Wikipedia:Bot-ak/Baimenak/Artxibatutako eskaerak/2006-2008

  • Eginkizuna: interwikiak gehitu, kategoriak aldatu...
  • Eginkizuna: interwikiak gehitu eta beste eginkizun automatikoren baterako eskakizunak bete.
  • Noizbehinka artikulu zerrenda luzeak automatikoki igotzea, egileari lan mekanikoa arinduz.
  • Eginkizuna: interwikiak gehitu.
  • Eginkizuna: interwikiak sortu eta zuzendu.


  • Eginkizuna: interwikiak gehitu.

Please for bot flag for my bot. It's interwiki bot working on cs:, it does non-controversial automatic interwiki addiction, but his main domain is human assisted problematical interwiki (this operation is working on about 100 languages at same time, but maximal 10 pages per day).

This bot do standard interwiki addiction too, but only in the languages with bot flag.

Bot is based on pywikipedia. Already with bot status (24 languages): cs, eo, sl, pl, de, sr, hr, da, en, el, es, it, sk, sh, vec, ro, no, ... (see here Awaiting for bot: some more languages, e.g. fi, pt, ar, ja...

If you have any question, please write it to my discuss page 10:34, 15 Urria 2006 (UTC) / JAn   Egina

  • Eginkizuna: danierazko Wikipediatik interwikiak zuzendu, gaurkotu...
  • Erabiltzen duen programa: pywikipedia.
  • Eskuz maneiatzen da.
  • Eginkizuna: interwikiak gehitu.
  • Erabiltzen duen programa: pywikipedia.
  • Eskuz maneiatzen da.
  • Hizkuntzak: ingelesa, alemana eta daniera.

Aldaketa berriak-en moleztatu egiten duelakoan, bot egoera eskatzen dut:

  • Eginkizuna: interwikiak gehitu, kategoriak aldatu, esaldiak zuzendu eta egiten ikasten dudan guztia. Lan errepikakorretan laguntzea azken finean, TXiKiri arnasa hartzen uzteko (batzuetan ez dakit nola ez den itotzen).
  • Erabiltzen duen programa: pywikipedia.
  • Eskuz maneiatzen da, batzuetan (interwikietan orokorrean) pilotu-automatikoa jartzen dudan arren.
  • Hizkuntzak: euskara.

I'm requesting bot status for my interwiki bot (pywikipedia, on this wiki. I am an admin at pt.wikipedia, and run the bot from articles there. Mainly new articles and articles whithout iw links. Rei-bot currently has botflag on pt, it. I requested for it on es, eo, da, nl, fi, fr, ja, ro, cs, pl, gl, too.

Thanks --Rei-bot 17:09, 12 Azaroa 2006 (UTC)

Hi I have been running a bot here for a few days now, and would like a flag since it is probably making too many edits on the 'Aldaketa berriak'... I got the idea to have a bot, from seeing how useful Txiki's bot is on the Amharic wikipedia (:am:) where I am a bureaucrat. Thanks, am:User:Codex Sinaiticus for AmaraBot 22:50, 22 Urtarrila 2007 (UTC)   Egina

Hello, I'm Yonatan, an admin on commons, and I run YonaBot, an pywikipedia bot that adds interwikis mainly from the Hebrew Wikipedia. I already have the bot flag on ar, cs, da, de, en, fr, id, it, no, nl, pl, pt and sv. Thanks, Yonatan 19:25, 16 Apirila 2007 (UTC)   Egina

Hello, I'm Siebrand, admin on nl.wp and Commons, and I run SieBot, an pywikipedia bot that adds interwikis any Wikipedia. SieBot has bot flag on over 30 Wikipedias. Thank you. Siebrand 16:46, 11 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)   Egina

Thanks. Siebrand 17:38, 19 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)

Hi, i request a bot bit for BotMultichill.

  • Botmaster : Multichill
  • Bot's name : BotMultichill
  • List of botflags on others wikipedias: 30 atm (see meta:User:Multichill for the current list)
  • Purpose: Interwiki (pywikipedia)
  • Technical details : BotMultichill is an interwiki bot starting at the Dutch wikipedia. The bot uses the pywikipedia framework and runs day and night in autonomous mode. Sometimes the bot will run in manual assisted mode to solve interwiki conflicts. Multichill 11:16, 5 Ekaina 2007 (UTC)


  • Operator: Alleborgo
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic, in "-autonomous" mode. Sometimes the bot will run in manual assisted mode to solve interwiki conflicts.
  • Programming Language(s): Pywikipedia framework daily updated to the last CVS version
  • Function Summary: interwiki
  • Already has a bot flag in: it, cs, da, de, en, eo, es, fr, id, ja, ka, nl, pl, pt, ru, simple, sv, zh, zh-yue. On has done more than 33000 edit.

