Oharra: Gorde ondoren zure nabigatzailearen katxea ekidin beharko duzu aldaketak ikusteko. Mozilla / Firefox / Safari: Shift tekla sakatu birkargatzeko momentuan, edo Ctrl-Shift-R sakatu (Cmd-Shift-R Apple Mac baten); IE: Ctrl tekla sakatu birkargatzeko momentuan, edo Ctrl-F5 sakatu; Konqueror:: Birkargatzeko klik egin, edo F5 sakatu, besterik ez; Opera erabiltzaileek Tresnak-Hobespenak atalera jo eta katxea garbitzeko aukera hautatu.

//Fuente: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:ASM/quickedit.js
//Personalizada por Axxgreazz, para el [[w:es:User:Axxgreazz/Monobook-Suite]]

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * MediaWiki QuickEdit by ASM
 * Version: 17. August 2006-1
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * Opcionalmente cambiar las sgte variables:
 * var qeEnabled          = true;  // Activate Script?
 * var qeEnableSection0   = true;  // Enable QuickEdit link for section 0 (introduction)?
 * var qeShowErrors       = true; // Show errors (should be left false)
 * var qeEnableAccessKeys = true;  // Activate access keys?
 * var qeTextboxHeight    = 15;    // Height of the textbox
 * Acces keys are the same as usual (except 'a' for abort edit)
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

/////////// Einstellungen ///////////
// -> Standardeinstellungen zuweisen

try { var dummy = qeEnabled; }
catch (e) { qeEnabled = true; }

try { var dummy = qeShowErrors; }
catch (e) { qeShowErrors = false; }

try { var dummy = qeEnableSection0; }
catch (e) { qeEnableSection0 = true; }

try { var dummy = qeTextboxHeight; }
catch (e) { qeTextboxHeight = 15; }

try { var dummy = qeEnableAccessKeys; }
catch (e) { qeEnableAccessKeys = true; }

//////// Ende Einstellungen ////////

// 2D-Array mit allen Sections und den jeweiligen Unterknoten
var qeSections = new Array();

// Aktuell bearbeitete Section
var qeEdit = -1;

// Link zum Bearbeiten der Abschnitte
var qeEditLink = false;

// Form-Knoten
var qeForm = false;

// XmlHttpRequest
var qeRequest = false;

// 0 = idle 1 = receive 2 = submit
var qeRequestState = 0;

////// Start Script //////


function qeInit()
   if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")!=-1) return;
   if (!qeEnabled) return;

   // check if page is editable
   if (!document.getElementById('ca-edit')) return;

   //chequear si se trata de un diff
   if(document.location.href.indexOf('&diff=') != -1 ) return;

   // check if there is no other action than view
   var pos = document.location.href.indexOf('action=');
   if (pos != -1 && document.location.href.substr(pos+7, 4) != 'view') return;

   //qeSetLang(); no es necesario
   if (!qeInitAjax()) return;


function qeContentSub(text)
   var cs = document.getElementById('contentSub');
   if (cs.innerHTML)
      cs.innerHTML += ' - ' + text;
      cs.innerHTML = text;

function qeShowError(err)
   if (qeShowErrors) qeContentSub(msStringU('quickedit') + ' ' + msStringU('error') + ': ' + err);

function qeAlert(err)
   alert(msStringU('quickedit') + ' ' + msStringU('error') + ': ' + err);

function qeGetElementsByClassName(tagname, classname)
   var ret = new Array();
   var tags = document.getElementsByTagName(tagname);
   for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++)
      if (tags[i].className == classname)

   return ret;

function qeChangeSectionLinks()
   qeEditLink = document.getElementById('ca-edit').firstChild.href + '&section=';

   // Alle Abschnitte
   var sections = qeGetElementsByClassName('div', 'editsection');
   var jumptonav = document.getElementById('jump-to-nav');

   qeNewLinks = false;

   if (sections.length == 0)
      if (typeof oldEditsectionLinks == 'undefined' || !oldEditsectionLinks)
         qeNewLinks = true;
         var node = jumptonav.nextSibling;
         while(node != null && node.className != 'printfooter')
            if (/^H[1-6]$/.test(node.nodeName) && node.getElementsByTagName('span').length != 0)

            node = node.nextSibling;

