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AWB eta erreferentziak
aldatuIepa! Egiten ari zinen aldaketak HTML aldaketak egiten zituen, bai, baina erreferentzien izenak kendu ere. Begiratu hau. Blokeatu dut 15 minutuz, aldaketa hauek egin ez ditzan. -Theklan · · 13:30, 15 urtarrila 2017 (UTC)
Amaro Pargo
aldatuKaixo, artikulu hau hobetzeko, eskerrik asko lagun dezake: Amaro Pargo.-- 15:26, 17 urtarrila 2017 (UTC)
Bandalismo etiketa jartzearen zergatia
aldatuEgun on, An13sa. Ikusi dut nire eztabaida orrian bandalismo etiketa jarri duzula. Eskertuko nizuke honen zergatia azalduko bazenit, mesedez. Mila esker.-Urtar (eztabaida) 10:05, 30 urtarrila 2017 (UTC)
- Eskerrik asko, An13sa. Aldaketak Euskaltzaindiko EODA edo Euskal Onomastikaren Datutegiaren arabera egin ditudala uste dut. Euskal Wikipediako politika izanda, benetan uste duzu sarrera bakoitzean Euskaltzaindiari erreferentzia egitea zentzuzkoa dela? Hori al da euskal wikipediaren ohitura? Ongi izan.-Urtar (eztabaida) 11:38, 31 urtarrila 2017 (UTC)
- Egun on, An13sa. Ez nekien hain zorrotz jokatu behar genuela Euskal Wikipedian. Baina zurekin ados nago, erreferentziak oso garrantzitsuak dira. Zure laguntza eskaintza eskertzen dizut. Lan handia da Erdi Aroko pertsona izenak Euskaltzaindiaren arauetara egokitzea, artikulu asko dira eta laguntza pixka bat ongi etorriko litzaidake. Mesedez, aldatu zenizkidan artikuluak lehengoratu al zenitzakeen? Horrela nik pixkanaka erreferentziak gehituko ditut. Beste alde batetik, eta eztabaida honen atzetik ongi baderitzozu, bandalo etiketa kentzea eskertuko nizuke. Eskerrik asko.-Urtar (eztabaida) 11:37, 2 otsaila 2017 (UTC)
- Eskertzen dizut etiketa kendu izana. Hemen daude aldaketen erreferentziak:
- Egun on, An13sa. Ez nekien hain zorrotz jokatu behar genuela Euskal Wikipedian. Baina zurekin ados nago, erreferentziak oso garrantzitsuak dira. Zure laguntza eskaintza eskertzen dizut. Lan handia da Erdi Aroko pertsona izenak Euskaltzaindiaren arauetara egokitzea, artikulu asko dira eta laguntza pixka bat ongi etorriko litzaidake. Mesedez, aldatu zenizkidan artikuluak lehengoratu al zenitzakeen? Horrela nik pixkanaka erreferentziak gehituko ditut. Beste alde batetik, eta eztabaida honen atzetik ongi baderitzozu, bandalo etiketa kentzea eskertuko nizuke. Eskerrik asko.-Urtar (eztabaida) 11:37, 2 otsaila 2017 (UTC)
- Didako: Euskaltzaindiaren izendegia.
- Errando: Euskaltzaindiaren izendegiaren arabera Errando da Ferran edo Fernandoren Erdi Aroko aldaera.
- Garzeitz: Euskaltzaindiaren izendegian Gartzearen patronimikoa berariaz bildu ez bada ere, izen batzuen azalpenean Gartzeitz aldaera ageri da. Dena den, ez da aldaera hau Erdi Aroko dokumentazioan aurkitu dena Garzeitz baizik.
- Lopitz: Euskaltzaindiaren izendegia.
- Remiritz: Euskaltzaindiaren izendegia.
