Eztabaida:Yehuda Halevi

Hi! I'm sorry, I can't write in Basque, but I have two small remarks: first of all, the image is not of Yehudah Halevi, but of the biblical character Levi. It doesn't belong in this article. Also, you may want to consider adding this as a link (Halevi's poems translated into Basque and Spanish). Aviad 06:48, 29 apirila 2013 (UTC)

Egina. Changes done — thank you very much for your comments! --Xabier Armendaritz 2013-04-29, 08:02 (UTC)

Hasi eztabaida bat Yehuda Halevi artikuluari buruz.

Eztabaida berria hasi
"Yehuda Halevi" orrira bueltatu.