La Monte Young
musikagile estatubatuarra
La Monte Thornton Young (Berna, Idaho, 1935ko urriaren 14a) AEBetako musikagile eta musikari ezaguna da. Bereziki ezagunak bere lan minimalistak dira. Haren lanak abangoardian eta musika esperimentalean kokatu dira. Fluxus mugimenduarekin lotuta egon da. Bere konposizioak musikaren definizioa eta izaera bera jarri du zalantzan eta, askotan, perfomance kutsu handiko elementuak barneratu ditu.
La Monte Young | |
(1961) | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotza | Bern (en) , 1935eko urriaren 14a (88 urte) |
Herrialdea | Ameriketako Estatu Batuak |
Familia | |
Ezkontidea(k) | Marian Zazeela (en) |
Hezkuntza | |
Heziketa | Kaliforniako Unibertsitatea Los Angelesen John Marshall High School (en) Los Angeles City College (en) UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music (en) |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | musikagilea, artista, performancelaria eta estudioko musikaria |
| |
Lantokia(k) | New York |
Jasotako sariak | |
Mugimendua | Fluxusa |
Genero artistikoa | experimental music (en) |
Musika instrumentua | saxofoia |
aldatu- Inside the Dream Syndicate, Volume One: Day of Niagara with John Cale, Tony Conrad, Marian Zazeela, and Angus Maclise [Recorded 1965] (Table of the Elements, 2000. Bootleg recording of dubious title, credits, and quality Not authorized by La Monte Young)[1]
- 31 VII 69 10:26 - 10:49 PM Munich from Map of 49's Dream The Two Systems of Eleven Sets of Galactic Intervals Ornamental Lightyears Tracery; 23 VIII 64 2:50:45-3:11 AM the volga delta from Studies in The Bowed Disc [a.k.a. The Black Record] (Edition X, West Germany, 1969)
- La Monte Young Marian Zazeela The Theatre of Eternal Music - Dream House 78' 17" (Shandar, 1974)
- The Well Tuned Piano 81 X 25 (6:17.50 - 11:18:59 PM NYC) (Gramavision, 1988)
- 90 XII C. 9:35-10:52 PM NYC, The Melodic Version (1984) of The Second Dream of the High-Tension Line Stepdown Transformer From the Four Dreams of China (Gramavision, 1991)
- Just Stompin': Live at The Kitchen (Gramavision, 1993)
- The Well-Tuned Piano in The Magenta Lights (87 V 10 6:43:00 PM 87 V 11 01:07:45 AM NYC) (Just Dreams, DVD-9, 2000)
aldatu- Small Pieces (5) for String Quartet ("On Remembering a Naiad") (1956) [included on Arditti String Quartet Edition, No. 15: U.S.A. (Disques Montaigne, 1993)]
- Sarabande for any instruments (1959) [included on Just West Coast (Bridge, 1993)]
- "89 VI 8 c. 1:45-1:52 AM Paris Encore" from Poem for Tables, Chairs and Benches, etc. (1960) [included on Flux: Tellus Audio Cassette Magazine #24]
- Excerpt "31 I 69 c. 12:17:33-12:24:33 PM NYC" [included on Aspen #8's flexi-disc (1970)] from Drift Study; "31 I 69 c. 12:17:33-12:49:58 PM NYC" from Map of 49's Dream The Two Systems of Eleven Sets of Galactic Intervals (1969) [included on Ohm and Ohm+ (Ellipsis Arts, 2000 & 2005)]
- 566 for Henry Flynt [included on Music in Germany 1950–2000: Experimental Music Theatre (Eurodisc 173675, 7-CD set, 2004)]
Kanpo loturak
aldatu- La Monte Young page on Mela Foundation
- La Monte Young page on Other Minds
- La Monte Young page on UbuWeb
- La Monte Young biography at Kunst im Regenbogenstadl
- La Monte Young on Record from The Wire magazine
- Farley, William (Dir.). In Between the Notes: A Portrait of Pandit Pran Nath, Master Indian Musician. Video documentary produced by Other Minds.
- Gann, Kyle. “La Monte Young.”
- Young, La Monte (Ed.). “An Anthology of Chance Operations.” Something Else, 1963. (PDF version of the original publication on UbuWeb)
- _____. “Notes on Continuous Periodic Composite Sound Waveform Environment Realizations.” Aspen 8 — The Fluxus Issue, edited by Dan Graham, designed by George Maciunas (1970–71). The issue also features a sound recording of Young’s Drift Study 31 1 69.
- _____. 89 VI 8 c. 1:42-1:52 AM Paris Encore (audio dur. 10:33). Tellus #24 Flux Tellus, published on the Tellus Audio Cassette Magazine.
- link to page at Guggenheim Museum in New York where Young is represented in the exhibition The Third Mind and during which he will perform on March 14 & 21, 2009.
aldatu- Golden, Barbara. "Conversation with La Monte Young". eContact! 12.2 — Interviews (2) (April 2010). Montréal: CEC.
- Oteri, Frank J. “La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela at the Dream House.” Interview with La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela from 13–14 August 2003. NewMusicBox — People & Ideas in Profileconversation with Frank J. Oteri, 1 October 2003 (bideo batekin).
- La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela on WNYC’s New Sounds #449. 1990ko irrati saio baten grabazioa.