Jeremy Irons

aktore britainiarra

Jeremy John Irons (Cowes, Wight, 1948ko irailaren 19 - ), aktore britainiarra da, Oscar sariaren irabazlea.

Jeremy Irons

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakJeremy John Irons
JaiotzaCowes1948ko irailaren 19a (76 urte)
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
Ezkontidea(k)Sinéad Cusack  (1978 -
HeziketaSherborne School (en) Itzuli
Bristol Old Vic Theatre School (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakzinema aktorea, ahots-aktorea, antzerki aktorea, telebista-aktorea eta aktorea
Jasotako sariak
KidetzaRoyal Shakespeare Company
Genero artistikoaShakespearean comedy (en) Itzuli
Musika instrumentuaahotsa

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Taula honetan ikus daitezke film bakoitzaren zuzendaria, enpresa ekoizlea eta beste izenburuak (gaztelaniaz, frantsesez):

Urtea Filma Zuzendaria Ekoizlea Izenburuak (es,fr)
0 -- Patrik Křivánek --
1980 Nijinsky Herbert Ross -- frantsesez: Nijinski
1981 The French Lieutenant's Woman Karel Reisz -- gaztelaniaz: La mujer del teniente francés frantsesez: La Maîtresse du lieutenant français
1982 Moonlighting Jerzy Skolimowski -- gaztelaniaz: Trabajo Clandestino frantsesez: Travail au noir
1983 The Wild Duck Henri Safran --
1983 Betrayal David Hugh Jones -- gaztelaniaz: El riesgo de la traición frantsesez: Trahisons conjugales
1984 Un amour de Swann Volker Schlöndorff Gaumont Film Company gaztelaniaz: El amor de Swann
1985 The Statue of Liberty Ken Burns --
1986 The Mission Roland Joffé Warner Bros. gaztelaniaz: La misión frantsesez: Mission
1988 A Chorus of Disapproval Michael Winner -- gaztelaniaz: Adorable seductor
1988 Dead Ringers David Cronenberg Rank Organisation frantsesez: Faux-semblants
1989 Australia Jean-Jacques Andrien --
1989 Danny, the Champion of the World Gavin Millar -- gaztelaniaz: Danny, campeón del mundo frantsesez: Danny, le champion du monde
1990 Reversal of Fortune Barbet Schroeder -- frantsesez: Le Mystère von Bülow
1991 The Beggar's Opera Jiří Menzel -- frantsesez: L'Opéra du gueux
1991 Kafka Steven Soderbergh --
1992 Waterland Stephen Gyllenhaal Film4 Productions
1992 Damage Louis Malle New Line Cinema frantsesez: Fatale
1993 The House of the deadsubstance Bille August Constantin Film gaztelaniaz: La casa de los espíritus frantsesez: La Maison aux esprits
1993 M. Butterfly David Cronenberg The Geffen Film Company
1995 Die Hard with a Vengeance John McTiernan Cinergi Pictures frantsesez: Une journée en enfer
1996 Stealing Beauty Bernardo Bertolucci Searchlight Pictures gaztelaniaz: Belleza robada frantsesez: Beauté volée
1997 Lolita Adrian Lyne Pathé
1997 Chinese Box Wayne Wang -- gaztelaniaz: Caja china
1998 The Man in the Iron Mask Randall Wallace United Artists Corporation gaztelaniaz: El hombre de la máscara de hierro frantsesez: L'Homme au masque de fer
1999 Faeries Gary Hurst -- frantsesez: L'anneau magique
2000 Dungeons & Dragons Courtney Solomon Silver Pictures frantsesez: Donjons et Dragons
2001 The Fourth Angel John Irvin -- gaztelaniaz: El cuarto ángel frantsesez: Vengeance secrète
2002 The Time Machine Simon Wells Parkes/MacDonald Productions gaztelaniaz: La máquina del tiempo frantsesez: La Machine à explorer le temps
2002 Last Call Henry Bromell -- gaztelaniaz: Fitzgerald
2002 And Now... Ladies and Gentlemen Claude Lelouch Paramount Pictures gaztelaniaz: Y ahora, damas y caballeros
2002 Callas Forever Franco Zeffirelli --
2003 Broadway: The Golden Age, by the Legends Who Were There Rick McKay --
2004 Being Julia István Szabó Serendipity Point Films gaztelaniaz: Conociendo a Julia frantsesez: Adorable Julia
2004 The Merchant of Venice Michael Radford UK Film Council gaztelaniaz: El mercader de Venecia frantsesez: Le Marchand de Venise
2004 Mathilde Nina Mimica --
2005 Elizabeth I Tom Hooper HBO gaztelaniaz: Elisabeth I
2005 Casanova Lasse Hallström Touchstone Pictures
2005 Kingdom of Heaven Ridley Scott 20th Century Studios
2006 Inland Empire David Lynch Absurda
2006 Eragon Stefen Fangmeier 20th Century Studios
2008 Appaloosa Ed Harris New Line Cinema
2008 Terry Pratchett's The Colour of Magic Vadim Jean -- gaztelaniaz: El color de la magia frantsesez: Discworld
2009 The Magic 7 Roger Holzberg --
2009 The Pink Panther 2 Harald Zwart Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer gaztelaniaz: La Pantera Rosa 2 frantsesez: La Panthère rose 2
2011 Prohibition Ken Burns -- frantsesez: Prohibition : Une expérience américaine
2011 Margin Call J. C. Chandor Lionsgate
2012 The Words Brian Klugman --
2012 Trashed Candida Brady --
2013 Beautiful Creatures Richard LaGravenese Warner Bros. gaztelaniaz: Hermosas criaturas frantsesez: Sublimes Créatures
2013 Night Train to Lisbon Bille August -- frantsesez: Train de nuit pour Lisbonne
2015 High-Rise Ben Wheatley -- gaztelaniaz: Rascacielos
2015 The Man Who Knew Infinity Matt Brown -- gaztelaniaz: El hombre que conocía el infinito frantsesez: L'Homme qui défiait l'infini
2016 Assassin's Creed Justin Kurzel Regency Enterprises
2016 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Zack Snyder RatPac-Dune Entertainment gaztelaniaz: Batman v Superman: El Amanecer De La Justicia frantsesez: Batman v Superman : L'Aube de la justice
2016 The Correspondence Giuseppe Tornatore -- gaztelaniaz: La correspondencia frantsesez: La corrispondenza
2016 Race Stephen Hopkins Focus Features frantsesez: La Couleur de la victoire
2017 Justice League Zack Snyder DC Studios gaztelaniaz: Justice League: Part One
2018 An Actor Prepares Steve Clark -- gaztelaniaz: Alma de actor
2018 Red Sparrow Francis Lawrence Chernin Entertainment
2021 Munich: The Edge of War Christian Schwochow -- gaztelaniaz: Múnich en vísperas de una guerra frantsesez: L'Étau de Munich
2021 House of Gucci Ridley Scott Bron Studios
2021 Zack Snyder's Justice League Zack Snyder DC Studios
2023 The Cello Darren Lynn Bouseman --
2023 The Flash Andy Muschietti Warner Bros. Pictures
2024 The Beekeeper David Ayer Miramax