   // Hauptabschnitt
   if (qeEnableSection0)
      var heading = qeGetElementsByClassName('h1', 'firstHeading')[0];

   if (!heading || !jumptonav)
      qeShowError('Section 0 nicht gefunden.');

      // id verpassen
      heading.id = 'section-0';

      // Knoten ins Array packen
      qeSections[0] = new Array();

      var nosections = (sections.length == 0);

      var node = jumptonav.nextSibling;
      while (node != null && node.className != 'editsection'
             && node.className != 'printfooter' && (nosections|| !/^H[1-6]$/.test(node.nodeName)))
         if (node.nodeName.charAt(0) != '#')
         node = node.nextSibling;

      // Link hinzufügen
      var newspan = document.createElement('span');
      newspan.style.fontSize = '8pt';
      newspan.style.marginLeft = '10px';

      var newlink   = document.createElement('a');
      newlink.href  = 'javascript:qeEditSection(0)';
      newlink.id    = 'sectionlink-0';
      newlink.className = 'sectionlink';
      newlink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(msStringU('edizio azkarra')));



   } // qeEnableSection0

   // Abschnitte
   for (i = 0; i < sections.length; i++)
      // Section-Link suchen
      var link = sections[i].childNodes[1].href;
      var pos = link.search(/section=/);
      var section = link.substring(pos+8);

      // Sicherstellen dass nur gütlige Section-Nummern dort sind
      // (im Normalfall überflüssig, aber wer weiß)
      var j;
      for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
        if (isNaN(section.charAt(j))) break;

      if (j == 0) continue;
      section = section.substring(0, j);

      sections[i].style.fontSize = '8pt'; // x-small sieht bei mir "doof" aus

      // QuickEdit-Link erstellen
      var newnode = document.createElement('a');
      newnode.href = 'javascript:qeEditSection(' + section + ');';
      newnode.title = 'QuickEdit Section ' + section;
      newnode.id    = 'sectionlink-' + section;
      newnode.className = 'sectionlink';
      newnode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(msStringU('edizio azkarra')));
      var where = sections[i].childNodes[2];
      sections[i].insertBefore(document.createTextNode('/'), where);
      sections[i].insertBefore(newnode, where);

      // dem div eine ID verpassen
      sections[i].id = 'editsection-' + section;

      // zugehörige hX Überschrift suchen
      if (qeNewLinks)
         var hx = sections[i].parentNode;

         var hx = sections[i].nextSibling;
         while (hx != null && !/^H[1-6]$/.test(hx.nodeName))
            hx = hx.nextSibling;
      // auch ne ID verpassen
      hx.id = 'section-' + section;

      // alle zu dieser Section gehörigen Knoten suchen und ins Array packen
      qeSections[section] = new Array();

      var node = hx.nextSibling;
      while (node != null && node.className != 'editsection'
             && node.className != 'printfooter' && !/^H[1-6]$/.test(node.nodeName))
         // nur echte knoten bitte
         if (node.nodeName.charAt(0) != '#')

         node = node.nextSibling;

function qeEditSection(section)
   section = parseInt(section);

   // könnte etwas suboptimal sein, reicht aber vorerst
   if (qeRequestState || !qeEditLink) return;

   // es wird bereits ein Abschnitt bearbeitet
   // wenn es der aktuelle ist -> Bearbeiten abbrechen, sonst nichts tun
   if (qeEdit != -1)
      if (qeEdit == section) qeAbortEdit(section);

   qeEdit = section;

   // Inhalt des Abschnitts ausblenden
   var nodes = qeSections[section];
   for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
      nodes[i].style.display = 'none';

   // andere Links ändern
   var links = qeGetElementsByClassName('a', 'sectionlink');
   for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
      if (links[i].id != 'sectionlink-' + qeEdit)
         links[i].style.color = '#bfbfbf';

   // Form anzeigen
   var hx = document.getElementById('section-' + section);
   hx.parentNode.insertBefore(qeForm, hx.nextSibling);

   qeForm.childNodes[4].value = msStringU('irakurtzen') + '...';


function qeAbortEdit()
   if (qeEdit == -1) return;

