Shmuley Boteach (hebreeraz שמואל בוטח, Los Angeles, 1966ko azaroaren 19a) errabino, idazle eta teologo estatubatuar bat da, Chabad Lubavitch mugimenduko judu ortodoxoa, idazlan eta liburu askoren egilea eta irrati-telebistetako hizlaria. Ikamika handiak eragin ditu bere ideia berrizale eta haizekontrakoekin, horren adibide delarik Kosher Sex: A Recipe for Passion and Intimacy liburua (Sperling & Kupfer 2002)[1] eta Kosher Jesus (2012).

Shmuley Boteach

JaiotzaLos Angeles1966ko azaroaren 19a (57 urte)
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
BizilekuaEnglewood (New Jersey)
HeziketaRabbi Alexander S. Gross Hebrew Academy (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakidazlea, teologoa, errabinoa, politikaria eta idazle erlijiosoa
Sinesmenak eta ideologia
Alderdi politikoa Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Alderdi Errepublikanoa
IMDB: nm2164614 Allmovie: p531666
Facebook: rabbishmuleyboteach Twitter: RabbiShmuley Instagram: rabbishmuley Edit the value on Wikidata

Michael Jacksonen aholkulari espirituala eta 2012an Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Ordezkarien Etxeko hautagai politikoa izandako errabino hau eragin handieneko 50 errabino estatubatuarretako bat da Newsweek aldizkariaren arabera.[2]. Estremismoaren aurkako eta kulturarteko mugimendu batzuetan parte hartu du, bake eta adiskidetze ekinbideak bultzatuz.[3]


  • Kosher Sex, 2010
  • The God Debates, Part I: A Spirited Discussion (DVD; dibattito con Christopher Hitchens), 2010


  • Fed-Up Man of Faith: Challenging God in the Face of Suffering & Tragedy (2013)
  • The Modern Guide to Judaism (2012)
  • Kosher Jesus (2012)
  • 10 Conversations You Need to Have with Yourself: A Powerful Plan for Spiritual Growth and Self-Improvement (2011)
  • The Blessings of Enough: Rejecting Material Greed, Embracing Spiritual Hunger (2010)
  • The Michael Jackson Tapes: A Tragic Icon Reveals His Soul in Intimate Conversation (2009)
    • Il libro che Michael Jackson avrebbe voluto farti leggere (2009)
  • The Broken American Male: And How to Fix Him (2008)
  • The Kosher Sutra (2009)
  • Parenting with Fire: Lighting up the Family With Passion and Inspiration (2006)
  • 10 Conversations You Need to Have With Your Children (2006)
  • Hating Women: America's Hostile Campaign Against the Fairer Sex (2005)
  • Face Your Fear: Living with Courage in an Age of Caution (2004)
  • The Private Adam: Becoming a Hero in a Selfish Age (2003)
  • Judaism For Everyone: Renewing Your Life Through the Vibrant Lessons of the Jewish Faith (2002)
  • Kosher Adultery: Seduce and Sin with your Spouse (2002)
  • Why Can't I Fall in Love: A 12-Step Program (2001)
    • Il cuore ha i suoi comandamenti (2002)
  • The Psychic and the Rabbi: A Remarkable Correspondence (2001)
  • Confessions of a Psychic and a Rabbi (2000)
  • Dating Secrets of the Ten Commandments (2000)
  • An Intelligent Person's Guide to Judaism (1999)
  • Kosher Sex: A Recipe for Passion and Intimacy (1999)
    • Kosher sex. Il manuale di Adamo ed Eva (2002)
  • Moses of Oxford: A Jewish Vision of a University and Its Life, Volume One and Two (1994)
  • The Wolf Shall Lie with the Lamb—The Messiah in Hasidic Thought (1993)
  • Dreams (1991)



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