Ongi etorri, Airwolf, euskarazko Wikipediara!

Hau zure eztabaida orria da, beste wikilarien mezuak jasotzeko balioko dizuna. Gainera, lankide orria ere baduzu; nahi izanez gero, hor jar ditzakezu zeure datuak, interesak, hitz egiten dituzun hizkuntzak... (zeure lankide orria egiteko informazioa nahi baduzu, ikus orrialde hau). Nahi baduzu ere zure proba orrian idazten has zaitezke.

Lagungarriak izan daitezkeen loturak

Wikipedian laguntzeko modu ugari daude. Horietako batzuk Wikipedian nola lagundu dezakezun argitzen duen orrian bildu ditugu.

Artikulu jakin batez ohar edo iradokizunen bat egiteko, artikulu horren eztabaida orrian idatz dezakezu. Wikipediari buruzko galdera, ohar edo iradokizun orokorra baldin bada, berriz, Wikipediako Txokoa duzu horretarako toki egokiena. Eta hainbat Wikiproiektu ditugu, gai jakin batzuetan parte hartzen lagunduko dizutenak.

Wikilari jakin bati idazteko edo erantzuteko, haren eztabaida orrian idatzi beharko duzu. Bestela, ez zaio mezu bat duela jakinarazteko oharra azalduko, eta agian ez da konturatuko idatzi diozula. Eztabaida orriaren goialdean «Gehitu atala» lotura aurkituko duzu. Hor klik eginez, mezua sortzeko aukera izango duzu. Mesedez, ez zaitez ahaztu mezuaren bukaeran zure erabiltzaile sinadura edo zigilua ezartzeaz; bestela, ezingo dugu jakin nork idatzi duen, nori erantzun behar diogun.

ES: Si no comprende o no sabe escribir en nuestra lengua y desea comunicarse con nosotras y nosotros, por favor, acuda a la Embajada.
FR: Si vous ne comprenez pas ou ne savez pas écrire dans notre langue et souhaitez communiquer avec nous, s'il vous plaît, visitez l'Ambassade.
EN: If you do not understand or you cannot write in our language and you want to tell us something, please visit the Embassy.
DE: Wenn Sie unsere Sprache nicht verstehen oder nicht schreiben können und Sie bei uns mitreden möchten, dann besuchen Sie bitte die Botschaft.
RU: Если Вы не понимаете или не можете писать на нашем языке, но хотите поделиться с нами чем-либо, пожалуйста, посетите наше посольство.



Udalerria is municipality and hiria is city. Kabri, (erantzunak hemen) 13:14, 18 Ekaina 2006 (UTC)

Learning Basque


Airwolf, I have seen in the embassy page that you are trying to learn basque. I just wanted to volunteer to answer any of the questions that you may have, since I think is absolutely great that you are trying to understand us! any problems, give me a message, alright? and jiękują! (is that thank you? I know how to say it, but no how to write it!) Usogorri; (postontzia) 13:56, 8 Urtarrila 2007 (UTC)

Real Madrid


Airwolf, I have now written the headings for your table, but not sure how to proceed with the next column, so here are some terms you may find useful (although please do bear in mind I have not the slightest idea about football!):
position - posizioa
goalkeeper - atezaina
defenders - atzelaria
the ones that play in the middle of the field - erdilariak
the ones at the front - aurrelariak
I am sure that they are some more positions, I will try to find the names of those for you! Usogorri; (postontzia) 13:26, 15 Urtarrila 2007 (UTC

lateral defender - atzelari laterala
middle defender - erdiko atzelaria
lateral midfielders - hegaleko erdilaria
middle midfielders - punta-erdi erdilaria
Hope all this is of any help! Usogorri; (postontzia) 19:20, 15 Urtarrila 2007 (UTC)
Ez horregatik! Usogorri; (postontzia) 20:09, 15 Urtarrila 2007 (UTC)



Airwolf, had a look and everything you told me to check is alright. Regarding the minimum number of articles per category, I do not think that there is a minimum, but I will find that for you and tell you. Have a nice day! :) Usogorri; (postontzia) 13:14, 22 Urtarrila 2007 (UTC)

