Richmond Reed Carradine (New York, 1906ko otsailaren 5a - Milan, 1988ko azaroaren 27a), John Carradine izenaz ezagunagoa, Western eta beldurrezko filmak antzezteagatik ezaguna izan zen aktore estatubatuarra izan zen. David, Bruce eta Keith Carradine aktoreen aita ere izan zen[1].

John Carradine

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakRichmond Reed Carradine
JaiotzaNew York1906ko otsailaren 5a
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Lehen hizkuntzaingelesa
HeriotzaMilan1988ko azaroaren 27a (82 urte)
Heriotza moduaberezko heriotza: miokardio infartu akutua
AitaWilliam Reid Carradine
AmaGenevieve Richmond Richmond
Ezkontidea(k)Ardanelle McCool  (1935eko abenduaren 31 -  1944ko martxoaren 14a)
Sonia Sorel  (1944ko abuztuaren 13a -  1957ko martxoaren 6a)
LeinuaCarradine family (en) Itzuli
HeziketaEpiscopal Academy (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakzinema aktorea, karaktere aktorea, antzerki aktorea, telebista-aktorea, ahots-aktorea, margolaria, eskultorea eta aktorea
Altuera183 zentimetro
Lantokia(k)Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Jasotako sariak
Genero artistikoaWesterna
beldurrezko zinema

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Biografia eta lana


John Carradine New Yorken jaio zen, familia dirudun batean, ama kirurgialari prestigiotsuaeta eta aita abokatu bikaina izan zituelarik.

Bere hasierako ideia, Arte Grafikoko New York-eko Eskolara joan ondoren, pinturaren eta eskulturaren munduan aritzea izan zen. Shakespiriar aktore lanek sartu zuten interpretazio munduan eta, 1930ean, bere debuta burutu zuen, Peter Richmond izena hartu zuelarik. 1933ra arte, ez zuen John Carradine izena hartuko. Urtebete geroago, John Ford-ekin elkartu zen lehen aldiz eta honek egin zuen ezagun hainbat film medio (The Prisoner of Shark Island (1936) edo Katharine Hepburnek antzestutako Maria Estuardo).

Carradine John Ford-en hamar bat titulutan agertu zen, Suminaren Mahatsak (1940), Diligentzia (1939) edo Liberty Valance Tirokatu Zuen Gizona (1962) besteaz beste. Horrez gain, Hamar Aginduak filman (1956) Aaron-en papera antzeztu zuen. Aktore txukuna bazen ere, ez zuen testuinguru dramatikoetan lan egiteko aukera handirik izan. 40ko hamarkadan, antzerki konpainia batekin bidaiatu zuen, William Shakespearen Hamlet eta Macbeth bezalako obrak irudikatuz.

Broadway-en egindako lanen artean, Ferdinand dago John Websterren The Duchess of Malfi lanean, edo Ragpicker izan zen Jean Giraudouxen La Folle de Chaillot-en, Lycus ere izan zen A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum-en eta DeLacey Frankenstein-en 1981eko bertsioan.

1935ean, John Carradine Ardanelle McCool-ekin ezkondu zen eta bi seme izan zituzten: Bruce eta David; 1941ean dibortziatu ziren.

Berriro ezkondu zen John eta, oraingoan, Sonia Sorel izan zuen emazte. Bikote honek ere bi seme-alaba izan zituen: Keith eta Robert; bikotea 1956an banandu zen.

Doris Rich (1957-1971) eta Emily Cisneros (1975-1988) ere izan zituen andregai.

Carradine 225 pelikula baino gehiagotan azaldu zen, horietako batzuetan pertsonaia eszentriko, zoro edo maltzurraren paperean; beldurrezko generoan, 40ko hamarkadan ikur nagusienetako bat bilakatu zen. 1985ean, Daytime Emmy Saria irabazi zuen Umbrella Joe-n laneko zahar eszentrikoaren papera interpretatu zuelako.

John Carradinek badu izarra Hollywood-eko Ospearen Paseoan, Hollywood Blvd-eko 6240 zenbakian hain zuzen ere eta hori zinemari eta entretenimenduari egin zion ekarpenarengatik izan zen.

