Rachael Ray (Glens Falls, New York, AEB, 1968ko abuztuaren 25a) Estatu Batuetako telebista aurkezlea, negozio emakumea eta sukaldari ezagun bat da. Bere izena daraman telebista programa bat aurkezten du eta janariaren inguruko hiru serie egin ditu: 30 Minute Meals, Rachael Ray's Tasty Travels, eta $40 a Day.[1]

Rachael Ray
JaiotzaGlens Falls (New York)1968ko abuztuaren 25a (55 urte)
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
BizilekuaLake Luzerne (New York)
Greenwich Village
HeziketaPace University (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakjatetxe-jabea, telebista aurkezlea, idazlea, ekintzailea eta sukaldariburua
Jasotako sariak

IMDB: nm1301904 Facebook: RachaelRay Twitter: rachaelray Instagram: rachaelray Youtube: UCmdcdcka_ZQXfoy3X1thrsQ Pinterest: RachaelRay TikTok: rachaelray Edit the value on Wikidata

Sukaldaritza liburuak

  • 30 Minute Meals (1999)
  • Rachael Ray's Open House Cookbook (2000)
  • Comfort Foods (2001)
  • Veggie Meals (2001)
  • 30-Minute Meals 2 (2003)
  • Get Togethers: Rachael Ray 30 Minute Meals (2003)
  • Cooking Rocks!: Rachael Ray 30-Minute Meals for Kids (2004)
  • $40 a Day: Best Eats in Town (2004)
  • Rachael Ray's 30-Minute Meals: Cooking 'Round the Clock (2004)
  • Rachael Ray's 30-Minute Meals for Kids: Cooking Rocks! (2004)
  • Rachael Ray's 30-Minute Get Real Meals: Eat Healthy Without Going to Extremes (2005)
  • Rachael Ray 365: No Repeats: A Year of Deliciously Different Dinners (2005)
  • Rachael Ray 2, 4, 6, 8: Great Meals for Couples or Crowds (2006)
  • Rachael Ray's Express Lane Meals (2006)
  • Rachael Ray's Classic 30-Minute Meals: The All-Occasion Cookbook (2006)
  • Rachael Ray: Just in Time (2007)
  • Yum-O! The Family Cookbook (2008)
  • Rachael Ray's Big Orange Book (2008)
  • Rachael Ray's Book of 10: More Than 300 Recipes to Cook Every Day (2009)
  • Rachael Ray's Look and Cook (2010)
  • The Book of Burger (2012)
  • My Year in Meals (2012)
  • Week in a Day (2013)
  • Guy Food: Rachael Ray's Top 30 30-Minute Meals (2014)
  • Kid Food: Rachael Ray's Top 30 30-Minute Meals (2014)
  • Comfort Food: Rachael Ray's Top 30 30-Minute Meals (2014)
  • Everyone is Italian on Sunday (2015)


  1. (Ingelesez) Rachael Ray - Forbes. (Noiz kontsultatua: 2016-01-08).
  Artikulu hau biografia baten zirriborroa da. Wikipedia lagun dezakezu edukia osatuz.
Wikimedia Commonsen badira fitxategi gehiago, gai hau dutenak: Rachael Ray