Something against basque language or a basque priest?


Hi Dušan Kreheľ,

Do you have something against basque language? You have deleted 1.023 bytes on my article about the basque priest Resurrecion Maria Azkue in basque language, regarding... " More used with only one reference definition: .

You may use your bot in many many many articles with more than one reference definition. For example, you may begin with Go on!

Iñazio Irizar

Olaitturri (eztabaida) 16:51, 26 martxoa 2024 (CET)Reply

Again in one of my basque articles?


Hi Dusan,

Again in one of my basque articles? Bored? Nothing else to do?

Olaitturri (eztabaida) 22:13, 30 ekaina 2024 (CEST)Reply