Jason Arday (1985) britainiar soziologo, idazle eta irakaslea da, batez ere arraza eta arrazismoari buruzko ikerketengatik ezaguna.

Jason Arday
Jaiotza1985 (38/39 urte)
Jardueraksoziologoa eta unibertsitateko irakaslea



1985ean jaio zen ghanar jatorriko familian, eta hiru anaia ditu[1]. Claphamen hazi zen. Hiru urte zituela, autismoa diagnostikatu zioten[2]. 11 urterekin hitz egiten hasi zen eta 18 urterekin irakurtzen eta idazten ikasi zuen[3].

Arday Wandswortheko Heathbrook eskolan, Earlsfieldeko Southfields ikastetxean eta Londresko Merton ikastetxean ikasi zuen. Heziketa Fisikoko gradua egin zuen Surreyko Unibertsitatean, eta gero pedagogiako masterra Twickenhamgo Santa Maria unibertsitatean eta graduondoko ziurtagiria Hezkuntza Institutuan. 2015ean doktoretza lortu zuen Liverpoolgo John Moores unibertsitatean, An exploration of peer-mentoring among student teachers to inform reflective practice within the context of action research tesia defendatuz.

Hezkuntza, gizarte mugikortasuna, osasun mentala eta arraza ikertzen ditu. Ikasle beltzek unibertsitateetan izandako esperientzien inguruko hainbat ikerketa egin ditu[4].

The Black Curriculum erakunderako egindako erreportajeagatik ezaguna da, hedabideen arreta handia erakarri zuena[5][6].

2023ko martxoan, Cambridgeko Unibertsitateko Hezkuntzaren Soziologiako katedradun izendatu zuten, unibertsitate horretan inoiz izendatu den katedradun beltz gazteena bihurtuz[7][8]. Aurretik Glasgowko Unibertsitateko Hezkuntzaren Soziologiako katedraduna izan zen[9].

  • Understanding mental health: what are the issues for black and ethnic minority students at university? (2018)
  • Dismantling power and privilege through reflexivity: negotiating normative Whiteness, the Eurocentric curriculum and racial micro-aggressions within the Academy (2018)
  • Dismantling Race in Higher Education: Racism, Whiteness and Decolonising the Academy (editore gisa, Heidi Safia Mirzarekin batera, 2018)
  • Cool Britannia and Multi-Ethnic Britain: Uncorking the Champagne Supernova (2019)
  • Fighting the tide: Understanding the difficulties facing Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Doctoral Students' pursuing a career in Academia (2020)
  • The Black Curriculum: Black British History in the National Curriculum Report (2020)
  • This is a low: The enduring effects of racial discrimination on mental health within the academy (2020)
  • No One Can See Me Cry: Understanding Mental Health Issues for Black and Ethnic Minority Academic Staff in Higher Education (2021)
  • Race, education and social mobility: We all need to dream the same dream and want the same thing (2021)
  • Attempting to break the chain: reimaging inclusive pedagogy and decolonising the curriculum within the academy (Dina Zoe Belluigi eta Dave Thomasekin batera, 2021)
  • Considering Racialised Contexts in Education: Using reflective practice and peer-mentoring to support Black and Ethnic Minority educators (2023)


  1. (Ingelesez) Brinkhurst-Cuff, Charlie. «Jason Arday: he learned to talk at 11 and read at 18 – then became Cambridge’s youngest Black professor» The Guardian 2023-07-11 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2024-04-10).
  2. (Ingelesez) «Podcast: Episode 2» Ruling Passions Project 2022-03-22 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2024-04-10).
  3. (Ingelesez) «Looking back in anger at ‘Cool Britannia’ w/ Jason Arday» New Humanist 2020-12-15 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2024-04-10).
  4. (Ingelesez) «Black applicants least likely to be offered PhD places» BBC News 2020-11-17 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2021-01-24).
  5. (Ingelesez) Weale, Sally. «National curriculum ‘systematically omits' black British history» The Guardian 2020-11-25 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2024-04-10).
  6. (Ingelesez) Arday, Jason. «If we want a more equal Britain, we must teach its true black history» The Guardian 2020-06-13 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2024-04-10).
  7. (Ingelesez) Cawley, Laurence. «Cambridge University's Jason Arday becomes youngest black professor» BBC News 2023-02-23 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2024-04-10).
  8. (Ingelesez) «Jason Arday appointed Professor of Sociology of Education at University of Cambridge» University of Cambridge (Noiz kontsultatua: 2024-04-10).
  9. (Ingelesez) «Professor Jason Arday» University of Glasgow (Noiz kontsultatua: 2022-11-03).

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