Lankide eztabaida:TXiKi/2007ko maiatza



Your TXiKiBoT has now botstatus at german wikipedia. -- sk

And on Nynorsk (nn). nn:Brukar:Ranveig
Thai wikipedia (th) too. -- Pi@k

A formal question


Kaixo! I've got a question. If I ever see a new article that looks like this, what should I do with it. Because I saw this one right after it was started and didn't know what to do with it. Of course I'm not fluent in euskara but I don't have to be when I see such an article :) Now I know I should add {{ezabatu}}, but is there anything else that should be done?

You know, I'm an admin at and it just drives me crazy when I see such things and don't know what to do about them. I'd love to delete them, but since I can't I'd like to know what an average user can do :) Mila esker. Airwolf 17:04, 4 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)

It's similar, but the difference is that we've got two different templates - one of them means delete immediately (for vandalisms etc.) and the other requires setting up a separate discussion (for articles which seem OK, but might for example be hoaxes) and that's what I wanted to know.
It seems Ihave to learn your language and become an admin here as quickly as possible :) Airwolf 17:43, 4 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)

Ezabatzen zaigu...


Aupa Txiki

Txomin naiz eta atzodanik zenbakizko kognizioaren inguruan idazten ahalegintzen ari gara (beste hiru lagunekin batera) baina zerbait idatzi orduko ezabatzen zaigu idatzitakoa. Zergatik da hau? Zerbait ari gara txarto egiten? Txomin 07:15, 10 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)

Ok Txiki. Mila esker argibideagatik. Puntu hori ez nekien eta. Kontuan hartuko dugu, izan ere datozen egunotan pedagogiaren inguruko ekarpen batzuk egin gura ditugu (talde bat gara eta).Txomin 17:07, 11 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)

TXiKiBoT on


Can you please request a bot flag on Meta as your bot is flooding the recent changes page? There's no local bureaucrat and a very small community. Thank you. --.anaconda 16:56, 12 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)

IP vandal


Hi TXiKi! Please block this IP, it's the same person as Lankide:Harald Krichel onaniert beim Scheissen! (a swiss hardcore vandal) and the IP seems to be permanent at least for some days or weeks (blocking for one or two months would make sense). The IP is blocked on de [1], and now he is vandalising other Wikipedias [2] [3] [4]. I also would be thankful, if you could half-block my user page, so I only have to revert my talk page if he comes back. --FritzG 10:21, 14 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)

Thank you! --FritzG 13:47, 14 Maiatza 2007 (UTC) IP-a duen astakirtena


Egun on! IPa duen erabiltzaileak bakarrik artikuluak ezabatu egiten du, eta gainera, ez da hori egiten duen lehen aldia. Bestela, bere ekarpenei erreparatu: Aparteko:Contributions/

Hona hemen nire galdera. Lankideok IP edota erabiltzaile bandaloak blokeatu al ditzakegu? Nik neuk oso gustura egingo nuke, dirudienez IP finkoa du-eta.

--Tximist 11:39, 16 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)

Col·laboració amb Berria


Hola, sóc ca:User:Vriullop. He fet uns comentaris a Wikipedia eztabaida:Enbaxada#Colaboración con Berria i agrairia la teva participació. Eskerrik asko. -- 12:24, 18 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)

Disculpes. M'he confós. Vist l'historial de Berria en català la informació es va afegir avui i avui mateix s'ha tret. Bé, no sé d'on ho ha tret en Vicent Partal. La informació és a ca:Viquipèdia:La taverna#Pregunta-proposta d’en Vicent Partal i Vilaweb a la Viquipèdia. Salutacions, ca:User:Vriullop. -- 16:30, 18 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)

Berria eta Wikipedia


Iepa! Ba ez dakit nondik atera duten Berria eta gure arteko elkarlanekin. Enbaxadan idatzi dut behin eskatu niela beraien titular garratzitsuak kopiatzeko gure albiste gunean baina ez zidatela erantzunik eman. Baina beno, gai interesgarria benetan... Laister esklusibak emango ditugu VilaWeb-en akaso :D Kabri, (erantzunak hemen)   17:08, 18 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)

TXiKiBoT on sw


You have been running your bot on sw-wiki. Kindly stop this, get yourself a flag from our bureaucrat and come back after that! Kipala -- 11:56, 23 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)

TXiKiBoT on to


You have been running your bot on to-wiki. Kindly stop this, and first explain what your bot would do better or different than the invasion of likewise bots already crawling around: i.e.

   * Escarbot ‎(Fakamīsini)
   * Idioma-bot ‎(Fakamīsini)
   * JAnDbot ‎(Fakamīsini)
   * RCBot ‎(Fakamīsini)
   * Robbot ‎(Fakamīsini)
   * Thijs!bot ‎(Fakamīsini)
   * VolkovBot ‎(Fakamīsini)

then secondly request yourself on to:Wikipedia:Bots to:User talk:Tauʻolunga 08:03, 24 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)

Your bot account on to: is blocked until you have introduced yourself on to:Wikipedia:Bots 06:21, 16 Ekaina 2007 (UTC)

Rally raid


Aupa. Ni ere bilatzen ibili naiz beste hizkuntzetan eta frantziarra aurkitu dut. , Japonieraz uste dut ere badagoela zerbait(rally raid billatuta emaitza bat itzultzen du). Ala ere, euskerazko bertsioa Rally Raid mota bakarrari buruzkoa da.--irauli 17:38, 26 Maiatza 2007 (UTC)

"TXiKi/2007ko maiatza" erabiltzailearen orrira bueltatu.