Thanks --AlleborgoBot 16:22, 16 Ekaina 2007 (UTC)   Egina

Hello! I ask for permission to run my interwiki bot Byrialbot at this wiki, and get a bot flag for it.

  • Operator: User:Byrial
  • Operator's home project: da:User:Byrial
  • Purpose: Interwiki
  • Have bot flag at: ar:, bs:, bpy:, cs:, da:, de:, en:, eo:, et:, fo:, fr:, he:, hu:, id:, io:, is:, it:, ka:, ksh:, lb:, li:, lt:, lv:, mk:, ms:, nds:, nn:, no:, pms:, pt:, ru:, simple:, sl:, sv:, uk:, vo:
  • Details: Interwiki using Pywikipediabot starting from da:, nn:, no: and sv:. It mostly runs manually assisted and I try to solve found interwiki conflicts when I can.

It is not running yet. Please tell if you like to see any test edits. Thank you! Byrial 22:21, 24 Ekaina 2007 (UTC)

As I see no objection I will start the bot now so you can see it in action. Best regards, Byrial 11:32, 3 Uztaila 2007 (UTC)

Hello! I ask for permission to run my interwiki bot PipepBot here, and to get a bot flag for it.

  • Operator: it:User:Pipep
  • Purpose: Interwiki
  • Software: Pywikipedia
  • Have bot flag at: als, am, bat-smg, be-x-old, bn, bs, cv, da, en, eo, et, fo, nap, pms, simple, sl
  • Details: Interwiki using Pywikipediabot. It mostly runs manually assisted. May run automatically in some cases.

It will soon begin to do test edits. Thank you! --it:User:Pipep 13:56, 1 Abuztua 2007 (UTC)


Thank you! it:User:Pipep 16:32, 12 Iraila 2007 (UTC)
  • Bot's name: Idioma-bot
  • Botmaster: Hugo.arg
  • Bot status in the moment: en, es, fr, lt, ru, pl, fr, pt, de... (more than 30)
  • Programming Language: Python. The bot uses pywikipedia.
  • Function Summary: adds interwiki (automaticaly and manualy), starts from Lithuanian wikipedia (sometimes from other little wikipedias) Hugo.arg 20:04, 19 Uztaila 2007 (UTC)


  • Operator: Julian Mendez
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: automatic, in autonomous mode based on the Interlingua Wikipedia; sometimes, manually assisted to solve interwiki conflicts.
  • Programming Language(s): pywikipedia framework
  • Function Summary: interwiki links
  • Already has a bot flag on: ar, ca, cs, da, de, en, eo, es, fi, fr, gl, he, hi, ia, id, is, it, ja, la, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, simple, sl, sv, tr, uk, vec, vo, zh.

Thank you, --Julian 00:18, 20 Azaroa 2007 (UTC)   Egina

Hello! I'd like to request a flag for this bot --VolkovBot 16:49, 28 Azaroa 2007 (UTC)


Moinsen, I'd like to request a bot flag for PixelBot:

Thanks! --PixelBot 08:10, 18 Abendua 2007 (UTC)

  • Operator: Rastrojo 16:13, 29 Abendua 2007 (UTC) *Purpose: Bot de interwikis
  • Software: Pywikipedia
  • Bot with Flag: an, ast, ca, en, es, fr, de, oc, pt. Solicitado en nl, gl y pl
  • Details: Automático supervisado

Rastrojo 16:13, 29 Abendua 2007 (UTC)


Thank you! --Purodha Blissenbach 18:22, 8 Otsaila 2008 (UTC)


  • Operator: Dalibor Bosits
  • Purpose: Interwiki, auto and manually mode, from hr Wiki
  • Software: Pywikipedia framework
  • Bot flagged on: bs, cs, da, eo, et, hr, la, ro, sh, sl, sr, uk, th,

If it needs to do some test edits please let me know @ home talk page, thank you --Dalibor Bosits 20:56, 10 Otsaila 2008 (UTC)