« Harro nago inoiz izandako film hoberenetako batzuetan parte hartu dudalako -Onak ez direnak ere asko egin ditut!-. Hollywoodek diru asko irabazteko aukera eman dit, baina ez nau aberats bilakatu. Sekula ez nintzen izar izan. [1] »

2003an, Oklahoma City-ko National Cowboy & Western Heritage museoan dagoen Western Performers Hall of Fame-n sartu zen.

1988ko azaroaren 27an hil zen Milanen (Italia). 82 urte zituen. Milango Duomoaren 328 eskailerak igo berri zituen eta gutxi zen Hegoafrikan filma bat bukatu zuenetik. Hauek izan omen ziren azken hitzak:

« Milan! Leku ederra, bertan heriotzak hartzeko![2] »



1930eko hamarkada

  1. Bright Lights (1930): kazetaria (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  2. Tol'able David (1930): Buzzard Hatburn (Peter Richmond)
  3. Heaven on Earth (1931): Chicken Sam (Peter Richmond)
  4. Forgotten Commandments (1932): First Orator (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  5. The Sign of the Cross (1932): Christian Martyr / Gladiator Leader / Voice in Coliseum Mob / Voice of Roman (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  6. Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932) (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  7. The Story of Temple Drake (1933): Courtroom Spectator (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  8. Morning Glory (1933): Dream Apparition (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  9. This Day and Age (1933): Assistant Principal Abernathy
  10. To the Last Man (1933): Pete Garon (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  11. The Invisible Man (1933): Informer Suggesting Ink (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  12. The Meanest Gal in Town (1934): Stranded Actor (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  13. The Black Cat (1934): Cult Organist (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  14. Cleopatra (1934): Roman Citizen / Party Guest / Soldier (voice, uncredited)
  15. Clive of India (1935): Drunken-Faced Clerk (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  16. Transient Lady (1935): Ren Baxter (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  17. Les Misérables (1935): Enjolras
  18. Cardinal Richelieu (1935): Agitator
  19. Bride of Frankenstein (1935): Hunter at Hermit's Cottage (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  20. Alias Mary Dow (1935): Griffe - Nightclub Drunk (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  21. She Gets Her Man (1935) as Lunchroom customer (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  22. The Crusades (1935): Leopold - Duke of Austria / A French King / A Wise Man (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  23. Bad Boy (1935): Angry Saxophone Player - Tenant (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  24. The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo (1935): Despondent Casino Gambler (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  25. Dublin in Brass (1935) (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  26. Anything Goes (1936): Bearded Ballet Master (Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  27. The Prisoner of Shark Island (1936): Sgt. Rankin
  28. A Message to Garcia (1936): President William McKinley (voice, Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  29. Under Two Flags (1936): Cafard (scenes deleted)
  30. Half Angel (1936): Sanatorium Inmate (Ahotsa, Ez da kredituetan agertzen)
  31. White Fang (1936): Beauty Smith
  32. Mary of Scotland (1936): David Rizzio
  33. Ramona (1936): Jim Farrar
  34. Dimples (1936): Richards
  35. The Garden of Allah (1936): Sand Diviner
  36. Daniel Boone (1936): Simon Girty
  37. Winterset (1936): Bartolomio Romagna
  38. Laughing at Trouble (1936): Deputy Sheriff Alec Brady
  39. Captain January (1936) (Ezabatutako eszenak)
  40. Nancy Steele Is Missing! (1937): Harry Wilkins
  41. Captains Courageous (1937): 'Long Jack'
  42. Charlie Chan at the Olympics (1937) (Ezabatutako eszenak)
  43. This Is My Affair (1937): Ed
  44. Love Under Fire (1937): Capt. Delmar
  45. Danger - Love at Work (1937): Herbert Pemberton
  46. Ali Baba Goes to Town (1937): Ishak / Broderick
  47. The Hurricane (1937): Warden
  48. [The Last Gangster (1937): Casper
  49. Thank You, Mr. Moto (1937): Pereira
  50. International Settlement (1938): Murdock
  51. Of Human Hearts (1938): President Lincoln
  52. Four Men and a Prayer (1938): General Adolfo Arturios Gregario Sebastian
  53. Kentucky Moonshine (1938): Reef Hatfield
  54. Alexander's Ragtime Band (1938): Taxi Driver
  55. Kidnapped (1938 film)|Kidnapped (1938): Gordon
  56. I'll Give a Million (1938): Kopelpeck
  57. Gateway (1938): Leader of Refugees
  58. Submarine Patrol (1938): McAllison
  59. Jesse James (1939): Bob Ford
  60. Mr. Moto's Last Warning (1939): Danforth / Richard Burke
  61. Stagecoach (1939): Hatfield
  62. The Three Musketeers (1939): Naveau
  63. The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939): Barryman
  64. Captain Fury]] (1939): Coughy / Roger Bradford
  65. Five Came Back (1939): Crimp
  66. Frontier Marshal (1939): Ben Carter
  67. Drums Along the Mohawk (1939): Caldwell

