Castelloza: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Ezabatutako edukia Gehitutako edukia
30. lerroa:
== Bibliografia ==
* Bec, Pierre. Chants d'amour des femmes-troubadours. París: Stock, 1995, 75-90. or.
* Bruckner, Matilda Tomaryn. [ "Fictions of the Female Voice: The Women Troubadours."] ''[[Speculum (journal)|Speculum]]'', Vol. 67, No. 4. (Oct., 1992), pp. 865–891.
* Coldwell, Maria V. "Castelloza." ''[ Grove Music Online]'', ed. L. Macy.
* Egan, Margarita (ed.). ''The Vidas of the Troubadours'', ed. and trans. Margarita Egan. Nueva York: Garland, 1984. ISBN 0 8240 9437 9.
* Favati, Guido (ed.), Le biografie trovadoriche, testi provenzali dei secc. XIII e XIV, Bologna, Palmaverde, 1961, 358.or.*
* Gravdal, Kathryn. "Mimicry, Metonymy, and 'Women's Song': the Medieval Women Trobairitz." ''Romanic Review'', 83:4 (1992:Nov.) pp. 411–427.
* PadenGravdal, William DKathryn. "Mimicry, Jr.Metonymy, "Theand Poems'Women's ofSong': the 'Trobairitz'Medieval NaWomen CastellozaTrobairitz." ''RomanceRomanic PhilologyReview'', 3583:14 (19811992:AugNov.), pp. 158–182411–427.
* Paden, William D., Jr. "The Poems of the 'Trobairitz' Na Castelloza." ''Romance Philology'', 35:1 (1981:Aug.), 158–182.
* Schutz, A. H. [ "Where Were the Provençal 'Vidas' and 'Razos' Written?"] ''Modern Philology'', Vol. 35, No. 3. (Feb., 1938), pp. 225–232.
* Pillet, Alfred; Carstens, Henry. Bibliographie der Troubadours von Dr. Alfred Pillet [...] ergänzt, weitergeführt und herausgegeben von Dr. Henry Carstens. Halle : Niemeyer, 1933 [Castelloza PC 109 zk.].
* Riquer, Martí de. Los trovadores. Historia literaria y textos. Barcelona: Ariel, 1983, vol. 3, 1325-1330. or.
* Riquer, Martí de. Vidas y retratos de trovadores. Textos y miniaturas del siglo XIII, Barcelona, Círculo de Lectores, 1995, 176-177. or.
* Schutz, A. H. [ "Where Were the Provençal 'Vidas' and 'Razos' Written?"] ''Modern Philology'', Vol. 35, No. 3. (Feb., 1938), pp. 225–232.
* Shapiro, Marianne. [ "The Provençal Trobairitz and the Limits of Courtly Love."] ''Signs'', Vol. 3, No. 3. (Spring, 1978), pp. 560–571.
* Weiss, Julian (1988). "Lyric Sequences in the ''Cantigas d'amigo''." ''Bulletin of Hispanic Studies'', 65:1, 21–38.
[[Kategoria:XIII. mendeko Frantziako idazleak]]