Mesedez, Independentzia Deklarazio, Visca Euskadi edo zarena zarela, utzi lankideei denbora osoan eskaerak egiteari, horretarako wikipediak badu bere lekua. Horrela jarraituz gero, blokeatua izango zara.--Janfri; bai esan? 08:44, 27 Urtarrila 2008 (UTC)

In case that you do not understand euskara, the only thing I was telling you is that please leave begging all users to expand the PIP article. I do not know who you are, but I bet you and Visca Euskadi (and the guy who asked for the creation of that very same article) are the same person. Wikipedia has it's own place to put articles that need to be expanded, but asking all users for expanding/creating one article again and again can be quite annoying (Do you imagine what would happen if everybody did the same?). If this problem persists, you could be blocked.--Janfri; bai esan? 08:55, 27 Urtarrila 2008 (UTC)

Hasi eztabaida bat Independentzia Deklarazio lankidearekin.

Eztabaida berria hasi