1940ko hamarkada

  1. The Grapes of Wrath (1940): Jim Casy
  2. The Return of Frank James (1940): Bob Ford
  3. Brigham Young - Frontiersman (1940): Porter Rockwell
  4. Chad Hanna (1940): B.D. Bisbee
  5. Western Union (1941): Doc Murdoch
  6. Blood and Sand (1941): El Nacional
  7. Man Hunt (1941): Mr. Jones
  8. Swamp Water (1941): Jesse Wick
  9. Son of Fury: The Story of Benjamin Blake (1942): Caleb Green
  10. Whispering Ghosts (1942): Norbert (Long Jack)
  11. Northwest Rangers (1942): Martin Caswell
  12. Reunion in France (1942): Ulrich Windler
  13. I Escaped from the Gestapo (1943): Martin - Gestapo Agent
  14. Captive Wild Woman (1943): Dr. Sigmund Walters
  15. Hitler's Madman (1943): Reinhardt Heydrich
  16. Silver Spurs (1943): Lucky Miller
  17. Isle of Forgotten Sins (1943) (aka Monsoon): Mike Clancy
  18. Revenge of the Zombies (1943): Dr. Max Heinrich Von Altermann
  19. Gangway for Tomorrow (1943): Mr. Wellington
  20. Voodoo Man (1944): Toby
  21. The Adventures of Mark Twain (1944): Bret Harte
  22. The Black Parachute (1944): General von Bodenbach
  23. The Invisible Man's Revenge (1944): Doctor Peter Drury
  24. Waterfront (1944): Victor Marlow
  25. The Mummy's Ghost (1944): Yousef Bey
  26. Return of the Ape Man (1944): Prof. John Gilmore
  27. Barbary Coast Gent (1944): Duke Cleat
  28. Bluebeard (1944): Gaston Morel
  29. Alaska (1944): John Reagan
  30. House of Frankenstein (1944): Count Dracula / Baron Latos
  31. It's in the Bag! (1945): Jefferson T. Pike
  32. Fallen Angel (1945): Professor Madley
  33. Captain Kidd (1945): Orange Povy
  34. House of Dracula (1945): Count Dracula / Baron Latos
  35. The Face of Marble (1946): Dr. Charles Randolph
  36. Down Missouri Way (1946): Thorndyke 'Thorny' P. Dunning
  37. The Private Affairs of Bel Ami (1947): Charles Forestier
  38. C-Man (1949): Doc Spencer

