Wikipedia:Bot-ak/Baimenak/Artxibatutako eskaerak/2009-2013

  • Programming language: Python (pywikipedia framework)
  • List of bot flags on other wikipedias: en, bs, fr... (bot flags on other wikis)
  • Contributions: contributions on ar wp
  • Purpose: Interwiki
  • Technical details (optional): (on -autonomous mode)
Egina Kabri, (erantzunak hemen) 14:57, 9 Otsaila 2009 (UTC)
  • Botaren gidaria: Unai Fdz. de Betoño
  • Eginkizuna: Kategoriak, berbiderapenak, txantiloiak eta ortografia txukundu, eta interwikiak gehitu
  • Softwarea: pywikipedia
  • Hizkuntza: Euskarazko wikipedian arituko da
  • Erabilera: Eskuz abiaraziko da
  • Oraingoz egindako ekarpenak

Eskerrik asko! --Unai (esan) 21:03, 19 Abuztua 2009 (UTC)

EginaTXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 08:34, 3 Abendua 2009 (UTC)

Eskerrik asko! --An13sa 15:06, 20 Abuztua 2009 (UTC)

EginaTXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 08:34, 3 Abendua 2009 (UTC)
  • Operator: en:User:Djsasso
  • Function: interwiki
  • Operation: automatic
  • Software: standard pywikipediabot updated daily.
  • Has bot flags on: Global + als, an, ar, ast, ba, be, bh, ca, ceb, cs, de, en, eo, es, et, fr, he, hu, id, ig, io, it, ja, ka, lb, mg, ms, nl, nn, pl, pt, ro, ru, sah, simple, sl, sr, th, uk, vec, vo, wuu, yo, zh, zh-min-nan, zh-yue, zu.

I can run test edits if requested. -Djsasso 18:14, 2 Martxoa 2009 (UTC)

Egina by Kabri. -Djsasso 14:49, 16 Martxoa 2009 (UTC)
  • Operator: simple:User:Razorflame
  • Function: interwiki
  • Operation: automatic as long as I am on, which is usually between 4 and 12 hours.
  • Software: standard pywikipediabot updated daily.
  • Has bot flags on:simple, it, es, fr, az, en, de, pt, bs, vec, ca, sv, vo, uk, ru, az, ar, ku, he, nl, hu, fi, eo, sk, ja, gl, vi, zh, pl, oc, id, an
  • Bot flags pending:cs, bg, be, fa, da, co, ro, ht, mr, sr, sl, ko, lt, no, tr, io, zh-yue, zh-classical, ast, bar

This bot will be making anywheres between 4 and 12 edits per minute. If you require any test edits or if you grant or deny the flag, please contact me on my talk page over on Simple English Wikipedia: simple:User talk:Razorflame. Thank you! Razorflame 02:20, 15 Otsaila 2009 (UTC)

¡Gracias por adelantado!, --Lucien leGrey 14:50, 6 Martxoa 2009 (UTC)
EginaTXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 08:53, 3 Abendua 2009 (UTC)
  • Operator: Chesnok
  • Function summary: interwiki
  • Function details: automatic interwiki using Pywikipedia framework
  • Programming language: Python
  • Already have a flag on (incl. global bot flag): ab, af, ak, als, am, an, ang, ar, arc, arz, as, ast, av, ay, az, ba, bcl, be, be-x-old, bg, bi, bm, bo, bpy, bs, bug, bxr, ca, cbk-zam, cdo, ce, ch, chy, cr, crh, cs, csb, cu, da, de, diq, dsb, dz, ee, el, eml, en, eo, es, et, ext, fa, ff, fi, fj, fo, fr, frp, fur, gan, glk, gn, got, gu, gv, haw, he, hi, hif, hr, hsb, ht, hu, ia, id, ie, ilo, io, it, iu, ja, jbo, kaa, kab, kl, km, kn, ko, ku, kw, ky, la, lad, lb, li, lmo, ln, lt, lv, map-bms, mdf, mg, mk, mn, myv, na, nah, new, nl, no, nov, nrm, nv, om, os, pa, pam, pap, pdc, pl, ps, pt, rm, rmy, ro, roa-rup, roa-tara, ru, sa, sah, sco, sd, se, simple, si, sk, sl, sm, sn, so, sr, ss, sv, sw, tet, tg, ti, tn, to, tpi, tr, ts, uk, uz, vo, wa, wo, wuu, xal, yi, yo, zh, zu
  • Pending flag on: nn, pms, th, vi
  • Contributions