   // Inhalt des Abschnitts wieder einblenden
   var nodes = qeSections[qeEdit];
   for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
      nodes[i].style.display = is_gecko?null:'block';

   var links = qeGetElementsByClassName('a', 'sectionlink');
   for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
      if (links[i].id != 'sectionlink-' + qeEdit)
         links[i].style.color = null;

   qeForm.childNodes[4].value = '';

   qeEdit = -1;

function qeMakeForm()
   if (qeForm) return;

   if (qeSections.length == 1) qeTextboxHeight += 10; // higher textbox for the main section only

   qeForm = document.createElement('form');
   qeForm.method = 'post';
   qeForm.onsubmit = qeSubmitByReturn;

   var elements = new Array(
     //         subject     type      name

     new Array('input',    'hidden', 'wpSection'),
     new Array('input',    'hidden', 'wpStarttime'),
     new Array('input',    'hidden', 'wpEdittime'),
     new Array('input',    'hidden', 'wpSummary'),
     new Array('textarea',           'wpTextbox1'),
     new Array('input',    'hidden', 'wpEditToken'),
     new Array('input',    'hidden', 'wpAutoSummary')
//,     new Array('input',    'hidden', 'wpWatchthis')

   for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
      var e = elements[i];
      var newnode = document.createElement(e[0]);
      if (e[0] == 'input')
         newnode.type = e[1];
         newnode.name = e[2];

      else if (e[0] == 'textarea')
         newnode.id = e[1];
         newnode.name = e[1];
         newnode.rows = qeTextboxHeight;


   if (qeEnableAccessKeys) qeForm.childNodes[4].accessKey = ',';
   qeForm.childNodes[4].tabIndex = 1;

   newnode = document.createElement('div');
   newnode.style.marginTop = '5px';

// Speichern   
   newnode.firstChild.href         = 'javascript:qeSubmit(0)';
   newnode.firstChild.style.cursor = 'pointer';

   if (qeEnableAccessKeys) newnode.firstChild.accessKey = 's';

// Vorschau
   newnode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
   newnode.childNodes[2].href             = 'javascript:qeSubmit(1)';
   newnode.childNodes[2].style.marginLeft = '5px';
   newnode.childNodes[2].style.cursor     = 'pointer';
   newnode.childNodes[2].appendChild(document.createTextNode(msStringU('aurrez ikusi')));
   if (qeEnableAccessKeys) newnode.childNodes[2].accessKey = 'p';

// Abbrechen
   newnode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
   newnode.childNodes[4].href             = 'javascript:qeAbortEdit()';
   newnode.childNodes[4].style.marginLeft = '5px';
   newnode.childNodes[4].style.cursor     = 'pointer';

   if (qeEnableAccessKeys) newnode.childNodes[4].accessKey = 'a';

// Zusammenfassung
   newnode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));

   newnode.childNodes[6].type = 'text';
   newnode.childNodes[6].size = '70';
   newnode.childNodes[6].id   = 'qeSummary';
   newnode.childNodes[6].maxLength = '200';
   newnode.childNodes[6].style.marginLeft = '5px';
   newnode.childNodes[6].tabIndex = 2;

// Kleine Änderung
   newnode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));

   var checkboxes = document.createElement('span');
   checkboxes.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';

   checkboxes.childNodes[0].type  = 'checkbox';
   checkboxes.childNodes[0].id    = 'wpMinoredit';
   checkboxes.childNodes[0].name  = 'wpMinoredit';
   checkboxes.childNodes[0].value = '1';
   checkboxes.childNodes[0].style.marginLeft = '5px';
   checkboxes.childNodes[0].tabIndex = 3;

   if (qeEnableAccessKeys) checkboxes.childNodes[0].accessKey = 'i';

   checkboxes.childNodes[1].htmlFor = 'wpMinoredit';
   checkboxes.childNodes[1].style.fontWeight = 'bold';