Urtea Filma Pertsonaia
1980 Nijinsky Mikhail Fokine
1981 The French Lieutenant's Woman Charles Henry Smithson/Mike
1981 Brideshead Revisited Charles Ryder
1982 Moonlighting Nowak
Betrayal Jerry
1983 The Wild Duck Harold
1984 In Search of Lost Time Charles Swann
1986 The Mission Aita Gabriel
1988 A Chorus of Disapproval Guy Jones
Dead Ringers Beverly Mantle / Elliot Mantle
1989 Australia Edouard Pierson
1990 Reversal of Fortune Claus von Bülow
1991 The Beggar's Opera Presoa
Kafka Franz Kafka
1992 The Timekeeper Herbert George Wells
Waterland Tom Crick
Damage Stephen Fleming doktorea
1993 Madame Butterfly René Gallimard
The House of the Spirits Esteban Trueba
1994 Spaceship Earth Narratzailea
The Lion King Scar (ahotsa)
1995 Die Hard with a Vengeance Simon Gruber
1996 Stealing Beauty Alex
1997 Chinese Box John
Lolita Humbert Humbert
1998 The Man in the Iron Mask Aramis
1999 Poseidon's Fury: Escape from the Lost City Poseidon
2000 Dungeons & Dragons Profion
2001 The Fourth Angel Jack Elgin
2002 Callas Forever Larry Kelly
2002 Last call Francis Scott Fitzgerald
2003 The Time Machine Über-Morlock
And Now... Ladies and Gentlemen... Valentin Valentin
Broadway: The Golden Age, by the Legends Who Were There Bera
Hittites Narratzailea
2004 Mathilde Pukovnik Unprofora
The Merchant of Venice Antonio
Being Julia Michael Gosselyn
2005 Gallipoli Gallipoli
Kingdom of Heaven Tiberias
Casanova Pucci
2006 Inland Empire Kingsley Stewart
Eragon Brom
Elizabeth I Robert Dudley
2008 Terry Pratchett's The Colour of Magic Havelock Vetinari
The Magic 7 Thraxx (ahotsa)
Appaloosa Randall Bragg
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