Hello! I'm Soxred93 from English edition of Wikipedia. I'm asking to give my bot a bot flag, then I'll update interwiki links, I'll scan English Wikipedia always. If it done or if there are any questions about it, please notice me in my English talk page. Thank you!-- 17:25, 17 Otsaila 2008 (UTC)


  • Bot operator: User:White Cat (Commons:User:White Cat) - En-N, Tr-4, Ja-1
  • List of botflags on other projects: Bot has a flag on wikimedia (meta,commons) wikipedia (ar, az, de, en, es, et, fr, is, ja, ku, nn, no, ru, sr, tr, uz, simple) (See: m:User:White Cat#Bots)
  • Purpose: Interwiki linking, double redirect fixing, commons delinking (for cases where commonsdelinker fails)

-- Cat chi? 13:00, 2 Martxoa 2008 (UTC)

  Egina --Alfredo Beaumont 18:21, 24 Apirila 2008 (UTC)

Hello! I ask for permission to run my interwiki bot DragonBot here and to get a bot flag for it.

  • Bot accout: User:DragonBot (contributions)
  • Botmaster: User:DragonBot
  • Botmaster's home project: ml:User:Jacob.jose
  • List of botflags on others wikipedias: Malayalam(ml), English(en), Simple English(simple), Samogitian(bat-smg), Bengali(bn), Manipuri(bpy), Telugu(te), Russian(ru), Italian(it), Norwegian(no), Danish(da), Turkish(tr), Albanian(sq), Volapük(vo), Swedish(sv), Tamil(ta), German(de), Japanese(ja), Arabic(ar), Esperanto(eo), Romanian(ro), Catalan(ca), Spanish(es), French(fr)
  • Purpose: Interwiki
  • Technical details: Interwiki bot starting from wikis in South Asian Languages. Runs in Automated/Supervised mode. --Jacob.jose 31st October, 2007
  Egina --Alfredo Beaumont 18:23, 24 Apirila 2008 (UTC)

Hello! I ask for permission to run my interwiki bot Noe jimenez Bot here and to get a bot flag for it.

  • Bot master: Noe jimenez
  • Purpose: Interwikis
  • Technical details: Interwiki bot runs Automated.
  Egina --Alfredo Beaumont 15:45, 17 Maiatza 2008 (UTC)
  • Operator: de:User:Euku
  • Purpose: Interwiki links: It adds/modifies/deletes interwiki links.
  • Software: pywikipediabot framework via SVN
  • Already has bot flag on: bn, da, nap, oc, ca, ro, hu, als, cs, be-x-old, ru, de: (since 2006, with >60.000 edits), look at details (or alternative page)
Thank you! --SpBot 09:43, 13 Maiatza 2008 (UTC)
  Egina --Alfredo Beaumont 15:45, 17 Maiatza 2008 (UTC)
  • Operator: nl:User:Carsrac user:Carsrac
  • Purpose: Interwiki links: It adds/modifies/deletes interwiki links.
  • Software: pywikipediabot framework via SVN
  • Already has bot flag on: nl, li, ksh, fy, tr and many more : look at here for more info.
Thanks Carsrac 13:25, 17 Maiatza 2008 (UTC)
  Egina --Alfredo Beaumont 15:45, 17 Maiatza 2008 (UTC)
  • Lankidea: Enzaiklopedia
  • Zeregina: Ahal diren Interwiki guztiak gehitu. Pywikipedia darabil.
  • Hizkuntza: Gure euskararekin ondo nago
  • Oraindik probatzen hari naiz, eta programatzen. Bot on bat izan dadila nahi dut, baina beharrezkoa dut baimena. Eskerrik asko!--EnzaiklopediaEzt ekarpenak 12:12, 26 Maiatza 2008 (UTC)

  Egina Kabri, (erantzunak hemen)   14:36, 5 Ekaina 2008 (UTC)

  • Jabea: Janfri
  • Egingo duen lana: Ortografia, birzuzenketa bikoitza eta hautsiak konpondu,
  • Softwarea:pywikipedia darabilkit
  • Hizkuntza: Euskarazko wikipedian ibiliko da

  Egina Kabri, (erantzunak hemen)   14:37, 5 Ekaina 2008 (UTC)

  • Operator: WikiDreamer
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic
  • Programming Language(s): Python (Pywikipedia framework)
  • Function Summary: Interwiki from bs wikipedia
  • Bot with flag: 38 & ++ wikipedia

I run my bot now for 50 test edits. Thanks! --WikiDreamer 22:52, 5 Ekaina 2008 (UTC)

