Cúnla (irlanderaz "Mamu" esan nahi du) irlandar abesti herrikoi eta umoretsua da. Usadioz betidanik Sean Nós eran (literalki "Era Zaharra" esan nahi du) abestu izan ohi da, hots, bakarlari batek ia beti irlanderaz abestuta (Euskal Herriko bertsolarien antzera). Halere, salbuespen bezala Cunla abestia ingeleraz abestua da. Nonbait abestiaren hitzak mamu batek bakean bizitzen uzten ez dion norbaitek idatzitakoak dira, horregatik abestiaren bertso nagusian abesleak behin eta berriz mamuari "Mamu maitea, ez zaitez gehiago nigana hurbildu" leloa esaten dio, Cúnla edo Mamu adarjotzaileak berriz "Agian ez" erantzuten diolarik.

The Dublinersen musika-lana
Egilea(k)The Dubliners




Cé hé siúd thíos atá ag leagadh na gclathacha?
Cé hé siúd thíos atá ag leagadh na gclathacha?
Cé hé siúd thíos atá ag leagadh na gclathacha?
Mise mé féin, a deir Cúnla

Chúnla chaoin, ná tara níos giorra dhom
Chúnla chaoin, ná tara níos giorra dhom
Chúnla chaoin, ná tara níos giorra dhom
Maise mur' dtaga, a deir Cúnla

Cé hé siúd thíos atá ag bualadh na bhfuinneoga?
Cé hé siúd thíos atá ag bualadh na bhfuinneoga?
Cé hé siúd thíos atá ag bualadh na bhfuinneoga?
Mise mé féin, a deir Cúnla

Chúnla chaoin, ná tara níos giorra dhom
Chúnla chaoin, ná tara níos giorra dhom
Chúnla chaoin, ná tara níos giorra dhom
Maise mur' dtaga, a deir Cúnla

Cé hé siúd thíos atá ag tochas mo bhonnacha?
Cé hé siúd thíos atá ag tochas mo bhonnacha?
Cé hé siúd thíos atá ag tochas mo bhonnacha?
Mise mé féin, a deir Cúnla

Chúnla chaoin, ná tara níos giorra dhom
Chúnla chaoin, ná tara níos giorra dhom
Chúnla chaoin, ná tara níos giorra dhom
Maise mur' dtaga, a deir Cúnla

Cé hé siúd thíos ag tarraingt na pluide dhíom?
Cé hé siúd thíos ag tarraingt na pluide dhíom?
Cé hé siúd thíos ag tarraingt na pluide dhíom?
Mise mé féin, a deir Cúnla

Chúnla chaoin, ná tara níos giorra dhom
Chúnla chaoin, ná tara níos giorra dhom
Chúnla chaoin, ná tara níos giorra dhom
Maise mur' dtaga, a deir Cúnla


Who is that there that's rapping the door to me?
Who is that there that's rapping the door to me?
Who is that there that's rapping the door to me?
Only meself, says Cúnla

Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Maybe I shouldn't, says Cúnla

Who is that there that's tapping the windowpane?
Who is that there that's tapping the windowpane?
Who is that there that's tapping the windowpane?
Only meself, says Cúnla

Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Maybe I shouldn't, says Cúnla

Who is that there that's climbing the stairs to me?
Who is that there that's climbing the stairs to me?
Who is that there that's climbing the stairs to me?
Only meself, says Cúnla

Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Maybe I shouldn't, says Cúnla

Who is that there that's pulling the blankets down?
Who is that there that's pulling the blankets down?
Who is that there that's pulling the blankets down?
Only meself, says Cúnla

Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Maybe I shouldn't, says Cúnla

Who is that there that's tickling the toes of me?
Who is that there that's tickling the toes of me?
Who is that there that's tickling the toes of me?
Only meself, says Cúnla

Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Maybe I shouldn't, says Cúnla

Who is that there that's tickling the thighs of me?
Who is that there that's tickling the thighs of me?
Who is that there that's tickling the thighs of me?
Only meself, says Cúnla

Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Maybe I shouldn't, says Cúnla

Who is that there that's raking the fire for me?
Who is that there that's raking the fire for me?
Who is that there that's raking the fire for me?
Only meself, says Cúnla

Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Cúnla dear, don't come any nearer me
Yea ra maybe I shouldn't, says Cúnla


Nor da hor nere atea joka?
Nor da hor nere atea joka??
Nor da hor nere atea joka?
Neroni bakarrik, dio Cúnlak

Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Agian ez, dio Cúnlak

Nor da hor nere leihoko kristala joka?
Nor da hor nere leihoko kristala joka?
Nor da hor nere leihoko kristala joka?
Neroni bakarrik, dio Cúnlak

Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Agian ez, dio Cúnlak

Nor da hor eskailerak igoz nigana datorrena?
Nor da hor eskailerak igoz nigana datorrena?
Nor da hor eskailerak igoz nigana datorrena?
Neroni bakarrik, dio Cúnlak

Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Agian ez, dio Cúnlak

Nor da hor burusietatik tiraka?
Nor da hor burusietatik tiraka?
Nor da hor burusietatik tiraka?
Neroni bakarrik, dio Cúnlak

Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Agian ez, dio Cúnlak

Nor da hor nere behatzak kilikatzen?
Nor da hor nere behatzak kilikatzen?
Nor da hor nere behatzak kilikatzen?
Neroni bakarrik, dio Cúnlak

Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Agian ez, dio Cúnlak

Nor da hor nere izterrak kilikatzen?
Nor da hor nere izterrak kilikatzen?
Nor da hor nere izterrak kilikatzen?
Neroni bakarrik, dio Cúnlak

Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Agian ez, dio Cúnlak

Nor da hor sua nigana zuzentzen?
Nor da hor sua nigana zuzentzen?
Nor da hor sua nigana zuzentzen?
Neroni bakarrik, dio Cúnlak

Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Cúnla maitea, ez zaitez gehiago hurbildu nigana
Agian bai, dio Cúnlak

Kanpo estekak