Ipar Euskal Herri Elkargoa
aldatuArratsaldeon, An13sa. Euskal Hirigune Elkargoaren hainbat auzapeza eta auzapezordeen euskal deiturak frantsesezko grafiatik euskarara aldatu dituzula ikusi dut, eta horiek aldatzeko zertan oinarritu zaren jakin nahiko nuke. Nik beren izenak leku guztietan frantsez grafiaz bakarrik topatu ditut. Bestalde, deitura batzuk euskaratu eta beste hainbat bere hortan utzi dituzu: Narbaïs-Jauréguy (Narbaitz-Jauregi), Durruty (Durruti), Duhart (Duharte), Alzuri (Altzuri), Elissalde (Elizalde), Eyherabide (Eiherabide), Gastambide (Gaztanbide), Iriart edo Hiriart (Iriarte edo Hiriarte), etab. Euskal grafiaz deiturak jartzearen oso aldekoa naiz, neronek hala ditut, baina kasu honetan, heurek BETI frantsesez jartzen badituzte, jatorrizko grafian uztearen alde nago, leku guztietan horrela agertzen baidira, bestela frantses grafiaz agertzen diren beste artikuluekin sekulako nahasmasa sortu baidaiteke,zeuk egin dituzun beren deituren euskarazko grafiarako eraldaketa ez baita beste inon agertzen. Ongi izan. -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 19:59, 7 otsaila 2017 (UTC)
Translating Ibero-America is back! Come and join us :)
Iberocoop has launched a translating contest to improve the content in other Wikipedia related to Ibero-American Culture.
We would love to have you on board :)
Please find the contest here
Hugs!--Anna Torres (WMAR) (eztabaida) 00:39, 12 ekaina 2017 (UTC)
Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey
aldatuHello! The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey. We want to know how well we are supporting your work on and off wiki, and how we can change or improve things in the future. The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation. You have been randomly selected to take this survey as we would like to hear from your Wikimedia community. The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes.
You can find more information about this survey on the project page and see how your feedback helps the Wikimedia Foundation support editors like you. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this privacy statement (in English). Please visit our frequently asked questions page to find more information about this survey. If you need additional help, or if you wish to opt-out of future communications about this survey, send an email through the EmailUser feature to WMF Surveys to remove you from the list.
Thank you!
Reminder: Share your feedback in this Wikimedia survey
aldatuEvery response for this survey can help the Wikimedia Foundation improve your experience on the Wikimedia projects. So far, we have heard from just 29% of Wikimedia contributors. The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes to be completed. Take the survey now.
If you have already taken the survey, we are sorry you've received this reminder. We have design the survey to make it impossible to identify which users have taken the survey, so we have to send reminders to everyone. If you wish to opt-out of the next reminder or any other survey, send an email through EmailUser feature to WMF Surveys. You can also send any questions you have to this user email. Learn more about this survey on the project page. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this Wikimedia Foundation privacy statement. Thanks!
Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey
aldatuHello! This is a final reminder that the Wikimedia Foundation survey will close on 23 April, 2018 (07:00 UTC). The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes. Take the survey now.
If you already took the survey - thank you! We will not bother you again. We have designed the survey to make it impossible to identify which users have taken the survey, so we have to send reminders to everyone. To opt-out of future surveys, send an email through EmailUser feature to WMF Surveys. You can also send any questions you have to this user email. Learn more about this survey on the project page. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this Wikimedia Foundation privacy statement.
Error con Okzitania
Hace dos años con tu bot cambiaste el enlace Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées por Okzitania, como esta edición. Pero está mal porque la página Okzitania hace referencia a la región histórica, y la página sobre la nueva región administrativa de Francia, es Okzitania (eskualdea). Así que si es posible, te sugiero que lo arregles. Saludos. --Vivaelcelta (eztabaida) 17:59, 22 apirila 2018 (UTC)
Gales, Ipar Irlanda, Irlandako Errepublika eta Eskoziako infotaula automatikoak
aldatuGabon, Ansa13sa. Baino, baino, ze in diak, motel!!!
