Frank Lloyd (Glasgow, 1886ko otsailaren 2Santa Monica, Kalifornia, 1960ko abuztuaren 10) Eskoziako film zuzendaria zen, Zinema Arte eta Zientziako Akademaia fundatzaileetako bat.

Frank Lloyd

JaiotzaGlasgow1886ko otsailaren 2a
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
 Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
 Britainia Handia eta Irlandako Erresuma Batua  1927ko apirilaren 12a)
Lehen hizkuntzaingelesa
HeriotzaSanta Monica1960ko abuztuaren 10a (74 urte)
Hobiratze lekuaForest Lawn Memorial Park
Ezkontidea(k)Virginia Kellogg  ezezaguna)
Jarduerakfilm-zuzendaria, aktorea, zinema ekoizlea, gidoilaria, zinema aktorea eta errealizadorea
Lantokia(k)Erresuma Batua
Jasotako sariak

IMDB: nm0515979 Allocine: 1808 Rottentomatoes: celebrity/frank_lloyd Allmovie: p217201 TCM: 115134
Find a Grave: 12372 Edit the value on Wikidata



Taula honetan ikus daitezke zuzendutako filma bakoitzaren bi aktore, enpresa ekoizlea eta beste izenburuak (gaztelaniaz, frantsesez):

Urtea Filma Aktoreak Ekoizlea Izenburuak (es,fr)
1914 Traffic in Babies Herbert Rawlinson, Beatrice Van Rex Motion Picture Company
1914 A Prince of Bavaria Herbert Rawlinson, Ann Little --
1914 The Chorus Girl's Thanksgiving Herbert Rawlinson, Ann Little --
1914 The Law of His Kind Herbert Rawlinson, Cleo Madison --
1914 A Page from Life Herbert Rawlinson, Ann Little --
1914 The Mexican's Last Raid Cleo Madison, J. Farrell MacDonald Nestor Film Company
1914 The Vagabond Herbert Rawlinson, Beatrice Van Rex Motion Picture Company
1914 As the Wind Blows Herbert Rawlinson, Ann Little --
1914 The Link That Binds Herbert Rawlinson, Frank Lloyd --
1915 Pawns of Fate Marc Robbins, Gretchen Lederer --
1915 The Reform Candidate Maclyn Arbuckle, Forrest Stanley --
1915 A Double Deal in Pork Rex De Rosselli, Lule Warrenton --
1915 Martin Lowe, Financier Frank Lloyd, Gretchen Lederer --
1915 Paternal Love Gretchen Lederer, Marc Robbins --
1915 Martin Lowe, Fixer Frank Lloyd, Marc Robbins --
1915 His Last Serenade Frank Lloyd, Gretchen Lederer --
1915 To Redeem a Value -- --
1915 To Redeem an Oath Frank Lloyd, Olive Carey --
1915 An Arrangement with Fate George Larkin, Gretchen Lederer --
1915 For His Superior's Honor Marc Robbins, Gretchen Lederer --
1915 Little Mr. Fixer Olive Carey, Gordon Griffith --
1915 Their Golden Wedding Marc Robbins --
1915 His Last Trick Duke Worne --
1915 The Source of Happiness Gretchen Lederer, Olive Carey --
1915 The Gentleman from Indiana Dustin Farnum, Winifred Kingston --
1915 According to Value Marc Robbins, Frank Lloyd --
1915 Trickery Frank Lloyd, Marc Robbins --
1915 Nature's Triumph Frank Lloyd, Olive Carey --
1915 Dr. Mason's Temptation Olive Carey, Marc Robbins --
1915 The Little Girl of the Attic Marc Robbins --
1915 His Captive Frank Lloyd, Marc Robbins --
1915 Eleven to One Frank Lloyd, Marc Robbins --
1915 10,000 Dollars -- --
1915 The Bay of Seven Isles Frank Lloyd, Marc Robbins --
1915 Wolves of Society Frank Lloyd, Gretchen Lederer --
1915 Life's Furrow Marc Robbins --
1915 The Temptation of Edwin Swayne Frank Lloyd, Gretchen Lederer --
1915 Billie's Baby Marc Robbins --
1915 When the Spider Tore Loose Frank Lloyd, Olive Carey --
1915 Jane Charlotte Greenwood, Myrtle Stedman --
1915 $100,000 Frank Lloyd --
1915 The Pinch Gretchen Lederer, Frank Lloyd --
1915 In the Grasp of the Law Olive Carey, Lydia Yeamans Titus --
1915 The Toll of Youth Marc Robbins --
1915 The Prophet of the Hills Frank Lloyd, Marc Robbins --
1915 Fate's Alibi Marc Robbins --
1915 From the Shadows Marc Robbins, Frank Lloyd --
1916 David Garrick Dustin Farnum, Lydia Yeamans Titus --
1916 The World and the Woman Jeanne Eagels, Boyd Marshall Thanhouser Company
