Wikipedia:Txokoa/Albisteak/2010eko maiatza

Wikipedia "did you know" in buses


Gaia interesgarria iruditzen zait eta Txokora kopiatu dut Waldir lankideak Enbaxadan utzitako mezua ((Ingelesez)):

« Hi everyone. I am from the Wikimedia Portugal chapter, but I'm currently doing an internship in Donostia. After the success of Wikimedia Germany's initiative of putting small "did you know" spots cycling in the Berlin subway system (images here), we started planning to do the same in Portugal. Then today, as I was coming to work in the bus, I realised that the TV system used in the buses (from dbus) could also be applied for the exact same purpose!

I would like to contact editors who (either living in Donostia or not) would be interested in helping making this happen. I'm already in contact with the German guys who developed that project, so that they could give any relevant advice. So, what do you say? I'm looking forward to your reply. You can write in Spanish, I can understand that -- not Basque, though, sorry :)

Cheers, Waldir 16:48, 20 Maiatza 2010 (UTC)


--An13sa 17:32, 20 Maiatza 2010 (UTC)

Niri ere interesgarria iruditu zait, baina uste dut lan asko egin beharko dela, ezta? Ez dakit nork kudeatuko duen telebista sistema hori, baina fijo enpreseran bat dela. Hala ere saiatzearren, egin daiteke zerbait. -Theklan ·   ·   17:41, 20 Maiatza 2010 (UTC)
I'll have to reply in English. Fortunately Google's translator now supports Basque in an alpha version :) So, replying to Theklan above, I actually don't think it will be that much work. Depending on the format they use for the TVs, we may just have to produce a Flash template and fill it with the snippets that are already collected in Wikipedia:Bazenekien. If a different format is needed (for example, video), we can probably still manage to produce the spots without too much difficulty. The main thing to do is getting the bus company interested in the idea. I think it has potential as it might be used to spread Basque-specific knowledge (besides general amusing facts and curiosities) and it will also hopefully draw people to collaborate with, which adds to the common pool of Basque culture (and more importantly, enhances Basque presence online, with many unpredictable benefits: Google's translator, for example, surely used quite a bit of text from to train its database). So, if you are interested, I think the first think we need to do is start working on a draft letter to send them (or maybe even call them, that could be a good idea for a start). What do you think? --Waldir 11:46, 21 Maiatza 2010 (UTC)
Dbus-eko telebista zerbitzuaren webgunea hemen.--An13sa 12:09, 21 Maiatza 2010 (UTC)
Nice :) As I suspected, the formats they use are flash and video. Maybe the German guys will be able to supply us with their templates so we can build something similar without much work :)in any case, what method do you think would be best to contact them? By phone it's more direct, but by email we have the advantage of sending them links such as this or this, to demonstrate the feasibility of the concept. What do you think is the best option? —Aurreko iruzkin sinatugabea Waldir (eztabaidaekarp.) lankideak idatzi du.--An13sa 17:30, 21 Maiatza 2010 (UTC)
By email it is better because we can send the links of the german project. You can contact if you want.--An13sa 13:04, 27 Maiatza 2010 (UTC)
Sure, I'll take care of that, then. I was wondering whether writing in English or Basque would be best, or do you think it wouldn't make a difference? For example, I could write something and put it here so you could translate it before we sent it. But it might not be necessary; let me know what you think about this. --Waldir 07:36, 28 Maiatza 2010 (UTC)
About the Google Translator... it's too "alpha" for making translations. We can make translations by hand better. And the other, I'm waiting for more news from An13sa so we can make something spectacular. -Theklan ·   ·   13:16, 27 Maiatza 2010 (UTC)
Zer news Theklan?--An13sa 13:21, 27 Maiatza 2010 (UTC)

Interfaze berria


Kaixo, konturatuko zineten Ingelesezko Wikipediako interfazea aldatu dutela eta logoa ere. Badirudi laister interfaze berria gainontzeko wikipedietan ezarriko dela Wikimediako blog ofizialean esaten denez: "Over the next few weeks, the new interface will cascade to all language Wikipedias.". Dagoeneko wikibola berria ere sortu digute:


Laister interfazean aldaketa egongo dela jakin dezazuen abisua uzten dut. Ondo izan.--An13sa 19:25, 13 Maiatza 2010 (UTC)

Logo berria martxan dago eta beste wiki guztietan dagoen Komunitatea orrialdea ere.--An13sa 10:41, 30 Maiatza 2010 (UTC)