Person (Tadiranscopus) who created the article doesnt know anything about history. (: He just wants to create a country according to his own idea. The word of Zazana isnt a region and it doesnt represent land of Zaza people. Claim of this person (Tadiranscopus) comes from Behistun inscription. In the inscription, (here) written as After that I marched against Babylon. But before I reached Babylon, that Nidintu-Bêl, who called himself Nebuchadnezzar, came with a host and offered battle at a city called Zâzâna, on the Euphrates. As you can see, its a city. The word Zazana of the Behistun inscription is connected to ancient Semitic Gozana (a toponym) and likely in ancient Semitic languages simply meant 'highland'. In medieval documents this Zozana or Gozana is descripted as Zuzan al-Akrad. highlands of Kurds and not Zazas or others. Actually, The word Zaza is new, if you check documents of 100 years ago, there is not such name. Zaza people call themselves, Kird, Kirmanc or Dimil. In short, the content should be changed.Thank you.--Gomada (eztabaida) 14:39, 11 ekaina 2012 (UTC)

Goian idatzitakoa, funtsean, egia da: zaza etniaren lurraldeari Zazana deitzea asmakeria da. Zazaistan esaten diote zazek beren lurraldeari, eta izen horretara aldatu dut. --Xabier Armendaritz 2013-03-14, 08:37 (UTC)
"Zazaistan" orrira bueltatu.