Peter Matthiessen
Peter Matthiessen (New York, 1927ko maiatzaren 22a - Sagaponack, New York, 2014ko apirilaren 5a) estatubatuar idazle, eleberrigile eta naturalista izan zen.
1953an The Paris Review literatur aldizkariaren sortzaileetako bat izan zen eta aldi berean CIAko langilea zen. 1954an Estatu Batuetara itzuli ondoren, sarritan bidaiatzen hasi zen.
Naturari eta bidaiei buruzko ez-fikziozko lanak idatzi zituen. 1973an espedizio bat egin zuen Himalayara, Elurretako lehoinabarra liburuan deskribatuta. Indiar amerikarren historiaz eta gertakariez ere idatzi zuen. National Book Award saria irabazi zuen fikzio eta ez-fikzio kategorietan.
aldatu- Race Rock (1954)
- Partisans (1955)
- Raditzer (1961)
- At Play in the Fields of the Lord (1965)
- Far Tortuga (1975)
- On the River Styx and Other Stories (1989)
- The Watson trilogy
- Killing Mister Watson (1990)
- Lost Man's River (1997)
- Bone by Bone (1999)
- Shadow Country: a new rendering of the Watson legend (2008) National Book Award
- In Paradise (2014)
aldatu- Wildlife in America (1959)
- The Cloud Forest: A Chronicle of the South American Wilderness (1961)
- Under the Mountain Wall: A Chronicle of Two Seasons in the Stone Age (1962)
- "The Atlantic Coast", a chapter in The American Heritage Book of Natural Wonders (1963)
- The Shorebirds of North America (1967)
- Oomingmak (1967)
- Sal Si Puedes: Cesar Chavez and the New American Revolution (1969)
- Blue Meridian: The Search for the Great White Shark (1971).
- The Tree Where Man Was Born (1972)
- The Snow Leopard (1978) Nacional Book Award
- Sand Rivers, Hugo van Lawick argazkilariarekin. Aurum Press, London 1981, ISBN 0-906053-22-6.
- In the Spirit of Crazy Horse (1983) ISBN 0-14-014456-0.
- Indian Country (1984).
- Nine-headed Dragon River: Zen Journals 1969–1982 (1986).
- Men's Lives: The Surfmen and Baymen of the South Fork (1986).
- African Silences (1991).
- Baikal: Sacred Sea of Siberia (1992).
- East of Lo Monthang: In the Land of Mustang (1995).
- The Peter Matthiessen Reader: Nonfiction, 1959–1961 (2000).
- Tigers in the Snow (2000).
- The Birds of Heaven: Travels With Cranes (2001).
- End of the Earth: Voyage to Antarctica (2003).