Kaixo. I just read your offering for a croatian-basque content exchange. I don't understand croatian (though I visited your country last summer and I find your language very interesting), anyway, if you bring me the text you want to translate in english instead of in croatian, I can easily translate it into basque.--Trintxerpe 16:01, 4 Maiatza 2008 (UTC)
Ongi etorri, Aradic~euwiki, euskarazko Wikipediara! Hau zure eztabaida orria da, beste wikilarien mezuak jasotzeko balioko dizuna. Gainera, lankide orria ere baduzu; nahi izanez gero, hor jar ditzakezu zeure datuak, interesak, hitz egiten dituzun hizkuntzak... (zeure lankide orria egiteko informazioa nahi baduzu, ikus orrialde hau). Nahi baduzu ere zure proba orrian idazten has zaitezke. Lagungarriak izan daitezkeen loturak
Wikipedian laguntzeko modu ugari daude. Horietako batzuk Wikipedian nola lagundu dezakezun argitzen duen orrian bildu ditugu. Artikulu jakin batez ohar edo iradokizunen bat egiteko, artikulu horren eztabaida orrian idatz dezakezu. Wikipediari buruzko galdera, ohar edo iradokizun orokorra baldin bada, berriz, Wikipediako Txokoa duzu horretarako toki egokiena. Eta hainbat Wikiproiektu ditugu, gai jakin batzuetan parte hartzen lagunduko dizutenak. Wikilari jakin bati idazteko edo erantzuteko, haren eztabaida orrian idatzi beharko duzu. Bestela, ez zaio mezu bat duela jakinarazteko oharra azalduko, eta agian ez da konturatuko idatzi diozula. Eztabaida orriaren goialdean «Gehitu atala» lotura aurkituko duzu. Hor klik eginez, mezua sortzeko aukera izango duzu. Mesedez, ez zaitez ahaztu mezuaren bukaeran zure erabiltzaile sinadura edo zigilua ezartzeaz; bestela, ezingo dugu jakin nork idatzi duen, nori erantzun behar diogun.
Your account will be renamed
The developer team at Wikimedia is making some changes to how accounts work, as part of our on-going efforts to provide new and better tools for our users like cross-wiki notifications. These changes will mean you have the same account name everywhere. This will let us give you new features that will help you edit and discuss better, and allow more flexible user permissions for tools. One of the side-effects of this is that user accounts will now have to be unique across all 900 Wikimedia wikis. See the announcement for more information.
Unfortunately, your account clashes with another account also called Aradic. To make sure that both of you can use all Wikimedia projects in future, we have reserved the name Aradic~euwiki that only you will have. If you like it, you don't have to do anything. If you do not like it, you can pick out a different name.
Your account will still work as before, and you will be credited for all your edits made so far, but you will have to use the new account name when you log in.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Keegan Peterzell
Community Liaison, Wikimedia Foundation
01:13, 18 martxoa 2015 (UTC)
aldatuThis account has been renamed as part of single-user login finalisation. If you own this account you can log in using your previous username and password for more information. If you do not like this account's new name, you can choose your own using this form after logging in: Berezi:GlobalRenameRequest. -- Keegan (WMF) (talk)
06:52, 19 apirila 2015 (UTC)
Amarapedia proiektua
aldatuLankide agurgarria:
Amarapedia proiektua sortu dugu eta helburua Amara gure auzoari buruzko elementu guztiak wikitzea da. Hasiera batean euskaraz landuko badugu ere, 11 artikulu aukeratu ditugu Amara's Essentials izenburupean eta gustatuko litzaiguke horiek behintzat ahalik eta hizkuntza gehiagoetara ematea. Lagundu gaitzazu mesedez artikulu horietako zatiren bat zure ama hizkuntzara itzultzen eta gure auzoa ahalik eta mundialena egiten.
Ikusi hemen artikuluak.
Mila esker!
Dear friend,
We have just created Amarapedia project and we want to wikify our neighborhood, Amara. Amarapedia wants to be a multilingual project. So we've selected 11 key articles, Amara's Essentials, aiming to translate to as many languages as possible, if not an article totaly, almost just the first paragrafh. You can help us by spreading the knowledge of our neighborhood also in your mother language!
Watch here the articles.
Thank you!
-Xabier Cañas (eztabaida) 11:58, 4 maiatza 2015 (UTC)