C. R. Rao
Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao FRS, edo C. R. Rao (Hadagali, Britainiar Raj, 1920ko irailaren 10a - Buffalo, New York, 2023ko abuztuaren 22a) indiar-estatubatuar matematikari eta estatistikaria izan zen.[1] irakasle emeritua izan zen Pennsylvania Estatuko Unibertsitatean, eta ikerketa-irakaslea Buffaloko Unibertsitatean. Kolokio, ohorezko maila eta festschrift askok ohoratu zituen Rao, eta Estatu Batuetako Zientziaren Domina Nazionala jaso zuen 2002an.[2] Amerikako Estatistika Elkarteak honela deskribatu du: "legenda bizia da, eta haren lanak estatistiketan ez ezik, eragin handia izan du ekonomian, genetikan, antropologian, geologian, plangintza nazionalean, demografian, biometrian eta medikuntzan ere".[2] The Times of Indiak inoizko 10 zientzialari indiar onenetakotzat jo zuen Rao.[3] Rao irabazi-asmorik gabeko Indiako Bihotzaren Elkartearen politiken eta estatistiken goi-aholkularia ere bazen, eta Asiako hegoaldeko bihotz-hodietako gaixotasunaren kontzientzia handitzera bideratuta egon zen.[4]
Rao-ren aurkikuntza nagusiak Cramér-Raoren kota eta Rao-Blackwell-en teorema izan ziren, biak ere zenbatesleen kalitatearekin lotuak, estatistikan oinarri-oinarrizkoak direnak. Aldagai anitzeko analisian eta geometria diferentzialean ere lan egin zuen.
Hautatutako argitalpenak
aldatu- 2020. PEREIRA, B. de B.; RAO, Calyampudi Radhakrishna.; OLIVEIRA, F. B.;Statistical Learning Using Neural Networks: A Guide for Statisticians and Data Scientists with Python, CRC Press, London.
- 2017. Book Review: Multivariate Statistical Methods, A Primer
- 2016. (with Lovric, M.) Testing Point Null Hypothesis of a Normal Mean and the Truth: 21st Century Perspective
- 2009. (with PEREIRA, B. de B.) Data Mining Using Neural Networks: A Guide for Statisticians. State College, Pennsylvania, 2009. 186 p.
- 1999. (with Helge Toutenburg, Andreas Fieger et al.). Linear Models: Least Squares and Alternatives, 2ed, Springer Series in Statistics. Springer
- 1998. (with M. Bhaskara Rao). Matrix Algebra & Its Applications to Statistics & Econometrics. World Scientific
- 1997. Statistics And Truth: Putting Chance To Work, 2ed. Wspc
- 1996. Principal Component and Factor Analyses. PN
- 1996. Extensions of a Characterization of an Exponential Distribution Based on a Censored Ordered Sample.
- 1996. Bootstrap by Sequential Resampling. PN
- 1993. Applications of Multivariate Analysis. PN
- 1992. Signal Estimation, Multitarget Tracking and Related Areas.
- 1989. Multivariate Analysis and Its Applications. PN
- 1988. Linear Transformations, Projection Operators and Generalized Inverses; A Geometric Approach. PN
- 1984. Recent Results on Characterization of Probability Distributions: A unified Approach through Extensions of Deny's Theorem. PN
- 1973. Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications, 2nd Edition. Wiley-Interscience
- 1973. On a Unified Theory of Estimation in Linear Models. PN
- 1973. (with A.M. Kagan et al.). Characterization Problems in Mathematical Statistics, Wiley Series in Probability & Mathematical Statistics.
- 1972. (with Sujit Kumar Mitra). Generalized Inverse of Matrices and Its Applications, Probability & Mathematical Statistics. John Wiley & Sons
- 1963. Essays on econometrics and planning. Statistical Pub. Society
Argitaratutako liburukiak
aldatu- 2015. (Ed. with Marepalli B. Rao). Handbook of Statistics 32: Computational Statistics with. Elsevier
- 2013. (Ed. with Venu Govindaraju). Handbook of Statistics 31: Machine Learning: Theory and Applications. North Holland
- 2012. (Ed. with Tata Subba Rao and Suhasini Subba Rao). Handbook of Statistics 30: Time Series Analysis: Methods and Applications . North Holland
- 2012. (Ed. with Ranajit Chakraborty and Pranab K. Sen). Handbook of Statistics 28: Bioinformatics in Human Health and Heredity. North Holland
- 2011. (Ed. with Dipak K. Dey). Essential Bayesian Models. North Holland
- 2011. (Ed. with Danny Pfeffermann). Essential Methods for Design Based Sample Surveys. North Holland
- 2009. (Ed. with Danny Pfeffermann). Handbook of Statistics 29A: Sample Surveys: Design, Methods and Applications. North Holland
- 2009. (Ed. with Danny Pfeffermann). Handbook of statistics 29B Sample Surveys: Inference and Analysis. North Holland
- 2007. (Ed. with J. Philip Miller and D.C. Rao). Handbook of Statistics 27: Epidemiology and Medical Statistics. North Holland
- 2006. (Ed. with Sandip Sinharay). Handbook of Statistics, Volume 26: Psychometrics. North Holland
