Zerrenda eztabaida:20. mendeko 100 liburuak (Le Monderen zerrenda)

Artikulu hau, osorik edo zatiren batean, ingelesezko wikipediako «Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century» artikulutik itzulia izan da. Jatorrizko artikulu hori GFDL edo CC-BY-SA 3.0 lizentzien pean dago. Egileen zerrenda ikusteko, bisita ezazu jatorrizko artikuluaren historia orria.
Artikulu hau, osorik edo zatiren batean, frantsesezko wikipediako «Les 100 livres du siècle» artikulutik itzulia izan da. Jatorrizko artikulu hori GFDL edo CC-BY-SA 3.0 lizentzien pean dago. Egileen zerrenda ikusteko, bisita ezazu jatorrizko artikuluaren historia orria.

¿Архипелаг ГУЛАГ?


Soy ukraino-canadiense. Puedo leer Архипелаг ГУЛАГ.
¿Pero puede la gente del País Vasco leer el idioma ruso?

Creé mis enlaces a la Wikipedia en castellano porque quiero que los Vascos puedan aprender de los libros.
(Los libros son la cosa importante aquí, ¿sí?)
Y de una página en vasco, no de una página en castellano.

¿Ustedes quieren que su gente utilice la Wikipedia castellana esclusivamente?

Por supuesto estoy apoyando el idioma vasco. Hice una página en vasco. ¿Verdad?
Varlaam 20:59, 2 Martxoa 2011 (UTC) (en Toronto, Canadá)

Hi Varlaam. Sorry, I thought you saw my note in the Embassy. I must add that some Basque-language Wikipedia users are from the French side of the Basque Country, and not very fluent in Spanish.
So we must do this article work for any Basque speaker, no matter if they know any other language. I think that the average Basque-language reader would find the article not very serious if he/she finds that the list is almost completely in Spanish, and with many links not working (for example, books # 42, 45, 51... and many of the ones already deleted).
This is the Basque-language Wikipedia, so we must make the articles work in this language. I appreciate very much your effort with this article, and I would like sincerely to improve it.
Maybe we could add a column to the right, after the year, to give the reader the titles of the translations published in Spanish, French and English, for each of those books that hasn't been translated into Basque (i.e. for most books)?
That way, the reader wouldn't have the impression that this is an absurd Spanish-language list which strangely enough appears inside the Basque-language Wikipedia and where the editors are trying to make her/him think that all these mostly French books were written in Spanish.
We could put that info above the table, so we won't have to put a lot of language flags inside the table.
What do you think? --Xabier Armendaritz(nirekin hizketan egiteko) 23:41, 2 Martxoa 2011 (UTC)
Hi Xabier. I didn't know that your comment was here.
(Also, I had a brain haemorrhage in March 2011 and was in the hospital then.)
Even though I have been to the Basque Country, I forgot that we need to consider the French Basques.
I understand your position.
My feeling was that people will use a list that is useful. I have checked the statistics. No one is using this page.
If I am looking at a list of important books from Scandinavia, and the book titles are all in Finnish and Norwegian, and the links go nowhere, my reaction would be: This is dumb.
I think the links should go somewhere.
If a link takes you to Spanish WP, and you speak French, maybe there is a Francais link on the Spanish page. So you can read about the book in Spanish or French.
I think if you want to link French titles to French WP, then that would be helpful.
But I don't see why a Basque reader, from Spain or France, cares about a book title in Dutch, or Russian, or Czech. What is he going to do with a Russian book title? How does that help or inform him?
His local public or university library probably has the book in Spanish or French. Those are the titles that he can really use.
Varlaam (eztabaida) 15:12, 14 iraila 2012 (UTC)
"20. mendeko 100 liburuak (Le Monderen zerrenda)" orrira bueltatu.