Lankide eztabaida:TXiKi/2006ko abendua

Ea lagundu ahal didazun...


Kaixo TXiKi! Zuri laguntza eskatzeko idazten dizut. Nire lankide orrialdea ikusten baduzu konturatuko zara zirriborro txantiloi berri baterako proposamena egiten nagoela. Dena egin dut eta nahiko ondo funtzionatzen du... baina arazo bat dut, Kategoria ez baitit ondo dagoela esaten, hau da, gorriz agertzen da kategoria horrek existitzen duen bitartean... ba al dakizu zergatik den? -Theklan; (zer?) 20:57, 3 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

Eskerrik asko! Hala ere ni justu kontrakoa nago proposatzen, hau da, zirriborro txantiloi gutxi egotea eta kodearekin egitea beste guztia... hala ere nire proposamena garatzen dudanean egingo dugu eztabaida bat eta bozkaketa bat beharrezkoa balitz. Aio. -Theklan; (zer?) 11:43, 4 Abendua 2006 (UTC)



Hola TXiKi. Gracias por darme la bienvenida a la eu:wiki, aunque no he entendido ni papa porque desgraciadamente no conozco más que un par de palabras en vuestro idioma. Me he dado una vueltecita por la embajada, pero de todas formas mis labores en esta wiki van a ser escasas, del tipo de poner algún interwiki, un par de imágenes y crear alguna redirección. Si quisieras cualquier cosa, puedes pedírmelo en mi página de discusión en la wiki en castellano, donde soy bibliotecario. Un saludo y, lo dicho, gracias por tu recibimiento. Johnbojaen 15:08, 6 Abendua 2006 (UTC)
PD: A ver si le pudieras echar un ojo al artículo de Jaén, que lo acabo de crear copypasteando y no me fío demasiado...

Zirriborro txantiloiari interwikiak jartzeko


Eguerdion TXiKi. Idatziko zenuke zirriborro txantiloian bere eztabaida orrian eskatutakoa? Interwikiak eta azalpen txiki bat baino ez da baina babestutako dagoenez (ez dakit zergatik, ez baitago bandalismorik). Eskerrik asko. —Barrie(postontzia) 13:15, 10 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

Beste honetan da, zirriborro oinarrian barik: Txantiloi eztabaida:Zirriborro. Ziur arrazoien bat egongo zela momentu horretan blokeatzeko; arazotxo bat dago, ordea, aldaketa txikiak egin behar direnean administratzaileoi ohartarazi behar zaizuela, besterik ez. Ingelesezkoan en:Template:edit protected izeneko txantiloi bat erabiltzen dute eskaera bat egiteko (nik hau erabiltzen dut babestutako orrietan euskarazko interwikiak jartzeko). Euskarazko bertsioa ere sortu nuen baina hortik galduta dabil (kategoria eta interwikia dituen arren). Agian nonbaiten jakinarazi genezake. Dena den, uste dut ez duzula lan gehiegi izango horrelako eskaerak direla eta. —Barrie(postontzia) 17:00, 12 Abendua 2006 (UTC)



Aldatu egin dut, espero dut zure gustokoa izatea, politagoa dirudi orain. "Gabon hauetan" kendu daiteke ez bada gustokoa baina beno... Gauza bat, ezkutatu ipintzen zuen ba, nik pultsatu nuen eta betirako ezkutatu zait, orain ez zait agertzen :S nondik aldatu dezaket berri agertzeko? Eguberri on jaja Kabri, (erantzunak hemen) 13:27, 18 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

Berriz irtetzeko Cookie-ak ezabatu behar dituzu eta listo! Aioo Kabri, (erantzunak hemen) 17:09, 18 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

Interwikis Zacarías


Hola Txiki. Perdona que escriba en castellano, pero no sé hablar vasco. Verás, es que editando en la wiki en español el artículo sobre el popular (;)) nombre de Zacarías, he añadido a mano bastantes interwikis y, una vez terminado, revisando el historial, he visto para mi sorpresa que tu bot los había previamente eliminado. ¿Podrías explicarme porqué? No sé si seguir con lo mío o no, sus razones tendrá el bot, pero de verdad las ignoro de momento. Un saludo y gracias. --Ketamino, 01:29, 19 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

Perdona, ya entiendo el porqué, revisando mejor el historial. Seré zoquete. «La paciencia es la madre de la ciencia», come dicono a Roma, jeje. Bueno, un gran saludo de todos modos :). --Ketamino 01:40, 19 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

Shut down your bot on am:


Your robot was doing great on amharic (am:), adding interwiki links faster than anyone before. Unfortunately, I had to shut it down temporarily when it started adding dates to Ethiopian year articles. The Ethiopian calendar is 7 3/4 years behind the European calendar, so 1602 in the Ethiopian calendar is most equal to AD 1610 - not AD 1602!!! Regards, am:Codex Sinaiticus 13:31, 19 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

