Ongi etorri, Johnuniq/translate, euskarazko Wikipediara!

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This page is to discuss translations required for Module:Convert which implements Template:Convert. It is helpful for me to have this page as a central location for discussion, so please discuss any issues here, or add a new section.

Information on what is needed to adapt the module is available at the transwiki guide and the translate page that it links to.

There currently is no master list of units. Before creating that, we should discuss what page title should be used, and whether unit translations are wanted. Johnuniq (eztabaida) 09:42, 14 urria 2015 (UTC)



Information is available at en:Template:Convert/Transwiki guide/translate#Convert/text. You may like to edit the convert/text module, or describe what is needed here. Johnuniq (eztabaida) 09:42, 14 urria 2015 (UTC)

Numbers, per, plural

  • Please confirm that en digits (0123456789) are wanted for numbers.
  • How are numbers formatted? For example, a number at enwiki may be written as "12,345,678.12345" with a comma as the thousands separator and a dot as the decimal mark. What is wanted here?
  • What is the "per" word used in units like "liters per kilometer"?
  • At enwiki the default plural name of a unit is formed by adding "s" (for example, "meter" becomes "meters"). If unit names are translated, presumably that will not be wanted and I should later configure the module to not do that here. Johnuniq (eztabaida) 09:42, 14 urria 2015 (UTC)



At enwiki, one of the following error tracking categories is added to any article where invalid input is provided to the convert template:

  • Category:Convert invalid units
  • Category:Convert invalid options

However, two categories are not needed—one category is sufficient and is easier. What name should be used for one error category? Something like a translation of "Category:Convert errors"? Johnuniq (eztabaida) 09:42, 14 urria 2015 (UTC)



Searching convert/text for "range_types" shows some text where translations are needed. If wanted, edit the module, or add the required text here (add the text on each of the following lines). Some of these may not be used so it is pointless trying to optimize any items which do not have a natural translation. An example of "by" would be "the area is 2 by 3 meters". Some wikis use "x" (which appears as ×) for "by". Similarly, "-" (which appears as –) can be used for "to". The "to about" range is rare and might not be used even at enwiki; however, it is possible as in "from 1 to about 5 meters", in other words, the 5 is an approximate value. Johnuniq (eztabaida) 09:42, 14 urria 2015 (UTC)

  • and =
  • or =
  • by =
  • to =
  • to about =

SI prefixes


Prefixes are used so a unit only needs to be defined once. For example, at enwiki the unit code g (gram) is defined, and that automatically allows units like kg (kilogram) and mg (milligram) to be used in conversions. If unit names are translated, the SI prefixes would also need translation, and a translated symbol and name would be needed for each SI prefix (see Module:Convert/text). Johnuniq (eztabaida) 09:42, 14 urria 2015 (UTC)



At enwiki, the "adj" option (adjectival) can be used to make a unit use the singular name, and to use a hyphen. An optional "mid" word can be inserted. Following are three examples showing text copied from enwiki.

  • {{convert|125|ft}} → 125 feet (38 m)
  • {{convert|125|ft|adj=on}} → 125-foot (38 m)
  • {{convert|125|ft||adj=mid|-long}} → 125-foot-long (38 m)

It is possible to configure the module to disable hyphenation. If that is done, the above would show a space where a hyphen currently appears. The "adj" option is only useful at enwiki, so please confirm that the module should show a space instead of a hyphen in the above. Johnuniq (eztabaida) 09:42, 14 urria 2015 (UTC)



Examples of error and warning messages, with documentation, can be seen at en:Help:Convert messages. Each message links to a section on that page. In due course, you can copy the help page, then translate it, then edit convert/text to change the name to match the local title (search for cvt_format where the link occurs—for now, the simplest might be to insert ":en:" so it links to enwiki).

cvt_format includes "Convert:" which can be translated if wanted.

At all_messages, the text in the "Mouseover title text" and "Link text" columns needs to be fixed. I suggest leaving the "Anchor" text for now, but that can later be translated as well (it has to match the anchors on the en:Help:Convert messages page). Johnuniq (eztabaida) 09:42, 14 urria 2015 (UTC)

customary_units are rarely used; let's forget that for now.

eng_scales are infrequent, although there are probably a couple used here. We may as well fix them. That involves translating names likes "billion", and possibly replacing the link.

All the option names and values can be translated if wanted. However, translations should be added as aliases rather than replacing the enwiki names so that any converts copied from enwiki will work without requiring the options to be immediately translated. We can look at that later. Johnuniq (eztabaida) 09:42, 14 urria 2015 (UTC)

Unit names


In an article using the convert template, one of the following options can be entered in the template.

  • |abbr=on • Input and output are abbreviated (unit symbols are shown).
  • |abbr=off • Input and output are not abbreviated (unit names are shown).
  • |abbr=out • Input is not abbreviated; output is abbreviated (this is the default).
  • |abbr=in • Input is abbreviated; output is not abbreviated.

If needed, one of the following options can be added to Template:Convert to change how abbr works.

  • |abbr=off always • Abbreviations are always off.
  • |abbr=off default • The default is |abbr=off.
  • |abbr=on always • Abbreviations are always on.
  • |abbr=on default • The default is |abbr=on.

Is anything other than the default wanted? Johnuniq (eztabaida) 09:42, 14 urria 2015 (UTC)

Unit definitions


Units are defined in a table which can be at any page. At enwiki, these pages are used:

The program is run by clicking "purge" at en:Module talk:Convert/makeunits. That talk page contains:

To see the current data, it may be necessary to purge this page.

At enwiki, the title of the master list of units was chosen to be a "doc" page in the module namespace. The "doc" should be replaced with the local name. The "documentation" part was used for a trick to prevent display of the "This is the module documentation" message—see MediaWiki:Scribunto-doc-page-header.

Redundant information can be omitted from the master list. For example, if a unit has the same singular and plural name (or if plural names are not used), the plural name can be omitted. It is likely that US unit names are only useful at enwiki, so they can all be empty. Redundant information does not have to be omitted—makeunits omits anything it considers is not needed.

Before makeunits can be successfully used, Convert/text has to be correctly configured.

Do you want to translate unit names? If yes, I can work out which units are used here so they can be translated first. Johnuniq (eztabaida) 09:42, 14 urria 2015 (UTC)

I'll try


But maybe not today! :) -Theklan ·   ·   11:07, 14 urria 2015 (UTC)