Come out Ye Black and Tans

"Come Out Ye Black and Tans" (euskaraz Zatozte Black and Tansak, batzuetan "Black and Tan" bezala ere laburtua) irlandar abesti errebelde edo abertzalea da eta musika genero horretan sailkatzen da. Bere izenburua 1919-1922 urte bitartean Britainia Handiak Irlandara bidali zituen Black and Tans gudariei dagozkie, izen hori beren janzkerengatik zuten "Beltza eta Kakia" baitzen. Hauek normalki Lehen Mundu Gerratik itzulitako gudari beteranoak ziren, askotan guda gaisotasun psikikoak jasandakoak, Britainia Handiko gobernuak Irlandara bidali zituen bertako Altxamendu Nazionalista menderatu nahian, Black and Tans hauek irlandarren artean sekulako sarraski eta ankerkeriak burutu zituzten.

Come out Ye Black and Tans
The Wolfe Tonesen musika-lana
Egilea(k)The Wolfe Tones
IzenburuaCome Out, Ye Black and Tans
Jatorrizko herrialdeaIrlandako Errepublika
Genero artistikoaIrlandako musika matxinoa
Bestelako lanak
MusikagileaDominic Behan

Abestiaren egilea Dominic Behanek sortu eta idatzi zuen, bere aita zen Stephen Behanen omenez, halere beste zenbaitek abestiaren sorkuntzaren ardura Stephen berari ezartzen diote (biak ere Brendan Behan idazle ospetsuaren anaia eta aita ziren). Abestiaren doinua "Boyne Water" ereserkia loialistan oinarritua omen du, beste batzuek ustez ordea ingeles eta irlandar doinu zaharretan.

Hitzak (Ohikoenak)


I was born on a Dublin street where the royal drums did beat
And the loving English feet walked all over us,
And every single night when me father'd come home tight
He'd invite the neighbors outside with this chorus:


Oh, come out you black and tans,
Come out and fight me like a man
Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders
Tell her how the IRA made you run like hell away,

From the green and lovely lanes in Killeshandra.

Come tell us how you slew
Them ol' Arabs two by two
Like the Zulus they had spears and bows and arrows,
How you bravely faced each one
With your sixteen pounder gun
And you frightened them damn natives to their marrow.


Come let us hear you tell
How you slandered great Parnell,
When you thought him well and truly persecuted,
Where are the sneers and jeers
That you bravely let us hear
When our heroes of sixteen were executed.


The day is coming fast
And the time is here at last,
When each shoneen will be cast aside before us,
And if there be a need
Sure my kids wil sing, "Godspeed!"
With a bar or two of Stephen Behan's chorus

Beste bertso alternatibo bat:

The day is coming fast
And it will soon be here at last
When North and South again belong to Erin
And when John Bull is gone,
We'll all join in this song,
And the trumpets of freedom will be blarin'


Beste bertso alternatibo bat:

Ahh the time is coming fast
and I think them days are near
when each English shod in heel
will run before us
and if there be a need
then our kids will say "god speed"
with a verse or two of singing this fine chorus

Beste bertso alternatibo bat:

Ahh the time is coming fast
and I think them days are near
when each tout and traitor
they will run before us
and if there be a need
then our kids will say "god speed"
with a bar or two of Stephen Behan's chorus

Beste bertso alternatibo bat (batzuetan bisetako bat ordezkatu ohi du);

Oh, come out ye English Huns
Come out and fight without yer guns
Show yer wife how you won medals up in Derry
Ye Murdered Free Young Men, And you'll do the same again
So get out and take yer bloody army with you

Kanpo estekak