1916 Sins of Her Parent Gladys Brockwell, William Clifford Fox Film Corporation
1916 Madame la Presidente Anna Held, Forrest Stanley --
1916 The Code of Marcia Gray Constance Collier, Forrest Stanley --
1916 The Stronger Love Vivian Martin, Frank Lloyd --
1916 The Making of Maddalena Edna Goodrich, Howard Davies -- frantsesez: Madeleine
1916 The Call of the Cumberlands Dustin Farnum, Winifred Kingston --
1916 An International Marriage Rita Jolivet, Elliott Dexter --
1916 The Tongues of Men Constance Collier, Forrest Stanley --
1916 The Intrigue Lenore Ulric, Florence Vidor --
1917 A Tale of Two Cities William Farnum Fox Film Corporation frantsesez: Un drame d'amour sous la Révolution
1917 The Heart of a Lion William Farnum, Wanda Hawley Fox Film Corporation
1917 Les Misérables William Farnum, Dorothy Bernard --
1917 The Kingdom of Love Jewel Carmen, Lee Shumway Fox Film Corporation
1917 American Methods -- Fox Film Corporation frantsesez: Volonté
1917 The Price of Silence William Farnum, Frank Clark --
1917 When a Man Sees Red William Farnum, Jewel Carmen -- frantsesez: La Femme fardée
1918 The Rainbow Trail William Farnum, Ann Forrest Fox Film Corporation
1918 For Freedom John Slavin, William Farnum Fox Film Corporation
1918 William Farnum in a Liberty Loan Appeal William Farnum Fox Film Corporation
1918 True Blue Buck Jones, Charles Clary Fox Film Corporation
1918 Riders of the Purple Sage William Farnum, William Scott Fox Film Corporation
1918 The Blindness of Divorce Charles Clary, Rhea Mitchell Fox Film Corporation
1919 The Man Hunter William Farnum, Louise Lovely -- frantsesez: Après le typhon
1919 The Loves of Letty Pauline Frederick, John Bowers -- frantsesez: Tentations
1919 Pitfalls of a Big City Gladys Brockwell, William Scott Fox Film Corporation
1919 The World and Its Woman Geraldine Farrar, Lou Tellegen -- frantsesez: Une idylle dans la tourmente
1920 The Woman in Room 13 Pauline Frederick, Richard Tucker Goldwyn Pictures frantsesez: L'Appartement n°13
1920 Madame X Pauline Frederick, William Courtleigh Goldwyn Pictures
1920 The Silver Horde Myrtle Stedman, Betty Blythe -- frantsesez: La Horde d'argent
1920 The Great Lover Claire Adams, Richard Tucker Goldwyn Pictures frantsesez: Le Chant du cygne
1921 A Tale of Two Worlds Leatrice Joy, Wallace Beery --
1921 A Voice in the Dark Alan Hale, Alec B. Francis Goldwyn Pictures frantsesez: Une voix dans la nuit
1921 The Invisible Power Irene Rich, Gertrude Claire -- frantsesez: Hérédité
1921 Roads of Destiny Pauline Frederick, Jane Novak --
1921 The Grim Comedian Jack Holt, Bert Woodruff Goldwyn Pictures frantsesez: Le Calice
1921 The Man from Lost River House Peters, Sr., Fritzi Brunette Goldwyn Pictures
1922 Oliver Twist Lon Chaney, Jackie Coogan --
1922 The Eternal Flame Adolphe Menjou, Conway Tearle -- frantsesez: La Duchesse de Langeais
1922 The Sin Flood Richard Dix, Ralph Lewis --
1923 Ashes of Vengeance Norma Talmadge, Wallace Beery -- gaztelaniaz: Cenizas de odio frantsesez: Cendres de vengeance
1923 Within the Law Norma Talmadge, Lew Cody -- frantsesez: À l'abri des lois
1923 The Voice from the Minaret Norma Talmadge, Eugene O'Brien --
1923 Black Oxen Corinne Griffith, Conway Tearle --
1924 The Sea Hawk Milton Sills, Enid Bennett Frank Lloyd gaztelaniaz: El gavilán de los mares frantsesez: L'Aigle des mers
1924 The Silent Watcher Glenn Hunter, Bessie Love --
1925 Winds of Chance Anna Q. Nilsson, Ben Lyon First National
1925 The Splendid Road Anna Q. Nilsson -- frantsesez: Les Orphelins de la mer
1925 Her Husband's Secret Antonio Moreno --
1926 The Wise Guy Mary Astor, James Kirkwood --