There are going to be disambig pages for European years, they end with እ.ኤ.አ. Some of the Ethiopian years are linked to EUropean years 8 years higher, but that is not exact, since they do not start at the same time. Codex 13:57, 19 Abendua 2006 (UTC)
Hi, I had to do the same thing and block the robot for one day when it started adding the wrong links to Ethiopian years (like am:1602 - this should not link to 1602 because it is a different year; if most corresponds to 1610. But am:1602 እ.ኤ.አ. does mean "1602 in Eur. Calendar", so the links to all the እ.ኤ.አ. disambigs are great. 17:27, 24 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

need Bot status on bpy Wiki


Dear TXiKi,

Bishnupriya Manipuri Wiki likes to thank you for your hard work. Your bot makes a huge edit everyday, so it is hard for us to keep track for recent changes. To solve this problem we would like to request you to have a bot flag. Please request your bot here. Visit the local page first for your bot request. Since we do not have a bureaucrat please go to the m:Requests_for_bot_status for bureaucrat's aproval. Thanks

Usingha 04:05, 25 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

--Done by M/ 14:59, 25 December 2006 (UTC)

West Flemish Wikipedia


Hi there, I gave your bot bot status on Greetings, Tbc 18:12, 25 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

TXiKiBot in the Wikipedia for the Ripurian languages


Hi TXiKi,
if you want to run a bot on the Wikipedia for Ripurian languages, please read the pages ksh:Project:Bots and ksh:Wikipedia:Interwiki_Links. After an initial testing period, please ask for the bot flag for the bot account on one of the Admins talk pages. Not required, but nice is, to include a short statement about what the bot does, on its user page. It's fine in English, German, French, or Nederlands, we shall add a translation. Thank you for your consideration. -- User Purodha in the Wikipedia for Ripurian languages aka Purodha Blissenbach 11:51, 26 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

P.S. please stop removing valid links like e.g. [[als:1990#1990]] on 'year' pages. - Thank you. --Purodha Blissenbach 11:51, 26 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

Please DO stop removing valid interwiki links like [[als:1867#1867]] from 'year' articles. --Purodha Blissenbach (Klaaf) 00:37, 27. Dez. 2006 (UTC)

Thank you first for the bot flag Purodha. About the year-related articles, I have seen those als:1871#1871 and similar interwiki links, and I think that aren't correct links. Interwiki links are for full articles, not for a part of an article, and that links go only to a little part of an article. Wikipedia:als does not have any article named 1871, it is only a redirect to 1870er, and this article has a little part named 1871; but that's not an interwiki. Ripuarisch Wikipedia is the only one who has this type of links to als: in years. I think we'll discuss this better, but we cannot mantain this links if they are incorrect. The bot says they are incorrect and removes them. But for the moment, I won't remove more links of this type. (received via e-mail)
  • These links are correct, as has already been discussed elsewhere, and other bots do respect them. Wikipedia and its links are for users benefit. What bot authors think, or what they are, or are not, aware of, is certainly less important. Since older years in the Wikipedia of Allemanic languages are organized in decades with sections ábout each year, links like those mentioned above take users exactly where they need to go. Other interlanguage link bots do not try to reverse match interlanguage links having a # in them, and thus do not remove them if there is no reciprocal link. The only reciprocal link possible in the Allemannic Wikipedia for the articles on decades is to the articles on decades in the Wikipedia of Ripuarian languages, which offer links back to the years of that decade in the Wikipedia of Ripuarian language. This is all fine, it is a maximum of functionality we can provide for readers presently. Greetings from --Purodha Blissenbach 03:37, 27 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

please DO stop removing links like this one from the Wikipedia of Ripuarian languages. Thank you. --Purodha Blissenbach 21:14, 6 Urtarrila 2007 (UTC)


Hello Purodha. Yes, I know. I have been discussing this with more people who have a bot, and we have decided this links are correct, but with a little change; the correct is not the link like als:1814#1814, the correct is als:1810er#1814, because 1810er is the article who has the #1814 section. So I'm correcting this links then and copying them to all the wikipedias I can. But I'll explain you the reason to remove some of them. At ksh:Joohr 1814, for example, there is a link to als:1814#1814. As you can see, at als:1810er and at als:1814 there is no #1814 section, so I am removing this non existing links and changing the others. Do you agree. TXiKi

