Lankide eztabaida:TXiKi/2007ko apirila

Encara problemes amb els bots a la Viquipèdia llombarda


Hola TXiKi, hem creat una pàgina de proves per als bots a la Viquipèdia llombarda: lmo:wikipedia:BotSandbox, però no reeixim a modificar-la mitjançant el .

La línia de comandas que jo utilitzo és:

 python -start:{{-start-}} -end:{{-stop-}} -file:articles.txt -force -summary:testing_forced_upload

Nogensmenys, es genera un conflicte d'edició (edit conflict) i el bot s'atura. En user:Clamengh va provar també, amb el mateix resultat. Podries donar un cop d'ull a la pàgina sisplau? El codi per al bot està reportat en el quadre blau en baix. Voldríem fer servir el bot per a amellorar les pàgines dels anys. Més en detall, faríem

 special:export --> modificació parcialment automatitzada amb un full de càlcul --> carregament amb ''force'' mitjançant el bot

Moltes gràcies! Fins aviat, -- 13:08, 2 Apirila 2007 (UTC)--10caart 13:08, 2 Apirila 2007 (UTC) (lmo:user:10caart)

Kaixo Txiki! Moltes gràcies! En efecte no tinc la darrera versió del bot i no sap encara utilitzar el CSV: això podria ser la solució del problema. Eh bé, caldrà imparar el CSV! Adéu, Ikus arte!--10caart 17:21, 2 Apirila 2007 (UTC) lmo:user:10caart



Salut, look at fr.wikipedia. I don't block the bot for the moment. But please, tell us what about here. Cordialement --Padawane

Maori Wikipedia


See mi:Wikipedia:Karetao

Robin Patterson 13:43, 12 Apirila 2007 (UTC)

Kia ora TXiKi. You have been granted Bot status on the Māori Wikipedia - you are Bot #1. See mi:Wikipedia:Karetao Heoi anō, nā Kahuroa 01:57, 25 Apirila 2007 (UTC)

Ongi etorria


eskerrik asko niri ongi etorria emateagatik. Nire euskarako maia ez da erabat ona. Orri bat egin dut, Triaje, nik eginako gaztelainazko berzioa itzuli dut. Beharra dela zuzenzea uste dut. Agurrak. --Jorab 18:59, 13 Apirila 2007 (UTC)

Errusiako politikariak


Arratsalde on. Take a look, please: Kategoria:Errusiako politikariak. What should be the proper form of these names? With the fist, given name only, or also with the second, paternal name? I don't really know what is the more common and acceptable form here. Airwolf 19:43, 16 Apirila 2007 (UTC)

So basically when I see an article like Mikhail Sergeievitx Gorbatxev and I'm sure that there is no other Mikhail Gorbatxev that would deserve a place in Wikipedia, then I should move the article to Mikhail Gorbatxev, right? Airwolf 20:34, 16 Apirila 2007 (UTC)
Sergeievitx is not a given name. The Russian tradition and custom is to give the second name after the name of the father, so the second name of the son of Gorbatxev (if he has a son) is Mikhailevitx and the father of Mikhail Gorbatxev had the name Sergei. Airwolf 05:12, 17 Apirila 2007 (UTC)

Bot in Lithuanian wiki


Hola! Please, add a request (here: lt:Wikipedia:Botai) for using your bot in Lithuanian wikipedia. Your bot works very good in a lot of wikipedias, so there are no problem to give a flag for it in Lithuanian wikipedia but only I need your request to give the flag. Good luck! Hugo.arg 11:34, 27 Apirila 2007 (UTC)

"The Wall" diskoaren artikulua


Aupa, Txiki! Berriz ere, zure laguntzaren beharra dut. Izan ere, "The Wall" izeneko artikulua egin nuen, Pink Floyd-en diskoarena, alegia. Hala ere, ikusten dudanez ez da agertzen beste hizkuntzarekin lotura, eta komenigarria izango litzateke jendeak jakitea "The Wall"-en artikulua euskaraz ere badagoela. Beraz, eskertuko nizuke artikulu horren lotura egitea beste hizkuntzetan ere agertu dadin. Mila esker eta beste bat arte. Josu.

Bot flag on Belarusian WP



Could you please put the request for the bot status for your be:user:TXiKiBoT on Belarusian WP and let, e.g., me know, so I could give the supporting voice, and bot could be run "invisibly"? be:user:Yury_Tarasievich 20:25, 27 Apirila 2007 (UTC)

Interwikilinksm to be-x-old


Hello TXiKi aldatzen,
please stop setting interwikilinks to be-x-old. As far as I knows, this wiki should be closed at 25 May. So interwikilinks are senseless :). -- 13:05, 28 Apirila 2007 (UTC)

Ok, I'm sorry. I'm running it now with the -neverlink:be-x-old option, thank you! –TXiKi (zure erantzuna hemen utzi) 13:23, 28 Apirila 2007 (UTC)
STOP IT! Or i'll get your bot blocked on de:wp... -- 20:40, 29 Apirila 2007 (UTC)

The bot is blocked now. --FritzG 20:45, 29 Apirila 2007 (UTC)

What's the source of this info? I didn't here anything like that till now. 11:16, 1 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)

Bot on be:wikipedia


Hi, could you please repeat the request for bot status on the appropriate local be:Вікіпедыя:Запыты на статус бота and on Meta-pages (we have no local beaurocrats). Thanks! be:user:Alexander Gouk -- 13:18, 30 Apirila 2007 (UTC)

Thanks! Could you please also put your request on Meta-pages? Your request has been supported on the local wiki. -- be:user:Alexander Gouk 2:01, 30 Apirila 2007 (UTC)
"TXiKi/2007ko apirila" erabiltzailearen orrira bueltatu.