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Danwasd (eztabaida | ekarpenak)
27. lerroa:
[[I. mendea|I. mendeko]] eta [[II. mendea|II. mendearen]] hasierako dokumentuen arabera, Erromako Apezpikuak nolabaiteko nagusitasuna zuen Elizaren barruan, [[Antiokia|Antiokiako hiriko]] apezpikuak (edo [[Aitalehen|aitalehenak]]) Erromako Apezpikua "berdinen arteko nagusi" modura deskribatu zuen,<ref>Chadwick-en ''The Early Christian Church-''etik</ref> ''nagusitasun'' horrek zer eman nahi duen aditzera, gaur eguneraino, ezjakina den arren.<ref>"From an historical perspective, there is no conclusive documentary evidence from the 1st century or the early decades of the second of the exercise of, or even the claim to, a primacy of the Roman bishop or to a connection with Peter, although documents from this period accord the church at Rome some kind of pre‑eminence" ([ Emmanuel Clapsis, Papal Primacy], ''Orthodoxy in Conversation''-eko erauzkina (2000), p. 110); and "The see of Rome, whose prominence was associated with the deaths of Peter and Paul, became the principle center in matters concerning the universal Church" (Clapsis, p. 102). The same writer quotes with approval the words of [[Benedikto XVI.a|Joseph Ratzinger]]: "In Phanar, on 25 July 1976, when [[Atenagoras I.a|Patriarch Athenegoras]] addressed [[Paulo VI.a|the visiting pope]] as Peter's successor, the first in honor among us, and the presider over charity, this great church leader was expressing the essential content of the declarations of the primacy of the first millennium" (Clapsis, p. 113).</ref>
=== Kristautasun goiztiarra (c. 30–325) ===
Hasiera batean bada ere, "apezpiku" eta "presbitero" sinonimotzat hartzen ziren.<ref>''[[Oxford Dictionary]] of the [[Erromatar Eliza Katolikoa|Christian Church]]'', (1997) 2005eko edizio berritua, 211.orria : "It seems that at first the terms 'episcopos' and 'presbyter' were used interchangeably".</ref> [[I. mendea|Lehen]] eta [[II. mendea|bigarren mendeen]] artean, maila lokaleko eliztarrak apezpiku eta presbiteroek kontrolatzen zituzten, bi karguen arteko solapazio bar sortuz.<ref>''[[Cambridgeko Unibertsitatea|Cambridge]] [[Kristautasunaren histoeia|History of Christianity]]'', lehenengo bolumena, 2006, "The general consensus among scholars has been that, at the turn of the first and second centuries, local congregations were led by bishops and presbyters whose offices were overlapping or indistinguishable."</ref> Batzuren ustez, "ez dago aurkituko, Erroman, apezpiku 'monarkikorik' II. mendearen erdialdetik atzera... eta seguraski beranduago [joan beharko gara hura aurkitzeko]".<ref>''[[Cambridgeko Unibertsitatea|Cambridge]] [[Kristautasunaren historia|History of Christianity]]'', lehenengo bolumena, 2006, 418. orria</ref> Beste jakitun batzuen ustez, bestalde, eta [[Ignazio Antiokiakoa|Ignazio Antiokiakoak]] zein [[Ireneo Lyongoa|San Irineok]] idatzita utzi zuten Aita Santuen ondorengotza-lerroari erreferentzia eginez, aipaturiko posizio honekiko modu kontrajarrian azalduko dira.<ref>''Ikus [[Ireneo Lyongoa|San Irineoren]] [[Against Heresies]] (III. liburua, 3. kapitulua)''</ref> Dena dela, aipagarria da ere aipaturiko bi apezpikuen helburua, erregistro 'historiko' horiek idazterakoan, Aita Santuen etengabeko ondorengotza-lerro bat erakustea bazen, zentzua dauka pentsatzeak halako idazleek euren ideien defentsarako erregistroa burutuko luketela. Hala, esan beharra dago ez dagoela objektiboa den dokumentu substantzialik honen inguruan. Aipaturiko ondorengotza-lerroaren defentsan, aipagarria da, lehenengo elizbatzar ekumenikoetan ere, elizbatzarrak Erromako Apezpikuei aitortzen dien garrantzi berezia.<ref>Harrison, Brian W. (1991-01). [ "Papal Authority at the Earliest Councils"]. ''This Rock''. [[Catholic Answers]]. '''2''' (1). [ Originaletik gordea] 2011ko ekainaren 29an.</ref>
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