Badira 2 urte herrialde horien udalerri guztien euskarazko artikuluak sortzeko Wikiproiektuan ari naizela, udalerrien infotaulak neuk sortu nituen. Mesedez, bapateko aldaketak egin aurretik hitz egin nirekin, txikiak izan arren aldaketa horiek adostuak izateko. Adibidez, Galesko infotaula automatikoan egin duzun aldaketarekin ez nago ados, Gales ofizialki herrialde elebiduna da, hortaz udalerrien galeserazko izenak ez dauka hizki etzanaz joan beharrik, ingelesezko izenak bezala hizki normalaz baizik, galesera eta ingelesezko izenak parekideak baidira.
Cardiffko barrutien infotaulan ere hiriaren galeserazko izena ezabatu duzu eta galeserazko izena ere ofiziala denez ez dago ezabatu beharrik, bestela gaztelaniazko Wikipediak euskararekin egiten duena egitea baita.
Hortaz, gaur infotauletan egin dituzun aldaketa guztiak atzera buelta ditzazun eskatuko nizuke, eta aldaketak egin behar badira, adostu ditzagun egin aurretik.
Ondo segi. -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 19:57, 14 urria 2018 (UTC)
- Lasai, sarrerako esaldian txantxetan ari nintzen.
- Bestalde, Caerdydd kendu eta Cardiff izena euskaraz delako utzi duzula aipatzen duzu, Galesen udalerrien galesezko eta ingelesezko izenak ofizialak dira, pentsa gure ikuspuntutik galestar batek Donostiako auzo infotaula San Sebastian izenaz bakarrik sortuko baluke euskaldunoi gustatuko litzaigukeen?. -Euskaldunaa (eztabaida) 20:18, 15 urria 2018 (UTC)
Onak nabarmen lehiaketa martxan da
aldatuOnak nabarmen lehiaketa martxan da. Helburua artikulu on gisa identifikatuta dauden batzuk nabarmen izatera eramatea da. Parte hartu eta irabazi Gabonetako saski ederra! |
How we will see unregistered users
You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.
When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.
Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.
If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.
We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.
Thank you. /Johan (WMF)
19:15, 4 urtarrila 2022 (CET)
How we will see unregistered users
You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.
When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.
Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.
If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.
We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.
Thank you. /Johan (WMF)
19:16, 4 urtarrila 2022 (CET)
Behaketa artikulua
aldatuHilabete honetan sartu beharreko artikuluen artean, "Behaketa" dago (Observation Q191181) baina lehen ezabatutako artikulua dela diost. Ulertzen dudanez, heorrek ezabututa zagok. Lehenengo aldia duk horrelakorik gertatzen zaidanik, eta zer egin behar dudan ez zekiat. Laguntzerik bai? Mila esker, Joxan. Joxan (eztabaida) 18:25, 2 urria 2022 (CEST)
Your and your bot's advanced permissions on euwiki
aldatuHello. A policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, interface administrator, etc.) was adopted by community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing activity on wikis with no inactivity policy.
You and your bot (An13saBot) meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no logged actions for 2 years) on this wiki. Since this wiki, to the best of our knowledge, does not have its own rights review process, the global one applies.
If you want to keep your and your bot's advanced permissions, you should inform the community of the wiki about the fact that the stewards have sent you this information about your inactivity. A community notice about this process has been also posted on the local Village Pump of this wiki. If the community has a discussion about it and then wants you to keep your rights, please contact the stewards at the m:Stewards' noticeboard, and link to the discussion of the local community, where they express their wish to continue to maintain the rights.
If you wish to resign your rights, please request removal of your rights on Meta.
If there is no response at all after one month, stewards will proceed to remove your and your bot's administrator and/or bureaucrat rights. In ambiguous cases, stewards will evaluate the responses and will refer a decision back to the local community for their comment and review. If you have any questions, please contact the stewards.
Yours faithfully. Superpes15 (eztabaida) 18:21, 7 otsaila 2024 (CET)