Thank you! — Chesnok 12:10, 9 Martxoa 2009 (UTC)

EginaTXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 08:52, 3 Abendua 2009 (UTC)

Thank you !-----Ghaly 07:28, 14 Martxoa 2009 (UTC)

EginaTXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 10:10, 3 Abendua 2009 (UTC)

Thank you ! --Masti 18:15, 21 Martxoa 2009 (UTC)

EginaTXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 08:53, 3 Abendua 2009 (UTC)

I request a bot flag for ButkoBot

I make test edits --Butko 09:04, 23 Ekaina 2009 (UTC)
EginaTXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 10:10, 3 Abendua 2009 (UTC)
  • Operator: Manuelt15
  • Function: interwiki, double redirects, adding {{Link FA}} template
  • Operation: automatic
  • Software: pywikipediabot
  • Has bot flags on:es, an

Gracias Manuelt15 16:11, 16 Ekaina 2009 (UTC)

I added another task Manuelt15 22:37, 12 Iraila 2009 (UTC)
  • Contributions
  • Operator: hiNt (main wiki where I works: Хинт)
  • Software: Pywikipedia
  • Purpose: maintain interwiki links and fix double redirects
  • Already has bot flag at: ru, en, pl, simple, uk, bg, sr, be-x-old, zh, ja, sw
  • Pending bot flag at: hu, ka, sl, be, sk, tpi

Thank you. — hiNt 11:41, 6 Ekaina 2009 (UTC)

Egina Flag has been got via meta-wiki. — hiNt 06:21, 24 Ekaina 2009 (UTC)

Hello, I request bot flag for my bot TobeBot. My bot's details as follows:

  • Operator: ja:User:Mymelo
  • Software: Python pywikipedia.
  • Function Summary: interwiki fix/add.
  • Function Details: automatic in autonomous mode
  • Contributions: euwiki, grobal
  • Already has a bot flag on: ar, ca, bpy, da, es, fa, fr, hu, id, it, ja, ml. mn, nap, nl, pdc, th, tr, uk, vi, zh, zh-classical sulutil

I will run my bot on euwiki for test. 100+ edits or over a week. Best regards. --Mymelo 04:41, 6 Abuztua 2009 (UTC)

I have finished 100 test edits, thank you! --Mymelo 23:03, 7 Abuztua 2009 (UTC)
EginaTXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 09:33, 3 Abendua 2009 (UTC)

Hi, I would like to get a bot flag on this wiki (euwiki).

  • Operator: id:User:Tjmoel
  • Purpose: Interwiki links
  • Software: Python pywikipediabot
  • Technical details: manual autonomous mode
  • Already has bot flag on: idwiki (home) ar, be-x-old, cs, de, es, et, fr, hr, id, it, id, lb, lt, lv, ms, pl, ru, sw, tr, uk, zh, zh-yue SUL

— Tjmoel  talk 00:39, 3 Abendua 2009 (UTC)

EginaTXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 09:34, 3 Abendua 2009 (UTC)
  • Eskuz maneiatzen den aldaketa txikietarako bota, zein kategoria aldaketarako.
  • Gutxitan erabilia beti gainbegiratzen dituen aldaketak egiten ditu.
EginaTXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 10:27, 3 Abendua 2009 (UTC)

User:MWBot, interwiki work, pywikipedia, managed by User:MisterWiki. --MisterWiki 05:10, 16 Otsaila 2010 (UTC)

Have done some edits, although I am aware that automatic approval for interwiki bots is allowed I apply just in case it's preferable to get the flag before making 100 edits. Thank you! --Egmontaz 02:58, 1 Martxoa 2010 (UTC)

