TXiKiBoT@dewiki in user namespace


Could you please stop your bot adding interwikis to user namespace (except you own user pages of course) on dewiki? Thx. Merlissimo 21:52, 23 Urtarrila 2011 (UTC)

My message is the similar (well, mine was about frwiki). While not an official policy, it's usually bad to just go and edit other people's user pages. A bot should *never* rampage on user pages without the user's permission. Please never, ever do that again :)
fr:user:Darkoneko 23:12, 23 Urtarrila 2011 (UTC)
Well, I wasn't adding any new interwikis on user namespaces, but just saw that some languages changed the prefix of the user namespace, and my bot was fixing them. Some of the links appeared to be incorrect after these changes on some languages. Anyway, I've now stopped my bot working on the user namespace, and won't do this anymore. I'm sorry. –TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 23:19, 23 Urtarrila 2011 (UTC)
Bot unblocked on dewiki. On dewiki all cosmetic changes from cosmetic_changes.py are allowed if the are done together with some more useful edits (like adding/removing interwikis). Changing working namespace prefixes only would be not a useful edit.
But on theses edits [1][2] your bot has also added new interwikis. Working on user namespace on dewiki should not be done without a good reason because it can reduce the acceptability of bots on gerneral. Not all people like bots. Merlissimo 23:43, 23 Urtarrila 2011 (UTC)

Born/Death categories


Hi, i need your help because i do not understand any basque.

My bot creates the Death_anomalies_report on serveral wikis. Yesterday i noticed this interwiki addition of your bot, because you created Kategoria:Jaiotzak urtearen arabera. That is why i changed my bot configuration from a regex pattern to a category tree search using this as root category. But today i got so many hits that i had a closer look:

This does not make sense. So could you have a closer look at this? My old regex configuration that worked well matched all categories now in Kategoria:Heriotzak urtearen arabera. But this has an interwiki to en:Category:Births by year. Merlissimo 14:07, 11 Otsaila 2011 (UTC)

Hi! You're right, I mistakenly linked them to incorrect pages on English Wikipedia. I'm now fixing them with my bot. Thanks for letting me know about this issue :-) –TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 14:23, 11 Otsaila 2011 (UTC)
Thanks for fixing it. I changed my bot configuration to Kategoria:Heriotzak urtearen arabera. Merlissimo 15:01, 11 Otsaila 2011 (UTC)

interwiki edit in the HE wikipedia


I'm Oded and I'm a sysop in the HE wikipedia.
Please note that in the HE wikipedia it is customs to place the EN interwiki as the 1st interwiki in an artical and/or category, in this edit your bot added a link to TT as the upper one. please do the needful in order to fix the problem in your bot.
If you need anything else - You can contact me in my talk page
Many thanks, Damzow 10:20, 13 Otsaila 2011 (UTC)



Your bot is causing edit wars.

Please update your bot to a recent revision of pywikipediabot and downgrade your python setup as I have the feeling this is caused by python issue 10254. See also pywikipedia bug 3081100. Please note you are supposed to update regularly when running interwiki services, due to the impact bugs like these have. Based on the edit summary of your bot, you seem not to have updated for at least a month or two. Valhallasw 21:08, 15 Otsaila 2011 (UTC)

Update: This was not related to that unicode bug, but was (is) related to the stripping of whitespace characters from page titles. Nevertheless, please keep your bot updated. Having fixes in code transmitted to all bots reliably is important. Thanks. Valhallasw 10:56, 16 Otsaila 2011 (UTC)

Administratzaile berria


Aupa, TXiKi! Hemen bozkatutakoaren ondorioz Lankide:Xabier Armendaritzi administratzaile-botoiak gehitu behar zaizkio. Arduratuko al zara? Aio! --Unai (esan) 10:48, 26 Otsaila 2011 (UTC)



Parezcaja:WP:B#注意事項 / Additional guidelines--Vigorous action 03:20, 27 Otsaila 2011 (UTC)

TXiKiBoT and interwikis for templates


Hello, in French Wikipedia we quite often transclude templates' documentation from a « /Documentation » subpage, and this subpage shall also contain categories and interwikis (in order to reduce edits of templates themselves). So, your bot's edits like this one or this one are incorrect, note that the interwikis are duplicated. I know it may be hard to handle the case of interwikis gotten by transclusion, so if you cannot handle it it may be better you simply skip Template (aka Modèle) namespace. Regards, Od1n 05:15, 27 Otsaila 2011 (UTC) (please notify me of reply on my talk page, thank you)

Zerrenda eguneratu


Aupa TXiKi! Zure bot ahalguztidun horrek inoiz zerrenda hau eguneratu dezake?. Ez du premia handirik baina zerrenda egun nahiko zaharkituta dago. Eskerrik asko. --Marklar 18:27, 4 Martxoa 2011 (UTC)

