Cillian Murphy

aktore irlandarra

Cillian Murphy (1976ko maiatzaren 25an, Douglas, Corkeko konderria) irlandar zinema, telebista eta antzerkiko aktore bat da.

Cillian Murphy

JaiotzaDouglas eta Cork1976ko maiatzaren 25a (48 urte)
Herrialdea Irlandako Errepublika
Talde etnikoairlandarra
Lehen hizkuntzaingelesa
Ezkontidea(k)Yvonne McGuinness  (2004 -
HeziketaPresentation Brothers College (en) Itzuli
Corkeko Unibertsitatea
(1996 -
Jarduerakaktorea, gidoilaria, musikagilea, ahots-aktorea, musikaria, antzerki aktorea, zinema aktorea, telebista-aktorea, discjockeya eta telebista-ekoizlea
Lan nabarmenak
Jasotako sariak

IMDB: nm0614165 Allocine: 69081 Rottentomatoes: celebrity/cillian_murphy Allmovie: p271775 TCM: 562955 Metacritic: person/cillian-murphy people/cillian-murphy IBDB: 492739
Spotify: 7hGvL6xgipAEutgDhyk5XB Musicbrainz: 59a0c216-6fad-40a7-bf1d-20d4ce4a19ed Discogs: 1300327 Edit the value on Wikidata

2003an eginiko 28 Days Later filmaren ostean nazioartean ospetsu bilakatu zen. Antzeztutako beste filma ospetsuak honako hauek dira: Breakfast on Pluto (2005), Batman Begins (2005), The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006), The Dark Knight (2008) eta Perrier's Bounty (2009).





Taula honetan ikus daitezke film bakoitzaren zuzendaria, enpresa ekoizlea eta beste izenburuak (gaztelaniaz, frantsesez):

Urtea Filma Zuzendaria Ekoizlea Izenburuak (es,fr)
0 Hippie Hippie Shake Beeban Kidron StudioCanal gaztelaniaz: hippie hippie shake
0 Steve Tim Mielants --
1999 The Trench William Boyd -- frantsesez: La Tranchée
1999 Sunburn Nelson Hume -- gaztelaniaz: Un verano diferente
2001 On the Edge John Carney -- gaztelaniaz: Jugando al límite
2001 Disco Pigs Kirsten Sheridan --
2001 Bitter Harvest Goran Paskaljević Cattleya Studios frantsesez: Mon cher ennemi
2002 28 Days Later Danny Boyle DNA Films frantsesez: 28 Jours plus tard
2003 Girl with a Pearl Earring Peter Webber Archer Street frantsesez: La Jeune Fille à la perle
2003 Intermission John Crowley --
2003 Cold Mountain Anthony Minghella Mirage Enterprises frantsesez: Retour à Cold Mountain
2005 Red Eye Wes Craven DreamWorks gaztelaniaz: Vuelo nocturno frantsesez: Red Eye : Sous haute pression
2005 Batman Begins Christopher Nolan DC Comics
2005 Breakfast on Pluto Neil Jordan Pathé gaztelaniaz: Desayuno en Plutón
2006 The Wind That Shakes the Barley Ken Loach Sixteen Films frantsesez: Le vent se lève
2007 Watching the Detectives Paul Soter -- gaztelaniaz: Espiando a los detectives
2007 Sunshine Danny Boyle DNA Films
2008 The Edge of Love John Maybury --
2008 The Dark Knight Christopher Nolan Warner Bros. frantsesez: The Dark Knight : Le Chevalier noir
2009 The Water Kevin Drew --
2009 Perrier's Bounty Ian Fitzgibbon -- gaztelaniaz: La recompensa
2010 Peacock Michael Lander -- frantsesez: Le Secret de Peacock
2010 Tron: Legacy Joseph Kosinski Walt Disney Pictures frantsesez: Tron : L'Héritage
2010 Inception Christopher Nolan Syncopy Inc.
2011 In Time Andrew Niccol Regency Enterprises frantsesez: Time Out
2011 Retreat Carl Tibbetts --
2012 Broken Rufus Norris BBC Film
2012 Red Lights Rodrigo Cortés Summit Entertainment gaztelaniaz: Luces rojas
2012 The Dark Knight Rises Christopher Nolan DC Comics
2014 Aloft Claudia Llosa -- frantsesez: L'Attrape-rêves
2014 Transcendence Wally Pfister Alcon Entertainment frantsesez: Transcendance
2014 Lennon or McCartney Matt Schichter --
2015 In the Heart of the Sea Ron Howard Imagine Entertainment gaztelaniaz: En el Corazón del Mar frantsesez: Au cœur de l'océan
2016 Anthropoid Sean Ellis -- frantsesez: Opération Anthropoid
2016 Free Fire Ben Wheatley Film4
2017 Dunkirk Christopher Nolan Warner Bros. frantsesez: Dunkerque
2017 The Party Sally Potter --
2019 Anna Luc Besson EuropaCorp
2020 A Quiet Place: Part II John Krasinski Platinum Dunes frantsesez: Sans un bruit 2
2023 Oppenheimer Christopher Nolan Atlas Entertainment
2025 28 Years Later Danny Boyle Sony Pictures Releasing


