Paul Frederic Bowles (New York, 1910eko abenduaren 30a - Tanger, 1999ko azaroaren 18a) estatubatuar idazle, itzultzaile eta musikagilea izan zen. 1947an Tangerren kokatu zen eta bertan bizi izan zen 52 urtez, 1999an hil zen arte.

Paul Bowles

JaiotzaQueens1910eko abenduaren 30a
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
HeriotzaTanger1999ko azaroaren 18a (88 urte)
Heriotza moduaberezko heriotza: bihotz-gutxiegitasuna
Ezkontidea(k)Jane Bowles  (1938ko otsailaren 21a -  1973ko maiatzaren 4a)
HeziketaVirginiako Unibertsitatea
Jamaica High School (en) Itzuli
Irakaslea(k)Aaron Copland
Virgil Thomson
Jarduerakidazlea, musikagilea, itzultzailea, musika-kritikaria eta argazkilaria
Enplegatzailea(k)School of Visual Arts (en) Itzuli
California State University (en) Itzuli
Jasotako sariak
KidetzaAmeriketako Estatu Batuetako Arte eta Letren Akademia
MugimenduaBeat belaunaldia
Genero artistikoaopera
IMDB: nm0101247 IBDB: 11412
Musicbrainz: fc11241f-c3c0-4114-8081-b7542852c87e Discogs: 88129 Find a Grave: 10542065 Edit the value on Wikidata

New Yorkeko klase ertain kultuan hezi zen. Musikarako eta idazketarako zaletasun eta talentuarekin, Virginiako Unibertsitatean ikasi zuen. Aaron Coplanden ikaslea izan zen eta antzerki ekoizpenetarako musika konposatu zuen. 1947an Tangerren kokatu zen eta Jane emazteak hurrengo urtean egin zuen. Han eman zuen bizitza osoa eta immigrante estaubatuarren ikur bihurtu zen hirian.

Publikoaren eta kritikaren arrakasta lortu zuen 1949ko The Sheltering Sky (Zeru babeslea) eleberriarekin.


  • 1931 – Sonata for Oboe and Clarinet
  • 1936 – Horse Eats Hat, play
  • 1936 – Who Fights This Battle, play
  • 1937 – Doctor Faustus, play
  • 1937 – Yankee Clipper, ballet
  • 1938 – Music for a Farce
  • 1938 – Too Much Johnson, play
  • 1938 – Huapango – Cafe Sin Nombre – Huapango-El Sol, Latin American folk
  • 1939 – Denmark Vesey, opera
  • 1939 – My Heart's in the Highlands, play
  • 1940 – Loves Old Sweet Song, play
  • 1940 – Twelfth Night, play
  • 1941 – A Little Closer, Please, words by William Saroyan
  • 1941 – Liberty Jones, play
  • 1941 – Watch on the Rhine, play
  • 1941 – Love Like Wildfire, play
  • 1941 – Pastorela, ballet
  • 1942 – In Another Five Years Or So, opera
  • 1942 – The Wind Remains, zarzuela
  • 1943 – South Pacific, play
  • 1943 – Sonata for Flute and Piano and Two Mexican Dances
  • 1943 – 'Tis Pity She's a Whore, play
  • 1944 – The Glass Menagerie, play
  • 1944 – Jacobowsky and the Colonel, play
  • 1944 – Sentimental Colloquy, ballet
  • 1945 – Ondine, play
  • 1945 – Three, words by Tennessee Williams
  • 1945 – Three Pastoral Songs
  • 1946 – Night Without Sleep, words by Charles Henri Ford
  • 1946 – Cyrano de Bergerac, play
  • 1946 – The Dancer, play
  • 1946 – Land's End, play
  • 1946 – On Whitman Avenue, play
  • 1946 – Twilight Bar, play
  • 1946 – Blue Mountain Ballads ("Heavenly Grass", "Lonesome Man", "Cabin", "Sugar in the Cane"), words by Tennessee Williams
  • 1946 – Concerto for Two Pianos
  • 1947 – Sonata for Two Pianos
  • 1947 – Pastorela: First Suite, a ballet/opera in one act
  • 1947 – The Glass Menagerie, words by Tennessee Williams, two songs by Bowles
  • 1948 – Concerto for Two Pianos, Winds and Percussion
  • 1948 – Summer and Smoke, play
  • 1949 – Night Waltz
  • 1953 – A Picnic Cantata
  • 1953 – In the Summer House, play
  • 1955 – Yerma, opera
  • 1958 – Edwin Booth, play
  • 1959 – Sweet Bird of Youth, play
  • 1962 – The Milk Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore, play
  • 1966 – Oedipus, play
  • 1967 – The Garden, play
  • 1969 – The Bacchae, play
  • 1976 - Cross Country
  • 1978 – Orestes, play
  • 1978 – Caligula, play
  • 1984 – Camp Cataract, play
  • 1984 – A Quarreling Pair, play
  • 1992 – Hippolytos, play
  • 1992 – Black Star at the Point of Darkness
  • 1993 – Salome, play




