), James Madison
- Mine Own Executioner (1947), Felix Milne
- On Our Merry Way (1948), Oliver M Pease
- Jigsaw (1949), Jack / Bartender (Kredituetan agertu barik)
- A Yank Comes Back (1949)
- Golden Arrow (1949), Dick
- The Man on the Eiffel Tower (1949), Joseph Heurtin
- Works of Calder (1950), Kontatzailea
- Screen Snapshots: Hollywood's Invisible Man (1954), bere burua
- Joe Butterfly (1957), Joe Butterfly
- Albert Schweitzer (1957), Kontatzailea (ahotsa)
- The Kidnappers (1958), Louis Halliburton
- Sorcerer's Village (1958), Kontatzailea (ahotsa)
- America Pauses for Springtime (1959), bere burua
- America Pauses for the Merry Month of May (1959), bere burua
- Advise and Consent (1962), Herbert Gelman
- The Cardinal (1963), Father Ned Halley
- In Harm's Way (1965), Commander Egan Powell
- Madame X (1966), Dan Sullivan
- Batman (1966), The Penguin
- The Crazy Quilt (1966), Kontatzailea (ahotsa)
- A Big Hand for the Little Lady (1966), Doc Scully
- Torture Garden (1967), Dr. Diablo
- Hurry Sundown (1967), Judge Purcell (Framework Story)
- Stay Away, Joe (1968), Charlie Lightcloud
- Skidoo (1968), The Warden
- Dear Mr. Gable (1968, Kontatzailea
- Debrief: Apollo 8 (1968), Kontatzailea
- The Father (1969), Captain Ned
- Mackenna's Gold (1969), The Store Keeper
- Hard Contract (1969), Ramsey Williams
- The Reivers (1969), Lucious / Kontatzailea (ahotsa)
- There Was a Crooked Man... (1970), The Missouri Kid
- The Yin and the Yang of Mr. Go (1970), The Dolphin (baita zuzendaria ere)
- Clay Pigeon (1971), Freedom Lovelace
- Such Good Friends (1971), Kalman
- A Fan's Notes (1972), Mr. Blue
- Beware! The Blob (1972), Old Hobo (Kredituetan agertu barik)
- Mineral King (1972), Kontatzailea
- The Man (1972), Senator Watson
- Hay que matar a B. (1974), Hector
- Garden Needles (1974), Winters
- The Day of the Locust (1975), Harry Greener
- 92 in the Shade (1975), Goldsboro
- The Master Gunfighter (1975), Kontatzailea (ahotsa)
- The Hindenburg (1975), Emilio Pajetta
- Circasia (1976), Clown
- Burnt Offerings (1976), Arnold Allardyce
- Rocky (1976), Mickey Goldmill
- The Sentinel (1977), Charles Chazen
- Golden Rendezvous (1977), Van Heurden
- The Manitou (1978), Dr. Snow
- Foul Play (1978), Mr. Hennessey
- The Great Bank Hoax (1978), Jack Stutz
- Magic (1978), Ben Greene
- Rocky II (1979), Mickey Goldmill
- When Time Ran Out (1980), Rene Valdez
- Final Assignment (1980), Zak
- The Last Chase (1981), Captain J.G. Williams
- Clash of the Titans (1981), Ammon
- True Confessions (1981), Msgr. Seamus Fargo
- Rocky III (1982), Mickey Goldmill
- Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983), Kontatzailea (ahotsa, Kredituetan agertu barik)
- Wet Gold (1984, telefilma), Sampson
- Santa Claus: The Movie (1985), Ancient Elf
- Rocky IV (1985), Mickey Goldmill (artxiboko irudiak) (Kredituetan agertu barik)
- G.I. Joe: The Movie (1987), Golobulus (ahotsa)
- King Lear (1987), Don Learo (Kredituetan agertu barik)
- Hot to Trot (1988), Don's Dad (ahotsa, Kredituetan agertu barik)
- Full Moon in Blue Water (1988), The General
- Oddball Hall (1990), Ingersol
- State of Grace (1990), Finn
- Rocky V (1990), Mickey Goldmill (Flashback)
- Grumpy Old Men (1993), Grandpa Gustafson
- Camp Nowhere (1994), Fein
- Tall Tale (1995), Old Man (Kredituetan agertu barik)
- Across the Moon (1995), Barney
- Grumpier Old Men (1995), Grandpa Gustafson (azken rola)
- Rocky Balboa (2006), Mickey Goldmill (artxiboko irudiak) (Kredituetan agertu barik)
- 40 Years of Rocky: The Birth of a Classic (2020) as Mickey Goldmill (artxiboko irudiak)
aldatu- Texaco Star Theatre – Atala: – #2.18 – Bere burua (1950)
- Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall – Atala: – #2.56 – Bere burua (1950)
- Your Show of Shows – 2 atal – Bere burua (1950)
- Robert Montgomery Presents – Atala: – Ride the Pink Horse – Bere burua/Frank Hugo (1950)
- The Name's the Same – Atala: – 1952ko abuztuaren 20 – Bere burua (1952)
- Tales of Tomorrow "The Great Silence" (1953)
- Excursion – 2 atal – Opportunities for Youth & The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – Bere burua (1953)
- What's My Line – Atala: – 1956ko azaroaren 25 – Bere burua (1956)
- The Big Story – 38 atal – Kontatzailea (1955–1958)
- The Ben Hecht Show – Atala: – #1.56 – bere burua – 1958
- The Jack Paar Tonight Show – Atala: – #2.244 – bere burua (1959)
- The Arthur Murray Party – Atala – 9.14 – bere burua (1959)
- The Twilight Zone – Denboraldi a: 1, Atala: 8 - Time Enough at Last - Henry Bemis (1959ko azaroaren 20)
- The Twilight Zone – Denboraldia: 2, Atala: 19 - Mr. Dingle, the Strong - Luther Dingle (1961eko Martxoaren 3)
- The Play of the Week – Atala: – Waiting for Godot – Vladimir (1961eko apirilaren 3)
- Rawhide "The Little Fishes" (1961)
- The Twilight Zone - Denboraldi: 2, Atala: 29 - The Obsolete Man - Romney Wordsworth (1962ko ekainaren 2)
- Naked City "Hold for Gloria Christmas" (as Duncan Kleist, 1962)
- The Twilight Zone - Denboraldua: 4, Atala: 9 - Printer's Devil - Mr. Smith (1963ko azaroaren 28)
- Wagon Train – Atala – The Grover Allen Story – Grover Allen (1964)
- Rawhide – Atala: – Incident at Deadhorse, Parts 1 and 2 – Hannibal H. Plew (1964)
- Laredo – Atala – Lazyfoot, Where Are You? – Grubby Sully (1965)
- The Wild Wild West – Atala – The Night of the Human Trigger (1965)
- Batman – 19 atal – The Penguin – (1966–1968)
- Twelve O'Clock High, (Radar Expert, 1966)
- The Invaders – "Wall of Crystal" (1967)
- Ironside "S2-E11 The Macabre Mr. Micawber" (Carney, 1968)
- Bonanza – Atala – Six Black Horses – Owney Duggan (1967)
- The Monkees – Atala – Monkees Blow Their Minds – The Penguin (cameo) (Kredituetan agertu barik) (1968)
- The Virginian – Atala – The Orchard – Tim Bradbury (1968)
- Daniel Boone – episode – Three Score and Ten – Alex Hemming (1969)
- Night Gallery— Denboraldia: 1 Atala: 6 (Dr. Fall, 1970)
- The Bill Cosby Special, or? – Telefilma – Bere burua (1971)
- Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color – Atalak: – Strange Monster of Strawberry Cove: Parts 1 & 2 – Henry Meade (1971)
- The Virginian – Atala: – Flight from Memory – Muley (1971)
- Mannix – Atala: – The Crimson Halo – Noah Otway (1972)
- McCloud – Atala: – A Little Plot at Tranquil Valley – Marvin Sloan (1972)
- Search V. C. R. Cameron (1972–1973)
- Korg: 70,000 B.C. – 16 atal – Kontatzailea (ahotsa) (1974–1975)
- Dinah! – Atala: #2.111 – Himself (1976)
- The Return of Captain Nemo (Prof. Waldo Cunningham 1976)
- The 48th Annual Academy Awards – TV Special – Himself (Nominee: Best Actor in a Supporting Role) (1976)
- The 49th Annual Academy Awards – TV Special – Himself (Best Actor in a Supporting Role) (1977)
- Puff the Magic Dragon (Puffen ahotsa, 1978–79, 1982)
- Those Amazing Animals (Jim Stafford eta Priscilla Presleyrekin) (1980ko abuztua - 1981eko abuztua)
- Gloria (Dr. Adams, Gloria Bunker Stivic's boss, 1982–1983)
- Faerie Tale Theatre: Thumbelina (June 11, 1984)
- Lincoln – Telefilma – Winfield Scott (ahotsa) (1992)
- In the Heat of the Night – Atalak – Even Nice People, Lake Winahatchie, & Hatton's Turn: Part 2 – Judge Cully (1993)
- The Great Battles of the Civil War – Telesaila, Dokumentaria – Atala: 6 – Gettysburg Star and Banner Columnist (ahotsa) (1994)