- 2005. (Ed. with Dipak K. Dey). Handbook of Statistics 25: Bayesian Thinking, Modeling and Computation. North Holland
- 2005. (Ed.). Handbook of Statistics 24: Data Mining and Data Visualization. North Holland
- 2004. (Ed. with N. Balakrishnan). Handbook of Statistics 23: Advances in Survival Analysis. North Holland
- 2003. (Ed. with Ravindra Khattree). Handbook of Statistics 22: Statistics in Industry. North Holland
- 2001. (Ed. with N. Balakrishnan). Handbook of Statistics 20: Advances in Reliability, North-Holland Mathematics Studies. Elsevier
- 2001. (Ed. with D. N. Shanbhag). Handbook of Statistics 19: Stochastic Processes: Theory and Methods. North-Holland
- 2000. (Ed. with Pranab Kumar Sen). Handbook of Statistics 18: Bioenvironmental and Public Health Statistics. North-Holland
- 1998. (Ed. with N. Balakrishnan). Handbook of Statistics 17: Order Statistics: Applications. North-Holland
- 1998. (Ed. with N. Balakrishnan). Handbook of Statistics 16: Order Statistics: Theory & Methods. North-Holland
- 1997. (Ed. with G.S. Maddala). Handbook of Statistics 15: Robust Inference. Elsevier
- 1996. (Ed. with G.S. Maddala). Handbook of Statistics 14: Statistical Methods in Finance. Elsevier
- 1996. (Ed. with S. Ghosh). Handbook of Statistics 13: Design and Analysis of Experiments. North Holland
- 1994. (Ed. with G.P. Patil). Handbook of Statistics 12: Environmental Statistics. Elsevier
- 1994. (Ed. with G.P. Patil). Multivariate Environmental Statistics., Volume 6 in North-Holland Series in Statistics and Probability. North Holland
- 1993. (Ed. with G. S. Maddala and H. D. Vinod). Handbook of Statistics 11: Econometrics, Techniques and Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry. Elsevier
- 1993. (Ed. with N. K. Bose). Handbook of Statistics 10: Signal Processing and its Applications, Elsevier
- 1993. (Ed.). Handbook of Statistics 9: Computational Statistics. North-Holland
- 1991. (Ed. with R. Chakraborty). Handbook of Statistics 8: Statistical Methods in Biological and Medical Sciences. North-Holland.
- 1988. (Ed. with Krishnaiah P.R.). Handbook of Statistics 7: Quality Control and Reliability.
- 1988. (Ed. with P. R. Krishnaiah). Handbook of Statistics 6: Sampling. North-Holland.
- 1969. (Ed. with R. C. Bose, I. M. Chakravarti et al.). Essays in Probability and Statistics, Monograph Series in Probability and Statistics. The University of North Carolina Press
aldatu- 1970. Advanced Statistical Methods in Biometric Research. Macmillan
aldatu- 1996. Selected Papers of C.R. Rao 3. (Ed). S. Das Gupta et al. Wiley-Interscience
- 1995. Advances in Econometrics and Quantitative Economics, Essays in Honor of Professor C.R. Rao. (Eds.) G. S. Maddala, T. N. Srinivasan, and Peter C. B. Phillips. Wiley-Blackwell
- 1994. Selected Papers of C.R. Rao 2. (Ed). S. Das Gupta et al. Wiley-Interscience
- 1994. Selected Papers of C.R. Rao 1. (Ed). S. Das Gupta et al. Wiley-Interscience
- 1982. Statistics and Probability: Essays in Honor of C. R. Rao. (Ed.). Kallinapur. Elsevier
aldatu- ↑ «The Numberdars» Times Crest 1 October 2001.
- ↑ a b Statisticians in History: Calyampudi R. Rao. American Statistical Association 30 November 2016.
- ↑ C.R.Rao in News. C.R.Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science.
- ↑ Indian Heart Association. Indian Heart Association Webpage.
Irakurketa gehigarria
aldatu- Nalini Krishnankutty, 1996. Lan egiteko aukera emanez: bizitza estatistikoa: C. R. Raoren biografia.
aldatu- Calyampudi Radhakrishnan Rao. Minnesota Morriseko Unibertsitatea
- Historiako estatistikariak: Calyampudi R. Rao". American Statistical Association
- "Irakaslea: C R Rao: un eminente estadísticas" de Bibhuprasad Mohapatra. Govt Odisha-rena.
Ikus, gainera
aldatuKanpo estekak
aldatu- O'Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F.. «C. R. Rao» MacTutor History of Mathematics archive. St Andrews Unibertsitatea http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Rao.html..
- C. R. Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, India
- Prof. Rao's page at Penn State Artxibatua 2011-09-10 hemen: Wayback Machine
- Prof. Rao's page at the University at Buffalo
- ET Interviews: Professor C. R. Rao on the Econometric Theory page.
- Royal Society citation 1967[Betiko hautsitako esteka]
- Rao was awarded the Samuel S. Wilks Award in 1989 Artxibatua 2006-02-16 hemen: Wayback Machine
- Argazkia Harald Cramér-rekin (1978)
- C. R. Rao hemendik hartuta: PORTRAITS OF STATISTICIANS
- President George Bush awarding Rao the National Medal of Science Artxibatua 2008-06-19 hemen: Wayback Machine