  • Erabilitako programa: Pywikipedia
  • Bestelako informazioa: add/fix interwiki

--Eleferen 20:46, 2 Maiatza 2010 (UTC)

  • Erabilitako programa: Pywikipedia
  • Bestelako informazioa: interwiki

--Emaus 16:41, 19 Ekaina 2010 (UTC)

  • Bot : - Kgsbot
  • Bot User: -Kiran Gopi and Home Wiki User Page User Kiran Gopi. I am an active wikipedian in ml wiki. If needed to contact immedietly you can leave message on my Home wiki Talk page.
  • Purpose:-I would like to run the bot for only interwiki links. Other bot flags on arz, be, bs, de, en,fr, li,lmo, ml, pl, ru, simple, sw wikipedias
  • Frequency:-Once in day or two
  • Details: - This is using pywiki and using the latest for creating interwiki links.

Many Thanks Kiran Gopi 10:59, 22 Iraila 2010 (UTC)

  • Kontrolatuko duen lankidea: Wikitanvir
  • Erabilitako programa: Python (pywikipedia)
  • Bestelako informazioa: Interwiki

--— Tanvir • 07:59, 30 Iraila 2010 (UTC)

Done. --Mav 03:26, 8 Azaroa 2010 (UTC)
  • Erabilitako programa: java (own framework)
  • Bestelako informazioa:
    • main task: changes external links which are outdated and can be successfully replaced by a new one.
    • side job: interwikis, but only supervised on single sites (done by py)
  • Already has a bot flag on: 60+ wmf projects (see all flags)
  • Function Details:
    The bot replaces urls that have to be changed. This can be only a domain change or a more complex page structure change on a website. Links are dectected with the help of the api (and not with regex) and are only replaced if the webserver of the new url returns a 200-status-response for that new resource. “Link text” is not changed. (own framework written in java - used by all of my bots)

--Merlissimo 01:11, 7 Abendua 2010 (UTC)


Could sb. please help me to localize the edit summary of my bot for eu? I have described the four possible edit summaries at Lankide eztabaida:MerlLinkBot.

  • Kontrolatuko duen lankidea: Mjbmr
  • Erabilitako programa: Pywikipedia
  • Bestelako informazioa: {{{bestelakoak}}}

--Mjbmr Talk 08:40, 8 Abendua 2010 (UTC)

  • Kontrolatuko duen lankidea: Jackie
  • Erabilitako programa: pywikipedia
  • Egindako probak: Berezi:Ekarpenak/JackieBot (baimena eman)
  • Bestelako informazioa: purpose is an interwiki on main and category namespace; commonscat links on category namespace (rarely); run bot once during patrol new/changed pages and with the manual assist on interwiki conflict

--Jackie 13:50, 3 Urtarrila 2011 (UTC)


--Béria Lima msg 20:37, 14 Martxoa 2011 (UTC)

  • Purpose: maintain interwiki links in the main and category namespace.

--Cocu 08:35, 28 Apirila 2011 (UTC)

  • Erabilitako programa: pywikipediabot
  • Bestelako informazioa: Have bot flag at over 50 wikis. ([1])

--PixelBot 09:36, 8 Uztaila 2011 (UTC)

  • Kontrolatuko duen lankidea: Hedwig in Washington
  • Erabilitako programa: pywikipedia
  • Bestelako informazioa: {{{bestelakoak}}}

--Hedwig in Washington 00:26, 28 Abuztua 2011 (UTC)

Done from Meta per automatic approval. -- Quentinv57 07:43, 9 Urria 2011 (UTC)
  • Kontrolatuko duen lankidea: Vago
  • Erabilitako programa: pywikipedia
  • Bestelako informazioa: {{{bestelakoak}}}

--Vago 09:49, 3 Urria 2011 (UTC)

Done on Meta as this wiki allows automatic approval for inter-wiki fix bot. --Bencmq 15:54, 7 Urria 2011 (UTC)
  • Kontrolatuko duen lankidea: Assar
  • Erabilitako programa: pywikipedia
  • Bestelako informazioa: Just to correct misspelled words.