And no, there is no minimum amount of articles per category. Usogorri; (postontzia) 13:32, 23 Urtarrila 2007 (UTC)



Cześć Airwolf! Dziękuję, milesker nere izarrarengatik (thank you ever so much for my star!). You made my day! Usogorri; (postontzia) 13:28, 23 Urtarrila 2007 (UTC)



Cześć! How is everything going. Unlike spanish, french and other latin based languages (and polish, it seems), in euskera there are no gender differences when it comes to adjectives (although there are some gender differences in verbs, but that is another story). Therefore, polaca and polaco are translated into basque as polako for both genders. Euskaldun means a person that speaks basque, so you can have euskaldunzahar (literally old basque speaker or someone that learnt basque as their first language) and euskaldunberri (a person that has learnt basque recently). Still, the same word is also used to someone that was born in the basque country. Hope this is of any help... :) Usogorri; (postontzia) 13:24, 31 Urtarrila 2007 (UTC)

Atezainei buruz


(on goal keepers) Hi Airwolf, how is life. The phrase that you left in my inbox is fine, but if you want to say that you are a polish goalkeeper it is atezain poloniarra, poloniako atezaina means that you are the goal keeper of Poland! Any doubt give us a shout... Usogorri; (postontzia) 13:29, 5 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)

Cześć! right, let's take this step by step:
Jerzy Dudek => poloniarra includes the article (the "a" at the end) and so does futbolaria. Since the article should only be included once in the sentence, you can say "futbolari poloniarra, atezaina" or "futbol atezain poloniarra". In the second sentece you should change the order slightly, 2001.urtean fitxatu zuen. That is because in basque you always write the verb at the end of the sentence (although gramatically speaking is ok, is just reads funny).
Artur Boruc => first sentence as above. Now, in the second sentence you say eskoziako, which means he/she/it that is from Scottland. If you want to say scottish, then you should use eskoziar or if it needs the article, eskoziarra. So the second sentence should be either eskoziako Celtic futbol taldeak 2005. urtean fitxatu zuen or Celtic futbol talde eskoziarrak 2005. urtean fitxatu zuen.
Maciej Żurawski => as above.

Second step:

  • Until March 1, 2007 he has played in X games for the Polish national team? 2007ko Martxoaren 1 arte poloniako talde nazionalarekin X aldiz jokatu du or 2007ko Martxoaren 1 arte poloniako selekzioarekin X aldiz jokatu du.
  • and scored Y goals: Y gol sartu ditu.

And finally: Hizkuntza is language and herrialde is nation or state. So idazleak hizkuntzaren arabera is writters classified for their language and herrialdearen arabera is due to their nationality. I suppouse this is because you could be british or american and still write in english... Well, hope this all helps, any queries you know where I am! :) Usogorri; (postontzia) 13:31, 6 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)

A problem


Thank you very much for noticing me about this problem. I have left the correct one, and redirected the other one. –TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 13:20, 17 Martxoa 2007 (UTC)

Errusiako politikariak


We use the given name and the first surname for the biographic articles. When there is a disambiguation problem, we sometimes use other techniques, but not normally. –TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 20:31, 16 Apirila 2007 (UTC)

Yes, I agree with you about that. I'm not sure, but I think Mikhail Sergeievitx is the given name, but he is known as Mikhail Gorbatxev, so I think we have to use the latter. –TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 23:05, 16 Apirila 2007 (UTC)



Hello there! sorry, I have not been around for ages either, well too much work at the office! yeah, no pro, give us the sentences and I will try my best translating! take care! Usogorri; (postontzia) 12:24, 23 Apirila 2007 (UTC)

Airwolf, I am not a football fan at all, so not really sure what you mean by "is there any saying or proverb in euskara which would fit Athletic Club (Madrid or the one from Bilbao?)?" If you know of any english or spanish says that you would like a basque equivalent for, it would make it much easier for me! Usogorri; (postontzia) 12:16, 25 Apirila 2007 (UTC)

A formal question


Hello Airwolf. When someone creates such an incorrect article, a non-admin user can use the {{ezabatu}} template you mentioned. We normally work like that; a non-admin user adds the template, and then admin users delete them. I think that's the same process as in polish Wikipedia, isn't it? –TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 17:16, 4 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)