Brad Dourif

aktore estatubatuarra

Bradford Claude Brad Dourif (Huntington, Mendebaldeko Virginia, 1950eko martxoaren 18a) estatubatuar aktore, ahots bikoiztaile eta umorista bat da. Fiona Dourif aktorearen aita da.

Brad Dourif

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakBradford Claude Dourif
JaiotzaHuntington1950eko martxoaren 18a (74 urte)
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Lehen hizkuntzaingelesa
HeziketaFountain Valley School of Colorado (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakaktorea, karaktere aktorea, telebista-aktorea, zinema aktorea eta ahots-aktorea
Lan nabarmenak
Jasotako sariak

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Antzeztutako filma ospetsuenen artean honako hauek daude: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Dune, Child's Play, Hidden Agenda, Eraztunen Jauna: Bi dorreak, Eraztunen Jauna: Erregearen Itzulera eta The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans.


Urtea Filma / telefilma / telesaila Pertsonaia Oharrak
1975 W.W. and the Dixie Dancekings Krediturik gabe
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Billy Bibbit Urteko izar berriaren Urrezko Globoa
Bigarren aktore onenaren BAFTA Saria
1976 The Mound Builders Chad Jasker Telefilma
1977 Group Portrait with Lady Boris Koltowski
The Gardener's Son Robert McEvoy Telefilma
1978 Eyes of Laura Mars Tommy Ludlow
Sergeant Matlovich vs. the U.S. Air Force Leonard Matlovich sarjentua Telefilma
1979 Studs Lonigan Danny O'Neill Telefilma
Wise Blood Hazel Motes
1980 Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones David Langtree Telefilma
Heaven's Gate Eggleston jauna
1981 Ragtime Anai gazteena
1982 Desire, the Vampire Paul Telefilma
1984 Dune Piter De Vries
1985 Istanbul Martin Klamski Belgiar filma
1986 Blue Velvet Raymond
Rage of Angels Seymour Bourne Telefilma
Vengeance: The Story of Tony Cimo Lamar Sands Telefilma
Impure Thoughts Kevin Harrington
1987 Fatal Beauty Leo Nova
1988 Child's Play Charles Lee Ray Chucky panpinaren ahotsa
Mississippi Burning Clinton Pell fiskala
1989 Desperado: The Outlaw Wars Camillus Fly Telfilma
Sonny Boy Weasel
Terror on Highway 91 Keith Evans Telefilma
1990 Child's Play 2 Chucky Ahotsa
Spontaneous Combustion Sam
Horseplayer Bud Cowan
Graveyard Shift Tucker Cleveland
The Exorcist III James Venamun
Hidden Agenda Paul Sullivan
Chaindance Johnny Reynolds
Grim Prairie Tales Farley
1991 Murder Blues John Barnes
Child's Play 3 Chucky Ahotsa
Jungle Fever Leslie
Body Parts Remo Lacey
Scream of Stone Fingerless
London Kills Me Hemingway
1992 Final Judgement Aita Tyrone
Critters 4 Al Bert
1993 Wild Palms Chickie Levitt Telefilma
Trauma Lloyd doktorea
Amos & Andrew Donnie Donaldson ofiziala
1994 The X-Files Luther Lee Boggs "Beyond the Sea" atala
Color of Night Clark
A Worn Path abeslaria Telefilma
1995 Death Machine Dante
Murder in the First Byron Stamphill
Escape from Terror: The Teresa Stamper Story Bill Douglass sheriffa Telefilma
Escape to Witch Mountain Luther/Bruno Telefilma
Phoenix Reiger
1996 Star Trek: Voyager Lon Suder "Meld" atala
Blackout Thomas Payne Telefilma
If Looks Could Kill M. Eugene 'Gene' Hanson Telefilma
Sworn to Justice Teddy
A Step Toward Tomorrow Kirby
1997 Jamaica Beat Tom Peterson
Nightwatch Duty Doctor
Best Men The Vet
Alien Resurrection Gediman doktorea
1998 Brown's Requiem Edwards
Senseless Wheedon doktorea
Progeny Bert Clavell doktorea
Urban Legend Michael McDonnell Krediturik gabe
Bride of Chucky Chucky Ahotsa
1999 The Diary of the Hurdy-Gurdy Man Gabriel
Cypress Edge Colin McCammon
Interceptors David M. Webber
Silicon Towers Alton
2000 Shadow Hours Roland Montague
The Prophecy 3: The Ascent Zelotea
2001 The Ghost Garland tenientea
Soulkeeper Pascal jauna
2002 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Grima Sugemingain
2003 The Box Stan
Vlad Radescu
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Grima Sugemingain Bertsio luzean soilik
2004 Seed of Chucky Chucky Ahotsa
The Devil's Due at Midnight Iluna
Deadwood Amos 'Doc' Cochran doktorea
The Hazing Kapps irakaslea
El Padrino Cyrus
2005 Drop Dead Sexy Herman
The Wild Blue Yonder Alien-a
Man of Faith B. B. Gallen
2006 Pulse Thin Bookish Guy
2007 Sinner Caddie
The List Johan Gabini
The Wizard of Gore Chong doktorea
Halloween Lee Brackett sheriffa
2008 Law & Order Dr. David Lingard doktorea
Touching Home Clyde Winston
Humboldt County Jack
2009 Born of Earth Mayor
Lock and Roll Forever Zee
The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans Ned Schoenholtz
Halloween II Sheriff Lee Brackett
My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done? Osaba Ted
2010 Chain Letter Smirker jauna
Junkyard Dog Holk sheriffa
2011 Blood Shot Bob
Fading of the Cries Mathias
Priest Saltzailea
Once Upon a Time (telesaila) Beggar zaharra / Zoso Iluna
Catch .44 Connors sheriffa
Fringe Moreau atala: "The Day We Died"
Death and Cremation Stan
Psych Bernie Bethel atala: "Shawn, Interrupted"
2013 Revenge of Chucky Chucky Ahotsa
2014 Child's Play (Remake) Chucky Ahotsa

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