1950eko hamarkada

  1. Casanova's Big Night (1954): Minister Foressi
  2. Johnny Guitar (1954): Old Tom
  3. The Egyptian (1954):s Grave Robber
  4. Thunder Pass (1954): Bergstrom
  5. Stranger on Horseback (1955): Col. Buck Streeter
  6. The Kentuckian (1955): Ziby Fletcher
  7. Desert Sands (1955): Jala the Wine Merchant
  8. The Court Jester (1956): Giacomo
  9. Dark Venture (1956): Gideon
  10. Hidden Guns (1956): Snipe Harding
  11. The Black Sleep (1956): Borg aka Bohemond
  12. Female Jungle (1956): Claude Almstead
  13. The Ten Commandments (1956): Aaron
  14. Around the World in 80 Days (1956): Col. Stamp Proctor - San Francisco Politico
  15. The True Story of Jesse James (1957): Rev. Jethro Bailey
  16. The Unearthly (1957): Dr. Charles Conway
  17. The Story of Mankind (1957): Khufu
  18. Hell Ship Mutiny (1957): Malone
  19. The Incredible Petrified World (1957): Prof. Millard Wyman
  20. Showdown at Boot Hill (1958): Doc Weber
  21. The Proud Rebel (1958): Traveling Salesman
  22. The Last Hurrah (1958): Amos Force
  23. Half Human: The Story of the Abominable Snowman (1958): Dr. John Rayburn - Narrator
  24. The Cosmic Man (1959): Cosmic Man
  25. Invisible Invaders (1959): Dr. Karol Noymann
  26. Space Invasion of Lapland (1959): Narratzailea (Ingelesezko bertsioan, Ahotsa)
  27. The Oregon Trail (1959): Zachariah Garrison

1960ko hamarkada

  1. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1960): Slave Catcher
  2. Tarzan the Magnificent (1960): Abel Banton
  3. Sex Kittens Go to College (1960): Prof. Watts
  4. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962): Maj. Cassius Starbuckle
  5. The Patsy (1964): Bruce Alden
  6. Cheyenne Autumn (1964): Jeff Blair
  7. Genesis (1964): Narrator
  8. Curse of the Stone Hand (1964): The Old Drunk
  9. The Wizard of Mars (1965): The Wizard of Mars
  10. House of the Black Death (1965): Andre Desard
  11. Branded (TV series)|Broken Sabre (1965-1966): General Joshua McCord
  12. The Emperor's New Clothes (1966): King Luvimself
  13. Billy the Kid vs. Dracula (1966): Count Dracula / posing as James Underhill
  14. Munster, Go Home! (1966): Cruikshank
  15. Red Zone Cuba|Night Train to Mundo Fine (1966): Mr. Wilson
  16. Dr. Terror's Gallery of Horrors (1967): Narrator / Tristram Halbin
  17. Hillbillys in a Haunted House (1967): Dr. Himmil
  18. The Hostage (1967): Otis Lovelace
  19. Blood of Ghastly Horror (1967): Dr. Howard Vanard
  20. Antologia del miedo (1968) (short)
  21. The Helicopter Spies (1968): Third-Way Priest
  22. They Ran for Their Lives (1968) as Laslo
  23. The Astro-Zombies (1968): Dr. DeMarco
  24. Autopsia de un fantasma (1968) (aka Autopsy of a Ghost): Satán
  25. Pacto diabólico (1969) (aka Diabolical Pact): Dr. Halback
  26. The Trouble with Girls (1969): Mr. Drewcolt
  27. Blood of Dracula's Castle (1969): George - the butler
  28. Las Vampiras (1969) (aka The Vampires): Count Branos Alucard
  29. The Good Guys and the Bad Guys (1969): Ticker
  30. Five Bloody Graves (1969): Boone Hawkins
  31. Enigma de muerte (1969): Mad Doctor / Nazi Leader
  32. La Señora Muerte (1969) (aka Madame Death): Dr. Favel
  33. The Mummy and the Curse of the Jackals (1969): Prof. Cummings