Although I am not happy with links like [[:als:1810er#1814]] (but happiness is a different story) these are imho exactly as good as the [[:als:1810#1814]] ones for us, since they serve the same target page. Whether or not there is a redirect involved is imho not making a difference, which is as it is for the Ripuarian Wikipedia, and may of course be different for others, that try to resolve redirects, which we more often do not.
I disagree with the idea that such links should not be made whe ther is no target section (yet) — for dual reasons:
  1. Creation of a target section does not create a language link. So getting the currently existing links back once they have been removed requires extra labour. So, why delete them in the first place?
  2. The link go to the place where there is information on that year, once it has been entered. The article is there, the link is there. The quality of the data in the article is not of concern when linking, including the possibility of no info at all. Yet it is possible that the information on the decade already contains info the reader is looking for, or it is in other years meantioned, etc. --Purodha Blissenbach 00:14, 7 Urtarrila 2007 (UTC)

Hi, I'm sysop at the bavarian Wikipedia, where you have an user account with your bot, TXiKiBoT. So can you please request for Bot-Flag on Meta. Best regards, -- Birnkammer Fabian 00:07, 28 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

The same of previous post: you can request the bot flag here (under votazsion)--Nick1915 02:08, 28 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

Bot on Tajik Wikipedia


Hi, could you please request a bot flag for your bot on the Tajik Wikipedia? You can get it here. We don't have a local request link, but give me a shout when it is up and I will vouch for you. - tg:User:FrancisTyers 08:53, 28 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

It's the same as the previous post. It is recommended to request a bot flag here to obtain the bot flag. Best regards, --Shinjiman 03:39, 28 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

Please request the approval of your bot at Cantonese Wikipedia or your bot will be blocked without the approval. --Shinjman 07:39, 5 Urtarrila 2007 (UTC)

MediaWiki euskaratzea... proposamentxo bat


Kaixo TXiKi! Zer moduz? Azken aldi honetan Wikipediak eman ahal dituenak ikusten ari naiz. Batzuek esaten dute iristen dela momentu bat non artikulu pila egin beharrean hedatzeari eta txantiloiak eta bestelakoak sortzeari ekiten zaion eta agian momentu hori iritsi ziat... ez dakit. Beno, harira, gauza da aspaldi ikusia nuela MonoBook-Suite delako tresna espanierazko wikipedian eta gaur denbora nuela begiratu eta kopiatzeari ekin diot. Dagoeneko gauza nahiko egin dizkiot euskarazko wikipedian erabili ahal izateko. Adibidez leku geografia txantiloia zuzenean jar dezaket orrialde batean eta galdetzen dit deklinabidea eta guzti hori. Horrelako tresna batekin erraz egin daitezke gianera taulak, artikuluen tamaina neurtu, formatuak, tituluak jarri... agian ezagutzen duzunez ez zaitut aspertuko.

Arazoa zera da, oso zaila egiten zaidala hanka sartu gabe itzultzea... ez dakit zergatik baina itzultzen dudanean gero ez du funtzionatzen, eta agian hitz bakarra aldatzen dut eta ondo dabil baina bi aldatuta ez. Uste dut JavaScriptek duen legeren batengatik izango dela eta agian zu hobea zara ni bino honetan. Beraz proposamena da bion artean Monobook-Suite hau euskarazko wikipediarako moldatzea nahiko bazenu eta horretarako beharrezkoak diren itzulpenak nola egin bion artean begiratzea.

Beno, bestela ere, lasai. Bilatzailea nik neuk itzuli eta moldatu dut eta orain ezkerreko bilatu atalean menu txiki bat dut euskaltzaindiaren arauak eta elhuyar hiztegiak kontsultatu ahal ditudala! Hori nik neuk lortu dut (:-o). Nahi izanez gero esan eta esango dizut nola instalatu guztia, baina ez da batere zaila.

Aio! -Theklan; (zer?) 00:37, 30 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

Nola funtzionatzen duen ikusi nahi baduzu kopiatu Lankide:Theklan/monobook.js artxiboa Lankide:TXiKi/monobook.jsra eta birkargatu zure orrialdea. Nik uste merezi duela. Gero gauzak pixkanaka itzuli beharko lirateke, batez ere Lankide:Theklan/popups.js artxiboa. -Theklan; (zer?)   11:16, 30 Abendua 2006 (UTC)
Zuentzat administratzialeentzat interesgarriagoak dituen gauzak ere baditu. Orain monobook.css instalatu dut estiloa eta hobe jartzeko. Ni joango naiz orain poliki-poliki gauzak itzultzen, baina zaila egiten zait! -Theklan; (zer?)   11:31, 30 Abendua 2006 (UTC)

Uste dut itzuli behar diren artxiboak aparte jar daitezkela. honekin hasi naiz jada, baina agian zure laguntza beharko nuke gauza guztiak nola itzultzen ari zaren ikusita koherentzia emateko. -Theklan; (zer?)   02:28, 6 Urtarrila 2007 (UTC)

"TXiKi/2006ko abendua" erabiltzailearen orrira bueltatu.