// Beobachten
   checkboxes.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));

   checkboxes.childNodes[3].type  = 'checkbox';
   checkboxes.childNodes[3].id    = 'wpWatchthis';
   checkboxes.childNodes[3].name  = 'wpWatchthis';
   checkboxes.childNodes[3].value = '1';
   checkboxes.childNodes[3].style.marginLeft = '5px';
   checkboxes.childNodes[3].tabIndex = 4;

   if (qeEnableAccessKeys) checkboxes.childNodes[3].accessKey = 'w';

   checkboxes.childNodes[4].htmlFor = 'wpWatchthis';
   checkboxes.childNodes[4].style.fontWeight = 'bold';



function qeFillForm(formaction, wpStarttime, wpEdittime, wpSummary, wpTextbox1,
                    wpEditToken, wpAutoSummary, wpWatchthis)
   if (!qeForm) return;

   qeForm.childNodes[0].value = qeEdit;
   qeForm.childNodes[1].value = wpStarttime;
   qeForm.childNodes[2].value = wpEdittime;
   qeForm.childNodes[3].value = wpSummary;
   qeForm.childNodes[4].value = wpTextbox1;

   qeForm.childNodes[5].value = wpEditToken;
   qeForm.childNodes[6].value = wpAutoSummary;

// qeForm.childNodes[7].name  = wpWatchthis?'wpWatchthis':'dummy';
   document.getElementById('wpWatchthis').checked = wpWatchthis;
   qeForm.action = formaction;

   document.getElementById('qeSummary').value = wpSummary;

// Ajax stuff

function qeInitAjax()
      if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
         qeRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
//         netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalBrowserRead');

      else if (window.ActiveXObject)
         qeRequest = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');

      else throw 'Kein AJAX-Objekt vorhanden';

   catch (e)
      return false;

   if (!qeRequest)
      qeShowError('AJAX-Objekt konnte nicht erstellt werden');
      return false;

   return true;

function qeGetSection()
   if (qeEdit == -1 || !qeForm || !qeRequest || !qeEditLink || qeRequestState) return;

   var link = qeEditLink + qeEdit;

   qeRequestState = 1;

   qeRequest.onreadystatechange = qeAjaxResponse;

   qeRequest.open('GET', link, true);

function qeAjaxResponse()
   if (!qeRequestState)
      alert('QuickEdit Fehler: qeAjaxResponse');

   // receive
   if (qeRequestState == 1 && qeEdit != -1)
      if (qeRequest.readyState != 4 || qeRequest.status != 200)

      qeRequestState = 0;

      var xml = qeRequest.responseXML;

      try // MediaWiki bug 6986 workaround
         var wpTextbox1 = xml.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value;
      catch (e)
         xml = qeFixXML(qeRequest.responseText);
         if (!xml)
            qeShowError('XML parsing fehlgeschlagen.');

         var wpTextbox1 = xml.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value;

      var inputs = xml.getElementsByTagName('input');
      for (i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++)
         if (inputs[i].name == 'wpSection') wpSection = inputs[i].value;
         else if (inputs[i].name == 'wpStarttime') wpStarttime = inputs[i].value;
         else if (inputs[i].name == 'wpEdittime') wpEdittime = inputs[i].value;
         else if (inputs[i].name == 'wpSummary') wpSummary = inputs[i].value;

         else if (inputs[i].name == 'wpEditToken') wpEditToken = inputs[i].value;
         else if (inputs[i].name == 'wpAutoSummary') wpAutoSummary = inputs[i].value;

         else if (inputs[i].name == 'wpWatchthis') wpWatchthis = inputs[i].checked;

      var formaction = xml.getElementById('editform').action;

      // sollte nie passieren, wenn doch -> fatal error
      if (wpSection != qeEdit)
         qeRequestState = 0;

      qeFillForm(formaction, wpStarttime, wpEdittime, wpSummary, wpTextbox1,
                 wpEditToken, wpAutoSummary, wpWatchthis);

function qeSubmitByReturn()
   return false;

function qeSubmit(preview)
   if (qeEdit == -1 || !qeRequest || !qeForm || qeRequestState)

   qeForm.childNodes[3].value = document.getElementById('qeSummary').value;
   if (preview == 1)
      var prev = document.createElement('input');
      prev.name = 'wpPreview';
      prev.value = 'Preview';
      prev.type = 'hidden';


// MediaWiki bug 6986 workaround
function qeFixXML(text)
   var pos = text.indexOf('<h1 class="firstHeading">');
   var pos2 = text.indexOf('</h1>');
   if (pos == -1 || pos2 == -1) return null;

   text = text.substring(0, pos) + text.substring(pos2+5);

   var parser = new DOMParser();
   var newdoc = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/xml");
   return newdoc;