1926 The Eagle of the Sea Florence Vidor, Ricardo Cortez Paramount Pictures frantsesez: Le Corsaire masqué
1927 Children of Divorce Clara Bow, Esther Ralston Famous Players-Lasky Corporation gaztelaniaz: Los hijos del divorcio frantsesez: Les Enfants du divorce
1928 Lilac Time Colleen Moore, Gary Cooper First National gaztelaniaz: El gran combate frantsesez: Ciel de gloire
1928 Adoration Billie Dove -- frantsesez: La Belle Exilée
1929 Weary River Richard Barthelmess, Betty Compson First National gaztelaniaz: El príncipe de la melodía frantsesez: Le Torrent fatal
1929 Drag Richard Barthelmess, Lucien Littlefield First National gaztelaniaz: Parasites
1929 Young Nowheres Richard Barthelmess First National
1929 The Divine Lady Corinne Griffith, Victor Varconi Warner Bros. gaztelaniaz: Trafalgar frantsesez: La Divine Lady
1929 Dark Streets Jack Mulhall, Lila Lee First National
1930 The Way of All Men Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Dorothy Revier --
1930 The Lash Richard Barthelmess -- gaztelaniaz: Sin patria frantsesez: Adios
1930 Son of the Gods Richard Barthelmess, Constance Bennett -- gaztelaniaz: El hijo de los dioses
1931 The Right of Way Conrad Nagel, Loretta Young First National
1931 East Lynne Ann Harding, Conrad Nagel Fox Film Corporation
1931 The Age for Love Billie Dove --
1932 A Passport to Hell Elissa Landi -- gaztelaniaz: La indeseable
1933 Cavalcade Diana Wynyard, Clive Brook Fox Film Corporation gaztelaniaz: Cabalgata
1933 Hoop-La Clara Bow, Preston Foster 20th Century Studios frantsesez: Houp là
1933 Berkeley Square Leslie Howard, Heather Angel Fox Film Corporation gaztelaniaz: La plaza de Berkeley
1934 Servants' Entrance Janet Gaynor, Lew Ayres Fox Film Corporation frantsesez: Entrée de service
1935 Mutiny on the Bounty Charles Laughton, Clark Gable Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer frantsesez: Les Révoltés du Bounty
1936 Under Two Flags Ronald Colman, Claudette Colbert 20th Century Studios gaztelaniaz: Bajo dos banderas frantsesez: Sous deux drapeaux
1937 Wells Fargo Joel McCrea, Bob Burns Paramount Pictures gaztelaniaz: Una nación en marcha frantsesez: Une nation en marche
1937 Maid of Salem Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray Paramount Pictures gaztelaniaz: La muchacha de Salem frantsesez: Le Démon sur la ville
1938 If I Were King Ronald Colman, Basil Rathbone Paramount Pictures gaztelaniaz: Si yo fuera rey frantsesez: Le Roi des gueux
1939 Rulers of the Sea Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Margaret Lockwood Paramount Pictures gaztelaniaz: Los señores del mar frantsesez: Les Maîtres de la mer
1940 The Howards of Virginia Cary Grant, Martha Scott -- gaztelaniaz: Pasión de libertad frantsesez: Howard le révolté
1941 This Woman is Mine Franchot Tone, John Carroll -- gaztelaniaz: El rey de los mares frantsesez: Révolte au large
1941 The Lady from Cheyenne Loretta Young, Charles Williams -- gaztelaniaz: Una mujer de carácter frantsesez: Une femme à poigne
1943 Forever and a Day Merle Oberon, Ray Milland RKO Pictures gaztelaniaz: Siempre y un día frantsesez: Et la vie recommence
1945 A Tribute To James Cagney. 'Great Guy'. 'Blood On The Sun -- --
1945 Blood on the Sun James Cagney, Sylvia Sidney -- gaztelaniaz: Sangre sobre el sol frantsesez: Du sang dans le soleil
1945 The Last Bomb -- --
1954 The Shanghai Story Ruth Roman -- gaztelaniaz: Aventura en Shanghai frantsesez: Terreur à Shanghaï
1955 The Last Command Sterling Hayden, Arthur Hunnicutt Republic Pictures gaztelaniaz: La última orden frantsesez: Quand le clairon sonnera

  Artikulu hau Eskoziako biografia baten zirriborroa da. Wikipedia lagun dezakezu edukia osatuz.