Portsmouth (Virginia): berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Ezabatutako edukia Gehitutako edukia
t Marklar2007 wikilariak Portsmouth, Virginia orria Portsmouth (Virginia) izenera aldatu du
26. lerroa:
'''Portsmouth''' [[Ameriketako Estatu Batuak|Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako]] [[Virginia]] estatuko hiria da. [[2012]]an hiriak 97.450 biztanle zituen.
== Klima ==
<div style="width:75%;">
|location = Hampton Roads ([[Norfolk Nazioarteko Aireportua]]), 1981–2010
|single line = Y
|imperial first = Y
|Jan high F = 48.1
|Feb high F = 50.9
|Mar high F = 58.2
|Apr high F = 67.6
|May high F = 75.4
|Jun high F = 83.5
|Jul high F = 87.4
|Aug high F = 85.1
|Sep high F = 79.3
|Oct high F = 70.1
|Nov high F = 61.1
|Dec high F = 52.1
|year high F =68.2
|Jan low F = 32.7
|Feb low F = 34.4
|Mar low F = 40.5<!--rounds down to 40-->
|Apr low F = 48.9
|May low F = 57.9
|Jun low F = 67.1
|Jul low F = 71.9
|Aug low F = 70.7
|Sep low F = 65.3
|Oct low F = 54.0
|Nov low F = 44.6
|Dec low F = 36.1
|year low F =52.0
| Jan record high F = 84
| Feb record high F = 82
| Mar record high F = 92
| Apr record high F = 97
| May record high F = 100
| Jun record high F = 102
| Jul record high F = 105
| Aug record high F = 105
| Sep record high F = 100
| Oct record high F = 95
| Nov record high F = 86
| Dec record high F = 80
|year record high F = 105
| Jan record low F = −3
| Feb record low F = 2
| Mar record low F = 14
| Apr record low F = 23
| May record low F = 36
| Jun record low F = 45
| Jul record low F = 54
| Aug record low F = 49
| Sep record low F = 40
| Oct record low F = 27
| Nov record low F = 17
| Dec record low F = 5
|year record low F = −3
|precipitation colour = green
|Jan precipitation inch = 3.40
|Feb precipitation inch = 3.12
|Mar precipitation inch = 3.68
|Apr precipitation inch = 3.40
|May precipitation inch = 3.41
|Jun precipitation inch = 4.25
|Jul precipitation inch = 5.14
|Aug precipitation inch = 5.43
|Sep precipitation inch = 4.75
|Oct precipitation inch = 3.41
|Nov precipitation inch = 3.15
|Dec precipitation inch = 3.26
|year precipitation inch=46.41
|Jan snow inch = 2.4
|Feb snow inch = 2.1
|Mar snow inch = 0.3
|Apr snow inch = 0
|May snow inch = 0
|Jun snow inch = 0
|Jul snow inch = 0
|Aug snow inch = 0
|Sep snow inch = 0
|Oct snow inch = 0
|Nov snow inch = 0
|Dec snow inch = 1.0
|unit precipitation days = 0.01 in
|Jan precipitation days = 10.4
|Feb precipitation days = 9.5
|Mar precipitation days = 10.6
|Apr precipitation days = 10.1
|May precipitation days = 10.6
|Jun precipitation days = 9.9
|Jul precipitation days = 11.1
|Aug precipitation days = 10.1
|Sep precipitation days = 8.8
|Oct precipitation days = 7.6
|Nov precipitation days = 8.5
|Dec precipitation days = 9.8
|year precipitation days=116.8
|unit snow days = 0.1 in
|Jan snow days = 1.6
|Feb snow days = 1.3
|Mar snow days = 0.4
|Apr snow days = 0.1
|May snow days = 0
|Jun snow days = 0
|Jul snow days = 0
|Aug snow days = 0
|Sep snow days = 0
|Oct snow days = 0
|Nov snow days = 0
|Dec snow days = 0.5
|Jan sun = 170.5
|Feb sun = 178.0
|Mar sun = 229.4
|Apr sun = 252.0
|May sun = 272.8
|Jun sun = 279.0
|Jul sun = 279.0
|Aug sun = 260.4
|Sep sun = 231.0
|Oct sun = 207.7
|Nov sun = 177.0
|Dec sun = 161.2
|source 1 = NOAA<ref name = NOAA >
|url = http://mi.nws.noaa.gov/climate/xmacis.php?wfo=akq
|izenburua = NowData - NOAA Online Weather Data
|egilea = [[National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]]}}</ref>, HKO (eguzki-orduak, 1961–1990)<ref name= HKO >
| url = http://www.weather.gov.hk/wxinfo/climat/world/eng/n_america/us/norfolk_va_e.htm
| izenburua = Climatological Normals of Norfolk
| egilea = [[Hong Kong Observatory]]
|date=February 2013
== Herri eta hiri senidetuak ==
*{{Banderaikur|UK}} [[Portsmouth]], [[Erresuma Batua]]
*{{Banderaikur|NZL}} [[Dunedin]], [[Zeelanda Berria]]
*{{Banderaikur|MEX}} [[Orizaba]], [[Mexiko]]
*{{Banderaikur|KEN}} [[Eldoret]], [[Kenya]]
*{{Banderaikur|SEN}} [[Goree Island]], [[Senegal]]
== Erreferentziak ==
== Kanpo loturak ==
{{Commonskat|Portsmouth, Virginia}}
*[http://www.portsmouthva.gov/ Webgune ofiziala]
[[Kategoria:Virginiako hiriak]]