1970eko hamarkada

  1. Hell's Bloody Devils (1970) aka The Fakers (TV title): Pet Shop Owner
  2. Cain's Cutthroats (1970): Preacher Simms
  3. Horror of the Blood Monsters (1970) (aka Creatures of the Prehistoric Planet, Creatures of the Red Planet, Space Mission to the Lost Planet, Vampire Men of the Lost Planet): Dr. Rynning
  4. Blood of the Iron Maiden (1970) aka Trip to Terror (reissue title): Dr. Goolie
  5. Myra Breckinridge (1970): Surgeon
  6. Shinbone Alley (1970): Tyrone T. Tattersall (Ahotsa)
  7. The McMasters (1970): Preacher
  8. Bigfoot (1970): Jasper B. Hawks
  9. Demented Death Farm Massacre|Honey Britches (1971): The Judge of Hell (Kredituetan ez da agertzen)
  10. Blood Legacy (1971) (aka Legacy of Blood): Christopher Dean
  11. Beast of the Yellow Night (1971)
  12. The Gatling Gun (1971): Rev. Harper
  13. The Seven Minutes (1971): Sean O'Flanagan
  14. Boxcar Bertha (1972): H. Buckram Sartoris
  15. Portnoy's Complaint (1972): Judge (voice, uncredited)
  16. Richard (1972): Plastic Surgeon
  17. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) (1972): Doctor Bernardo
  18. Silent Night, Bloody Night (1972): Charlie Towman
  19. Terror in the Wax Museum (1973): Claude Dupree
  20. Bad Charleston Charlie (1973): Fritz Frugal - Reporter
  21. Superchick (1973): Igor Smith
  22. Shadow House (1973): Uncle
  23. Hex (1973) (Ezabatutako eszenak)
  24. The House of Seven Corpses (1974): Edgar Price
  25. Moonchild (1974): Mr. Walker
  26. Young Frankenstein (1974) (Ezabatutako eszenak)
  27. Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary (1975): The Man
  28. Won Ton Ton, the Dog Who Saved Hollywood (1976): Drunk
  29. The Shootist (1976): Beckum
  30. The Killer Inside Me (1976): Dr. Jason Smith
  31. The Last Tycoon (1976): Tour Guide
  32. Crash! (1977): Dr. Welsey Edwards
  33. The Sentinel (1977): Father Halliran
  34. The White Buffalo (1977): Amos Briggs (Undertaker)
  35. Satan's Cheerleaders (1977): The Bum
  36. The Mouse and His Child (1977): The Tramp (voice)
  37. Shock Waves (1977): Captain Ben Morris
  38. Golden Rendezvous (1977) (aka Nuclear Terror): Fairweather
  39. The Lady and the Lynchings (1977)
  40. Doctor Dracula (1978) aka Svengali: Hadley Radcliff
  41. Sunset Cove (1978/I): Judge Harley Winslow
  42. Vampire Hookers (1978): Richmond Reed
  43. The Bees (1978): Dr. Sigmund Hummel
  44. The Seekers (1979): Avery Mills
  45. Missile X – Geheimauftrag Neutronenbombe|Missile X: The Neutron Bomb Incident (1978) (edo Teheran Incident eta Cruise Missile): Professor Nikolaeff
  46. Nocturna: Granddaughter of Dracula (1979): Count Dracula
  47. Americathon (1979): Uncle Sam (scenes deleted)

1980ko hamarkada

  1. The Long Riders (1980) (Ezabatutako eszenak)
  2. Monster (1980) (aka Monstroid and The Toxic Horror): The Priest
  3. The Boogeyman (1980): Dr. Warren
  4. The Howling (1981): Erle Kenton
  5. The Monster Club (1981): Ronald Chetwynd-Hayes
  6. The Nesting (1981) (aka Massacre Mansion): Col. LeBrun
  7. Goliath Awaits (1981): Ronald Bentley
  8. Frankenstein Island (1981): Dr. Frankenstein
  9. Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp (1982): The Wizard (Ahotsa)
  10. The Scarecrow (1982): Hubert Salter
  11. Satan's Mistress (1982): Father Stratten
  12. The Secret of NIMH (1982): the Great Owl (voice)
  13. The Vals (1982) (aka Valley Girls): Mr. Stanton - Head of the Orphanage
  14. House of the Long Shadows (1983): Lord Elijah Grisbane
  15. Rose for Emily (1983): Col. Sartoris
  16. The Ice Pirates (1984): Supreme Commander
  17. Evils of the Night (1985): Dr. Kozmar
  18. Prison Ship (1986) (aka Star Slammer): The Justice
  19. Revenge (1986) (direct to video) (aka Revenge: Blood Cult 2): Sen. Martin Bradford
  20. The Tomb (1986): Mr. Andoheb
  21. Monster in the Closet (1986): Old Joe Shempter
  22. Peggy Sue Got Married (1986): Leo
  23. Evil Spawn (1987): Dr. Emil Zeitman

1990eko hamarkada

  1. Buried Alive (1990): Jacob Julian (filmed in 1988; released posthumously)
  2. Jack-O (1995): Walter Machen (final film role) (scenes filmed in 1986; released posthumously)



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