Lankide eztabaida:TXiKi/2007ko ekaina

Euskal futbol taldeak


Iepa! Euskal futbol taldeen artikuluak bandalizatzen dabiltza azkenaldian. Atzo eta gaur, esaterako, Athletic, Osasuna eta Alavesen jokalarien koadroak aldatu dituzte, bandera espainiarrak jarriz. Inolako eztabaidarik gabe, eta lankide izenik gabe. Zer iruditzen zaizu artikulu horiek babestea? (Berdina idatziko diot Kabriri). Aio. --Orereta (erantzunak) 18:18, 6 Ekaina 2007 (UTC)

Bot description



Please leave a small description of your bot on da:Wikipedia:Botformidlingen.

Thanks in advance,


Bot on huwiki


Hi! Please update your bot to the latest version, there have been some important changes affecting huwiki: localised edit summaries, and multi line interwikis. Thank you, regards Dami -- 17:06, 12 Ekaina 2007 (UTC)

Hi! Thanks, for the answer. Please run some test edits, and if everything is OK I'll give you a flag in a couple of days. Regards, Dami-- 23:30, 14 Ekaina 2007 (UTC)

Hi! One more thing, please provide the required data about your bot using the template at the "How to request a bot flag" section of hu:WP:BOTJ. The data is used at hu:WP:BOT to maintain a list of active bots on huwiki. After that, I think you'll be all set, to receive the flag. Thanks, Dami -- 16:41, 15 Ekaina 2007 (UTC)

Hi! I granted you a bot flag on huwiki. Cheers Dami-- 14:58, 18 Ekaina 2007 (UTC)

Kaixo! Aspaldi honetan nahiko deskonektatuta nabil wikipediatik, denbora libre gehiago pasatzen baitut (galtzen, hobe esanda) flickerren dudan orrian. Gauza da 2.0 tailerretakoak nirekin jarri direla kontaktuan tailer batzuen inguruan hitz egiteko eta komentatu didate zu bazaudela zerbait mugitzen. Kontaidazu zer duzun buruan ahal duzunean, ados? -   Theklan    eztabaida    ekarpenak    eposta      09:47, 18 Ekaina 2007 (UTC)

TXiKiBoT on Malayalam Wikipedia



I'm from Malayalam Wikipedia . Recently we've changed(localized) all the namespaces in ml wiki and now TXiKiBoT is not at all visiting Malayalam wikipedia. I would like to know whether this is due to the change in namespaces. Thanks in advance

--Tux the penguin (Please reply here)

Sorry for the trouble, It's working smoothly. It was my mistake --Tux the penguin

TXiKiBoT on lv wikipedia


Please request bot status here lv:Wikipedia:Kopienas portāls. This bot is flooding recent changes. (lv:user:yyy) - 08:25, 24 Ekaina 2007 (UTC)

TXiKiBoT on Cebuano Wikipedia


May I request for a change to the interwikis for ceb:Poisson, it must refer to France' commune: fr:Poisson (Saône-et-Loire). The correct cebuano entry for en:fish is ceb:isda. Thanks ceb:User Jordz

Bot status


Kould you please request bot status for your bots on the Bambara, Fulfulde and Wolof Wikipedia? I think you need to apply somewhere on the meta wikipedia. 10:37, 29 Ekaina 2007 (UTC)

"TXiKi/2007ko ekaina" erabiltzailearen orrira bueltatu.