Kaixo, 10 aniversario Viquipèdia


Perdóname, mi euskara no ha mejorado nada desde la última vez y no tengo bastante tiempo para traducir esto en catalán... Acabo de escribir a Theklan y a An13sa y ahora te escribo a ti ya que no sé nada de los otros (Xabier i Josu) a los cuales escribí hace ya cierto tiempo. Les había dicho que hablaran del tema con otros pero ni me han respuesto ni sé si se ha hablado de esto (espero que no se hayan enfadado por el hecho que no había visto sus mensajes hasta hace poco). El hecho es que el Congreso (Perpinyà, 19 de marzo) se está acercando (enlace: [[3]]) y no tenemos a nadie de Euskadi (ni tampoco de Bretaña y no sé si tendremos... acabo de dejar un mensaje allá también...) y bueno a mi me molesta bastante esta situación (sois gente importante...) sobre todo que tengo casi sólo el peso de la organización y bueno me cansan bastante todos los trámites administrativos entre otras cosas. Espero que teneis una comunicación fluida entre vosotros y que si no puedes venir, podrás decírselo a todos los otros, y tendremos al menos uno de vosotros (Amical pagará los gastos del viaje, del alojamiento y de las dietas de los que vengan si no son demasiados). También le escribo a Unai Fdz. de Betoño para ver si aconsigo saber alguna cosa antes de que sea demasiado tarde (necesitamos reservar el hotel y diversas cosas)... Que te vaya todo bien y eskerrik azko por tu atención y suerte para todo! Agur, Claudi/Capsot 18:55, 4 Martxoa 2011 (UTC) PD: Aunque sea alguién que no sepa o no entienda catalán o inglés no pasa nada, ya nos entenderemos con otra lengua...

Eman zure iritzia, mesedez


Ahal baduzu eman hemen zure iritzia: Wikipedia:Txokoa/Politikak#Bot_batekin_Frantziako_udalerrien_artikuluak_egiteko_aukera -Theklan ·   ·   23:28, 22 Martxoa 2011 (UTC)

TXiKiBot @ is.wiki


Is.wiki is overloaded with en interwiki bots. Your bot flag has been withdrawn.--Snaevar 11:19, 4 Uztaila 2011 (UTC)



Hello! Could you write an article about my town - Żagań on Basque Wikipedia? Only 3-4 sentences enough. I would be thankful. Saganum 10:41, 18 Abuztua 2011 (UTC)

TXiKiBoT @ it.wiki


Kaixo! Your bot TXiKiBoT] putted wrong language links at the page it:Chiave di fa. They directed on the F major scale instead of the F clef. I changed the problem on the page but I wished to report it to you, just to check if there's a bug. Thanks, Agantacroxi. 'Write me'.

Bot request


Hello TXiKi! I'd like to ask you to have a look at my bot request here. I requested on META, but Steward Ruslik want's me to ask here. So, I am a little bit at a loss where to ask. Bot policy here want's me to do it on Meta, Meta sends me back here. ?:-))))) Here's the link to the Meta Discussion. Thanks for your time! Best regards, --Hedwig in Washington 02:06, 9 Urria 2011 (UTC)

I just granted the bot status from meta, per automatic approval. Best regards, -- Quentinv57 07:43, 9 Urria 2011 (UTC)
Thanks a bunch! :-)) --Hedwig in Washington 10:31, 9 Urria 2011 (UTC)

Hello from bewiki!


Thanks for your bot and its contribution to our section. You were the first user we awarded an honorary towel in our section :) - be:Размовы з удзельнікам:TXiKi#Пачэсны рушнік--Хомелка 12:05, 13 Urria 2011 (UTC)

Thank you so much for the award! I'll be happy to continue contributing to your wiki :-) –TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 15:14, 13 Urria 2011 (UTC)

Category:Populated places


hi, can i please ask you to undo your edits concerning this category and all the related wikis. the edit http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Populated_places&diff=455529733&oldid=447601379 and analogical ones in other wikiprojects are wrong. bar, be, de, pl, szl form a separate group that is NOT RELATED TO the categories of other interwikis. "Siedlungsgeographie" does not translate into "populated places" (otherwise try google translate..). I already had to undo this with another bot before and now again this bot is not getting it. so i dont know what is wrong with you. please correct the mistake of this bot accordingly. thanks. --Saltose 17:48, 14 Urria 2011 (UTC)

Well, there's nothing wrong with my bot. Any bot would do the same if it followed the page be:Катэгорыя:Населеныя пункты, as it links to en:Category:Populated places. The problem are the interwikis themselves, that as far as I can see were added in this edit. Accordingly, any bot follows the links it finds, so that if be:wiki links to that category on the English Wikipedia, it'll be followed, without exception. I'll fix it right now, but it'd be better if you warned me about the issue to fix it, instead of criticizing in advance. Best, –TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 18:04, 14 Urria 2011 (UTC)
thanx for the corrections. i remember now that it was exactly this belarussian one which, for reasons i don't know, was not editable when i removed the concerning links from all other projects. probably some censurship there!? anyways, now it seems to be arranged. --Saltose 17:28, 15 Urria 2011 (UTC)

Categories:Local Government vs. Local Politics


Hi again ;-) could you maybe add both nn:Kategori:Lokalpolitikk and no:Kategori:Lokalpolitikk to bar:Kategorie:Kommunalpolitik, de:Kategorie:Kommunalpolitik, nl:Categorie:Gemeentepolitiek and se:Categorie:Kommunalpolitik and remove them from the other interwikis (like en:Category:Local government). thanks! --Saltose 23:36, 21 Urria 2011 (UTC)

Hello? --Saltose 23:01, 9 Azaroa 2011 (UTC)
"TXiKi/2011" erabiltzailearen orrira bueltatu.