John Tavener
Sir John Kenneth Tavener (Londres, 1944ko urtarrilaren 28a - Child Okeford, Dorset, 2013ko azaroaren 12a) ingeles musikagilea izan zen.
John Tavener | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotzako izen-deiturak | John Kenneth Tavener |
Jaiotza | Londres, 1944ko urtarrilaren 28a |
Herrialdea | Erresuma Batua |
Heriotza | Dorset, 2013ko azaroaren 12a (69 urte) |
Hezkuntza | |
Heziketa | Royal Academy of Music Highgate School (en) |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | musikagilea, poeta eta estudioko musikaria |
Lan nabarmenak | ikusi
Jasotako sariak | |
Influentziak | Frithjof Schuon (en) |
Genero artistikoa | opera |
Diskoetxea | Apple Records Manticore |
Sinesmenak eta ideologia | |
Erlijioa | Eliza ortodoxoa | | |
Musika ikasketak Royal Academy of Musicen izan zituen. 1968an izan zuen lehen arrakasta The Whale kantatarekin. Bere lanik nabarmenena obra erlijioso koralak izan ziren. Ezagunenak The Lamb, The Protecting Veil eta Song for Athene dira.
1977an Errusiako Eliza Ortodoxora bihurtu zen.
aldatu- Setting of the Credo (1961)
- Genesis (1962)
- Three Holy Sonnets of John Donne (1962; song cycle)
- The Cappemakers (1964; one-act opera)
- Cain and Abel (1965; cantata)
- The Whale (1965–66; soloists, speaker, SATB choir, children's choir, orchestra)
- In alium (1968)
- A Celtic Requiem (1969; soprano solo, SATB choir, children's choir, ensemble)
- In memoriam Igor Stravinsky (1971)
- Responsorium in Memory of Annon Lee Silver (1971)
- Últimos ritos (1972)
- Canciones españolas (1972)
- Requiem for Father Malachy (1973
- Thérèse (1973–76; opera)
- Canticle of the Mother of God (1976)
- Liturgy of St John Chrysostom (1977)
- A Gentle Spirit (1977; chamber opera)
- Kyklike Kinesis (1977)
- The Immurement of Antigone (1978)
- Palintropos (1978)
- Akhmatova: Requiem (1979–80)
- Sappho: Lyrical Fragments (1980; song cycle)
- Funeral Ikos (1981)
- The Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete (1981)
- Trisagion (1981; brass ensemble)
- Mandelion (1981; organ)
- Towards the Son (1982)
- To a Child Dancing in the Wind (1983)
- Ikon of Light (1984; choir, string trio)
- Vigil Service (1984)
- Sixteen Haiku of Seferis (1984)
- A Mini Song Cycle for Gina (1984)
- The Lamb (1984)
- Love bade me welcome (1985)
- Magnificat and Nunc dimittis (1986)
- Eis thanaton (1986; cantata)
- Akathist of Thanksgiving (1986–87)
- The Protecting Veil (1987; cello, strings)
- The Tyger (1987)
- Resurrection (1989)
- The Hidden Treasure (1989)
- Psalm 121 (1989)
- Thunder Entered Her (1990; SATB choir, handbells and organ)
- The Repentant Thief (1990; clarinet, strings)
- Mary of Egypt (opera; 1991)
- The Last Sleep of the Virgin (1991)
- The Apocalypse (1993)
- Song for Athene (1993; SATB choir)
- Theophany (1993; orchestra)
- Diodia (1997; orchestra)
- Prayer for the healing of the sick (1998)
- A New Beginning (1999)
- Fall and Resurrection (2000)
- Lamentations and Praises (2001; 12 male voices, string quartet, flute, bass trombone, percussion)
- Mother and Child (2002)
- Elizabeth Full Of Grace (2002)
- The Veil of the Temple (2003; soprano, SATB choir, boys' choir, ensemble)
- Schuon Lieder (2003; song cycle for soprano, ensemble)
- Laila (2004; music for dance; soprano, tenor, orchestra)
- Krishna (2005; unproduced opera)
- Sollemnitas in Conceptione Immaculata Beatae Mariae Virginis (2006; mass)
- The Beautiful Names (2007)
- Requiem (2008; cello, soloists, chorus, orchestra)
- Towards Silence (2009; 4 string quartets, Tibetan temple bowl)
- They are all gone into the world of light (2011)
- The Death of Ivan Ilyich (2012; monodrama)
- Missa Wellensis (2013; choir)