Umekeritan ibiltzen bazara behin-betiko bloketatuta izango zara.-Oraina (eztabaida) 14:10, 19 iraila 2019 (CEST)Reply

Ez izan tonto, mapa zehaztugabe dago eta ezabatu beharko lirateke. Kataluniak ez zuen inor aitortu. FOARP (eztabaida) 14:14, 19 iraila 2019 (CEST)Reply



USER:Xabier Cañas The block is absolutely ridiculous, and a sign of why small wikis like the Basque wiki are so often very, very inaccurate and completely lacking in any neutrality. All I said was "don't be silly" via Google translate, yet you have hit me with a three-day block. What is the possible justification for this? FOARP (eztabaida) 21:21, 19 iraila 2019 (CEST)Reply

maybe automatic translators are much more inacurate than the wiki. Please don't edit based in inacurate automatic translators if you don't know if the translator is reliable. In my opinion, words like "don't be silly" are not very appropriate. About "small wikis like the Basque wiki are so often very, very inaccurate and completely lacking in any neutrality", I will reply nothing. Eskerrik asko eta ondo izan, -Lainobeltz (eztabaida) 21:40, 19 iraila 2019 (CEST)Reply
To be clear, I deleted a map that is clearly inaccurate (Scotland did not recognise Catalan independence), one of the last of the maps created around the time of the declaration of Catalan independence that is still hanging around here. It cannot be deleted centrally whilst it remains on this wiki. I was insulted ("Umekeritan ibiltzen bazara") and told I would be permanently blocked. I said "don't be silly", and got blocked for three days. What is the possible justification for this? And yes, I will say this is an inaccurate wiki whilst it retains this map. FOARP (eztabaida) 22:05, 19 iraila 2019 (CEST)Reply
You can't just call anybody tonto in this Wikipedia, it's really insulting, that's why you are blocked, nothing to see with the content. As it seems it's been a language misleading, no problem to unblock you. Anyway, if you don't speak basque, you'd better use the embassy to contact with the community. -Xabier Cañas (eztabaida) 11:07, 20 iraila 2019 (CEST)Reply
I apologise that my unwise use of automated translation resulted in this issue, I also apologise for my unnecessarily harsh words regarding Basque wiki, it is unfair to judge it so harshly based simply on my first few interactions with it. Thank you for your understanding. FOARP (eztabaida) 17:27, 20 iraila 2019 (CEST)Reply

Blokeoa kenduta


Lehen eta behin barkamena eskatu nahi dizut ez zint;udan mindu nahi ezta isekarik egin nahi. Eta izatez, blokeoaren ideiarekin azkarregi ez ote garen ibili pentsatzen dut. Bestalde, Kataluniako Errepublikarekin aldaketa batzuk egin ditut. Eta egia esan, Eskoziarekin zati bat behintzat arrazoia duzula aitortzen dut. Eskoziako Jaurlaritzak eta buruzagiek zeharka baino ez ziotelako eman babesa Errepublikari. Aldaketak eginak daude. Bestalde, gure wikipediakko txikitasunean harro gaude nahiz eta jakina guk ere akatzak egin eta gauzak txarto egin. Ni neu Kataluniako Errepublikak (2017) artikuluarekin zalantzak izan nituen aspalditik eta bere eztabaida orrian idatzita daude. Ondo segi.-Oraina (eztabaida) 12:52, 20 iraila 2019 (CEST)Reply