Update at June 16. -- 00:50, 16 Ekaina 2008 (UTC)

  Egina Kabri, (erantzunak hemen)   18:46, 17 Ekaina 2008 (UTC)

  • Lankidea: Tximist
  • Eginkizunak: Momentuz testu-aldaketak, artikuluak sortu eta ortografia akatsak zuzendu. Agian interwiki batzuk jarri ere.
  • Hizkuntza: euskara
  • Erabiltzen duen programa: pywikipedia.
  • Eskuz maneiatzen da.
  • Probatzen ari naiz. Tximist - Zer berri? 21:37, 11 Ekaina 2008 (UTC)

Gracias. Muro de Aguas 15:13, 3 Uztaila 2008 (UTC)   Egina Kabri, (erantzunak hemen)   11:24, 22 Uztaila 2008 (UTC)

  • Operator: fi:Käyttäjä:Silvonen
  • Bot name: SilvonenBot (contributions)
  • Programming language: Python (pywikipedia)
  • Already has a bot flag on: ay, bcl, ca, cs, da, de, en, eo, es, et, fi, fiu-vro, fo, fr, hu, id, io, is, it, ja, ko, la, lt, lv, mdf, myv, nds, nl, nn, no, pt, ro, ru, se, simple, sk, sl, sv, sw, tr (contributions)
  • Purpose: Interwiki linking
  • Technical details: The bot runs daily, usually in autonomous mode starting from Finnish, sometimes assisted manually.

I am now starting a test run. Thank you! --Silvonen 17:48, 3 Uztaila 2008 (UTC)

I have now made ~50 edits and stopped the test run. --Silvonen 15:24, 9 Uztaila 2008 (UTC)

  Egina Kabri, (erantzunak hemen)   11:25, 22 Uztaila 2008 (UTC)

  • Operator: ko:User:김우진1 (=m:User:Kwj2772)
  • Purpose: Interwiki links: It adds/modifies/deletes interwiki links.
  • Software: pywikipediabot framework via SVN
  • Already has bot flag on: 20++ wiki (Detail)

Thank you!--Kwj2772 09:20, 22 Uztaila 2008 (UTC)

  Egina --Alfredo Beaumont 17:50, 6 Urria 2008 (UTC)

Thanks. Luckas Blade 14:44, 24 Uztaila 2008 (UTC)

  Egina --Alfredo Beaumont 17:50, 6 Urria 2008 (UTC)

  • Operator: ko:User:알밤한대
  • Purpose: It adds/modifies/deletes interwiki links.
  • Software: pywikipediabot via SVN
  • Already has a bot flag on: 42projects

Thanks! --Albambot 09:41, 18 Abuztua 2008 (UTC)

  Egina --Alfredo Beaumont 17:50, 6 Urria 2008 (UTC)

  • Operator: Lankide:Gdgourou
  • Purpose: It adds/modifies/deletes interwiki links.
  • Software: pywikipedia framework updated daily via SVN
  • Already has a bot flag on: 43 projects

--Gdgourou 09:51, 4 Iraila 2008 (UTC)

  Egina --Alfredo Beaumont 17:50, 6 Urria 2008 (UTC)

I hereby request botflag on this wiki for my bot StigBot.

  • Owner’s account: Stigmj (talk)
  • Bot account: StigBot (contribssulmakebot )
  • Function: mainly interwiki, but can be used in user-namespace for adding userpages etc. on request from the affected users.
  • Software: Pywikipedia, updated from SVN before each run.
  • Other: Runs manually initiated automatic supervised and sometimes entirely manual. Already has global bot flag and specific bot flag on: als, ar, ast, be_x_old, bg, bn, bpy, ca, chr, cs, cu, da, de, en, eo, es, fi, fr, fur, gu, gv, hr, hsb, hu, ia, ie, io, is, it, iu, ja, lad, mi, mk, na, new, nl, nn, no, oc, os, pl, pt, ro, ru, sa, sah, sco, si, simple, so, sr, sv, tr, udm, uz, vo, zh_classical and zh

Best regards, Stigmj 22:03, 26 Iraila 2008 (UTC)

  Egina --Alfredo Beaumont 17:50, 6 Urria 2008 (UTC)

Best regards, JaynFM 10:39, 29 Iraila 2008 (UTC)   Egina ~~----

Thanks --Hercule 14:20, 22 Abendua 2008 (UTC)

  Egina Kabri, (erantzunak hemen)   14:55, 9 Otsaila 2009 (UTC)