  • 1949 – The Sheltering Sky
  • 1952 – Let It Come Down
  • 1955 – The Spider's House
  • 1966 – Up Above the World
  • 1991 – Too Far From Home (eleberri laburra)
  • 1992 – Too Far From Home (Miquel Barcelórekin; 28 akuarela)
  • 1994 – Too Far From Home (Marguerite McBeytekin)

Ipuin bildumak

  • 1950 – A Little Stone
  • 1950 – The Delicate Prey and Other Stories
  • 1959 – The Hours after Noon
  • 1962 – A Hundred Camels in the Courtyard
  • 1967 – The Time of Friendship
  • 1968 – Pages from Cold Point and Other Stories
  • 1975 – Three Tales
  • 1977 – Things Gone & Things Still Here
  • 1979 – Collected Stories, 1939–1976
  • 1981 – In the Red Room, published by Sylvester & Orphanos
  • 1981 - Midnight Mass
  • 1982 – Points in Time
  • 1988 – Unwelcome Words: Seven Stories
  • 1988 – A Distant Episode
  • 1988 – Call at Corazon
  • 1989 – A Thousand Days for Mokhtar
  • 1995 – The Time of Friendship Paul Bowles & Vittorio Santoro


  • 1933 – Two Poems
  • 1968 – Scenes
  • 1972 – The Thicket of Spring
  • 1981 – Next to Nothing: Collected Poems, 1926–1977
  • 1997 – No Eye Looked Out from Any Crevice


  • 1946 – No Exit, Jean-Paul Sartre
  • 1952 – The Lost Trail of the Sahara, Guy Frison-Roche
  • 1964 – A Life Full Of Holes, Driss Ben Hamed Charhadi (Larbi Layachi)
  • 1967 – Love With A Few Hairs, Mohammed Mrabet
  • 1969 – The Lemon, Mohammed Mrabet
  • 1969 – M'Hashish, Mohammed Mrabet
  • 1973 – For Bread Alone, Mohamed Choukri
  • 1973 – Jean Genet in Tangier, Mohamed Choukri
  • 1974 – The Boy Who Set the Fire, Mohammed Mrabet
  • 1975 – Hadidan Aharam, Mohammed Mrabet
  • 1975 – The Oblivion Seekers, Isabelle Eberhardt
  • 1976 – Look & Move On, Mohammed Mrabet
  • 1976 – Harmless Poisons, Blameless Sins, Mohammed Mrabet
  • 1977 – The Big Mirror, Mohammed Mrabet
  • 1979 – Tennessee Williams in Tangier, Mohamed Choukri
  • 1979 – Five Eyes, Abdeslam Boulaich, "Sheheriar and Sheherazade", Mohamed Choukri, "The Half Brothers", Larbi Layachi, "The Lute", Mohammed Mrabet, eta "The Night Before Thinking", Ahmed Yacoubi
  • 1980 – The Beach Café & The Voice, Mohammed Mrabet
  • 1982 – The Path Doubles Back, Rodrigo Rey Rosa
  • 1983 – The Chest, Mohammed Mrabet
  • 1983 – Allal, Pociao
  • 1984 – The River Bed, Rodrigo Rey Rosa
  • 1985 – She Woke Me Up So I Killed Her — Hainbat egileren 16 istorio
  • 1986 – Marriage With Papers, Mohammed Mrabet
  • 1986 – Paul Bowles: Translations from the Moghrebi, hainbat egileak
  • 1988 – The Beggar's Knife, Rodrigo Rey Rosa
  • 1989 – Dust on Her Tongue, Rodrigo Rey Rosa
  • 1990 – The Storyteller and the Fisherman, CD, Mohammed Mrabet
  • 1991 – The Pelcari Project, Rodrigo Rey Rosa
  • 1991 – Tanger: Vues Choisies", Jellel Gasteli
  • 1992 – Chocolate Creams and Dollars, hainbat egileak
  • 2004 – Collected Stories, Mohammed Mrabet

Bidaia-liburuak, autobiografiak eta gutunak

  • 1957 – Yallah, Paul Bowlesen testua, Peter W. Haeberlinen argazkiak (bidaia-liburua)
  • 1963 – Their Heads are Green and Their Hands Are Blue (bidaia-liburua)
  • 1972 – Without stopping (autobiografia)
  • 1990 – Two Years Beside The Strait (autobiografia)
  • 1991 – Days: Tangier Journal (autobiografia)
  • 1993 – 17, Quai Voltaire (Parisko autobiografia, 1931,1932)
  • 1994 – Photographs – "How Could I Send a Picture into the Desert?" (Paul Bowles & Simon Bischoff)
  • 1995 – In Touch – The Letters of Paul Bowles (edited by Jeffrey Miller)
  • 1997 – "Dear Paul - Dear Ned: The Correspondence of Paul Bowles and Ned Rorem"

Kanpo estekak
