Ongi etorri, Seader, euskarazko Wikipediara!

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Lehendabizi, irakur ezazu Wikipedian nola lagundu dezakezun argitzen dizun orria.

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Artikulu jakin batez ohar edo iradokizunen bat egiteko, artikulu horren eztabaida orrian idatz dezakezu. Wikipediari buruzko galdera, ohar edo iradokizun orokorra baldin bada, berriz, Wikipediako Txokoa duzu horretarako toki egokiena. Eta hainbat Wikiproiektu ditugu, gai jakin batzuetan parte hartzen lagunduko dizutenak.

Gainera, badugu posta-zerrenda bat euskarazko Wikipedian, izena eman dezakezu hor.

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--EnzaiBot (eztabaida) 22:40, 29 martxoa 2012 (UTC)

Nikola Tesla's telegrams


Please refrain from reintroducing in the Nikola Tesla article those telegrams attributed to him. Both in that article's Talk page and in the Talk page of the English Wikipedia good reasons have been given to point out that it's a forgery, and no reasons have been given against, so those telegrams can not be inserted again unless they are finally proven with no doubt to be authentic. Thank you for contributing to build up the Wikipedia. --Xabier Armendaritz   2013-11-29, 12:34 (UTC)

Well actually the reasons why that telegram is a forgery is completely based on original research. Thats not how Wikipedia works. Thie telegram has been referenced in several sources of which every is more reliable than a croatian private homepage. The removal of the telegram is not according to wikipedia rules. This is also a reason which was given by other users in the english Wikipedia not to remove the telegram and is also the reason why it has not been removed from several other wikipedias. regards Seader (eztabaida) 05:54, 9 urtarrila 2014 (UTC)
I kindly disagree with you. The links provided (1st and 2nd) give good reasons to consider these telegrams a forgery. Anyway, even if they were authentic, they are not relevant to the article, so they must not be included there. --Xabier Armendaritz   2014-01-09, 08:13 (UTC)