Frederick Marryat
Kapitain Frederick Marryat (Westminster, Londres, 1792ko uztailaren 10a - Langham, Norfolk, 1848ko abuztuaren 9a) Royal Navyko ofiziera eta eleberrigilea izan zen.
Aitzindari bat izan zen itsas eleberrietan. Banderekiko itsas seinaleetako Marryateko Kodea asmatu zuen ere. Napolean Gerretan eta 1812ko angloamerikar gerran parte hartu zituen.
aldatu- The Naval Officer, or Scenes in the Life and Adventures of Frank Midmay (1829)
- The King's Own (1830)
- Newton Forster, or the Merchant Service (1832)
- Peter Simple (1834)
- Jacob Faithful (1834)
- The Pacha of Many Tales (1834)
- Mr Midshipman Easy (1836)
- Japhet, in Search of a Father (1836)
- The Pirate (1836)
- The Three Cutters (1836)
- Snarleyoww, or the Dog Fiend (1837)
- Rattlin the Reefer Edward Howardekin batera (1838)
- The Phantom Ship (1839)
- Diary in America (1839)
- Olla Podrida (1840)
- Poor Jack (1840)
- Masterman Ready, or the Wreck of the Pacific (1841)
- Joseph Rushbrook, or the Poacher (1841)
- Percival Keene (1842)
- Monsieur Violet (1843)
- The Settlers in Canada (1844)
- The Mission, or Scenes in Africa (1845)
- The Privateer's Man, or One Hundred Years Ago (1846)
- The Children of the New Forest (1847)
- The Little Savage (1848, hilondokoa)
- Valerie (1848, hilondokoa)