Banks uhartea[1] Kanadako bosgarren uharterik handiena da, Uhartedi Artikoan kokatutakoa. Ipar-mendebaldeko lurraldeen barruan sartuta dago administratiboki.

Banks uhartea
Datu orokorrak
Luzera380 km
Zabalera290 km
Azalera70.028 km²
EponimoaJoseph Banks
Koordenatuak73°00′N 121°30′W / 73°N 121.5°W / 73; -121.5
UTC orduaUTC−07:00
Honen parte daUhartedi Artikoa
Estatu burujabe Kanada
Territory of CanadaIpar-mendebaldeko Lurraldeak
Ur-gorputzaOzeano Artikoa
Leku geografikoaUhartedi Artikoa

70.028 km2-ko azalera dauka eta 2001ean 114 biztanle zituen, guztiak Sachs Harbour-en bizi direlarik. Inuit komunitate bat da, Inuvialut azpitaldearena, eta haien hizkuntzan Ikhuak deritzo.




  • Canada. Banks Island, a Natural Area of Canadian Significance. Natural area of Canadian significance. Ottawa: Parks Canada, 1978.
  • Cotter, R. C., and J. E. Hines. 2001. "Breeding Biology of Brant on Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada". Arctic. 54: 357-366.
  • Gajewski, K, R Mott, J Ritchie, and K Hadden. 2000. "Holocene Vegetation History of Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada". Canadian Journal of Botany. 78: 430-436.
  • Holyoak, D. T. Notes on the Birds of Southwestern Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, Vol.103,No.2, June. 1983.
  • Manning, T. H., E. O. Höhn, and A. H. Macpherson. The Birds of Banks Island. 1956.
  • Stephens, L. E., L. W. Sobczak, and E. S. Wainwright. Gravity Measurements on Banks Island, N.W.T. Gravity map series, no. 150. Ottawa: Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources, Earth Physics Branch, 1972.
  • Struzik, Ed. 2000. "AND THEN THERE WERE 84,000 - The Return of Musk-Oxen to Canada's Banks Island in Recent Decades Is Just One Chapter of a Beguiling Arctic Mystery". International Wildlife. 30, no. 1: 28.
  • Will, Richard T. Utilization of Banks Island Muskoxen by Nineteenth Century Copper Inuit. [S.l.]: Boreal Institute for Northern Studies, 1983.

Kanpo estekak


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