--Assar; (erantzun hemen) 22:49, 8 Abendua 2011 (UTC)

  EginaTXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 13:42, 29 abendua 2011 (UTC)
  • Kontrolatuko duen lankidea: Ha98574
  • Erabilitako programa: Python
  • Bestelako informazioa: The bot is operated only for fixing interwikis, sourced on

-- Min's 05:06, 17 urtarrila 2012 (UTC)


The request was done by meta. meta:Steward requests/Bot status/2012-03#Minsbot@eu.wikipedia. -- Min's (eztabaida) 12:16, 9 martxoa 2012 (UTC)

  • Erabilitako programa: pywikipedia
  • Bestelako informazioa: interwiki lingking. flags on ar, bg, ca, cs, da, de, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, pl, ru.[2]

--Asta 11:26, 21 urtarrila 2012 (UTC)

  • Erabilitako programa: python
  • Bestelako informazioa: {{{bestelakoak}}}

--درفش کاویانی (eztabaida) 23:32, 13 apirila 2012 (UTC)


thanks درفش کاویانی (eztabaida) 23:32, 13 apirila 2012 (UTC)

  • Erabilitako programa: python/pywikipedia framework
  • Bestelako informazioa: My bot is active on over 20 wikis (de,fr,nl,pl,fa,....) SUL,I make some test edits

--Javadyou (eztabaida) 06:56, 1 maiatza 2012 (UTC)

  • Erabilitako programa: Python
  • Bestelako informazioa: Adding interwikis from es:wikipedia. I have a bot flag in es:wikipedia with 272.411 editions. [3]

--Kizar (eztabaida) 20:32, 6 ekaina 2012 (UTC)

  • Erabilitako programa: python
  • Bestelako informazioa: {{{bestelakoak}}}

--Mahdiz (eztabaida) 05:46, 23 ekaina 2012 (UTC)


thanks/--Mahdiz (eztabaida) 05:46, 23 ekaina 2012 (UTC)

  • Kontrolatuko duen lankidea: AliReza
  • Erabilitako programa: python/pywikipedia framework
  • Bestelako informazioa: My bot is active on over 20 wikis (en,de,fr,nl,pl,pt,....) SUL,I make some test edits

Best Regards--AliReza (eztabaida) 18:17, 18 uztaila 2012 (UTC)

Please check it. thanks--AliReza (eztabaida) 14:34, 14 iraila 2012 (UTC)
  • Operator : Calak
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : Automatic
  • Programming Language(s) : Python (pywikipedia)
  • Function Summary : Interwiki
  • Already has a bot flag (Y/N) : Yes: es, ru, ro, pl, sr, sl, id, da, fa, ar, arz, ku, ckb, ba, chy, ksh, udm
  • Function Details : just using the standard ""

Thanks.--Calak (eztabaida) 14:29, 19 azaroa 2012 (UTC)


crh:Vikipediya:Botlar#Requests is:Wikipedia:Vélmenni#Bot policy uk:Вікіпедія:Боти#Заявки/Requests for bot flag

  • Kontrolatuko duen lankidea: Joxemai
  • Erabilitako programa: pywikipedia
  • Bestelako informazioa: {{{bestelakoak}}}

Joxemai; (erantzunak) 15:18, 12 martxoa 2013 (UTC)

  • Kontrolatuko duen lankidea: Kolega2357
  • Erabilitako programa: Python
  • Bestelako informazioa: {{{bestelakoak}}}

--Kolega2357 (eztabaida) 10:08, 1 maiatza 2013 (UTC)

  • Bestelako informazioa: Mantenitzeko lanak egin nahi dut. Lehen lana commonskat txantiloia gehitza da (hau Lankide:PereBot/robot commonskat programak egiten du). Proba aldaketak egin ditut. Bot-flag-a daukat

--Pere prlpz (eztabaida) 10:56, 23 abuztua 2013 (UTC)
