Robertson Davies
William Robertson Davies (Thamesville, Ontario, 1913ko abuztuaren 28a - Orangeville, Ontario, 1995eko abenduaren 2a) kanadar eleberrigile, antzerkigile, literatura kritikari, kazetari eta irakaslea izan zen.
Kingstongo Queen's unibertsitatean eta Oxfordeko Unibertsitatean ikasi zuen. Ingalaterran antzerkian aritu zen. Kanadara itzuli zenean, editore literarioa eta egunkarien jabea izan zen eta ntzezlanak eta eleberriak idazten hastea. 1960tik 1981era literatura irakasle izan zen. Kanadako idazle ospetsuenetako bat izan zen.
aldatu- The Salterton Trilogy
- Tempest-Tost (1951)
- Leaven of Malice (1954)
- A Mixture of Frailties (1958)
- The Deptford Trilogy
- Fifth Business (1970)
- The Manticore (1972)
- World of Wonders (1975)
- The Cornish Trilogy
- The Rebel Angels (1981)
- What's Bred in the Bone (1985)
- The Lyre of Orpheus (1988)
- The "Toronto Trilogy" (amaitu gabea)
- Murther and Walking Spirits (1991)
- The Cunning Man (1994)
aldatuFikziozko saiakerak
- The Diary of Samuel Marchbanks (1947)
- The Table Talk of Samuel Marchbanks (1949)
- Samuel Marchbanks' Almanack (1967)
- The Papers of Samuel Marchbanks (1985) delakoan bilduta
- Shakespeare's Boy Actors (1939) (W. Robertson Davies)
- Shakespeare for Young Players: A Junior Course (1942)
- Renown at Stratford (1953) (Tyrone Guthrierekin)
- Twice Have the Trumpets Sounded (1954) (Tyrone Guthrierekin)
- Thrice the Brindled Cat Hath Mew'd (1955) (Tyrone Guthrierekin)
- A Voice From the Attic (1960) edo The Personal Art
- A Feast of Stephen (1970)
- Stephen Leacock (1970)
- One Half of Robertson Davies (1977)
- The Enthusiasms of Robertson Davies (1979; 1990ean berrikusia) (Judith Skelton Grantek argitaratua)
- The Well-Tempered Critic (1981) (Judith Skelton Grantek argitaratua)
- The Mirror of Nature (1983)
- Reading and Writing (1993) (bi saiakera, The Merry Hearten bilduta)
- The Merry Heart (1996)
- Happy Alchemy (1997) (Jennifer Surridgek eta Brenda Daviesek argitaratua )
aldatu- Overlaid (1948)
- Eros at Breakfast (1948)
- Hope Deferred (1948)
- King Phoenix (1948)
- At the Gates of the Righteous (1949)
- Fortune My Foe (1949)
- The Voice of the People (1949)
- At My Heart's Core (1950)
- A Masque of Aesop (1952)
- Hunting Stuart (1955)
- A Jig for the Gypsy (1955)
- General Confession (1956)
- A Masque of Mr. Punch (1963)
- Question Time (1975)
- Brothers in the Black Art (1981)
Ipuin bilduma
aldatu- High Spirits (1982)
aldatu- Doctor Canon's Cure (1982)
- Jezebel (1993)
- The Golden Ass (1999)
Gutunak eta egunkariak
aldatu- For Your Eye Alone (2000) (Judith Skelton Grantek argitaratua)
- Discoveries (2002) (Judith Skelton Grantek argitaratua)
- A Celtic Temperament: Robertson Davies as Diarist (2015) (Jennifer Surridgek eta Ramsay Derryk argitaratua)
aldatu- Conversations with Robertson Davies (1989) (J. Madison Daviesek argitaratua)
- The Quotable Robertson Davies: The Wit and Wisdom of the Master (2005) (James Channing Shawk bildutakoa)
- The Merry Heart: Reflections on Reading Writing, and the World of Books (New York: Viking, 1997). ISBN 9780670873661