Urtea Filma Pertsonaia Oharrak
1998 The Tale of Sweety Barrett Pat o Camareiro
1999 Sunburn Davin McDerby
The Trench Rag Rockwood
2001 On the Edge Jonathan Breech
How Harry Became a Tree Gus
Disco Pigs Darren/"Pig"
2002 28 Days Later Jim
2003 Zonad Guy Hendrickson
Intermission John
Girl with a Pearl Earring Pieter
Cold Mountain Bardolph
2005 Batman Begins Scarecrow
Red Eye Jackson Rippner
Breakfast on Pluto Patrick "Kitten" Braden
2006 The Wind That Shakes the Barley Damien O'Donovan
2007 Sunshine Robert Capa
Watching the Detectives Neil
2008 The Dark Knight Scarecrow Kameoa
The Edge of Love William Killick
Waveriders Narratzailea Dokumentala
2009 Perrier's Bounty Michael McCrea
2010 Peacock John/Emma Skillpa
Hippie Hippie Shake Richard Neville
Inception Robert Fischer
Tron: Legacy Edward Dillinger, Jr. Kameoa
2011 Broken
Now Raymond Leon denborazaina
Retreat Martin
2012 Red Lights Tom Buckley
Broken Mike Kiernan
The Dark Knight Rises Dr. Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow Cameo
2013 Harriet and the Matches Cat Film laburra; ahotsa
2014 Aloft Ivan
Transcendence Agent Donald Buchanan
From the Mountain Narratzailea Film laburra; ahotsa
2015 In the Heart of the Sea Matthew Joy
2016 Anthropoid Jozef Gabčík
Free Fire Chris
2017 The Party Tom
Dunkirk Shivering Soldier
2018 The Delinquent Season Jim
The Overcoat Akaky Film laburra; ahotsa
2019 Anna Lenny Miller
2020 A Quiet Place Part II Emmett
2021 All of This Unreal Time Man Film laburra
2023 Kensuke's Kingdom Dad Ahotsa
Oppenheimer J. Robert Oppenheimer Oscar Saria
2024 Small Things like These Bill Furlong Ekoizlea ere bai


Urtea Filma Pertsonaia Oharrak
1997 Quando Pat
1999 Eviction Brendan McBride
At Death's Door The Grim Reaper, Jr.
2000 Filleann an Feall Ger
A Man of Few Words Best Man
2001 Watchmen Phil
2006 The Silent City
2009 The Water Semea Kevin Drewek zuzendua


Urtea Telesaila/Telefilma Pertsonaia Oharrak
2001 The Way We Live Now Paul Montague BBC
2013-2022 Peaky Blinders Tommy Shelby BBC Two


Data Antzezlana Pertsonaia Oharrak
1996ko iraila – 1999ko urtarrila Disco Pigs, Enda Walsh Pig/Darren Corcadorca Theatre Company
1998 Much Ado About Nothing, William Shakespeare Klaudio Bickerstaffe Theatre Company
1999ko maiatza-ekaina The Country Boy, John Murphy Curly Druid Theatre Company
1999ko iraila Juno and the Paycock, Sean O'Casey Johnny Boyle Druid Theatre Company
2002ko otsaila The Shape of Things, Neil LaBute Adam Gate Theatre
2003ko abuztua The Seagull, Anton Txekhov Konstantine Edinburgheko Nazioarteko Zinemaldia
2004ko otsaila-apirila The Playboy of the Western World, John Millington Synge Christy Mahon Druid Theatre Company
2006ko abendua – 2007ko otsaila Love Song, John Kolvenbach Beane New Ambassadors Theatre
2010ko maiatzaren 21-22 From Galway to Broadway and back again. Christy Mahon Druid Theatre Company
2011ko uztaila Misterman, Enda Walsh Thomas Magill Landmark Productions eta 2011ko Galwayko Arteen Jaialdia

Kanpo estekak


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