Deadache Lordi taldearen musika diskoa da, 2008an argitaratutakoa.

Kantuen zerrenda

  1. SCG IV – 00:42
  2. Girls Go Chopping – 04:02
  3. Bite It Like a Bulldog – 03:29
  4. Monsters Keep Me Company – 05:28
  5. Man Skin Boots – 03:42
  6. Dr. Sin Is In – 03:47
  7. The Ghosts of the Heceta Head – 03:38
  8. Evilyn – 04:00
  9. The Rebirth of the Countess – 01:59
  10. Raise Hell in Heaven – 03:32
  11. Deadache – 03:28
  12. The Devil Hides Behind Her Smile – 04:12
  13. Missing Miss Charlene – 05:10

Kanpo estekak
